MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1216 Leap in the realm

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Chapter 1216, the realm of leap

Chapter 1216

"You are playing me!!"

Those who can become the elite of the world's super-class mercenary are not fools. Although the wolf was excited by the power of the tigers and the ecstasy, but over time, realized that it is impossible to defeat the master with his own strength. The situation finally slowly pulled away from the ecstasy, and I also noticed the strangeness of happiness.

Especially when he noticed that the happy swordsmanship became more and more crisp and clear, the light spirit in the sword method became more and more clear, and the edge was more and more prosperous; even the finger of a yang finger became more and more amazing, and finally began to face him. The fact that has been unwilling to believe.


The wolf's face was ugly, and the two knives swept out. He pulled away and slid for dozens of meters. He stared at the happy eyes: " me to swear martial arts!"

This time, happiness is not catching up as before.

Ding! !

Pulled a sword flower, his finger slightly on the sword of Tianjing Shenbing.

Tianjing Changming, the sound is crisp!


The air shook slightly.

The wolf quickly noticed that a powerful sword was lifted from the opposite side and quickly merged into the Tianjing sword, and the light of the blade became more dazzling.

Seeing here, the wolf will not be aware of the state of the swordsmanship that is deliberately suppressed. It is actually a lot better than the original one. The face is even more ugly, as if it were dead.


"This is the difference between the tenth and eighth layers..."

Happy in the heart, a smile on his face.

At this moment, I am happy not to go to the wolf;

I feel a lot from my own feelings, and I am quietly pointing to the opposite wolf.

"I have to thank you for saying it... Wolves, if not you, my "Chen Jian" can't jump from the eighth level to the tenth level so quickly... The difficulty of practicing Wugong alone Too high, even if it is a master of Yutiandao, it will take at least a few days..."

Speaking of it, a slight meal.

The face of the opposite wolf has become blood red, biting his teeth, and his eyes are filled with remorse!

"Under the abnormal sky, the improvement from the sword-like collision is the real benefit of this confrontation..." Ignore the eyes of the wolf hate and hate, and happily spit out a word that makes the wolf stunned.

As soon as the voice fell, the wolf's pupils tightened!

From the words of happiness, he is not difficult to hear. It seems to be a lot faster than the practice of the tigers.

Realizing this, the wolf's face became very weird and suddenly felt extremely regrettable:

Why didn’t you try your own martial arts!

The anomalous sky is still there, maybe it will bring surprises to the Tianjing Shenbing, but because it has been using the stunts attached to the tigers and soldiers, although it’s almost a few times, it’s almost like to suppress it, but because it’s not using its own martial arts, Wugong did not enter the country in the slightest.

But now...

Seeing the happy expression of happy and satisfied, and the ridiculous eyes cast from time to time, the wolf not only has a kind of depressed deception, but also seems to swallow a dead fly, abnormally disgusting.

he knows:

Happy will definitely not give him a chance to try.

But the wolf doesn't know...

Not only happy, "Chen Jian" has leapt to the tenth level, very close to the great consummation, in addition, "One Yang Finger" has also been promoted to the same level.

A unique martial art, a martial art without a world, is close to a great consummation, a number of realm of leap, the strength is very obvious! Light is the original attack, raising more than 10,000 points of attack, with the realm close to 20,000 points, almost equal to one more Tianjing Shenbing.

What is even more frightening is that the wind and sky have also raised a realm, from the original seventh floor to the eighth floor, now can release seven times the damage.

A realm, the ratio of power is one day, one land.

When six times of damage is combined, it is already a little stronger than a full-fledged master of a heavenly master. Now the sword attack increases by 20,000 points, and then increases the damage by seven times. If the attack is raised by hundreds of thousands of dollars... ... even if the Lord of Heaven and Earth is holding the Tigers and the soldiers, the attack is no different.

"As a thank you, I couldn't kill you, but unfortunately, Tianjing Shenbing told me that if you only die, you can be the essence of the tiger's blood, so the next time you fall into the hands of my beautiful river, I can be the Lord to spare you a life."

Gently flicking the blade, a clear and sweet sword screamed out...

This sentence is like a loud slap in the face of a wolf's face.

"Hey! It’s not so easy to get the tiger squad from my hand. Even if I give up this task, I will not let you succeed!"

During the speech, the wolf does not advance and retreat, directly raising the speed to the limit, and retreating into the horrible tornado.

When rushing into the tornado, the wolf's body suddenly appeared a layer of blood-red light, blocking the raging sand that hit in all directions, and bursting out at a speed.

Actually intend to flee in spite of everything!

Happy to see a brow, but did not make any move to intercept the pursuit, indifferent standing in the same place, watching the latter into the tornado.

Although some of them are not guilty, they are happy to recognize the situation.

This mission...

It is a confrontation between the tiger scorpion and the Tianjing squadron!

The world is changing, the tornado is desert...

Such a big movement, if the wolf can run away without a bang, destroying the confrontation between the two ancient gods, the system is full of fanfare.

Happy and standing in the same place, the long sword slowly points to the ground!

"Do not!!!"

Suddenly, the tornado screamed in the tornado.

Happy and even the eyelids have not been lifted.

boom! ! !

As the wolf became weaker and screaming, the familiar temperament rose into the sky, and a rapidly smashing figure swept back from the tornado at a faster rate.

Hey! !

With a violent and fierce battle, the tiger's world, the sharp **** knife stalks from the air in a hundred meters, and it is lightning-fast!

Look up.

The wolf's face was full of blood and violent breath, and he rushed back to the face. The whole person's body was completely covered by blood, just like a blood man, and he was restored to a state without before his mind.

Enter the magic again!

The wolf loses control over the body, and now it is the tiger's evil spirits that control everything.


At a glance, I saw the change of the wolf, and I was so happy that I couldn’t be slow, and the Tianjing Shenbing had a bottom-up look!


The black crack suddenly appeared in front of happy...

A sword is shocking!

Deep night sky!

Starlight little.

"Chen Jian" practiced to the tenth level of the realm, a sword of the righteousness, gave birth to the starry sky, a vast and deep breath of positive greet the **** tiger-shaped knife.

A black, a red, awkward hit in the air!

boom! ! !

The **** tiger-shaped knife still has the upper hand.

However, Yu Wei, who was extremely weakened by the **** tiger-shaped knife, swept the happy body, but only slightly raised a cloak of clothes. His body shape did not move, and the real body of the body did not even shrink significantly... ...

Standing in the wind, happy lips fly a smile:

This is the power that is truly comparable to the master of heaven!

Although the wind can be done in the sky, but this trick is just to bind the attack together, it is a quantitative change, the real damage will not be superimposed... But the Tianjing Shenbing attacked 10,000 points and the "Chen Jian" Ten thousand points of attack has been upgraded, but it is a real damage superposition! In conjunction with the ruined property, the current random sword is not as inferior to the previous ‘wind full of sky’...

"If it is a full-fledged sky! Even if it is a true master of heaven, I am afraid I will not dare to take it by myself!"


Thinking about it, happy suddenly raised his brow and looked at the opposite!

After the tiger squadron slashed a knife, he slammed his fist and did not shoot again. This is not like the style of the tiger squad, unless...

Look up.

The awkward momentum of the amber soldier was recovered into the wolf body in an instant. The red-blooded eyes of the latter have now returned to the Qingming moment. At this moment, they are looking at their hands with a dull look, and their face is bitter and desperate.


After the wolf was brought back by the tiger scorpion, it was thrown out again.

Happy suddenly relieved.

With the pride of the tiger scorpion soldiers, they will never allow their temporary masters to retreat in front of the Tianjing soldiers.

"It seems that you can't escape this fate."

"It looks like this."

For the happy teasing, the wolf smiled and could only bear the teeth.

I am afraid there is nothing worse than this now.

Turned away from the enemy's front, but was lost by the disobedient Tigers, and then faced with a strong enemy who did not move, and the irony of a strong enemy, even if the nerves are tenacious to a certain level, the wolf is also Some faces are hot and burnt badly...


"This idiot."

Somewhere, someone can't help but curse in the little black room.


After being brought back by the tiger cubs, the wolf worked hard many times and never smashed the tiger squad. The latter seemed to take root from his hands and could not get rid of it;

After confirming that I really can't get rid of the identity of the tiger scorpion master, I completely die, my eyes shift back to happy:

"Even if you die, I will not let you easily get the tigers!"


I didn’t care, I was thinking about my current strength.

Tianjing Jianyi started, the strength is equal to the heavenly master!

The use of wind and sky, its power should not be inferior to the owner of the heaven and earth alliance with the tigers, even if it is against him, there is a fight;

But now the most subtle and most happy thing is the power of the mad war!

prior to!

Because the attack power is slightly lower, this move can only be used as a strong enemy of the retreat, used to restrain the big ban of the wolf...

If today's level of power is released, the group attack and retreat, encounter those weak opponents, only use a sword to determine the outcome, decided to die!

In other words, the dragon's tail is no longer the key to surprising success. Nowadays, the mad war can be the strongest killer of the enemy.


Happy doesn't want to expose this move to people before, especially to those who are exposed to the wolf!

Thinking of this, happy and slightly gazing:

It’s time to end the battle and end the performance of the Jackal Clown...

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