MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1200 Collusion

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Chapter 1200 Official Devil Collusion

Chapter 1200

Everything, as the wolf organization expected, was tempted by the tiger to tens of thousands of players from Longmen Inn. In less than half an hour, more than half of them became the unbeaten soul of the East.

There are many sorrows and sorrows, and the corpses of the corpses are stretched out a few miles away. The hot sand surface is full of bright red blood. After the high temperature evaporates, the hot air blew the **** blood. breath.

A few lucky people have survived and disappeared...

I witnessed the experience and experienced the **** and slaughter of the undefeated and cold in the East. I felt the power of the tiger cub. These people did not even dare to stop, and ran into the depths of the desert without fear, fearing that the East would not be defeated and remembered to catch up.


Tens of thousands of players have fallen into the desert...

This news soon spread throughout the rivers and lakes!

In the desert, there are also some "talking about tigers."


The people who attacked the wind building still quietly hid behind the sand dunes, did not dare to show their heads, and without the command of the phantom, no one dared to go out easily.

The phantom is close to each other, quietly looking at the distant red figure with a very cautious line of sight...

East is unbeaten!

At this moment, the East is unbeaten, and the body is a big red flame-like robes. After being contaminated with blood, it adds a bit of coldness and demon. Just like the legendary demon, it is only a bit less violent than the Heaven and Earth ally. Domineering, a little more feminine cruelty.

In the hands of the tiger, the domineering arrogance, from the very beginning of the golden yellow, turned into a whole body red blood, even the internal white tiger spine seems to drink enough blood, showing a strange **** red, as if to live, Seeing people creepy!

"Why don't you move?"

"The Lord of Heaven and Earth has not moved."

"Is there something wrong? You see Cao Shaoqin, the kid is actually retreating at this time..." After the phantom, several people carefully watched the flute.

The phantom watched the most clearly. After gazing at the eyebrows for a while, I saw some Xu Wei, and said: "No, Jinmen... The tiger in the hands of the unbeaten in the East seems to have a movement."


Many people were suddenly attracted by the words of the phantom.


"Oriental lord, so many rivers and lakes black and white martial arts masters and Jinyiwei people died in your hands, once the news spread, no one can keep you."

Opposite to the East, the Lord of Heaven and Earth is still wearing a mask. In the hole, the eyes are like two pieces of mysterious ice, and I can't see the slightest emotion;

The heavens and the earth's allies are so calmly standing outside the unbeaten 100 meters in the east, their hands are gathered in the cloak behind them, calmly staring at the unbeaten in the East that has gradually entered the magical environment and cannot control the mind.


The East is undefeated and does not speak.

Since the tiger cub in the hands is finished with blood red, the ‘虎魄’ in the blade seems to be swimming like the same, and the unbeaten situation in the east becomes very weird.

Every knife goes out, the tiger-shaped knives are completely turned into deep red, like the **** disaster, the air has an unusually pungent **** smell, which makes people feel vomiting, and people who are close will be beaten by the tiger. Shocking, more and more powerful and weird attacks have made the world's allies even dare not approach easily, stand far, and spoke in words.

"Is this sorrowful mind already swallowed up by the tiger?"

The leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is frowning. He can also recall the feeling when he was controlled by the tiger cub. It is a kind of invisible feeling that is affected by the killing will and does not feel conscious. Now think about it is terrible...

A dignified atmosphere swayed between the two.

At this moment, Cao Shaoqin's position is slightly behind.

Although there is no experience of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, but from the undefeated in the East, Cao Shaoqin clearly felt that the undefeated in the East is like a python that suddenly twisted into a group. Although it was temporarily quiet, the head of the upright was dead* **In the case of a radius of several hundred meters, the movement and stimulation of the grass and trees may cause the latter to violently kill the machine, completely detonating the killing of the tiger cub.

When the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance was holding the tiger cub, Cao Shaoqin could still have a rebellious heart...

However, the unscathed temperament of the East is feminine, and the tiger cubs complement each other, but it brings him a more intense sense of uneasiness and threat.

This kind of feeling is also true of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

From the changes in the tiger cub and the unbeaten changes in the East, he was able to feel that the latter was becoming more dangerous, so he did not act immediately.

Glance at Cao Shaoqin, who stood far from the side, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his voice was ironic:

"The commander makes the adults stand alone, is it because we want to wait for our two fights to die and come out to clean up the mess?"

"What is your opinion?"

Cao Shaoqin chilled and screamed.

The main face of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is unchanged, one word and one meal:

"With your strength and strength, win the East is undefeated."

"I am an official, you are a thief, a different way." Cao Shaoqin's speech is very simple and straightforward.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance laughed:

"In this case, the deity can also make way for you, appreciate the command of Cao to avenge his subordinates, and take the heroic attitude of the Eastern lord."

In a word, the pain in Cao Shaoqin.

Thousands of Jin Yiwei masters were folded under the unbeaten swords of the East, and they were thrown into the desert. Even if he was the commander of Jin Yiwei, such an astonishing casualty, he must also give an account to the court.


"You have always been acting in the way of the magic, and there are countless ways to cross the river to break the bridge. How can the official determine that you will not smash the knife from the back."

"This kind of cooperation, you love me, do you want to do it, just you, but I said in front, tiger cub, I have to fix it. As for the undefeated body and other things in the East, I don’t take it." At that time, the Lord of Heaven and Earth allied a small meal, and suddenly said: "The undefeated in the East can kill tens of thousands of people under the siege of many martial arts people without losing the points. It is not entirely the merits of the tigers. I would really like the Sunflower Collection."

The last sentence heard that Cao Shaoqin’s eyes lit up and then heated up.

"The Sunflower Collection" is not a wonderful achievement. Although it is inferior to the tiger cub, it is an unfortainable thing for him.

Although it is unwilling to give up the tiger cub, the latter thinks deeply that even the unbeaten in the East is affected by the tiger, and like the killing machine without the soul, giving up is not necessarily a good thing.

Thinking of this, Cao Shaoqin's eyes have become firm!

"it is good!"

"Take the East unbeaten, I have "The Sunflower Collection"! You have to be a tiger!"

"A word is fixed!"

There was a touch of joy in the eyes of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Two great masters of heaven set an agreement in the desert.

In the next second, four cold and fierce eyes fell on the unbeaten in the East, immersed in the influence of the devil.

The moment of the appearance of the body, the undefeated reflection of the East standing with the knife gives birth to the induction! The intertwined, uncomfortable face instantly became as chilly as marble, and the narrow, feminine and glamorous eyes flashed a **** red killing light.


I can't see the slightest movement, and the sound of the sound is broken!

tear! !

A blood-red knife mango broke the tearing space, plowing a shocking gully from the desert, and instantly went to the front of the heavens and the earth.

The two had been in the undefeated attack of the East. It was only because the two men started the ability of heaven and made themselves fit with the heavens and the earth. It was equal to disappearing from the undefeated ‘world’ of the East, and naturally they would not be attacked.

However, the moment when the two made a decision, they did not hide their existence. The strong atmosphere of the unity of heaven and man was not released with any reservation. If the real murderous bet was on the latter, it naturally caused the undefeated in the East. Strong induction.

"It's good."

Facing the **** tiger-shaped knife, the heavens and the earth allies were not in a hurry, and they flicked on one side, fluttering away from the blow, and the hands hidden behind the cloak suddenly shook.

The void in front of the undefeated in the East seems to have been collapsed by an invisible force, and the power of violent smashing into the body!

It is worthy of being the most exquisite in the realm of heaven and man, and the strong man who defeated the six heavenly masters with the tiger's hand, and exquisitely brought a substantial threat to the undefeated East.

The East is unbeaten, although the mind is deeply confused, but its fighting ability is still...

Roar! ! !

In vitro blood slamming, the palm of the world's main squad is directly blocked by the blood, the undefeated body of the East has not even shaken, the two **** knives with a substantial spiritual pressure on the world In front of the lord.

The main enemy of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has shrunk.

"This is the new ability that the tiger cub has given you?"

"It is the first murder weapon in the ancient times, and it really deserves its name!"

Despite the sudden outburst, the Lord of Heaven and Earth allegedly did not care at all, and did not avoid the slashing of the two sharp sections.

The knife has not arrived, the wind is shaved!

The cloak is high and rises behind the air, hunting and screaming! !

In the air, the eyes of the heavens and the earth are more and more cold.

Until the moment the body is about to be hit by two knives, the whole world suddenly seems to have lost the traces of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Knife Mang passed through the body of the Heaven and Earth Alliance without any hindrance...

The Lord of Heaven and Earth is safe and sound.

The knives flashed, and the Lord of Heaven and Earth allied nothing;

Cao Shaoqin looked at the most carefully, but this time was obviously not suitable for a daze. Although there was a huge question mark at the bottom of his heart, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance personally attracted firepower to hold the East unbeaten, creating a golden opportunity for him. He naturally would not miss it. .

The sword is one, and a magnificent sword is like the aura of the heavens and the earth, and it hits the unbeaten body of the East...

boom! ! !


A sword that implied the property of breaking the shackles, and surely did not suffer from the half-point obstruction and hit the East unbeaten. Cao Shaoqin was overjoyed.


This thought was just born from the mind, and suddenly a very violent tiger voice sounded from the ear:

Roar! ! ! !

At close range, the sound is over the ear!

Cao Shaoqin's face changed greatly, and the eardrum was as if it had been smashed into something! The body is violent! Blood couldn't help but spurt out, and people fell from high altitude.

The man was in the air, and a blood-red knives followed him from the sky, and he passed through him in the horror of Cao Shaoqin!