MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1192 The power of the court

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Chapter 1192 The power of the court

Chapter 1192


"These masters are gone?"

"Even they are consciously not the opponents of the heavens and the earth's allies?" When all the minds of the world's allies were in Cao Shaoqin, the undefeated in the East, and Ye Gucheng, a group of happy people left, and this scene suddenly caught the attention of many players. .

Even Tiandao masters are ready to detour, suddenly spurred to the remaining players, there are many arguments:

"The tiger cub is not something we can now touch..."


"We are going back to the theatre."

"Yes, the killing of heavenly masters is not so easy to see." More people want to retreat to a relatively safe area to watch.

at this time……

With the order of Cao Shaoqin, the overwhelming arrow rain, like a black sandstorm, rises neatly from the vortex of the quicksand! The endless sound of the air, with the horrible pressure and the destruction of the land to the air, the enemy of the world.

The people who were brought to the desert by Cao Shaoqin to chase Zhou Huai'an are the elites of Jinyiweili, riding the shoot master! A bow and a number of arrows, serial bursts are a piece of cake!

The power of its arrow rain is no more than the arrow rain of the general two armies.

The overwhelming arrow rain and breathing room has arrived in the air, everywhere in the world!

Even more terrible is...

This sky of arrows is mixed with the magical arrows that do not know the quantity. It is mixed in the rain of arrows. Even if it is a master of heaven, if you accidentally touch it, you will end up with a bleak end of the arrow.


The momentum of Cao Shaoqin was revealed for a moment!

In the air.

The masters of the heavens and the earth feel the power of the arrow rain from all directions, the face is slightly stunned, the tigers scream, and a few knives are shaken in a flash, and the wind sweeps the leaves and sweeps out in all directions.

The power of heaven! !

For the first time, the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance has incorporated the power of heaven in its own attacks.

The entire space seemed to be torn apart, and the bright knives of the knives threw out a ring of black light strips from the air, welcoming the arrow rain with an irresistible destruction.

call! ! ! !

Although the arrow rain is fierce, but after all, it is the power of inaction.

Under the fierceness of the power of heaven and the fierceness of the tiger cub, the first and foremost arrow has not been close to the tiger-shaped knife and has been rushed to lose power.

Most of the remaining arrows were swept away by the black knives and destroyed into whiteflies;

However, each arrow can take away a piece of black thing, as if it offsets the power of some tiger knives. After the disappearance of thousands of arrows, the first light band will completely disappear;

Then the second one...

The third way!

The power of Wanjian is not so good.

Despite the slashing of the knives, the world is discolored, and it is not prestige, but the bottom is the master, the speed of the bow is amazing, the arrow rain continues, the arrow rain pushes again and again, as if it is endless, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

A group of arrows have just been destroyed, and they have not yet had time to return to the air.

"A group of ants!"

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance quickly found that he could not counter the attack of thousands of martial arts masters with his own strength. He looked at each other and closed his knife and suddenly disappeared from the air.

"Where to run!"

"Don't let him leave!"

Although under the cover of the arrow rain, no one can capture the figure of the Allied Lord, but the three top heaven masters are not fuel-efficient lights.

Seeing that thousands of Jinyiwei formed a repression against the leaders of the heavens and the earth, the East is undefeated, Ye Gucheng and Cao Shaoqin will let the Heaven and Earth Alliance leaders easily escape?

"Flying in the sky!"

After Ye Gucheng came out of the Great Desert Palace, the injury was slightly relieved. Seeing that the Heaven and Earth Alliance was mainly out of the body, he did not hesitate to use his own killer.

Figure one, two, four, four, eight...

Dozens of fascinating figures slammed into the air in a little bit of water, layered on top of each other, gracefully and ethereally shrouded the heavens and the Allies.

Flying outside the sky!

Under the powerful air-powered traction, the speed of the world's allies was slightly stagnation, forced to forcefully emerge from the void, presented in front of a brocade.

"Give me open!!"

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance is a knife without thinking.

Roar! ! ! !

The beastmaster of the broken gold and iron screams in the air!

At that moment, the tiger cub seemed to be transformed into a giant white tiger, which was stripped from the blade, and the fierce claws were cracked, with the domineering that swallowed everything, and the martial arts came out with power.

boom! ! !

The space is shaking.

Where the giant white tiger passed, a dozen of stunned figures were directly shredded;

At the same time, the countless white figures in the vicinity have been stagnation, and the murder hidden in the ethereal at this moment seems to be the two halves of the birth;

The next moment, the numerous white shadows of the sky collapsed into countless finely divided bubbles, which then dissipated into the finest particles.

Flying outside the sky...

It was directly destroyed by the slashing of the heavens and the earth.

puff! !

With a sigh of sorrow, the Ye Gucheng people flew out of the void, and flew down to the drifting vortex below.

"Give me death!!!"

The Heaven and Earth Alliance squadron smashed the celestial flying celestials and refused to give up, triumphantly pursued, and the tiger tail slammed, and the air once again blew the low-pitched thunder, and rushed to the Ye Gucheng.

The fourth prize of the Sunflower Collection!

A layer of red clouds suddenly rises from below.

Seeing that Ye Gucheng lost, the East is unbeaten and resolutely shot!

Dozens of embroidered needles involve red silk, forming a sunny red sunflower, crossing the body of Ye Gucheng, and fascinatingly welcoming the heavens and the Allies.

Although the white tiger is fierce, but in the face of the soft sunflower, the heavenly force is divided into dozens of pieces by the sunflower, and the original form is broken!

After the red sunflower smashed the white tiger's body, it continued to fly to the heavens and the earth, and the sunrise was in the east. Only my undefeated momentum and strength were undoubted.

The main face of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has changed slightly, and the situation has stopped.

This meal was immediately forced into the offensive of thousands of Jin Yiwei by the undefeated in the East.

The arrow rains like a cloud!

The unbeaten in the East is unreasonable, and the hands are dancing cross-legged. The fascinating sunflower blossoms turn, and become soft and soft, with zero, and silently into the arrow rain!

In the pyramids of the Desert Palace, the five major Heaven Masters are not the opponents of the Heaven and Earth Alliance. At this moment, there are thousands of Jinyiwei masters to help out, and there are Cao Shaoqin and Ye Gucheng plundering. Where will the treasures not be cherished?

Tiandao master's full blow, with thousands of Jin Yiwei's storm, caused a lot of trouble for the Tiandi League allies.

Originally, Ye Gucheng was in a critical situation.

However, because of the undefeated spirit of the East, the situation of the Lord of Heaven and Earth has turned sharply and suddenly, and it has been forced into a difficult situation.

"Hey! Despicable!"

If the sound is thunder!

The Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance screamed, and the tiger cub danced from the hands, waving a stack of knives and knives, welcoming the undefeated embroidery needles to the East...

Although the thousands of arrows are equally threatening, the Heaven and Earth Alliance masters have accurately captured the real crisis from both.

Although the arrow rain may be injured, but it is entangled in the East, it will be a situation of eternal annihilation...

Make a decision in an instant!

The dazzling sunflower volley was instantly smashed by the bright knives.


Unbeaten in the East with an advantage will not easily stop.

The hands are dancing constantly.

A cluster of embroidery needles emerged from the sleeves.

At this moment, the master of heaven and Tao became a master of the hidden weapon, and the rows of embroidery needles seemed to have not exhaustedly greeted the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

One wave, another wave!

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance can not go to heaven, and the land is not allowed. The slashing knives shatter a batch of embroidered needles, and the body guards are arrogant, mobilizing the forces of the heavens and the earth to smash the close-knit magical devices.

As for the ordinary arrows, even his body suffocating can not be hurt!

Rao is so, a group of magical arrows that are doped in the arrow rain are venting one after another, and the body's body suffocation is weakened by the speed.


"What about the Lord of Heaven and Earth?"

Cao Shaoqin, who was in a soft and white face, looked coldly in the crowd and looked at the world's ally, which was gradually weakened by his men. His face showed cruelty and coldness.

At the same time, a group of players not far away saw the tangled situation here.


"The situation of the Lord of Heaven and Earth is not good."

"This Cao Shaoqin... The power of Jin Yiwei is really not to be underestimated."

"Crap! Which dynasty's state power is small?"

The suppression of the Lord of Heaven and Earth allies allowed the players who did not intend to stay to move their minds.

Including a group of people in the phantom of the wind building, seeing the world's allies and Jin Yiwei, and the three great masters of the war, they have to open their minds, and have brainstormed the idea of ​​profiting the fishermen.

A group of people who originally decided to leave or go far have stopped...

Silver foxes, knives, thunders, and slivers are also moving!

"It seems like there is a chance!"

"Looking at the image of a group of people in the wind building, it should also be the abacus for the profit of the fishermen who are playing, the big brother of silver fox, we want to do it too..." In the dark, the knife made a gesture that only the four talents understood, silver The fox frowned for a while and slowly shook his head:

"Not to mention that the master of heaven and earth is not something we can compete with. Even if the master of heaven and earth is fighting for life and death, the four of us may not be able to get the tiger from the hand of the wind building..."

"Not necessarily, the tiger cub is so fierce, there must be unusual attributes!"

There was an ambitious glow in the knife's eyes.


"Because the tiger cub is too fierce, do you think that we can master a few?" Silver Fox squinted at the eyes, glanced at the direction of the Alliance of the Heaven and Earth and the three great masters of heaven, inexplicably turned their faces and looked in the opposite direction.

"Silver Fox Big Brother, what are you looking at?"

The three knives quickly caught the silver fox's eyes and seemed to contain unusual doubts and complicated and inexplicable things.

Wen Yan, the silver fox slowly shook his head again, his eyes did not change:

"I don't know, I just think that the identity of the white-shirt boy is very strange..." The tone is dignified.


The three did not feel strange, on the contrary, their faces became dignified.

Because Silver Fox has a long time ago, the ability to find unusual information from inadvertently, in his words, the sixth sense, or the nature of the wolf.