MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1187 Pyramid, crisis (recommended)

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Chapter 1187 Pyramid, Crisis (Recommended)

Chapter 1187

From the outside, the pyramid is only 30 meters high, and the length and width are very limited!

But when you really enter the pyramid, you are happy to enter another world. The interior of a giant hall with a length of 100 meters is completely hollowed out. It is nearly 100 meters high and not narrow at all.

There is a huge altar-like platform directly below the pyramid. The blue-and-white squad leader has a golden and long knife in the lower part. However, it is a supreme gesture of the world...


A cold, the tiger cubs swayed in a long day, and a tiger-shaped knife rushed over.

Happy, I only felt that the air in the entire space was instantly taken out. An invisible air pressure came from all directions. The body seemed to be locked by a gas filled with heaven and earth, and the body could not move.

The bright knife swayed!

"Be careful!"

There are five people in the pyramid.

The unbeaten in the East, the evil king, the yin, and the first step into the pyramid, Hou Xibai, were wounded and suppressed into a corner of the pyramid. It looked very bad.

A group of people apparently have already entered the pyramid from Yan and Hou Xibai to speculate that they are happy, almost at the same time as the masters of the heavens and the earth, and they are equally shocked.

Their warnings are fast, but the speed of the knife is faster, and the lightning is swept away from the happy body, dividing the latter into two.


The happiness of being divided into two is quickly shattered into numerous residual images that have disappeared by the knives. The happy body is presented from a place one meter away, with a dignified color in the eyes, and slowly flies to the sacrifice. station.

The clear and confident laughter resounded over the pyramid:

"The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance is really hospitable and hospitable, so it is such a big gift when you meet!"


The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance stood in the center of the altar, and there was no change in the look under the mask of the fangs, but the cold eyes gave a substantial oppression, and the sounds from the nose oscillated through the air: "Ignorance juniors, you are not qualified enough to let the deity entertain."

The voice did not fall, and a snowy sword suddenly fell from the sky. The amazing swordsmanship was not inferior to the power of the Allied Alliance’s all-powerful attack. From the bottom up, it was drawn to the altar!

Ok! ? ! !

The eyes under the main mask of the Heaven and Earth Alliance suddenly changed, as if I could not believe that this was actually from a younger generation who was a low-minded.

I can't believe it. I’m so happy that I’m more powerful than before, and...

This sword actually contains enough power to threaten him.

boom! ! ! !

In the undefeated in the East, after the evil king and the yin, the five people were surprised and surprised, and the swords that were more than a few meters wide stunned, and instantly swallowed the entire altar.

The entire space of the pyramid seems to have been smashed by a strong shock wave!

The altar trembled.

The entire tower is also violent.

Fortunately, the structure inside and outside the pyramid is made of special and unusually strong materials, and there is no such thing as a landslide in the outside world.

After the momentary shock, there was only a deep sword mark on the altar that was ten meters long and shocking...

The only difference is.

The green armor, the lord of the heavens and the earth, was the leader of the heavens and the earth. He turned from the altar to the altar. The eyes projected under the mask contained a strong disbelief, staring at the happiness of standing on the altar. Heavy tone:


"I didn't expect that the Tianjing Excalibur was actually earned by you. It is no wonder that such power will break out."

Wake up from the shock of the moment, the heaven and earth allies recovered their eyes, and faintly glanced at the deep sword marks that extended from the altar: "To tell the truth, your performance is getting more and more eye-catching." Up..."


Happy did not pay attention to the words of the heavens and the earth, including the murderous words. From the moment of the settlement to the altar, the eyes were tightly locked in the tiger's hand in the latter's hands.

The whole body is golden yellow tiger cub, the internal force is a skeleton that makes people feel cold! The spine has a foot, and it is enclosed in a crystal blade. The blade is covered with a layer of clear light. Without any cover, the tiger's hegemony is perfectly presented!

The tiger cub is in the hands of the masters of the heavens and the earth, and a force that is stronger and fiercer than the Tianjing sword is forced to come over, as if a huge white tiger beast is looming in the air behind the world, and is condescending, 狰狞The ground opened a large mouth.

Under the guise of the tiger's temperament, the heavens and the earth's allies are filled with every inch of space in the pyramid. There is a feeling of completely mastering one space, as if it is the most deadly and dangerous attack as long as it is taken a wrong step.

Seeing this, happy heart:

A good thing to the world! Sure enough! ! Sure enough evil! ! !

"Happy little man."

After the evil king Yin, the East unbeaten five people took the opportunity to come behind happy.

When you are happy, you will have the opportunity to view the details of the five people.

His eyes were swept away and his brows were close.

The undefeated first group of people who entered the pyramid at the moment, the fascinating makeup has been completely destroyed at the moment, and there is a scar of several inches deep in the waist. It looks very dangerous, and the face is only sinister and violent. Not innocently staring at the heaven and earth allies under the altar, as if to swallow the latter;

It is also the first person in the three heavenly high hands who are the first to catch fire. The only person who can also meet the leaders of the heavens and the earth is to play a very important role in the special environment of the needle crossing and the pyramid!

The situation after the evil king Yin was slightly worse.

The pale hair of the evil king was scattered behind his shoulders, his brows were close, his forehead was covered with glare, and he looked like he was ten years old.

After the evil king supported the yin, the latter seemed to be penetrated from the chest and abdomen by a knife. He was unable to fight again. He and Hou Xibai struggled to follow behind the three, and looked at the eyes of the heaven and earth. The eyes were filled with fear and awe. The latter's strength has exceeded the limits they could have reached.

"Are you all right?"

Happy and asked.

The evil king smiles bitterly:

"...There is no time to continue fighting after the yin, and the East can't support it for too long. I think, only I can support you."

"Hey, the end of the road, you have to do the battle of the beast..." The Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance was photographed by a sword that was just happy. When I woke up, I saw a group of people coming together, not angering and laughing, slowly slowing down the platform. The pressure of compelling stocks is even stronger.


Under the pressure of the tiger cub, the happiness is unpredictable, and Tianjing is long.

The turbulence that has spread from the top of the blade has finally caused the air that is tight around it to disintegrate, allowing people to breathe a little.


The eyes flashed, and the Lord of Heaven and Earth all disappeared from the altar.

"Be careful!"

Although the happy moments under the heavens have lost the traces of the heavens and the earth's allies, it is impossible to master the heavenly masters of the same realm between heaven and earth.

The evil king locked the movement track of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and turned around without thinking, which provided a signal for happiness.

Happy is always a careful person.

I noticed that the evil king and the unbeaten turn of the East, the long sword shook, and the sword of the Tianjing sword was extracted...

roll! !

The roar of the roaring world, the tiger cub is formed, and the bright white tiger knives appear on the left side of happiness.

At the same time, the two great masters of the heavens took the shots, and with the happy Tianjing swordsmanship, they shattered the knives of the heavens and the United States.

The embroidery needle goes along the direction of the shape of the tiger-shaped knife.


There was a very disdainful coldness in the air, and the undefeated figure in the East trembled. The embroidery needle was fired back at a faster speed and directly penetrated into the sleeve of the latter.

The undefeated in the East seemed to have suffered a boring loss, and the spin was turned, and a red blood trailed down the arm from the sleeves.

The old wound adds a new injury, but the East is undefeated but never reveals the slightest fear. It seems that it is not the one who is injured, and the eyes are staring at the void somewhere.


The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance slowly appeared from the void, with a sly smile on the face with a cat and a mouse: "Bi Xuan, Ye Gucheng, Yin, and the girl are seriously injured by me, leaving you two, you Thought, how long can you support?"

This made the group look a little tight.

But happy but not very concerned about the words of the Lord of the World.

Although Tianjing Jianyi actively stimulated it, but he still has two killers in his hands, he has never exposed people before...

One is the dragon tail, and the other is ‘天晶剑气’! The power of the former is not necessary to talk about it. It can counter the enemy's strongest attack and attack the enemy!

As for the latter...

Although happiness has never been used before, but with the wind and sky, it is equivalent to the siege of six heavenly masters. Although there is only one chance to use it in one day, the damage and threat caused by this kind of attack cannot be even the mainstay of the world. Completely disappeared, and the whole body retreated.

However, happy now does not intend to immediately fight with the main showdown of the World League...

"Wan years?"

After the thousand-faced fox followed himself to the altar, he began to quickly find traces of suspicious organs in the pyramid.

After so long, there should have been some gains.


Thousand-faced foxes quickly voiced back:

"The altar! The altar at our feet seems to be weird..."

"What is weird?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be an organ here. Look at the dents. It should be related to the tiger cub..." The thousand-faced fox whispered a hole in the altar at the foot: "If you didn't guess wrong, insert the tiger cub, it should be Start some kind of device."

“Is it the kind of trap that is like mercury filling?”

"Do not rule out this possibility, but if we don't try, we have no way to go, there is no way to leave the desert palace." Thousand-faced fox replied cautiously.

The conversation between the two is very secretive.

However, it was still noticed by the leaders of the Heaven and Earth Alliance...

Under the mask, a pair of chilly eyes flashed a strong killing intention: "It is time, the deity does not want to waste time on you."

After that, the hands of the heavens and the earth allies are in the hands of the tigers and the gods! The momentum of a surge of shares is accompanied by overlapping knives, and the wave is generally slamming towards the happy line!

at the same time!

The wall around the pyramid suddenly swayed unsteadily! The fine ash slipped down the gap!


"The pyramid is going to collapse!!!" A group of people changed color.