MTL - Sweetest in the Universe-Chapter 21

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The development of "League of Legends" has not been cool so far, and even professional leagues have become more and more popular year after year. A big reason is that designers have made a lot of efforts in balancing the games of most heroes.

For example, the hero of Death Song, it was terrible in the later stage. Then it was a completely crispy skin in the early stage. Even if it is not multiplayer gank, it is very easy to be caught alone.

And if it slows down in the crispy stage, the impact on the overall situation will become smaller, at least in a short period of time, its big move is not so scary.

Zhou Yan doesn't like this hero very much. She usually gets very little regardless of rank or training, but as a mature and excellent jungler, she still knows many terrible aspects of dead songs.

"The best way is to kill him before the sixth level." As soon as he entered the map, Zhou Zheng was discussing with his teammates. "But he has never played a dead song before, and he has never seen a recent rank at all. I ’ve used definitions and training games, I ca n’t necessarily catch them, and it ’s easy to waste time. ”

The focus of teammates is quite wrong.

"I rely on, do you even know what his rank has played, your fans are terrible!"

Zhou Yan: "... you know a little bit!"

"Let's put it on first." She paused. "I want to say that since it's very likely that we can't catch it, let's change it and grab it first, and press him to stop him."

Although after joining the team, everyone assumed that she had taken over the commanding power that originally belonged to the early Song Dynasty, but in the past three games, every time when making decisions in the early stages of the game, Zhou Zhen still tried to discuss with his teammates as much as possible, Everyone knew, and then they reached a tacit understanding.

In her opinion, a team's tactical understanding is sometimes more important than individual operation in the game.

After all, operating this thing, in the professional players, especially the professional players of the strong team, if you want to distinguish a particularly obvious gap, it is originally a very meaningless thing.

"Well." Unlike before, Xie Yi was the first to give her feedback this time, "He is brittle now, and even if he comes, we can't lose it."

"That's the way to stabilize!" Ying Yuanxia answered. "Don't wave up, don't jump up, don't try it alone."

Han Ziliang said that I would kill a fart alone. On the opposite side, Shan is as strong as a ghost. I would be fine without being killed alone.

"Believe yourself, old Han! You can! Isn't it just that he was killed five times by himself in the spring season!" Ying Yuanxia, ​​as always, loves his teammate mentality.

Han Ziliang: "..." If it wasn't the game, my mother had thrown the keyboard over, do you believe it?

Because both sides are thinking about playing with caution, three minutes before the game, this focus battle has become a matchup game.

The audience in the audience thought about watching a Martian showdown, but after waiting for a few minutes, it was calm and calm, and they were a little disappointed.

The explanation is an exaggeration on both sides, saying that this idea is a wonderful game. Although the two sides haven't played the game at all, they even test the game's understanding more than the fight against the bayonet.

Then, as soon as their voices fell, Zhou Min, who had risen to the point level for a few minutes, detoured to the lower lane and grasped the opposite AD very decisively.

In the offline tSD, there is no other helper except the duo. Zhou Xun's Leksay was a strong gank. Although he failed to kill Lu Xian and Mao Zedong, he also succeeded in forcing this pair of fiercely famous players. The road hero group was forced to go home to make up for the situation, and Xie Yi and Ying Yuanxia successfully ate two layers of defense towers, leading the development.

"I'm going to fight the fire dragon." Zhou Yan said, "Titan is with me."


Ye Fu and the two rushed to Longkeng and fired directly at the moment when the fire dragon refreshed, eventually winning the fire dragon smoothly.

Zhou Zheng thought for a moment, decided to take another gamble, and immediately went to help.

On the middle of the line, Wang Blade has pressed the single head on the opposite side, but it is only one head. It is far from the advantage of stability. If it can kill a wave--

She thought very well, but before she was halfway through the action, she saw a prompt popping up on the screen, saying that the other party got a blood in the jungle.

"Old Han ?!"

"What happened to my day? When did the dead song go?"

Han Ziliang said that I didn't know his mother. Suddenly a big move, and then the other side, who had only a small half of blood left, killed him again.

"Then where is he going now?"

"... The position is stuck so well, I'm not sure."

After struggling with the situation, it turned out that he had sent a blood, but Zhou Yan felt that it was really not as fun as he expected.

"Fuck, Ye Bai is still awesome." She said words of praise, but her tone was obviously irritable.

"Calm down, just one blood, can fight."

"We took down Tappi."

Zhou Yan: "... No, I'm calm, where do you want to go?"

The teammates were speechless, and in your heart, don't put yourself in the position of having to lift the table at any time to smash people next door.

After that, the game continued. Zhou Ye, who held Queen Rexer of the wild area, maintained a strong gank rhythm, and Ye Bo's death song took the pioneer of the canyon after a brush.

Zhou Yan didn't want them to push off a tower before himself, so he pulled on the king blade and went to the next lane to engage in a wave of things.

Thirteen minutes into the game, each side pushed off a defensive tower, and the head-to-head ratio was very close, tSD4-6YYg, and the economic gap has not been widened.

For YYg, the scene is temporarily ahead, but the situation is not optimistic, because there is a dead song on the opposite side.

And tSD has four heads, and three of them are among dead singers.

Even the commentary couldn't help analyzing: "3-0 dead song, the big trick may be a pain to read. Now YYg must think of a way to limit his development."

"But this dead song is too thief. You find that it isn't. He can stagger with Reksai of Yuzhou almost every time."

"Yeah, don't you say that Yuzhou is a fan of oracles? Generally speaking, not all fans know idols well. Why they are here is the opposite."

"Maybe the gods watched all the videos of Yuzhou playing Hanbok in the days when they didn't play?"

"That's too exaggerated, hey YYg is trying to force the group?"

Zhou Zhen really wanted to force the group. Now it's only 13 minutes. It is not so difficult to kill the song, but if the dead song is allowed to develop, YYg will only become more and more difficult to play in the future. She followed her decisively.

And tSD also expected their thoughts. When she was seduced by her body and Ying Yuanxia broke up, tp came to the middle of an instant.

"Luzian is dead! Lucian is dead!"

"Dead Song Dead Song Dead Song !!!" she shouted with a dumb voice, "Is the sword brother r alright!"

"It's five seconds." Wang Blade exclaimed, "Can't put it."

"You can fight it, too." Zhou Yan didn't want to give up, "otherwise we all have to die."

She had already released her skills during the talk, but unfortunately, she did not hit the dead song at all. Instead, she was scratched by the cat that got out of the car, and her blood was a little urgent.

The other teammates wanted to help, but the rest of the tSD was also jealous, especially the well-developed order, biting Xie Yi through the operation, so Xie Yi must focus on his position to save his life.

The scene was dazzling for a while. The fans at the scene continued to exclaim and the crowd was turbulent.

The commentary sighed, saying that this wave of Xie Yi was too critical. How could he avoid so many skills?

"... Fuck." Compared to audiences who haven't realized the YYg's defeat, Zhou Zheng not only looked grim after another air move, but even swear words that never came out, "Whatever said Is he down ?! "

With her scolding, the dead song that got to the end was also read out. A big move from fattening such a dead song is undoubtedly for the YYg group of people who are not healthy. fatal.

The only one who survived was Xie Yi, but Xie Yi's policewoman had little blood left and had to leave.

The team battle was lost, and the dragon could only give it to the opponent.

But this is not the most deadly, the most deadly is the dead song or not dead, but also fed by this wave of battle fatter.

Zhou Zhen knew that they might not have played so well, but they shouldn't be in such a situation anyway.

She was silent for a moment, and said, "I can only fight one piece now, try to catch the bill."

The author has something to say: ... I don't know if this chapter can be issued, and then the website is stopped for fifteen days. I really feel dizzy.

Read The Duke's Passion