MTL - Sweet Heart in Honeyed Desire-Chapter 36

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After the procurement meeting in the new quarter ended, Yu Yi and two brothers and sisters of the Bai family walked out of the conference room together.

Bai Ce raised his left hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist, and proposed, "Why not have lunch together?"

Yu Yi nodded, "I want to eat Italian food."

Bai Xiaoyu, who was next to them, looked at her sideways and asked, "What's wrong? You don't want to eat Italian food?"

Bai Xiao shook her head and smiled, "No, just eat Italian food."

Bai Ce raised his eyebrows, walked to the depressed side, and talked to him about the stock. Bai Xiao followed behind them, silently looking at the gloomy back.

He had just used the word think, this was the first time she heard melancholy expressing her wishes.

Although she hasn't had much contact with Yu Yi privately, but they have cooperated in the business for so many years. Yu Yi has always done things through rational judgment and made the most correct decision-from company decision to noon. What to eat.

He is like a robot that can never go wrong, indifferent.

But such a gloom, just said he wanted to eat Italian food.

Italian cuisine has such a charm that it can make Yu Yi interested in it? Bai Xiao's eyes moved, no, there was something else, which gradually made him have the same feelings as ordinary people.

what is it then?

Bai Xiao always felt that he seemed to know the answer.

During the meal, Bai Ce has been talking about stocks with interest, and Yu Yi occasionally answers two sentences, and Bai Xiao sits alone and eats silently. When checking out after dinner, Yu Yi offered to ask him for the meal, and Bai Ce readily accepted it.

But after Yu Yi pulled out his wallet and opened it, he grabbed Yu Yi's wrist quickly with his troubled eyes: "What's on your wallet?" Bai Ce was so surprised that his eyes were about to fall out. The person is you? You still have dimples! Ah no, the point is that this girl next to her is n’t she the pastry chef who teaches Xiao Xiao to make cakes? "

Bai Xiao also stretched his neck and looked at the depressed wallet. It did have a large head sticker on it, which did not fit his purse so high. What surprised her most was the man with the headshot, no matter how dressed or demeanored, there was no similarity to Yu Yi. If it wasn't for the two people having the same face, she wouldn't think this person was Yu meaning.

Speaking of which, she seemed to have seen such depression once on her last birthday.

For the first time in his life, Yu Yi felt a little embarrassed, but with the iceberg face guard, he still took his hand calmly and handed the card to the waiter in a horse jacket.

Bai Ce looked at him with a smile, and his eyes were full of jokes: "Don't you explain?"

Yu Yi said: "Why explain to you? You are not my boyfriend."

Bai Ce: "..."

He felt that the earth was almost destroyed, otherwise how could depression be a joke? !!

Yu Yi completely ignored his collapsing expression of Sanguan and returned directly to the company after leaving the restaurant. Bai Ce looked at Bai Xiao, who was standing beside him, and patted her head with a smile: "If you are uncomfortable, go home and rest."

There was a trace of embarrassment on Bai Xiao's face that was pierced through his mind, and at the same time, he was touched by Bai Ce's thoughtfulness. She stopped a taxi and went home alone.

After lying in the room for a while, she couldn't help but sit up and call Tang Mi.

Tang Mi had recovered and returned to work. When she saw Bai Xiao's call, she quickly picked up: "Miss Bai, is there anything wrong?"

Pai Shin paused reflexively before answering, "Oh, I heard you are back from Japan. I want to ask you when you have time and continue to teach me to make cakes."

Tang Mi calculated the time and said to Bai Xiao: "Yes, I just asked for a day of sick leave. The store manager said that I would take a rest on that day and I would not deduct my salary. It's the class. "

"Oh, that's right, let me contact you when you have time."

Bai Xiao's voice seemed a little disappointed. Tang Mi thought for a while and thought, "If you don't mind, you can make a simple and time-consuming one, and I will use it after work is enough."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome." She wanted to collect anyway.

Tang Mi got off work at seven o'clock. Bai Xiao sent the driver early and waited outside the restaurant. Tang Mi took her directly to her home after work.

Because of the lack of time at night, Tang Mi proposed to make a toast: "This can be done in an hour."

"Okay." Bai Xiao nodded and followed her to make it. The method of baking the buds was simple and the baking time was not long. The two quickly reached the last step.

"When you sprinkle brown sugar powder, be sure to pay attention. If the amount is not enough or uneven, the caramel on the surface will not be beautiful after baking."

"Um." Bai Xiao answered, carefully filtering the brown sugar through a universal mesh sieve. After the brown sugar has covered the entire surface, it is heated to a brownish color with a gas spray gun.

"It's beautiful!" Tang Mi praised Bai Xiao's work, and sat with her with a plate of toasted buds and ate in the living room.

"It's really addictive." Bai Xiao tapped the caramel surface with a spoon, and said to Tang Mi with a smile.

Tang Mi nodded in agreement: "Yu also said that the crunch when the caramel is broken is fascinating."

Pai Xiao paused for a moment, scooping up a spoonful of toasted buds with a spoon, and Zhuangruo casually asked, "Are you and Yu Yi dating?"

"Ah, cough!" Tang Mi almost sprayed all the toasts in her mouth. "No, no, why do you think so?"

Bai Xiao raised his eyebrow slightly and covered the spoon in his hand: "I saw his wallet attached to your wallet."

Tang Mi: "..."

Although Bai Xiao's words were vague, she could understand them plainly.

Mr. Yu ... Mr. Yu didn't tear off that silly photo sticker!

"That was taken by President Yu on a whim, eh."

Bai Xiao blinked and looked at her. "It seems that depression has changed a lot recently."

Tang Mi responded stiffly: "Is it?"

"Um." Bai Xiao smiled. "But it's a good change, so I'm quite happy."

"Well." Tang Mi nodded with a spoon, and said nothing.

After eating the toast on the plate, she wiped her mouth and rose up to leave: "It's late, I'll go back first."

"Okay, I'm bothering you today." Bai Xiao took her to the door and sent a driver to take her back.

Tang Mi has been thinking when she got home. Is Bai Xiao looking for her today mainly to ask her if she is interacting with President Yu?

She thought about the marriage between Bai Yu and Lin Yu, which she said before, and put out her pajamas and slept into the bathroom.

On July 13th, Tang Mi's birthday, Lin Che started calling her two days in advance and was rejected by Tang Mi for asking to go to work.

Yu Yi was also on that day, and suddenly told Luo Hao: "Notify Qi Xuan, and arrange for Tang Mi to take a rest tomorrow."

Luo Hao blinked for a moment, and soon connected with a smile as if he understood something: "I see, I'll inform now."

After receiving a notice from the store manager, Tang Mi stated that he was going to rest for a while and then hesitated for a while. The manager saw that she was standing there whimpering, and couldn't help but ask, "Will you have a birthday tomorrow?"

Tang Mi nodded blankly: "Yes."

The manager said: "The company's benefits for employees can be taken on birthday."

Tang Mi: "..."

Although she has no work experience, but the company that can take vacation on her birthday, she is definitely the first to hear about it.

"Ah, but this benefit is random. Not every employee has it, so don't tell others."

"Oh ..." Tang Mi nodded again. It turned out to be hidden benefits, no wonder. Having said that, should she buy a lottery ticket?

"If nothing else, go out to work first, happy birthday."

"Thank you manager."

After Tang Mi was gone, the manager thought sadly that it was not easy for them to be subordinates, but also to help his boss chase his girlfriend.

Although Tang Mi has a day off, tomorrow is not the weekend, and Fu Xin cannot accompany her birthday. She thought about it, and finally decided to sleep at home for one day, and then invited Fu Xin out for dinner at night.

As soon as the shower came out, I received a gloomy call.

Seeing the number on the screen, she preconceived that it was Yu Xin calling, so she asked, "Yu Xin?"

The person on the other side of the phone was silent for a while before saying, "It's me, depressed."

Tang Mi froze, and before she came back, Yu Yi said again, "Do you really want to be Yu Xin?"

Detecting the unpleasantness in his tone, Tang Mi hurriedly said, "No, because you used to call me through Assistant Luo, and Yuxin asked me to call me, so I thought ..."

Yu Yi was silent for a while, and said, "I will call you directly in the future."

"Oh." Tang Mi answered, but the corners of her mouth flickered unknowingly, "General Yu, are you doing anything?"

"Hmm ..." A short pause made Tang Mi hear a hint of embarrassment. "Well, I was not able to invite you to dinner last time in Japan, so I wanted to find a chance to make up for it. Are you free tomorrow?"

Tang Mi blinked quickly and smiled, "Coincidentally, the store manager just gave me a holiday tomorrow."

Although Yu Yi did not speak, Tang Mi also felt that he seemed more embarrassed now. She smiled silently and asked, "Do you want to invite me to dinner tomorrow?"

"Well, I'll meet you downstairs at eleven noon."

"Okay, thank you President Yu." Tang Mi hung up the phone happily and laughed again, holding the quilt.

That night, she brought a mask from Japan where Fu Xin came from, she put a face on her, and fell asleep early.

When Fu Xin went out to work the next day, she also got up, took a bath first, and then opened the wardrobe to choose clothes.

The clothes that Yu Xin took her to buy last time have finally come in handy!

She tried several skirts, and finally put on her favorite vertical stripe bib, with a white shirt, and looked at the mirror at an angle, then combed herself a small disk .

After finishing the styling, Tang Mi seldom painted herself light makeup, and soon received a call from Yu Yi. This time she was good at school, and she said sweetly, "General Yu!"

Depression paused, and a low, sweet voice came through the handset: "I'm downstairs in your house."

Tang Mi raised his mouth and said, "Okay, I'll get down right away." 2k novel reading network

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