MTL - Sweet Heart in Honeyed Desire-Chapter 32

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The two people ate in the pastry house for more than two hours, until Tang Mi felt that something had been stuffed into her throat, and finally gave up the fight: "Pack it ..."

Yu Yi nodded and called the clerk. The food box packed in the pastry house was very beautiful, and Tang Mi later learned that it was charged separately.

The rest of the pastries, which have not been eaten, were carefully put in, and they looked exactly like the ones on the display in the shop. The clerk shared three three-tier food containers before packing everything.

Tang Mi came out of the pastry house with a food container, followed by Yu Yi, and saw Luo Hao waiting outside. Thinking that she and President Yu were eating and drinking comfortably in the private room, Luo Hao was blowing the sun here, and Tang Mi felt sad.

She walked over to Luo Hao and handed him the food box: "Mr. Luo, these are unfinished cakes. You can't put them in as soon as possible." "When we ate, we took special care not to touch it. It was clean."

Luo Hao laughed and took the food container in her hand: "Thank you."

Tang Mi smiled at him and got into the compartment.

The car drove back directly to the hotel. When getting out of the car, Yu Yi gave Tang Mi the two remaining food boxes: "Take these back to eat."

Tang Mi is not in the state of eating tomorrow, but she still accepted the two food boxes that Yu Yi had passed over: "Thank you, President Yu."

Yu Yi murmured softly, and when the door was closed, he inadvertently said, "Change to another place to eat tomorrow."

Tang Mi froze for a moment, but couldn't seem to react to Yu Yi: "Do you want to try it tomorrow? Today, I seem to have eaten all kinds of pastries."

Depression nodded: "So tomorrow is to thank you for your help."

Tang Mi blinked quickly, then smiled at him: "Oh, thank you President Yu."

The smile in her eyes came into the hotel with an unobtrusive joke, and she was a little unnatural looking away. Tang Mi looked at his back from behind and couldn't help laughing.

Luo Hao walked to her and asked deliberately, "Is President Yu's back so funny?"

Tang Mi heartily praised: "It's so handsome."

Luo Hao laughed softly and followed the depression into the hotel.

When Tang Mi returned to the hotel room, Lu Yu was sitting in front of the computer and crackling the keyboard. Tang Mi put down the two food containers in her hand, walked to her and asked, "What are you writing? Promo?"

Lu Yu raised her head, and the thick lenses on her face could not hide the sadness in her eyes: "General Yu asked me to write a manuscript introducing Japanese culture to him, no less than 30,000 words!"

Tang Mi: "..."

"You said, why is President Yu suddenly so interested in Japanese culture!"

"Uh ..." Tang Mi put her hand on her shoulder and said sincerely, "I'm sorry."

"What?" Lu Yu looked at her puzzledly.

Tang Mi didn't explain, picked up the food box and put it in front of Lu Yu: "In order to express my apologies, these are for you."

"What is it?" Lu Yu glanced at her and opened the lid. The first layer of the food box neatly placed the udon, bean stuffed donuts, and Nagasaki cakes. There was also a small grid next to it, which also contained several bags of different kinds of tea bags.

Lu Yu felt that he couldn't bear it: "Unfortunately, you are going to eat delicious food by yourself! It ’s good to eat a meeting with friends!"

Tang Mi blinked and looked at her innocently, "I'm not alone, but also President Yu."

Lu Yu: "..."

She got up from her chair, pulled Tang Mi aside, and asked seriously, "Tell me, why does Yu always invite you to dinner?"

"I didn't invite me to dinner. Yu just wanted to inspect Japanese pastries, eh."

Lu Yu watched her silent for a long while, and patted her shoulder heavily: "The next time President Yu visits again, remember to call me."

"You can finish writing Japanese culture first."

Lu Yu: "..."

At the end of the exchange meeting the next day, Lin Che again and reluctantly asked Tang Mi to eat, and was again relentlessly rejected by Tang Mi.

Because Yu Yi said yesterday that she would also invite her to dinner today, Tang Mi waited for it when she left the venue, but she returned to the hotel without seeing Yu Yi.

Lu Yu wasn't in the room, but the computer was on. Tang Mi went up and glanced at it. The large black italic font is particularly obvious.

The third Japanese culture-bar culture.

Tang Mi: "..."

She thought that if Lu Yu handed it over, she might have her salary deducted.

The door of the room was suddenly knocked. Tang Mi thought that Lu Yu might be back and walked over to open the door.

A man standing outside, wearing a pink polo shirt and a baseball cap on his head, looked at Tang Mi with a smile.

Tang Mi's mouth twitched uncontrollably and asked tentatively, "Yu Xin?"

The man shook his head and said with two dimples: "I'm not depressed, I'm a newly split personality of depression, my name is dog egg."

Tang Mi: "..."

"Sister, shall we play?"

Tang Mi: "..."

Let her digest it first.

She stood at the door for a moment, returned quickly to the room, took out her cell phone and found Luo Hao's phone. I was about to dial out and the phone was snatched by the man in the pink polo shirt: "Sister, I have a mental problem, just a ten-year-old kid, don't bully me."

Tang Mi: "..."

This special is absolutely depressed.

She grinned twice and looked at Yu Xin flatteringly: "Dogs are good, where do you want to go with your sister?"

Yu Xin smiled and said, "Just playing in my sister's room."

Tang Mi: "..."

Tang Mi wiped her face and smiled as warm as the spring breeze: "Lu Yu will come back at any time, please don't make trouble?"

Yu Xin said: "I didn't make trouble, I just had a mental problem."

Tang Mi: "..."

She wiped her face again: "These words are depressed, if you are not satisfied, you can slap yourself."

Yu Xin: "..."

He looked at Tang Mi and said quite dissatisfiedly, "But you didn't refute, and you said you only treat me as a child?"

"Uh, this ..."

Tang Mi hadn't figured out how to explain it yet, Yu Xin had already used a hammer with a standard alcove posture to slap Tang Mi'er in front of the wall.

Tang Mi shuddered, and leaned down, leaning closer to her lips, but when she was about to run into it, she moved aside.

A soft kiss fell on the corner of his mouth, and Tang Mi's heart jumped up again. Yu Xin put it in her ear, and she took a soft breath and said, "Have you ever seen a child who would do this kind of thing?"

The distance between them was so close, Yu Xin slightly tilted his head, and eyelashes swept from Tang Mi's cheek, but it seemed to swept Tang Mi's heart.

Tang Mi looked at his deep dimples and trembling eyelashes as if to fall.

With a click, the door was opened again. Tang Mi and Yu Xin heard the sound and looked at the door.

Lu Yu was holding the basic magazine standing at the door, an expression that opened the door to the new world.

Tang Mi and President Yu? Tang Mi and President Yu! What were they doing just now? !!

Yu Xin took the lead in returning, took Tang Mi to the door, and looked at Lu Yu: "Are you from the propaganda department? Now that you have seen it, please help us both."

Lu Yu stared at him dumbly: "Promotion ... what?"

Yu Xin took Tang Mi's shoulder and smiled at Lu Yu: "Of course it is my relationship with sweetheart."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Tang Mi out of the door. Tang Mi woke up like a dream at this time and shouted to Lu Yu: "Don't listen to him, he will get drunk and go crazy!"

Yu Xin pulled Tang Mi out of the hotel, ushered in a taxi, and sat up with Tang Mi.

Tang Mi frowned and looked at him, seemingly agitated: "How can you talk to Lu Yu?"

Yu Xin did not answer, but said something to the taxi driver, and the car quickly drove out. Tang Mi glanced out the window and turned around and asked Yu Xin: "Where are we going?"

Yu Xin smiled and said, "Of course, this is where children should go."

Tang Mi: "..."

She raised her eyebrow and accused: "You are too stingy! You have spent so much money on President Yu, and President Yu has not said anything. President Yu said that you have a low IQ, and you remember that!"

Yu Xin frowned and looked at Tang Mi: "I don't care what Yu Yi said about me, but I don't like you to treat me as a child."

Tang Mi defended herself: "If you didn't take me to the amusement park, would I say that you are a kid, goose!"

Yu Xin: "..."

In the end, Yugouyu brought Tang Mi to a home appliance to play in the city. Tang Mi grinned two times, and even more firmly fulfilled his label.

Yu Xin had a great time in the video game city. She shot and raced through the game with ease. She won a lot of tickets and gave Tang Mi a plush doll.

Tang Mi: "..."

She was holding a plush doll of the same color as Yu Xin's polo shirt, and slammed it twice.

Yu Xin didn't know what he saw again, and happily pulled Tang Mi: "There is a sticker on the other side. Let's take a picture."

Tang Mi didn't even have a chance to oppose, so she was dragged by Yu Xin.

After the two of them were shown on the screen, Yu Xin said cheerfully, "Sweetheart, come here and hold me."

Tang Mi: "..."

Seeing Tang Mi staying still, Yu Xin said generously: "It doesn't matter, I'll just hold you."

Tang Mi: "..."

Faced with people tangled up like octopus, Tang Mi had no ability to fight back and took a set of photos with humiliation.

Yu Xin was very satisfied with the photo. After the boss cut the photo, he chose one of his favorite stickers and stuck it on his wallet.

Tang Mi: "..."

Oh my **** At first glance, Mr. Yu's wallet is a high-end product made by personal hand-made, and a cheap photo sticker is affixed to it ...

She can't afford it!

"Does it look good, sweetheart?" Yu Xin handed the wallet over, inviting me to Tang Mi.

Tang Mi took a deep breath and said with a smile: "It looks good, but can you tear it off?"

Yu Xin immediately retracted his hand and protected his wallet in his arms: "No, this is our photo, and I will stick it on it forever."

"... But when President Yu wakes up, he will tear it off."

Yu Xin raised his eyebrows, thinking that he couldn't bear it, and his head hurt again. 2k novel reading network

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