MTL - Sweet Chief Secretary-Chapter 322 Don't go, let me know

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Xia Yu was sitting in the operating room. Although the doctor said it was an operation, she was still uneasy and kept praying that the operation would go smoothly. Over time, anxiety and anxiety have become heavier.

After a long time, Li Feiran was pushed out. The doctor said that the operation went smoothly and the tight nerves were relaxed.

Xia Yu still has experience in taking care of people after surgery. She knows what to pay attention to. I went to the supermarket downstairs and bought some essentials. It is estimated that she will live here for a few days.

Not long after coming up, after Li Feiran woke up from anesthesia, Xia Yu told her that the operation was successful. She didn't speak, but her eyes were grateful. Before long, she fell asleep again.

After the early hours of the morning, Xia Yu couldn't hold it, and slept asleep beside the bed, but because she was worried about Li Feiran, she couldn't sleep well. She knew that the nurse came in to change the medicine.

Early the next morning, Xia Yu called Shen Yan and told him that Li Feiran had cystitis surgery last night. He had to take a few days off and went to the company later.

"Li Feiran is all right, you have to pay more attention to your body." Shen Yan asked Li Feiran's condition, and then told Xia Yu a few words before hanging up the phone.

"Thank you Xia Yu, you saved me again." After a rest night, Li Feiran's spirit was much better. Holding Xia Yu's hand and saying a lot of thanks, when Xia Yu first arrived at the company, she didn't like Xia Yu the most.

It's only been so many days, they are so close, human, it's really hard to tell who is the friend of the enemy.

"Then you should look like you." Seeing Li Feiran was not a big deal, Xia Yu's hanging heart also let go and joked with her.

"I have no opinion, but I am afraid that Yan Shao will not agree." Li Feiran said with a smile.

Then both of them laughed. Maybe it hurt the wound when they laughed, and Li Feiran frowned.

Xia Yu hurried to ask her if she was okay. Li Feiran shook her head. Xia Yu said, "I'll get you some porridge and come back."

"I want rice porridge!" Li Feiran was also polite and screamed behind her.

"I see!" Xia Yu smiled back, and went down to buy earlier.

Xia Yu was very busy. Li Feiran knew that she was also a surgeon and had to stay in the hospital for a few days. om so she called her parents. I learned that she had broken surgery in S City, and that afternoon, her parents made a plane to come to S City. When they saw Li Feiran lying on the hospital bed, both of them were distressed.

"Parents, this is Xia Yu, our company's secretary, I told you." Li Feiran introduced them.

"Thank you Xia Yu, Fei Ran said you helped her a lot."

"We are colleagues, shouldn't we help each other?" Xia Yu said with a smile.

More than five o'clock, Shen Yan carried a basket of fruit and a bunch of lilies into the ward.

Li Feiran hurried to get up, but was stopped by Xia Yu, she had to say hello to Shen Yan in bed, "Sheng Yan, you are so busy, I did not expect you to come, thank you."

The voice was full of gratitude. You must know that Shen Yan has been busy lately, but she can still remember her illness.

"We are colleagues, you are sick, I should come." Shen Yan said with a smile.

Li Feiran's parents hurriedly asked, "This is it?"

"The president of our company, Shen Yan!" Xia Yu hurriedly introduced them, "these two are Li Feiran's parents."

Seeing that Shen Yan was so young, Li Feiran's parents thought he was an ordinary colleague. Hearing that it was the president who came, he quickly shook hands with him. "Thank you to the president for visiting us in the busy schedule."

"Uncle and aunt, you are so kind. You must have come from a long distance, and you can directly contact Xia Yu if you need anything." Shen Yan said with a smile.

After chatting a few more words, Shen Yan left with Xia Yu. As soon as he left, Li Feiran's mother quietly asked Li Feiran, "Does your president have a girlfriend? He is really nice."

"Mom, what are you talking about? If someone has a girlfriend, the secretary Xia just left." Li Feiran was really speechless about the fact that her mother wanted to marry herself anytime, anywhere.

Immediately after Li Feiran's remarks, her mother's face showed a disappointed expression, "There is a girlfriend!" Then she sighed again, and then turned out of the ward.

When the elevator came over, Xia Yu went in with Shen Yan. There were only two of them in the elevator. om Xia Yugang just wanted to ask about the progress of Shen Yan's deception case.

" when……"

Suddenly the elevator shook and made a noise. Xia Yu shook her body, but fortunately, it wasn't too powerful, so she quickly stood still.

The elevator then stopped, and the lights inside went out a few times before it went out. It was dark, but it didn't take long to turn on again. It should be an emergency light in the elevator.

"The elevator is out of order." There was a deep, low voice behind him.

Xia Yu's heart was a little bit cold, and fear followed. Xia Yu turned to look serious, and found that his face was white and his muscles were strained, looking more tense than Xia Yu.

Ever since his grandfather father and uncle had an accident, he has instinctively feared the relatively closed space. But after treatment, he is much better now.

But he was trapped in the elevator at this time, and his fear came along.

"Xia Yu, I think with you, you will suffer from your bad luck." He said ridiculously, the smile at the corner of his mouth was a bit stiff.

Xia Yu felt that he was pretending to be relaxed, and then they called and asked people to come to the rescue, but it shouldn't be so fast. Xia Yu was a little worried and serious, and his condition was getting worse and worse. Come out, the whole person looks very painful.

"Don't worry too much, the elevator will be ready soon." Xia Yu calmed him and walked to him. At this moment, the elevator suddenly fell down, Xia Yu screamed in shock, and then his body was tight. Hug.

The elevator stopped for two seconds before it stopped. At this time, Xia Yu's feet were frightened. If they just fell down, they would all fall to death.

Shen Yan hugged very tightly, Xia Yu's face was pressed against his neck, and he could clearly feel the tremor and fear in his body.

Xia Yu wanted to leave his arms, but just pushed away a little, and was hugged by him again, "Don't go, let me know." At this moment he even changed his voice with a trill.

Xia Yu has never seen Shen Yan so nervous. He has always been calm, but at this time he looks like a fragile child. Xia Yu reached behind his back and patted him comfortably.

Perhaps there was someone around him who was more afraid than himself, at this time Xia Yu was not as afraid as before.

"After going out this time, I really went to the temple to worship the Buddha." Although Xia Yu was not a Buddhist, at the moment talking about this at the same time was also looking for topics to talk to him and wanted him to divert his attention.

"Xia Yu, want to divert my attention, there is a better way." Shen Yan's voice sounded in his ear, exhaling a hot breath.

"What to do ..." Xia Yu looked up at him, as long as she could do it, she would not hesitate to do it, but the last one was not said, the face in front of her eyes continued to enlarge, and her lips were forced. Blocked.

Xia Yu couldn't think about everything that happened in front of her. She had a blank head and felt that her lip was soft and hot. He closed her eyes slightly, her movements were intense, and her lips were bitten by him. When Xia Yu's tongue was about to go in, Xia Yu reacted, hurriedly closing her teeth and not letting him in.

"Hey, hey ..." Xia Yu tried to push him away, but found that he couldn't push him at all, and howled eagerly.

I really don't know if his fear was just pretended. Xia Yu regretted that the sympathy just overflowed.

"Open your mouth!" He said slightly, hoarsely, and pressed his mouth against her lips, softly.

The magnetic voice was full of confusion, so that Xia Yu lost all her thoughts at this moment, and even the ghost opened her mouth slightly, and she was afraid to look at the man in front of her.

At this time, his movement was more wild than the previous movement. In the quiet elevator, he could clearly hear the blushing kiss of another person.

Xia Yu's body was soft in his arms, and her head was a little dizzy. If he hadn't held his hands all the time, she would have collapsed on the ground and couldn't stand up. In her 25-year life trajectory, she never had Such a fierce kiss.

Lying on Shen Yan's chest, Xia Yu panted fiercely, and the kiss was just too intense. After a little sobering, he stared at the man in front of him, and wanted to question him, but when his eyes touched the man's deep eyes, he suddenly persuaded, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

There was a sound outside the elevator at this time, and the rescuer came. Xia Yu was refreshed, reached out and pushed away severely, and left from his arms, taking a few steps back and pulling away from him.

It didn't take long for the elevator door to be opened from the outside, but it got stuck in the middle of the two floors and could only climb out. Suddenly I remembered the report that I saw on TV before. It was also the elevator failure, and then got stuck in the middle of the two floors. When a woman just climbed out halfway, the elevator suddenly fell down, and the poor woman's body split up instantly. .

Fear instantly filled all of Xia Yu's intellect, and his body receded into the corner, afraid to pass.

"I'll hold you up, don't be afraid."

Shen Yan walked to Xia Yu, and touched her head with her hand. Obviously he was more afraid than Xia Yu at this time, but he came to comfort her.

"Yan Shao, I heard an answer." The people outside shouted.

"Here we are." Xia Yu looked up and said.

"It's great, you try to be afraid of it." The people above were also very excited to hear the voice.

Xia Yu shook her head, letting the **** picture disappear in her mind, took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and walked to the elevator. She looked back at the solemnity behind her, "I'm waiting for you outside."

"Okay!" Shen said something good, and then held Xia Yu up. Outsiders immediately reached out to hold Xia Yu, pulling her upwards, and Shen Yan was always holding her behind.

Xia Yu's fantasy **** scene did not appear, and all of his body came out of the elevator smoothly. She immediately looked back at Shen Yan, his face pale as paper under the light, which made her heart hurt.

"You come out soon." Xia Yu shouted on it.

Shen Yan walked to the elevator entrance, Xia Yu reached out and wanted to pull him, but at this time people around her pulled her away, "Sister Xia, you step back!"

The two men lay on the ground and began to pull heavily. Xia Yu stood behind, praying in his heart that he should come out smoothly, and the sweat of his back was anxious.

When Shen Yan stood in front of her intact, Xia Yu's heart fell to the ground.

The seriousness coming out of the elevator began to return to normal. If he hadn't been locked in the elevator just now, Xia Yu wouldn't have noticed it at all, he was so painful and even nearly collapsed.

"Yan Shao, have you been injured, do you want to check it?" The director of the hospital also came over, until he saw Shen Yan come out, he was relieved.

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