MTL - Sweet Chief Secretary-Chapter 32 I did it on purpose

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This kind of thing often happens in the street, Xia Yu ignored it and kept staring at the mobile phone.

"You are blind!" Shen Qiang's voice, with anger!

Xia Yu's gaze moved instantly to Shen Qiang's direction, and she saw that Shen Qiang's hand was covered with ice cream, and she was now waving her hand.

The girl wore oversized ink glasses and covered most of her face. The figure is absolutely right, wearing a limited edition light blue skirt.

She looks much more embarrassed. There is a big stain in front of her. Don't guess it, but also know that it is a masterpiece of Shen Qiang.

Take a closer look, why is this girl so familiar, not who is Tianqing Qingqing?

Xia Yu hasn't responded yet. Qingqing has come to Shen Yan's side, pointing with her fingers at Qiang Qiang, stomping her feet and complaining: "Shao Yan, look at him!"

Shen Yan is really the best of the scumbags. Fang Yuanzheng worked overtime for him. He was better. He walked in the rain with his future sister-in-law yesterday, and today he was swaggered by a female star.

Xia Yu really wanted to break his belly with a knife at this time to see what kind of structure was inside him, and he didn't have long mind.

Despising Shen in his heart, she simply flashed aside and let Shen Qiang make a noise.

"Strong, it's too big to be so bold!" Shen Yan frowned, and couldn't say anything, and didn't help Qingqing clearly.

Accident, how many times did that happen?

It wasn't a big deal at all, and Shen Qiang apologized and the matter passed. Net om

But the temper of this young master came up and told them: "I did it on purpose, what's wrong, Shao Yan has to be angry for her?"

Shao Yan? Shen frowned.

"Strong!" Aggravated his voice, so the child couldn't speak well?

Shen Qiang looked at his second brother, disdainful: "Since so, let the horse come."

"Yan Shao, look at him, what's your attitude?" Qingqing shook her severe arms and was very wronged.

"Shut up, what the **** are you? Is it your part?" Shen Qiang looked at Qingqing with a distaste, as if looking at a pile of garbage.

"Presumptuous, apologize to Qingqing!" Shen Yan could not bear it any more, and the fox's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I apologize to her. Do you ask if she can stand it?" Shen Qiang took out her mobile phone impulsively: "Otherwise, I will ask my grandmother to see if she wants me to apologize."

"You ..." Shen Yan pointed his finger at Shen Qiang, and finally let it go, his tone softened: "Forget it, don't say it."

Qingqing didn't agree, but Shen Yan had already spoken, and she couldn't say anything, so she looked at him with tears and was very wronged.

Shen Yan is too much. He didn't break up with Fang Yuan over there. But Shen Qiang was so embarrassed by a girl, but also a little that.

Xia Yu hurried over to stop Qiang Qiang: "You big man, you have the same knowledge as girls, and are not afraid of jokes?"

Shen Qiang snorted and twisted his head. om

"Where are you going?" Xia Yu came over, giving Shen Yan a chance to break the topic.

Xia Yu simply went back: "Three young guests."


"Wanyue Tower"

"Eating spicy food just after surgery?"

"We're not spicy."

Why do n’t you go into the Sichuan restaurant?

Yan Yan's lips twitched and looked back at Shen Qiang: "How old are people who still eat ice cream."

Is there any age to eat ice cream? Xia Yu froze for a second, seeing Shen Qiang's ugly face, afraid that they would quarrel again, and hurried to accompany him and said, "I want to buy ice cream, San Shao lined up for me."

Shen Yan pointed her finger at Xia Yu, with a look of hate and iron: "Who lets you eat cold things? Feelings You didn't hear a word from the doctor last night, right?"

How can this person be better than my mother @ 拢 hack smashed 愕 阌 惺 切 垂 叵

With only a serious face, she would swallow it again when she came to her mouth.

At this time, after a long round of the document, her eyesight was sore. She dropped a few drops of eye drops on her chair and got up to find that her colleagues were gone. The window was completely dark and the wall clock was pointing at eight o'clock.

At eight o'clock, she had an appointment with the manufacturer for dinner tonight.

Luo Jiancheng is a manufacturer of cosmetics, and he has some reputation in the industry, but he is too erotic. Fang Yuan has met with him several times. He looked at her obsessively and said nothing.

Originally, she did not plan to contact him again, but today Zina Mina was in trouble at the company, and she had to meet him as a last resort.

This time she developed a heart and invited the marketing manager responsible for promotion. The marketing manager was a lady. Thinking of the three people on the spot, the meal should not be too embarrassing.

However, after Fang Yuan called and asked the waiter, he realized that the boss had left his subordinates and went to the banquet by himself. The meaning is self-evident.

But she had an appointment and couldn't help but go.

Exhaling, getting up, turning in and applying makeup while passing the bathroom.

She was already in a bad mood, but she met Shen Yan on the way to Wangyue Tower, and even took a female star, and she was so concerned about Xia Yu.

I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart, and I didn't startle them, just turned into Wangyue Tower.

When entering the restaurant, there was a waiter leading the way. Box No. 0, the door opened, and there was smoke inside.

"Sister Fang, you are late."

A man came out from behind the misty table, with a big belly, smoking a cigarette, his eyes rolled around Fang Yuan, and finally reached out with satisfaction.

Fang Yuan instinctively flashed: "Sorry Mr. Luo, I have kept you waiting so long!"

The man's hand was resting in the air, a little awkward, but he didn't breathe, biting a cigarette, rubbing his fingers with the air.

"Where to speak, Sister Fang is polite." In one sentence, the embarrassing atmosphere was eased, after all, it was the man who passed the big scene.

But after speaking, he suddenly brought his face up and almost stuck it to Fangyuan's chest.

He was close, his mouth spit out all the fireworks that the old man was used to.

Fang Yuan felt a bit sour in his stomach, and held back, stepping back a bit.

"Mr. Luo is personally present, Fang Yuan is deeply honored." She would speak most of this kind of offensive words. After speaking, she always sat down at the table around Cairo and stunned the service bell.

The waiter came in soon, and Fang Yuan beckoned: "It's time to serve."

On the side of the road, Shen Yan saw that the atmosphere had eased a lot, and said to Xia Yu, "It's not too early, you go, remember not to eat spicy food."

"@ 芎 芎 媚 阕 约 海 鹫 旄 Cutting a Cishu thistle, Yellow leaves, Yellow leaves, Yellow leaves! I am a guest, I am a lover, etc.

Xia Yu listened for a while, and for a long time never woke up.

"Presumptuous, do you know what respect is?" Shen Yan was angry, and the pretty fox's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Shen Qiang sneered: "It depends on who it is. Those who come out of the Third Family must be respected by others? Do you ask her if she deserves it? As for you ..."

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Read The Duke's Passion