MTL - Swallowed Star-v28 Chapter 13 Battered food

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"The original universe, comparable to the non-small universe, is not comparable to the world of Jin." The mountain watcher looked at Luo Feng. "Every cycle of it has the ultimate mystery. Even if I want to enter the source, the original universe. I won't let me see it. It's better to let go of the original ancestor, and it won't let you get this big chance."


"In the face of the threat of the beast, and give you a big chance, I believe it will eventually make the best choice." Sitting on the mountain and laughing at Luo Feng, "I actually envy you, but unfortunately, envy is useless. ""

Luo Feng’s heart is secretly puzzled. This is always a deep meaning in the mountain guest’s words. He can have today’s achievements, and 'the East River’s inheritance of the 'Jin’s world title mission’, this should be considered a surprise. Beyond this, it also gives you a terrible strength.

"Teacher." Luo Feng suddenly solemnly said.

“Hmm?” Sitting on the mountain and looking at Luo Feng.

"You made a sacred protoss and made a pulse of my earth." Luo Feng suddenly said, "I don't know why? The disciples have always had doubts in their hearts. The teacher waits for the disciples to have great grace. As long as the teacher orders... the disciples will naturally do their best. Full force."

The mountaineer deeply looked at Luo Feng’s eyes and immediately laughed.

"Luo Feng, look around." Sitting on the mountain and pointing around.

Luo Feng looked around, and the broken ship was surrounded by the blazing flames of the cold. The flames were shaking, and the invisible pressure was over here. It was the pressure of the original will of the original universe. Obviously the origin of the will has come... It is angry because of some of the words spoken by the mountain, but it has no way.

"The source is bound, some words I can say. And some words, I want to say can not say." Sitting on the mountain looked at Luo Feng. “It’s like in the universe, you can’t say some inheritance messages that go beyond the true God.”

Luo Feng nodded.

"I don't want to say it, I can't tell you now." The mountain singer whispered, "This involves the ancient civilization, involving the biggest secret of the entire universe, and I must tell you when it is appropriate."

"What is the right time?" Luo Feng asked.

"I am very satisfied with your strength, but now. It is not the right time." The mountain guest shook his head. "You don't have to ask, ask, I can't tell."

Luo Feng meditates.

Related to ancient civilizations?

The biggest secret involved in the universe? Yes, I have long believed that the mountain passengers and the Jin State are related...

"Then I will wait for the teacher to tell me." Luo Feng said.

"You remember." Sitting on the mountain road. "Don't be a small beast, you are very wise to use the demon squad to go to the beast's nest... Your strength has not yet reached the peak. Other true gods are at the limit, and it is difficult to break through. But once you become a true god, There will also be a period of strength."

"So, don't bet on the bet now."

"When you become a true God, then, it is your strongest time."

Luo Feng was shocked and listened to the teacher. I think that I can't destroy the group of beasts now.


"Remember, be cautious."

"This is the most dangerous war in the universe."


Luo Feng got up and walked a little, and then left.


After a moment, the ancestral mystery, inside the ancestral palace.

Luo Feng, a white robe, strolled in, and the guards at the gate of the palace did not stop. They naturally recognized Luo Feng. The three ancestors had long told the ‘Galaxy Lord’ to enter at any time.


Luo Feng walked into the hall. With the eyes swept away, there are three ancestors on the three thrones in the main hall.

In the past hundreds of millions of years, the three ancestors of this ancestral **** have become true gods! After all, the three of them can be selected as ancestors, their qualifications are extremely high, and they are favored by the original will... Now a large number of true gods are born in the original universe. If the three ancestors are not true gods, isn’t that a joke?

"My request. Presumably, the source will know." Luo Feng opened.

The two-sided ancestors sighed: "Do you insist on asking for the request? Although I don't know the detailed information you requested, it is obvious that the original will is already somewhat dissatisfied. Do you still insist?"

"Yes." Luo Feng nodded.


The source will be dissatisfied with what is going on with him. The source will suppress the original ancestor, and the whole human being is not satisfied! Just like sitting on a mountain guest... Don't be afraid of the will of the source, the will of the source must follow the rules, even if you face the beasts, you have to rely on Luo Feng to deal with them.

In fact, consciousness enters the original universe, as if it has turned into the original universe, and then destroys the original universe and the original universe...

It sounds very mysterious, but Luo Feng will not believe what he believes when he sits on the mountain. After all, the will must enter the source of the source... At the very least, you have to make a ‘incarnation of the gods’ into the original source. Once the original universe is destroyed, and at the same time kill Luo Feng, you can attack the incarnation of the divine power, and the soul will kill Luo Feng!

Therefore, this request is actually dangerous.

The reason why Luo Feng promised is because... the "Undead River", which is the third major school of the East River, has become a true god, and he will definitely become "Undead River", leaving blood and other hands as a backhand, even if it is really To the 'original universe black hand', it can be revived again.

After all, to feel the destruction and birth of the original universe, it is necessary to wait until the end of a reincarnation era, the original universe will be destroyed and born again.

It is impossible to destroy in advance because of Luo Feng.

And Luo Feng himself did not become a true God, nor would he hope that the original universe would be destroyed.

"Since you insist." The old ancestors looked at Luo Feng under the Great Hall. "Although the requirements are very demanding, as long as the galactic lord really kills all the beasts and does not let the original universe be invaded, the original will promise not only to release the original ancestor. I also promised your request. Of course, the request must be fulfilled at the end of this reincarnation era."

"Everything that the source will promise, since it is bound by the law of operation, will not deceive." The old ancestors said.

The sound spread, faintly inexplicable ancient waves spread, covering the entire hall, naturally spread to Luo Feng.

"I believe." Luo Feng nodded.


In the three major reincarnation eras of the universe, it is necessary to choose a pioneer. It is extremely dangerous to go to the beast nest. It is naturally a lot of skin. Why do you have to go to me? Why can't he go? I am the hope of my family. Once I fell, my entire ethnic group was finished.

Internal discussions, compromises, etc., fear that it will take years or even longer to finalize.

This is also expected in Luo Feng, and compared to the trillions of dollars, the years are too short, not urgent.


When discussing the election within the universe, the beast "Morosa" has quietly emerged from the peak.


"This is chaotic airflow."

"In the nest, there is no such ample chaotic airflow, everywhere." A tall, golden body with a tail, standing in the chaotic airflow, wearing a layer of quaint armor, body lines Perfect, his two **** eyes sparkled with fierce light.

The beasts look around, its form at the moment is a common form of the universe of the sea, and has a divine spirit, at first glance it will be considered a strong family of the universe.

"call out!"

The beast opened his mouth and swallowed it, and suddenly a lot of chaotic airflow rushed into his mouth. For a time, it seemed to be turned into a black hole. A lot of chaotic airflow poured in, and it was almost swallowed for about a day before it finally stopped. under.

"It's really comfortable. Although it doesn't have the feeling of ingesting other guys as soon as possible, at least, you can swallow it at any time." The beast Morosa is very satisfied, even though there is chaotic airflow in the peak, but it is thin to almost ignored. To the point, "just swallow this chaotic airflow, and the strength is too slow."


The world's beast, Morosa, took a step and started the ultra-long-distance teleportation. He wandered around the cosmic sea. It had the cosmic charts provided by the kings of Zhenjia and Yanyan, and naturally they were not afraid of getting lost. And each of them has a very strong sense between each of the beasts, even if lost, can find other beasts.


Wandering in the cosmic sea, half a month later.

The golden and powerful beast of Morosa, his tail swaying, standing in the void, watching the huge small universe in front. How big is the entire small universe reaching 100 million light years?

"Hey, hey..."

"Too, too, it's so delicious." The **** eyes of the singer Morosa were full of blazing madness, staring at the small universe in the distance, its tail madly swaying, apparently in extreme excitement.

"I can sense the cosmic origin of this small universe! What a delicious taste, just let me tremble with the induction..." The singer Morosa was so excited, it once swallowed other beasts, it can be said that Absolutely the ultimate enjoyment. However, at this moment, it is difficult to control itself by sensing the ‘tasty breath’ that is emitted from the small universe.

This is absolutely no less than the fascinating enjoyment of other beasts.



The beast of Morrowa was screaming in his heart, but its wisdom held back everything.

"The original small universe turned out to be such delicious. According to the two servants, there are many small universes in the universe, as well as the Holy Earth universe, and the original universe. I am still weak now! The original resistance of the small universe. The weakest force, I swallowed the fastest. To devour the Holy Earth universe... Estimated to be much slower, the most primitive of the original universe is estimated to be the slowest. But the origin of the original universe is the most endless."

"This small universe in front of you, um, according to the map of the universe, is a very small universe of the true **** of the first round of the era."

"The most threatening is the lord of the Galaxy."

"As for this true god? It's very ordinary. Just take it as my first food."

The realm Morosa thought about it, and felt that the owner of the small universe in front of him should be a soft persimmon, so he decided... to start eating.


The first chapter today! (To be continued...)

Read The Duke's Passion