MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 8 Why is the tent swaying like this?

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"You..." Shen Ruoqing raised her hand weakly and pointed in Su Yangyang's direction.

Su Yangyang raised her eyebrows, as if waiting for her next words.

However, before Shen Ruoqing could say anything, she fainted in pain.

"Quick! Get the people out! Helicopter! Quickly let the helicopter come over!" Director Liu shouted.

Soon, Shen Ruoqing was sent out.

Everyone and the barrage were talking a lot, looking in Su Yangyang's direction intentionally or unintentionally.

"Just now Shen Ruoqing pointed at Su Yangyang at the end, what did she want to say?"

"No matter what she wants to say, it's definitely not a good thing."

[It must have something to do with Su Yangyang! 】

[It was Su Yangyang who poisoned Shen Ruoqing! 】

[No, to be fair, Su Yangyang is indeed annoying, but she is always in front of the camera, so she can't just raise her hand with Shen Ruoqing, and say she did it? 】

[Yes, Su Yangyang has no chance to do this]

[If you have time to discuss here, why not wait for Shen Ruoqing to wake up, then the truth will be revealed]


Su Yangyang was calm and did not even change his expression.

Xiao He moved his lips, just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by a look from Bo Silin.

He had to endure it.

Liu Daogui said: "Everyone, rest in place, today's hard work! We have sent Miss Shen out to take a good rest, and when her body recovers, she will choose whether to return to the deserted island according to her personal will."

Seeing that the excitement was over, everyone returned to their camp one by one.

At this moment, the barrage began to boil.

For no other reason, even Xiao He was looking at the tent behind him.

——Finally, this part is reached.

What Sister Yang said just now is still vivid in her mind, let Brother Rin sleep with her!

Shouldn't it really be...

"Okay, go to sleep." Su Yangyang raised the firewood in his hand and raised his chin at Bo Silin.

Xiao He: ! ! !


Before he could open his mouth to beg for mercy, he saw Su Yangyang grabbing the corner of Bo Silin's clothes and dragging him into the tent in front of him!

【Fucking trough lying trough lying trough】

[Will it be a little too exciting tonight! 】

[In this show, the most common thing in the barrage is the trough]

[Housing management, take care of it! 】

[What the hell, my family is going to sleep with Muqiu? ? 】

[Chong, I only have one word left, Chong! 】

[Following Su Yangyang's Weibo! ! 】

As Su Yangyang's Weibo was rushed to the top of the real-time hot list, the top five hot searches on the Internet were all occupied by Su Yangyang.

#Su Yangyang asked Bo Silin to sleep with her

#Su Yangyang poisoned

#shen ruoqing poisoning

#Su Yangyang shadow emperor CP feeling

#Suyangyang roasted rabbit same style get

Many merchants took the opportunity to start selling "the same style of roasted rabbit as Su Yangyang".

Don't look at the barrage of scolding, but the sales of roasted rabbits also began to climb in a certain orange software, becoming the most searched product that night.


Shen Ruoqing was directly sent for gastric lavage.

Before falling into a coma, the last sentence she said was "Notify Su Ling".

At the same time, the major agents guarding the screen began to inquire about Su Yangyang's contact information.

A certain director was watching the replay of eating barbecue, squinting his eyes and tsk tsk in admiration.

"It's like a movie face. There are stories written on the face. If you play with Bo Silin, it will definitely explode!"

"Go, get in touch to see when Su Yangyang's agency will terminate the contract! You must contact me immediately! I'm going to appoint this person!"

"But director, isn't there a lot of bad reviews right now?" the assistant asked hesitantly.

"What do you know!" the director said, "Black shows that there is still traffic. As for how to turn it over, it all depends on the operation! If you are a fool, you will really not be able to turn it over!"

"Okay, I'll get in touch now!"


Desert Island.

The client Su Yangyang did not know that he had caused a frenzy.

She is sitting in the tent, the space is very small, after getting in, it can only accommodate two people, sitting opposite each other at a very ambiguous distance.

Outside the tent, two figures were reflected.

[Fuck! ! My stern! ! How can you be in a tent with bad women! ! 】

[No, the **** woman's hand seems to be reaching out to Rin Rin? ? 】

[Upstairs, the perspective eye is level 10, I know. 】

Inside the tent, Su Yangyang really stretched out his hand.

The second she came in, she grabbed the corner of Bo Silin's clothes with her knuckles and slammed it fiercely!

However, in the next second, Bo Silin grabbed her wrist and used some strength.

The pale face was somewhat unpredictable cold in the faint moonlight.

"Captain, what is this?"

Bo Silin's eyes slowly moved down and settled on Su Yangyang's hand.

——The slender knuckles were holding a mass of herbs, and the green juice was slowly seeping out.

Indeed it is medicine.

He didn't guess wrong.

He raised his eyes with a smile, and his knuckles even rubbed between her wrists, but the hidden strength was just waiting to be released, and there was an endless coldness beneath the smile.

"This is something useful to you."

Su Yangyang answered directly, reaching out to lift his clothes again.

The next second, Bo Silin got up and grabbed her knuckles!

Su Yangyang frowned and immediately went to block.

However, this body was too weak, and after all, it was not as strong as Bo Silin's, and he was actually pulled to a stagger, so he rushed forward.

Bo Silin turned her around again and bullied her up.

His hands were also caught by him and pressed on top of his head.

The sound of gasping suddenly overflowed, and the two pairs of eyes met.

One pair was cold and the other was clear, and they looked at each other.

"Useful?" The hoarse voice rose, "It's convenient to tell me, is it the specific use?"

At this moment, the barrage was about to explode.

[Aaaaaaah, why is this tent swaying like this! ! ! 】

[What are you doing in there! what to do! ! ! 】

[Rin Mom is here! Don't be afraid! 】

[Su Yangyang I ******]

[Although, this woman has done something that I have never dared to do in my life! 】

[What the **** happened, the program team sent someone in! Do you really care about such a big movement? 】

Inside the tent.

Su Yangyang was firmly restrained, and his eyes immediately followed Bo Silin's chest and walked down.

First, he looked at the collarbone with his open neckline, and then the looming abdominal muscles...

She was thoughtful.

Bo Silin's skills just now were not ordinary at all.

Did you practice?

"Captain, why didn't you speak?" Bo Sirin's voice brought her back to her senses.

Su Yang frowned, "This is medicine."

"I know." He rubbed her hand, "It's hard for you to hide it for so long that you're willing to take it out."

With this evidence, he can directly drive Su Yangyang out of the island.

Next, I don't have to face this woman all the time, it's a lot more comfortable.

"What are you hiding?" Su Yangyang frowned, "This is just picked, very fresh."

Bo Silin narrowed his eyes.

How dare you admit it so generously?

"Do you still want to apply medicine?" Su Yangyang turned his fingers impatiently, "If you don't apply medicine to your wound, it will affect the progress of the team's work."


Bo Silin's movements were stagnant.

The two stared at each other for ten seconds.

"This medicine is..."

"Herbal medicines are very effective in treating bruises."


Read The Duke's Passion