MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 448 It's not an accident, it's murder

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He gritted his teeth and stared at Bo Silin.

"you you…"

"It hurts?" Bo Silin lowered his voice, "but she won't be able to treat you until the day after tomorrow."

Just now, Su Yangyang had sent Xiao He to the door to inform him of the things that could be cured.

Only then did Qi Yang regain his strength.

"The day after tomorrow? Why the day after tomorrow?!" Qi Yang said immediately, "Isn't it tomorrow? Could there be someone ahead of me?!"

He does not mean that.

Bo Sirin was sturdy and stabbed again.

The so-called damage to the enemy 100, self-destruction 8,000.

I'm afraid that is the case.

He turned away.

Qi Yang was still talking behind him: "No way! There are so many injured men in this world? And why is Yangyang willing to treat him? Still ahead of me?! Secretary! Oh no... The secretary didn't follow! Brother!"

He grabbed Qi Cheng.

Half of Qi Cheng's face was flushed, and he lowered his head and did not speak.

Knowing the truth, he lived a hard life.

"You know if it is!" Qi Yang immediately narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, Yangyang has already walked 200 meters." Bo Xi said coolly from the side.

Qi Yang was shocked, and immediately shouted, "Wait for me! This **** plateau, I'm about to lack oxygen! My head is about to explode! I'm still injured! Ouch, ooh..."

["I'm still hurting below"]

[Brother Lin has used this method for 800 times, and it is more high-end than you, forget it]

[For a while, I don't know whether to pretend to wipe tears for this brother, or just follow my heart and laugh directly? 】

[On Yong, he is the first]

[Does anyone go up to remind that this is a live broadcast, just one sentence? 】

Ahead, Su Yangyang still has one kilometer to go according to the target point.

She waved, signaling everyone to rest.

The crowd sat down.

Xiao He suddenly laughed.

"Sister Yang, don't we look like we're on an island?" He said, picking off the herbs in the bushes, "I remember that Sister Yang taught me to identify this herb, and I mentioned it at the time, only on the plateau. Only."

Su Yangyang hooked his lips, "Yes."

Xiao He immediately flew past Qi Yang proudly.

Qi Yang sneered: "What's so amazing!"

"It's nothing." Bo Silin leaned on Su Yangyang's shoulder.

The ultraviolet rays shone on his skin, and Su Yangyang picked off a leaf and blocked it for him, "It's just a trivial memory we had together."

"Yeah." Tian Tian replied, "It's just to get the love and care of Sister Yang."

Qiao Hefeng: "Brother Lin just got the kiss of Sister Yang!"

"There is a more profound physical communication, oh... I don't dare to broadcast it!"

Qi Yang: ! !

"You!" he gritted his teeth, "dirty!"

"Understandable." The strong man who had been silent for a while also said lightly, "Those who can't eat grapes usually say that the grapes are sour."

Qi Yang: "…"

K, O.

[Let go of the child, the child has never seen this scene, the child is afraid]

[The child's hook has just been injured, and his face is still white! 】

[If you really have compassion, can you stop going to the square to discuss topics? The topic "Qiyang Gou Gou was shot with an arrow" has already reached the number one trending search! 】

Su Yangyang laughed.

Not stopped at all, let them play.

However, just as the laughter of Xiao He and others became more and more unbridled, there was a sudden movement in the grass.


Su Yangyang got up.

The shadows on the opposite side flicker!

She was about to make a move, one step too late.


Screams suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned around in an instant!

She saw Su Ling's feet dragged on the ground, and the knife was already hanging on her neck, pressing it hard.

Behind it is the masked man who fell off the cliff!

"Don't move!" The masked man opened his mouth and made a hoarse voice.

The tip of the knife immediately advanced one point inward.

Su Ling was in pain.

The blood leaked out directly!

She gritted her teeth.

【? ? ? ? Brother, you are not acting, are you? ? ? 】

【This? ? ? ? ? 】

[Directly kidnapped? ! 】

Su Yangyang looked at the masked man and glanced around again.

When I was searching the mountain just now, the place where the masked man was locked was obviously still far from here.

She also didn't find other creatures, that is to say, the person behind it deliberately changed the location, this is a game.

But why arrest Su Ling?

Soon, Su Yangyang understood.

Except for Qi Yang, everyone here has the power of one blow, and only Su Ling is the weakest.

But when Qi Yang was caught, he might not be threatening at all.

In other words, the other party has something to draw.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Su Yangyang said.

"Take your hand in exchange." The masked man said hoarsely, "You know what to do."

Su Yangyang's face darkened slightly.

For a moment, she had sensed it.

She is not talking to this masked person, but to "that person".

"Come on!" the masked man said, "I count to five."



Su Ling screamed and panicked, "Don't kill me! Sister save me!"

However, the way she looked at Su Yangyang was firm.

At the same time, the fingers and Su Yangyang made a pose.

The tacit understanding between the two reached its peak at one point in time!



As soon as the words fell, Su Ling suddenly turned around!

She broke off the tip of the knife with her hands!

The masked man didn't expect Su Ling to fight back, and he still used his arm to block it!

The tip of the knife immediately scratched on her wrist!

Blood spurted out!

The barrage suddenly became a group!

At the same time, Su Yangyang turned off the signal, and Xiujian followed closely.


An arrow pierced through the eyes of the masked man.

Another silent drift.

Su Ling's body softened.

He was immediately embraced by Su Yangyang.

"Don't get dizzy." Su Yangyang turned his head and said, "Xiao He, come and bandage!"

"it is good!"

Xiao He rushed forward, immediately took the gauze in Su Yangyang's hand, and wrapped Su Ling's wrist.

But the blood was still leaking out.

"It hurts to death." Su Ling drilled his head into Su Yangyang's arms.

Bo Silin rolled his eyes.

For the sake of her arterial Forget it.

Su Yangyang picked up the person, "Rinlin, contact the helicopter."

Bo Sirin picked up the phone.

At the same time, in addition to the scene of scattering the masked man just now, the scenes of the masked man being held hostage and Su Ling injured have already been broadcasted to all parts of the country.

The helicopter arrived on the scene five minutes later.

Su Yangyang turned to face the drone.

"I hope to give the audience some explanation for the behavior of the show team today. This is not an accident, this is murder."

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd was boiling!

Numerous netizens denounced it.

The program official has fallen for a while!

Qiu Ye also took someone to the surveillance room to meet Z.

Z looked pale.

These masked people have done things very well before! No clues will be revealed in the monitoring at all!

Why did it fail this time!

How does this make him explain to the audience? !

Qiu Ye sneered.

"Mr. Z, right? Come on, let's talk about our country's players who were brutally hijacked by your country's players and tried to hurt them."

He sat down slowly.

Z bit his lip.

I have long heard that this Qiu Ye is not easy to deal with!

He was holding the handle, and even if he didn't die, he had to peel off the skin!

Z sat down, barely calming himself.

"Go ahead," he said.

Five minutes later, Z went limp and walked out of the room.

Qiu Ye followed with a face full of spring breeze.

In front of Z, he directly made a phone call to the people under him.

"Get ready, the rules of the next show will be arranged by us at our sole discretion. Yes... It's not that they finally want to be ashamed, it's that they don't dare to be shameless anymore. The location can be directly set at our convenient place, yes, yes... choose a few. A plan that is beneficial to us, don't worry, the time is up to us."


(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion