MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 426 Fans go to war, militarized management

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Bo Silin's eyes swept along the trajectory of Lin Yan's movements throughout the day, and finally settled on a line of words—

At 21:29 in the evening, Lin Yan sent a work email to the investor's company, and the email information can be found.

This is the last message of Lin Yan's trajectory.

"His time of death was nine-thirty, right?"

Su Yangyang called up the information and glanced at it, "Yes."

Bo Sirin took out his phone and opened the memo.

[Lin Yan heard the footsteps behind him, and turned to look with joy. However, before seeing the face, the neck suddenly tightened! He fell to the ground, not breathing. Police entered and exited the hotel where he was staying and were convicted of hanging. 】

"Sure enough, I remember correctly."

Bo Sirin pointed to the location on the memo and tapped twice—


"The police went in and out of the hotel where he was staying and decided to hang himself..."

Su Yangyang stopped.

She turned to look at the death records again.

It's impossible to go wrong with the biography, it says "hotel".

But the last place Lin Yan went in and out was the company.

In other words, he died in the hotel the second he left the company?

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with this information?" Su Yangyang asked.

"No." Bo Silin said, "I asked Xiao He to check the surveillance. If you are not sure, you can ask in detail when you go back."

A hotel, a company, is simply a big bug.

Su Yangyang pushed the document and leaned on the seat.

"If there is nothing wrong with this document, there is only one possibility left."

She met Bo Silin's eyes.

Bo Sirin answered: "Someone directly decided his death."

At the moment of leaving the company, the end of his life was set.

But this ending is very hasty.

This manipulator doesn't even have the mind to fix bugs, it's like making a random decision.

The plane lands.

Su Yangyang entered Bo's house and found Xiao He immediately.

"I'm sure, the surveillance I saw with my own eyes!" Xiao He said, "But it's strange. After he left the company, the surveillance was gone. The police over there said that this surveillance is like this, and it only records these time periods."

Xiao He shrugged, "But how can the monitoring record a fixed period of time? It's probably fooling me. We can only get this information. Sister Yang, is something wrong?"

"It's okay." Su Yangyang said, "Let's go play."

Xiao He immediately went to find Qiao Hefeng.

Halfway through, I turned around and said, "By the way, Sister Yang, the official program team has issued a notice that tomorrow will start a week's selection in the whole of China!"

"We will go to the competition by ourselves, and we will definitely make it! You wait for our good news!"

Su Yangyang glanced at him.

Then he turned his head and said to Bo Silin, "Find a few capable ones and put them in for the competition."

Xiao He: ? ? ?


"Sister Yang!" He trembled, "You don't believe us!"

"Yeah." Su Yangyang said, "Any Murray can knock you down, how can you believe it?"

Xiao He: ! !

"Of course, looking for someone is just in case." Su Yangyang reluctantly reassured him, "What can do it?"

"Ah!" Xiao He howled dryly and rushed into the yard.

He will tell everyone the grievance he suffered just now.

Soon, there were screams one after another in the yard.

Su Yangyang smiled lowly.

The phone rang suddenly.

She picked up the phone and saw that it was a WeChat message friend request.

【I am your new agent. 】

After Su Yangyang clicked to pass, the other party quickly sent a message.

Agent: "Hello, Miss Su, I just arrived in China, and I picked up a scene for you. I hope I will be on the crew on time tomorrow. There are only a few lines, the script has been sent to you, and the characters are closer to you, so you can think about it a little tonight. Just memorize the words."

Su Yangyang raised his eyebrows.

She is worrying about how to pass the time this week, and filming and broadcasting is more conducive to the collection of shock values.

There is more than one way, this is a way.

So, she gave an ok gesture back, indicating that she had received it.

On the other side, Xiao He also found an opportunity to approach Bo Silin.

"Is there an emotional scene?" Bo Silin narrowed his eyes.

Xiao He nodded frantically, "Yes! I arrived in the lobby. The new agent that Sister Xi arranged for Sister Yang is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Wouldn't she want Sister Yang to enter the entertainment industry in one fell swoop? I actually gave it to her. There are scenes with emotional scenes! Isn't this pure looking for trouble? Now who doesn't know about Sister Yang and you..."

"Schedule me one of her rival scenes." Bo Silin said directly.

"Ah?" Xiao He was stunned, "But this script has only one male character..."


The next day, the housekeeper sent Su Yangyang to the crew.

Before leaving, he handed Su Yangyang a package.

"The old man cleaned up in the morning. There are things you like to eat, snacks and drinks, as well as a box of sweet and sour pork ribs. If you are hungry at noon, call me and I will bring the cook here!"

"Okay." Su Yangyang nodded, pushed the door and got out of the car.

"There's more!" The butler handed out the water bottle again, "Don't just drink drinks, the water bottle is here, and the paper towel is under the water bottle."

He paused for a while, but was still uneasy, "Newcomers entering the circle will inevitably be excluded. If someone bullies you, you will use the name of the Bo family to crush them to death! Remember!"

"Bullying?" Su Yangyang turned to look at him.

The housekeeper clearly saw the murderous intent rising in her eyes.


excuse me.

Think too much.

Su Yangyang happily hugged her snack box and went down.

As soon as his feet landed, there was a sudden scream from the surroundings!

"Sister Yang!! It's really Sister Yang!"

"God, it's not worth it I came to line up at five in the morning!"

The crowd rushed towards her directly.

Su Yangyang dodged, a little stunned.

"Don't scare Sister Yang!" Someone quickly came out to maintain discipline, "Collect Yang fans!"


After the thunderous cries passed.

Everyone lined up.

They were all wearing family portrait support T-shirts, and they looked at Su Yangyang with bright eyes.

Everyone else passing by in the film and television city whispered.

"Who is that?"

"Su Yangyang! Don't you know?"

"Su Yangyang, I know, what do I mean by that team?"

"It's her fan group. I heard that her fan group is all managed militarily, and it's awesome!"

Su Yangyang stayed where he was.

The little girl who walked in the front came up, with a petite body and double ponytails.

She received a circle of gifts and stuffed them into Su Yangyang's hands.

"Sister Yang, we are all here waiting for you! You have to be happy with Brother Lin for a long time and keep going like this! We love you so much!"

Su Yangyang stared at the thing in his arms.

There are food, snacks, letters, and dolls.

Some images suddenly popped into her mind.

"Your Majesty has returned to the city—"

"Hurry up, Erya, her mother, take out the egg basket! Send it to the marching team!"

"Let's send the steamed corn cakes too!"

Every year, the victory of returning to the is empty.

Like snowflakes, things flew towards them.

People in the procession kept raising their children above their heads.

"Son, do you see it! That is our majesty! It is our god! Do you see it?"

"Because of her, our family of three can only be members!"

The child moved his arms and babbled.

The smiles and glory on their faces, just like this moment.

Babies don't wait for me! There are three more chapters tonight~

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