MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 421 Mad woman, here she comes

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The man retreated with a single blow, directly drowning in the crowd!

Su Yangyang's face suddenly sank.

【Depend on! ! Sharp hands! ! 】

[Why is the mother so cheap? Black hand can play, right? 】

"That's it!" Z stood up excitedly, "Photography, close-up! Take a photo of Bo Silin's arm!"

The screen in front of you instantly zoomed in!

Bo Silin's arm was completely exposed in the camera.

Immediately, Z's brows furrowed.

In the picture, although Bo Silin's arm hangs down abnormally, he is still wearing sunscreen sleeves.

And take a picture of the inside of the arm.

Thin home.

The roar of scolding exploded throughout the film and television room.

"This dog thing!"

"Which one did it just now?! You are so powerful? And Brother Lin clearly escaped, why do you feel that the picture is so strange!"

Xiao He slapped in front of the computer.

Adjust the screen just now, and play it slowly.

I saw the man wearing the mask rushing forward at an extremely strange speed.

Then Yina slowly opened her mouth, and obviously roared, Bo Silin's response was very quick, the first room stepped back, originally caught by the man, but after this, the picture suddenly blurred.

When it reappeared, the masked man caught Bo Silin!

"Wait!" Joe Hefeng yelled, "Right! Several frames dropped in the middle!"

"Fall." Xiao He calmly analyzed, "Brother Lin took a step back at this time, but this person suddenly advanced."

The video plays repeatedly.

"Flicker? At least one meter away from Brother Rin! How did it go!" Tian Tian asked.

Xiao He shook his head, "I know."

"Save it first." Behind him, Bo Xi's voice sounded, "Let's look at it twice."

"it is good!"

In front of the birch forest, Su Yangyang had already held Bo Silin's hand.

"Give it up, it will hurt a bit."

She had a cold face and a low voice.

Once Bo Silin almost showed her transparent arm in public, she paid attention.

In front of the door, let Bo Silin put ice sleeves inside in advance.

At this moment, only one arm can be seen bent strangely, looking inside.

That person just now was strange and deliberately aimed at Bo Sirin.

Hit the arm to expose the mind!

Su Yangyang's face became more and more gloomy.

"Okay." Bo Silin's injured hand held her arm and gently comforted her.

Su Yangyang used force in his hand and quickly picked it up!

The cold sweat on Bo Silin's head instantly disappeared.

But with a faint smile on his face.


Seeing this expression, Su Yangyang was inexplicably tensed.

But at the moment, he was still angry, and his blood vessels roared and boiled, almost rushing.

"Can you move?" Su Yangyang asked.


"Okay, rest by the side."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and broke the red ball on her chest.

Another pair of jade-like knuckles pressed down.

"Together." He looked up at her.

Su Yangyang met the amber pupils, his eyes slowly relieved, and then insisted.

The two stood up one after the other.

The members of the rat group were silent.

On the opposite side, Darren has grabbed a few clothes.

Several people grinned and whistled and screamed at them.

"Yo! The arm is dislocated? It's so fragile?" Darren deliberately swung his hand around, "Can it be broken with a light touch? Oh, I said earlier, we just touched it!"

"Looking at women blocking the front, Chinese men are just like this? Tsk tsk tsk!"

【? 】

[Damn, I am so angry that I see it]

【What big

Provide you with the fastest update of "Survival in the Wild: The Best Actor Sitting in My Arms Crying" by the great **** bald captain!

Chapter 421 This female lunatic, she is here Free read: https://,!

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【Is it so difficult to admit that you are weak? Using the means, can Sister Weyang and Brother Lin still win? 】

Z also smiled.

After so long, we have managed to pull back a game!

Even if the abnormality of Bo Silin's arm is exposed, the courage of the frustrated people is worth it!

"Don't be too complacent. Take it away." Z, "Darren, in the first stage, lead people to the trap and then do it!"

Darren's laughter was immediately stopped, and he nodded lightly, indicating that he received it.


Su Yangyang just tidyed up a wristband and raised his head.

"Enough talking nonsense?" she. "Enough talk and start."

Darren's face darkened.

Facing Bo Silin's smiling eyes, he was even more angry.

"I'm still laughing now, but it'll be settled in a while! Cherish it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the remaining members of the cat group swarmed!

Su Yangyang sneered, turned around and ran into the tree!

Take advantage of the kick around!

Bang bang bang!

Everyone scattered!

Bo Silin caught it from behind, one, squeezed a ball.

The fit is perfect!

【it is good! ! ! 】

【It’s cool! It’s cool! 】

[Also see that Sister Yang and Brother Rin are so cool! 】

【Where did you just say that you can win with small actions? Look at Daddy's big moves! 】

Su Yangyang finished a batch and fell from the tree.

"What's the size of the masked man just now?" she asked.

"Number 34."

The vengeful Bo Lin gave the answer precisely.

Su Yangyang nodded and searched the crowd.

Target quickly.

No. 34 is standing at the end of a bunch of masked men.

Su Yangyang calmly said, "System, block the signal!"

As soon as the voice fell, she immediately moved!

The whole live room was cut off for a few seconds.

Even the video in the monitoring room was dimmed!

"What's the matter!" Z growled.

The staff was a mess.

Su Yangyang's running speed is strange and fast!

Darren's pupils dilated directly!


She passed directly by her side.

Darren was stunned for a moment and turned his head sharply!

I saw that Su Yangyang knew where he took the half-human-length knife!

It's already over the top!


Darren roared, shocked beyond words, "Get out of the way! She's gone! She's gone!"

This crazy woman! !

Su Yangyang stood in front of No. 34.

Cold eyes collided with each other.

The hilt of the knife is held high, and it is slashed fiercely!


Darren screamed like crazy.


The rest of the cat group turned their heads mechanically.

The screaming continued for two seconds, then stopped abruptly.

Darren gasped, staring straight ahead in shock!

—The place where No. 34 was standing just now is already empty.

There are some powdery things scattered in the air, and they quickly drift away!

people, people?

Darren suspects he's insane!

But just now, I clearly saw a person standing there!

Su Yangyang's knife turned people into powder? !

already? ? !

how can that be!

Su Yangyang moved for a while, withdrew the knife and hooked his lips.

It was exactly as she expected.

These people people.

In other words, the characters who exist in this world.

Like the Mosaic people seen by the seaside, there are the same existences in this world.

But why are these happening?

She's trying to fix the g? Is it also because the current world is stable enough?

Provide you with the fastest update of "Survival in the Wild: The Best Actor Sitting in My Arms Crying" by the great **** bald captain!

Chapter 421 This female lunatic, she is here Free read: https://,!

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She and thinking.

Because at this moment, a hundred masked men turned around in unison.

Directly at her!

Provide you with the fastest update of "Survival in the Wild: The Best Actor Sitting in My Arms Crying" by the great **** bald captain!

Chapter 421 This female lunatic, she is here Free read: https://,!


Read The Duke's Passion