MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 11 The heart is not good, let's plug Q directly

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[Me? ? ? ? ? 】

[What the hell! ! ! ! 】

[May I ask who is the beauty who is chasing the werewolf? ? ? Su Yangyang? ? ? ? 】


[Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast? 】

[Slashing people with a knife, numb, I'm numb]

[How many times does this sister brush my lower limit a day? 】

[Let's just say, if you have a bad heart, you will really be scared to death, Shuan Q]

[Thank you, because of you, the four seasons have been warmed]

[What is she doing, ask if she doesn't understand? 】


When the monitor captured this scene, the entire director team exploded.

"No, this is actually a violation, right?"

The assistant director blurted out. Director Liu frowned and stared at the monitor for a long time before slowly saying, "Our negligence. We never said that we can't tear off the werewolf's brand name."

The point is, they didn't expect that someone would really tear up the werewolf's brand name!

Everyone was silent.

[So, Su Yangyang is really chasing the werewolf? ? ? 】

[Then the series of eliminations just now, could it be that…]

[Su Yangyang was eliminated? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[Actually, this is a loophole in the rules. It is recommended that the program team punish it severely. It is best to clear the dummy out of the program, so as not to look bad! 】

[Help, I kind of like to see what's going on! ! ! ! 】

[Last year, someone also broke the rules of the program group, right? But they just took a small loop, Su Yangyang is good, and immediately eliminated the staff, my mother! ! ! 】

[Kneeling and begging not to eliminate Su Yangyang! I want to see how many weird things this sister can do! 】

[Ah, yes, yes, I wouldn't watch this show without her! 】


The barrage set off an unprecedented upsurge.

The director watched the scrolling screen in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


by the river.

The werewolf had already picked up the walkie-talkie on his chest and said, "Someone help!! I'm by the river!!"

At the same time, the walkie-talkies on all the werewolves rang.

The werewolves looked at each other and acted immediately, running to the river.

Naturally, Su Yangyang heard these words and smiled. There was a bit of tenderness in this smile, "It's just right, I'm still worried that I can't find them."

Bo Silin: "..."

Xiao He: "..."

"Brother Lin, she's so scary..." Xiao He hid behind Bo Silin.

The werewolf had already run to the river, and there was no way to retreat. When he was in a hurry, he glanced at Bo Silin and Xiao He.

There is no other way...

We can only take the actor and Xiao He as hostages!

Su Yangyang cares about the people in her team, as long as she catches them, Su Yangyang will definitely be caught! Otherwise, tonight, their werewolves will be wiped out!

With that in mind, the werewolf stepped forward.

However, before he stretched out his hand, the figure behind him came directly to him like a ghost.

——Su Yangyang didn’t give the werewolf a chance to react at all, so he flew and kicked the werewolf into the river.


The surrounding clouds dispersed, and under the moonlight, the bouncing figure spread out in the air with an incredible arc.

She stepped on the trees by the river, and jumped up under the whirling shadow, her body bent and unfolded, and every line was full of vitality.

Bo Silin turned his head to see this picture, and suddenly felt that the sounds around him were disappearing in an instant.

Two words suddenly appeared in my mind - vigorous.

The face was still expressionless, but every movement was clean and neat, never sloppy, and some undulating lines could be seen in the tense body, graceful with rigidity in the bones, making people unable to take their eyes off.

It cannot be denied that this scene is too beautiful.

He has seen many beautiful figures walking around the building wearing perfume and stepping on high heels. He has also seen women swaying and twisting in the night scene. They advocate sophistication and luxury. The flowers in the office are changed every day, and different clothes are matched with different shoes. Wrap yourself up as a gift waiting to be picked, and wait for someone to call it a beauty.

He knew that by secular standards, that was beautiful.

But I never knew that when a woman kicked someone with her foot, she could be so beautiful.

His thoughts flickered, and he was pulled back by the screams.

"Ah!" shouted the werewolf who was kicked into the water.

Immediately, water splashed everywhere, and after a few seconds, only ripples remained on the lake.

From the receiver came the trembling voice of the program crew.

"Wolf Wolf Man No. 8... Eliminated!"

Bo Silin didn't take back his gaze, and kept staring at Su Yangyang.

The werewolves who had just arrived heard the words, looked at each other, and immediately ran towards Su Yangyang and his party.

"It's her! Come on, brothers!"

The werewolves spontaneously formed a group.

Behind him were dozens of strong men chasing, Su Yangyang's face sank, and he came directly to Bo Silin.

"Eh?" Xiao He was taken aback.

Su Yangyang stepped forward, grabbed Bo Silin and Xiao He with one hand, and jumped!

"Sister Yang! You, you... ah!"

【? ? 】

[What is this woman doing? ? 】

[It's a tropical river that has just rained. It's unknown if there are any dangerous creatures in it! ! 】

[If you don't want to die, then don't lead others to die! 】

[There is definitely something wrong with this woman's mental state! ! ! 】

[O Rin God! 】

[Crazy her! 】

Here, with a plop, a huge splash of water arose.

Since it had just rained and the river was still very fast, Su Yangyang struggled to find his balance, and when he looked to the left, Bo Silin had disappeared!

Su Yangyang's heart sank, and he took a deep breath and went into the water to search. Bo Silin choked on the water and couldn't get up again. He was trying his best to slide up the bottom of the water.

She kicked hard and slid to Bo Silin's side.

Su Yangyang raised his hand and gave him a slap.


But to no avail.

People have begun to lose consciousness.

She frowned, thought for a moment, then wrapped the man's waist into her arms, then lowered her head and covered his lips.

The person below suddenly moved.

She was very skillful in her breathing movements, she poured it in one breath, and Bo Silin opened her eyes directly!

Under the rippling water, light and shadow rise and fall.

He saw her enlarged features, thick eyelashes, and dark eyes.

Bo Silin was clever and struggled for a while, trying to push the person away, but Su Yangyang pressed the back of his head hard, and instead rubbed his lips because of the struggle.

It's more like... a kiss.

So Su Yangyang glared at him fiercely, with three words clearly written on his face—be honest!

Meanwhile, drones hang from the river.

Xiao He and the others are anxiously looking for their presence.

Su Yangyang went upstream to the river while crossing the air.

Bo Silin felt the heat and sweetness from his lips. Seeing that the water was about to break, he heard the sound of the drone, but for a while, he didn't push it away, and instead let Su Yangyang act. .

However, the moment he jumped out of the water, Su Yangyang let go.

"Brother Lin! Sister Yang!" Xiao He shouted excitedly.

The two people on the river were exceptionally clear, the man was pale and vulnerable, the woman hugged the man, her eyes were firm and sharp.

Everyone was speechless.

So **** beautiful!

[Let me say something weakly... these two people, I directly replaced the faces of the hero and heroine of the novel! 】

[Kneeling and begging them to make a drama! ! ! 】

[Why does Su Yangyang look so good after her hair is wet? 】

[Su Yangyang is good-looking in the first place, she made it herself, she has to put some messy make-up on her face, have you forgotten her last hot search on clothes? 】

[One thing to say, this plain face instantly kills 90% of the faces in the entertainment industry...]

[No, don't you think the male and female scripts are reversed? How did we get hugged out? 】

Su Yangyang swam to the shore, Bo Silin leaned "weakly" in her arms.

She waved her hand and directly handed Bo Silin to Xiao He.

Xiao He stretched out his hand to pick it up, Bo Silin stood up straight for a second, and slowly started to organize his clothes.

Xiao He: "..."

He took back his hand embarrassedly, and asked in doubt, "Hey, Brother Lin, why is your mouth bleeding?"

Read The Duke's Passion