MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1274

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But the current situation is really hard to say, no one can say for sure.

First of all, they were not at the scene and could not personally touch the zebu, and they did not know the specific time of its dystocia.

Whether this matter can be solved smoothly is still unknown, and no one dares to draw conclusions now.

The most important thing is that Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are both inexperienced people, this is the most difficult point.

There is no way to ask for help outside the venue, so it can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

No, the word for horse in this word should be changed to the word for ox.

The picture came to Ye Han, who was squatting behind the zebu's **** with a very delicate expression on his face.

A **** smell, as well as a stuffy smell, mixed with strange smells, rushed to the face.

Ye Han almost vomited, and his face turned green.

Next, holding his breath, he began to reach out and pull at the calf with a small section of its body exposed.

He squatted there, fell back, and pulled with force.

But this first time, it didn't move.

By passing the feeling back, Ye Han had a bad premonition in his heart.

It seems that there is something else tangled in it.

And at this time, the cow also let out a faint pained cry.

It can be seen that it has no strength and is in a very poor state.


Su Xiaoqi asked.

After seeing Ye Han pulling for a while, she stopped, squatting there, wondering what she was thinking.

"Looks like that's all it takes."

Ye Han made a decision.

"What's it like?"

Su Xiaoqi didn't know what to do, and continued to ask.

In the live broadcast room, there were already some viewers who successfully guessed Ye Han's intentions.

"Put your hand in!"

Ye Han gritted his teeth and said.

To be honest, he didn't want to do such a thing.

Just the smell in front of him made him very excited, and his eyes were so hot that he was about to cry.

But for now, this is the only way.

Otherwise, it is one corpse and two lives.

"Put your hand in?"

When Su Xiaoqi heard such words, her scalp immediately felt numb.

She didn't even dare to look at it, let alone put her hand in it.

Most people just don't have such courage.

"Then what else can be done, there is no other way."

"I suspect now that there were two calves in the belly of this cow, we saw one, and it was suffocated to death."

"The other one in the stomach, I don't know if it is alive or dead, but it must be connected to the dead calf in some inextricable manner, resulting in a dystocia."

Ye Han expressed his analysis.

In fact, some professionals in the live broadcast room also made such an inference in their hearts.

And in their hearts, they also highly praised Ye Han.

As expected of Ye Han, he was able to make such an inference as a layman.

If nothing else, Ye Han's guess should be the truth.

Next, Ye Han wants to put his hand in, completely relying on his own feeling, to release the entanglement between the two calves, and then pull them out one by one!

It doesn't seem difficult to say, but it is quite difficult to actually operate it.

The hand reached in, but the eyes couldn't see it, and the situation in the uterus of the cow could only be judged by the touch returned by the hands.

It belongs to the blind and touch the elephant!

"Boss, we don't have gloves either."

"So what if you get infected?"

While others were still thinking about the success rate of this matter, Su Xiaoqi was concerned about Ye Han.

Her words made many people react immediately.


This kind of thing is also quite risky!

There are some small wounds on Ye Han's hand, which is inevitable.

No one lives on the island, and it can be said that there are no minor injuries.

I don't know if something has scratched a layer of skin on my hand, and blood comes out, which is almost a commonplace thing.

And such small wounds, in normal times, naturally do not need to be concerned.

But since you want to put your hand in, you have to guard.

It's best to wear medical rubber gloves or something in this case, but where are you going to find this now?


"It's okay, my wound is scabbed over and can't be infected."

"I'll put on another layer of clothes to be more secure."

Ye Han said, took off his clothes, and went naked.

And wrapped a white undershirt around his hands.

Next, Ye Han wiped the sweat from his face again, turned his head to take a deep breath, turned his head, and began to try to put his hand in.


In the current environment, this word used to describe a person's strength has turned into a pun.

Ye Han's hand gradually squeezed in.

Many viewers are a little afraid to watch at this time.

However, even the viewers who dared to continue watching, soon lost sight of it.

Because Ye Han used his right hand, and he wore a live broadcast bracelet on his right hand, as Ye Han gradually went deeper, Ye Han's live broadcast screen turned into a hazy darkness.

It's not the kind of darkness that shuts down the live broadcast, but the kind of darkness that's still live.

Therefore, everyone can only see the scene in front of them clearly through Su Xiaoqi's live broadcast perspective.

Ye Han squatted there, and his entire right hand had already reached in, but it was still not enough.

Go on!

It is best to use both hands at the same time!

During the whole process, Ye Han also kept an eye on the zebu's condition.

Although it is already very weak, lying on the ground silently enduring pain, but with Ye Han's actions, it will still make a sound of pain from time to time.

Everyone is holding a heart, waiting for the result of this matter.

Chapter 1456 The real reason for dystocia

"Be patient, I'm here to save your life."

"So you have to hold back."

Ye Han opened his mouth and said to the zebu.

The big girl mooed aside, as if she was helping Ye Han translate.

Good guy, the big girl became the team's translator.

Next, Ye Han closed his eyes first, and began to **** slowly with his right hand, feeling the situation inside.

Because the hands are wrapped in a layer of clothing, the touch will not be so sensitive.

After groping for a while, Ye Han has almost figured out the situation.

It was exactly as he had guessed.

In the belly of this cow, there are two calves.

In addition, the two calves were located very close together, and the umbilical cords were entangled with each other, forming a more complicated situation, which eventually led to the occurrence of dystocia.

At present, the best and fastest way is, of course, direct surgery.

But there is no doubt that Ye Han has no such conditions.

He could only try to use his own hands to separate the two calves in the belly of the cow, and then pull them out one by one.

It's impossible to pull the two together.


"I already know the general situation. Next, I will also put my left hand in."

"Xiao Qi, pay attention to this cow's condition and calm down."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi was waiting for Ye Han's orders. She wiped Ye Han's sweat first, then walked to the cow's side and touched its head.

In fact, as far as Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are concerned, Su Xiaoqi is more popular with animals.

Except for nine days.

Most of the animals in Ye Han's team were very close to Su Xiaoqi, but Jiutian was arrogant.

But with the passage of time and Su Xiaoqi's care, Jiutian has long accepted Su Xiaoqi and is willing to get close to Su Xiaoqi.

Now that Su Xiaoqi was comforting the poor cow, it gradually became less afraid.

Ye Han stabbed someone just now. Although he has the guarantee of the translator, Da Niu'er, can he not be afraid?

Still afraid.

But after Su Xiaoqi's comfort, the cow was obviously less afraid.

Ye Han also took the opportunity and quickly started to act.

He put both hands in, and began to cooperate, trying to separate the two entangled calves.

First try, failed.

But Ye Han was not discouraged.

He's doing it entirely by feeling, and it's normal to fail ten attempts.

But as long as it succeeds once, the cow will be saved.

Maybe even save a living calf!

Because Ye Han could feel that the calf in his stomach seemed to have a weak heartbeat, and it should not have died. .

But if you continue to procrastinate, you will be dead.

"The situation inside is too complicated. I can't untie the umbilical cord that has been wrapped around several times."

"Just cut it with a knife!"

Read The Duke's Passion