MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1265

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These two guys don't even know each other!

Chapter 1445 The sense of crisis of Ye Han of the Tiger Wolf team

The scene at this time made the audience of Shenzhou Kingdom all breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no conflict between the two sides, and the misunderstandings have been resolved.

Everyone can also see that Sirius and Huzi have already begun to try to contact each other, and they are both smelling each other's body.

One tiger and one wolf sniffed at each other, and finally even started to lick each other.

Lick each other's fur.

Lengfeng Li Guang and Zhang Haoran were also chatting briefly.

From Zhang Haoran's mouth, they learned that Zhang Haoran and Zhu Chuanqi had already broken up!

"I didn't expect Zhu Chuan to be such a person."

Cold wind shook his head.

According to Zhang Haoran's description, he felt that Zhu Chuan was hanging.

"Humph, that Zhu Legend, before the game started, I thought he was not very good, like a parallel importer."

Li Guang said.

He remembered that Zhu Chuan had ridiculed him!

Good guy, it seems that other players have been ridiculed by Zhu Chuan!

What's the situation?

At this time in Zou Ming's house, Zhu Chuan had a wry smile on his face.

He wasn't really a good person in the past.

He became an internet celebrity by using a large number of fake videos of survival in the wilderness. He was so inflated that he didn't pay attention to others at all.

It was almost cold, and he was never ridiculed by him.

Because he did not dare to offend Lengfeng.

And other people, more or less, have been ridiculed by him overtly and secretly.

"Okay, Aguang, don't speak ill of others behind your back."

"What's next? The rules of the game do not allow players to help each other. I think we should just part here."

Leng Feng looked back and saw that the smoke from the fourth base was much smaller.

And at this time, a drop of raindrops drifted from the sky and gradually fell.

"It is going to rain."

"It's all my fault, if it wasn't for me, you might have found a new place to live."

"This house is burning like this, otherwise you can go in now to shelter from the rain, sorry!"

Zhang Haoran apologized again.

Leng Feng and Li Guang waved their hands one after another, indicating that this is nothing.

"It's not that neither of us haven't been exposed to the rain."

"The soldiers of Shenzhou Kingdom, are you still afraid of this?"

They all laughed.

Next, after they said goodbye, they chose two directions and left separately.

The audience in the live broadcast room still felt a little unfulfilled.

"Is this over, I haven't seen enough!"

"Is this the end of the first encounter between our Chinese players?"

"It's gone? It is strongly recommended that the two groups of players can move forward side by side to form a new team. I just thought of the name. It's called Tiger Wolves!"

"What kind of words are these tigers and wolves? Don't think about this kind of thing, it obviously violates the rules."

"To be honest, this is already the best result. Apart from the burning down of the fourth base of the Fengguang CP group, there is no other loss."

"It's gone, it's just the poor Huzi and Sirius, who have just started to be intimate and will be separated."

"If Huzi and Sirius gave birth to a child, what would it be, tiger wolf beast?"

"Do you want to know about reproductive isolation, dear?"


With a lot of discussion, the two groups of players parted ways and went their separate ways.

Neither of them looked back, but the two animals looked back from time to time and called out twice until they couldn't see each other at all.

"Sirius, that is indeed our partner, but now we can't act together."

"When the game is over, I'll take you to find them to play."

Zhang Haoran stopped, squatted down and touched Sirius' head.

He has completely decided.

In any case, I don't want to be separated from Sirius.

After the game, take Sirius away and leave the island!

The situation on Lengfeng's side was similar, and he hugged Huzi.

"Huzi, after a fight with Sirius, did they become good friends?"

"Hahaha, when the game is over, let's play with you!"

"I don't know which of the two of you is more powerful than the military dogs in the army!"

Leng Feng also thought about it, when the time comes, he will take Huzi and return to his former troops to smash the field!

Let Huzi fight with the military dogs there!

His words immediately made the audience all look forward to it, and they really wanted to see this scene.

And the audience suggested that they retire quickly...

At this time, on the Internet, a group of people began to clamor for it.

They said that both the Fengguang CP group and Zhang Haoran violated the rules and should be disqualified from the competition!

"Yo Xi! The two groups of players from Shenzhou Kingdom exchanged a lot of information, which is obviously illegal!"

"Yes, this is an illegal team formation. The program team should announce the results and disqualify them from the competition."

"That's great! These three **** monkeys are no longer qualified to stay on the island!"

"What are these stupid dogs talking about? It looks so annoying, I want to kill them!"

"Brother, the use of this word is very spiritual, and the Chinese characters are broad and profound!".

"What about violating Nima's rules? Who are you with here? Brothers, follow me in charge of the battle, and tear the devil with hands today!"


Immediately scolded online.

However, the program team did receive a large number of reports, basically those who hated China and were reporting crazily.

Regardless of whether he has violated the rules, report it first!

It can be disgusting to China to say less, isn't it?

In fact, according to the meeting and discussion of the justice department of the program group, a conclusion has been reached.

The players on both sides did not violate the rules, and these reports were all invalid.

Soon, the news was announced by the program team.

More hustle and bustle online.

On the island, the two groups of players drifted apart in the rain and embarked on their journey.

The screen came to Ye Han's side, and the current time was the afternoon of the 223rd day.

Ye Han is leading the team on their way to Bisheng Mountain.

Compared with the meeting between the two groups of players on the other side, the live broadcast content on his side is a bit lackluster.

But life is like that, and not every day has a story.

"This trip back to my hometown is still quite rewarding. The scene of the death vortex of the ants is still very spectacular when I think about it now."

"And this incident also tells us that we should not be careless at any time, because accidents may happen at any time."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

At this moment, there was a strong impulse and intuition in his heart.

That is, maybe one day, something big will happen on the island!

This is not an unfounded feeling, because before this, two earthquakes have occurred on the island.

Ye Han believes that there must be a third earthquake, perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow, or some day after, who can say for sure?

There is also that small volcano, which Ye Han has not been to for a long time, and he thinks it might erupt one day.

Don't be careless, be careful!

"There are more than 100 days left in the game!"

"Don't look at the fact that we have a lot of supplies and meat that we can't finish, but if we really want to say it's gone, it'll be gone right away!"

Su Xiaoqi also had a sense of crisis.

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to discuss this issue.

Chapter 1446 Return of the Dead

In fact, many viewers also have this awareness.

In addition, there are those who are engaged in research in this area.

For example, the first-year giant, Ah Le, and their team on the side of Shenzhou Kingdom.

Especially on the first day of the first year, although he said that he has nothing to do with the earthquake research on the island, he believes that the earthquake will definitely continue, and it will be more violent!

And there are people like the cat detective, he thinks more.

Although he didn't know why the earthquake occurred on the island, all kinds of evidence showed that this island was very special and unusual!

"Ye Han is worthy of being the man that my mother likes, he is so thoughtful!"

"It really makes sense. The originally good hometown suddenly encountered an accident like the army ants, and the loss is not small!"

"Who knows which comes first, tomorrow or the accident? The future is full of variables!"

"Maybe one day this island will sink?"

"Let the Neon Country sink first. If this island sinks, then things will happen!"

"It's definitely right to prepare early, and Ye Han's luck is so good, it's been said on the Internet that even if the island blows up, Ye Han won't die!"


In the midst of the audience's discussion, the day came to an end.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi arrived at Bisheng Mountain smoothly, and there was nothing unusual about the wooden house at the foot of the mountain.

They continued to rush to the waterfall view room.

Finally arrived at their destination before dark, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Xiaoqi started to prepare dinner, while Ye Han looked at the situation of sweet potatoes.

Read The Duke's Passion