MTL - Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points-Chapter 1197

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A large number of spectators rubbed their hands excitedly.

And then, they continued to look, and they saw the second message.

Indeed, this is also a big deal!

On the side of Shenzhou Kingdom, a senior psychiatrist and her assistant will be sent to the island, a total of two people, to provide psychological counseling to Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi!

The name of this psychiatrist is naturally relatively unfamiliar to the general public.

But to the insiders, it was a blast!

Arguably the best handful of psychiatrists in the world.

And the most shocking thing is actually her assistant.

Because the names and photos released by the program team showed that this so-called assistant was actually Tian Ai Xiangzhu!

"Shadow, this is definitely shady!"

"What? What happened?"

"Tian Ai Xiangzhu is about to go to the island as a psychiatrist's assistant to provide psychological counseling for Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi?"

"Psychological counseling is fake, is the fan meeting real?"

"Can you go to the island in this way to see Ye Han and Xiao Qi?"

"Haha, I get it! It must be Tian Ai Xiangzhu who sent money to the show team. Isn't she just rich? She also sends hot pot to the show team for free, every day!"

"If you have money, you can send it as you like, it's none of your business!"


At first, the audience thought they were wrong.

Tian Ai Xiangzhu went to the island to provide psychological counseling to Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

How absurd it sounds!

I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to write like this in a novel!

But if you look closely, you are indeed right!

Tian Ai Xiangzhu came to the live broadcast room as a guest, everyone has seen her, and the photos are correct.

She is really going to the island!

If this happens, then she will be the first fan to see Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi on the island!

Many people are mad with jealousy and jealous with envy!

Naturally, some people began to attack Tian Ai incense candles!

At this time, Tianai Xiangzhu also posted a message on the social platform, which was two pictures.

The first one is a long string of text, too long to read.

The second one is actually a qualification certificate for a psychological counselor!

The name and photo above are all hers!

Many people immediately looked back at the text in the first picture.

After watching it, I suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is a monologue of Tian Ai Xiangzhu.

In the past, she had excellent academic performance and had a high probability of being admitted to Qingbei, a top famous school.

In the words of her parents, that is: My daughter, Xiangzhu, has the capital of Qingbei!

However, this sentence also put a lot of pressure on Tian Ai Xiangzhu.

Studying in high school was already hard and stressful, which eventually caused her to suffer from depression!

After seeing this place, many people also think of themselves.

With the development of the times, people's life is getting better and better, and the pressure of students is also increasing!

Various supplementary classes, remedial classes, interest classes, talent classes, etc., etc.

It's like a mountain of mountains, pressing on the shoulders of the children!

Holidays are not yours!

This is also the root cause of many teenagers suffering from depression, and even some students, overheated, go to extremes and choose to commit suicide.

This is not alarmist, but true!

Fortunately, Tian Ai Xiangzhu's heart is still very strong. She actively cooperated with the doctor and received treatment. Now her depression has been cured.

Not only has he founded a brand like Hanqi Hotpot, but he is also preparing to return to school and prepare for the college entrance examination!

In the process of her illness, she has also been studying psychological knowledge, and after recovering, she directly obtained relevant certificates.

Therefore, it is absolutely no problem for her to go to the island as a psychological counselor.

After watching this confession, many viewers' eyes were wet.

"Woooooo, so inspirational, so good to cry!"

"It turns out that Mr. Xiangzhu still has such a past!"

"I also felt that the pressure of studying was too much at the beginning, so I dropped out of school, and now I regret it!"

"I'm a depressed patient, but my parents don't believe me, they say I'm just too lazy to study and my condition is getting worse, what should I do..."

"This issue has been discussed more and more in recent years. Here, I invite parents to pay more attention to the inner world of their children!"

"It doesn't mean that only children with good grades are good children! I am a parent, and I just want my children to be safe, happy, and grow up healthily!"

"I didn't do well in the exam, and my dad beat me and scolded me! I'm going to be depressed if I go on like this!"

"First of all, I send my best wishes to Xiang Zhuju! I myself have a history of depression, and now I have recovered. I also wish all patients a speedy recovery and a normal life!"


This topic has been widely discussed by netizens and has also triggered deep thinking.

Many parents have fallen into contemplation, are they putting too much pressure on their children?

There is nothing wrong with working hard to get into a better university and have a better future.

But don't force your child too hard!

Combining work and rest, and having some degree of relaxation, this is the right way!

"Look at the movie tickets and take the kids to the movies."

"My daughter has been wanting to go to the amusement park, I've been putting it off for months, this weekend, no, I'll take her there tomorrow!"

"So many cram schools and hobby classes cost me so much money, right? The child doesn't like to play the piano, so she won't be allowed to learn, and this hobby class will be cancelled!"

"Last time Nannan failed in the exam, I even scolded him, it's all my fault, I want to apologize to him!"


Ideas like this spring up in the minds of many parents.

At this time, a Bugatti Veyron drove to the Shenzhouguo program group, and the Floating Giant appeared and came to the program group!

On the other side, a helicopter lifted up and rushed to the island.

The two passengers above are the top psychological counselor and Tian Ai Xiangzhu!

Chapter 1368 Psychological counseling

This top psychologist is quite famous in this field and has served high-level figures in the country.

People from all walks of life, if they want to invite her to do psychological counseling, it is not enough to have money.

Instead, it is necessary to get on the line through various relationships, and the conditions are very strict.

But even so, there are still many people rushing to it.

Her name is Susie.

It's still Su Xiaoqi's home!

Susie is a middle-aged woman, but she is very well maintained. She looks like she is in her early twenties, and her skin is white and delicate.

And the most attractive thing about her is that kind of elegant and gentle temperament.

In fact, there are also a lot of boss-level characters who fell in love when they saw her for the first time, and started a crazy pursuit.

But she refused all of them and remained single.

For many people, she is out of reach, far away.

But now, she is very friendly to Tian Ai Incense Candle.

On the helicopter, she chatted with Tian Ai Xiangzhu's hand, like a gentle aunt.

Tian Ai Xiangzhu also felt that chatting with her was very comfortable and relaxing.

Even the feeling of excitement and anxiety has eased a lot.

On the other side, in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Xiao Tuanzi and Duan Xiaomei, the two beauties applauded together!

"Let us welcome the Floating Giant with the warmest applause!"

Man, this is really big!

The two beauties greeted each other, and the Floating Giant walked over in a white suit and waved to everyone, just like the appearance of a star!

This is the Prince Charming that many people dream of!

"Little dumpling, little girl, how are you!"

"Hello, audience members!"

The Floating Giant greeted everyone.

The barrage exploded!

"My Maserati is here!"

"What kind of floating giant is this, this is a million walking!"

"Small, the layout is small, that Maserati is more than one million, but several million!"

"I don't dare to think about winning the grand prize, but in my eyes, Fushengju is equivalent to a hot pot!"

"Hey? What are you talking about? Fushengju even dressed up specially. It can be seen that these eyebrows are painted, and you said he was a hot pot?"

"Shocked! Cannibals were found in a live broadcast room, and they are going to put the giants into the hot pot!"

"The Floating Giant: I'll show you one, stew yourself in an iron pot?"


Fushengju never thought that he was so handsome today, but the audience's mind was all on the prizes!

After looking at the bullet screen, his smile became obviously stiff.

But soon he recovered.

"Cough cough!"

"I'm very happy to be able to come to the live broadcast room today and explain it to everyone."

"Ye Han shot and killed Abigail last night, completely ending the last player in the beautiful country, and kicking the beautiful country off the cliff where the entire army was wiped out.

"But because of this, Ye Han and Xiao Qi also left a psychological shadow, so today the program team invited the internationally renowned psychologist, Mrs. Susie, and her assistant Tian Ai Xiangzhu, to take a helicopter to the island and have a conversation with the two Psychological counseling for players!"

The Floating Giant simply talked about this well-known thing at present.

But it's still cool!

Many popular people in the beautiful country couldn't sleep at all. They originally ran to win the championship, but in the early 200 days, the whole army was wiped out!

Clap, gone!

Read The Duke's Passion