MTL - Super Soldier King-Chapter 8185 trade

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In this way, even the elf fairy, the team that first discovered the source of the Wugou rules, could only watch Ye Qian take away the treasure.

After Ye Qian got the treasure, he didn't linger. He flew towards the exit immediately and wanted to leave this place.

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing this scene, the elf female fairy transmitted the voice for the first time.

"You are not my opponents, I don't want to kill people." Ye Qian responded, unwilling to entangle with these people too much.

The elf fairy and others watched Ye Qian go away, but there was nothing they could do. The other party didn't give them any chance to deal with it.

"Fairy, what should we do?" The companions of the elf and fairy came over, all of them extremely lost.

"Follow up, no matter what, you must get the source power of the Wugou Rule." The elf girl bit her, as if she had made a decision, and then quickly chased after Ye Qian.

"Fairy..." There were companions who wanted to stop him. They didn't forget what Ye Qian said just now. He didn't want to kill people.

It's a pity that Fairy Elf seems to have made up her mind. Instead of obeying the dissuasion of her companions, she chases Ye Qian at a very fast speed.

As for when the others arrived, Ye Qian had disappeared without a trace. Where could there be the shadow of the source power of Wugou's rules?

Ye Qian hurried all the way to the exit of Wugou Space, and naturally noticed that the elf fairy was following him, but he didn't care, and he didn't stop because of it. A mere elf fairy, for him, there will be no trouble at all.

So he didn't stop until Ye Qian left the Wugou space. He wanted to see what the elf fairy who was chasing after him wanted to do. If the other party really didn't know what to do, he would kill him. That is.

The elf fairy came out of the Wugou space, and immediately felt a strong sense of oppression, and immediately saw Ye Qian's icy face, and heard the other side scolding herself: "Do you think I can't kill? Why are you still following me?"

The elf girl heard the words, and hurriedly clasped her fists and saluted, expressing her apology: "This daoist brother, I don't mean to offend, it's just that the power of the source of the innocent rules is used to save my life. Give me a love for the fairyland, and let me bring back the power of the source of the innocent rules, of course, if you have any conditions, just bring it up."

Hearing this, I understood why this person was chasing after him, because he wanted to use the power of the source of the innocent rules to save his life. But he also needs the power of the source of the innocent rules to improve his strength.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you!" Ye Qian didn't want to be troublesome, his time was precious, and he didn't want to spend it on the person in front of him.

"Brother Daoist, please help!" Seeing Ye Qian's unwillingness to agree, the elf girl suddenly knelt in front of him, and Li Hua said with rain: "Brother Daoist, you are only using the power of the source of the innocent rules to improve the strength of your cultivation. , you might as well be a smooth human relationship, can I use another kind of power of the source of the rules to change the line?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Qian couldn't help but feel pity, so he nodded and said, "Okay, if you have the corresponding power of the source of rules, I will exchange it for you."

"Thank you, daoist brother!" The elf fairy did not expect Ye Qian to agree so quickly, and immediately said: "Daoist brother, please wait a moment, I will contact the sect and ask them to send someone to deliver the things as soon as possible. "

Ye Qian was stunned, it turned out that this fairy did not have such a treasure on her body, and she still needed to ask for it from the sect.

"How long will it take?" Ye Qian asked.

"Within a month, it will definitely be delivered to Daoist brother." The elf fairy said with certainty.

"One month?" Ye Qian shook his head and said, "Fairy, I can't wait that long."

Ye Qian is going to the empty fantasy space next. If possible, he hopes that he can rush back to participate in the trip to Xingyuan with his real body, so he really doesn't have time to wait for the other party for a month.

"Brother Dao, what is the urgent matter to deal with?" The elf fairy became anxious again, and finally persuaded the other party to exchange things for things. Unexpectedly, the other party refused to wait even for a month.

"That's right, I need to go to the Illusory Space." Ye Qian didn't hide it. He felt that most of the coordinates of the entrance to the Illusory Space were not secret, even if it was secret.

"In this way, if the Daoist brother does not dislike it, I am willing to accompany the Daoist brother to the empty space." The elf fairy said: "I still know more about the empty space. I have been there many years ago. Moreover, this action, I am willing to help Daoist brother compete for treasures for free."

Ye Qian naturally does not need the help of others, but the other party has been to the illusory space, coupled with her special perception ability, if the other party is really willing to assist her for free, it is not a bad thing.

"Okay!" Ye Qian nodded and said, "What conditions do you have?"

"I hope Brother Daoist can give me the power of the source of Wugou rules first, and let my clansmen take them away to save their lives. Of course, I can swear to Heaven that I will definitely add a source of power of rules to Daoist brother." Fairy Fairy said.

Ye Qian nodded helplessly, since he was moved with compassion, it was not easy for him to reject the other party. Immediately, after the elf fairy took an oath, she handed over the source of the power of the unsullied rule to the other party.

The elf fairy was also full of joy, thanked her repeatedly, and finally asked her companions to come and take the things back to the sect to save their lives.

Until this time, Ye Qian didn't know that the elf fairy's name was 'Huo Ling'er', she was the Nine Realm Immortal Emperor, and her status in the elf celestial realm was no less than his status in the celestial realm. Direct disciple.

At the same time, Ye Qian learned more about the news from the conversation with the elf fairy Huo Linger.

When Huo Linger's companions arrived and took away the source of the power of Wugou's rules, Ye Qian took Huo Linger to the entrance of the empty space.

After entering the illusory space, Ye Qian discovered that this place is completely different from the previous Wugou space. It is like a small closed world. There are indigenous life here, and there are people who are mixed into this world to find the source of the power of the illusory rules. outsider.

"Brother Ye, if you want to find the source of the power of the illusory rules, you must get the approval of someone in this world who has the imprint of the Heavenly Dao. Because only such local powerhouses can help you sense the approximate traces of the source of the power of the illusory rules. ." Huo Linger explained to Ye Qian.

Ye Qian nodded. If he didn't know these circumstances, he might need to waste a lot of time to search here blindly. Now with Huo Linger's introduction, it will be much easier for him to find the power of the illusory rules.

"Okay, everything is up to your arrangement." Ye Qian nodded, and the two immediately disappeared in place, and began to look for someone blessed with the imprint of the Heavenly Dao.