MTL - Super Soldier King-Chapter 7 Man's tears

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In the ward, I saw Han Xue crawling on the edge of the bed, and the book fell to the ground. The old man had a kind face and smiled at Han Xue. Hearing the sound of the door, the old man looked up and found that it was Ye Qian, who made a ban on him.

After seeing Han Xue, Ye Qian agreed, and walked in and crept, gently closed the door and walked to the bed of the old man and said, "Daddy, is it better?"

Nodded, the old man said: "I am fine. Right, Xiao Er, where have you been in the past eight years? Is it okay?"

Ye Qian was silent for a while and said: "Daddy, don't say this, I bought porridge, you can drink it."

The old man knew that Ye Qian was unwilling to mention it, and did not insist on it. He looked at Han Xue, who was asleep, and said: "This child is also a poor child. His parents were killed by a car, but they did not take a penny. Come, say what her parents should pay for the entire car accident, hehe!"

After seeing Han Xue, Ye Qian turned his head and said: "Daddy, I have worked hard for you these years. Since I have already returned, you will not be so hard, so enjoy your old age. Right, big brother, third brother, they Didn't you come back to see you?" Ye Qian said while taking the lunch box out of the plastic bag.

"Yes, it’s just that they are now married. I am also a burden to follow them. Besides, I can’t bear to leave the old neighbors," said the old man.

Ye Qian’s eyes could not help but red, and the parents of the world were poor. Even if they were not born, the old man still did this. No doubt he is the greatest person, at least in the hearts of their orphans. After handing over the lunch box, Ye Qian went on to say: "I will not let you go out any hard work anyway, I will take care of you in the future."

The old man didn't pick up the lunch box and looked at Han Xue. He said, "I still give it to Xiaoxue. I don't have any appetite. This girl didn't eat at night, hey, she thought I didn't know." Then he took a shot of Han Xue. The head whispered: "Little snow, little snow!"

Han Xue slowly woke up and blinked and asked: "Daddy, are you awake? Do you want to drink water? I will give you."

The old man shook his head and said: "No, Xiaoxue, your brother bought a porridge back, you can drink it."

Han Xue only noticed Ye Qian, called a "second brother" and went on to say: "Daddy, I am not hungry, or you eat."

"I bought two copies, one of you, one." Ye Qian said, "Xiaoxue, go back to rest after you finish eating, and I will accompany the old lady at night."

"No, second brother, or I take care of the old lady, go back to rest." Han Xue said.

Ye Qian smiled a little and said: "Stupid, I haven't seen my daddy for eight years. There are a lot of things to say, don't you want to hinder me and my dad?"

Han Xue smiled sweetly and said, "Okay."

After dinner, Han Xue said goodbye to the old man and went out. Ye Qian sent her to the hospital's door. She took two red bulls from her arms and said, "It is not safe at night, you can take a taxi back."

"Two brothers, no, I have money." Han Xue said.

"Stupid, what kind of politeness with the second brother." Ye Qian said with a slight smile, and Han Han said, directly stopped a taxi, put Han Xue into the car, and told the driver to drive back to the shantytown. Looking at the car slowly leaving the hospital, Ye Qian turned and walked toward the ward.

"Small two, I am really fine, no one is going to accompany you, you can go back." The old man saw Ye Qian walked in and said.

Ye Qian smiled slightly and said: "Daddy, our father and son haven't sat together for a long time and have a good chat. It's rare to have this opportunity. Let's talk about it."

"Unfortunately there is no wine." The old man sighed and said.

Ye Qian changed his magic and took a bottle of Erguo from his pocket. The two looked at each other and smiled. Everything was in the air.

Ye Qian didn't know when he was asleep. He chatted with the old lady last night and talked very late. Because the old man is still hurt, so basically, Ye Qian is drinking alone. Ye Qianping’s regular drink volume will not be so bad, but yesterday he was drunk very quickly. Perhaps, the wine is not drunk and everyone is drunk.

When I woke up in the morning, Ye Qian saw that his body was covered with a white doctor, and he couldn't help but squint a little, and I don't know who put it on himself. Looking up at the old man, he was still asleep, Ye Qian smiled a little, stood up and walked out.

After washing, Ye Qian hit a basin of water and walked toward the ward. In the hallway, a nurse came over to himself and went to Ye Qian's side. The nurse stopped and smiled a little. He asked, “Wake up? Did you sleep last night?”

Ye Qian looked at her strangely, and nodded a little, and replied: "Well, sleep well, thank you."

"Can my clothes be returned to me?" said the nurse.

Ye Qian was even more stunned. After a while, I remembered that I really wore a doctor in the morning. Was it said that the nurse was wearing it for himself? Looked at the nurse carefully, the apple face, the skin is white and flawless, a sweet and very pure smile.

Lin is so soft and long, and he has never seen the misery of a man who will cry like Ye Qian. Last night, she went to the ward as usual, and saw Ye Qian and the old man talking while drinking. She was angry and rushed into the sputum, and she was not allowed to drink alcohol in the hospital. However, when she saw Ye Qian crying like a child, her heart suddenly softened, and she did not know why, when she saw Ye Qian’s eyes, she always felt that this man’s heart must have buried a lot of pain, he There must be a lot of stories on the body. Knowing that eavesdropping on others is wrong, Lin softly couldn’t help but listen outside and quietly listening to Ye Qian while he was crying and talking until he fell asleep. Seeing that he was asleep, Lin softly went back to the room and took a doctor's big **** on his body. He looked at his handsome face and was a little intoxicated. When I saw the scar on his face, I couldn’t help but stretch my hand and touch it gently. She is sure that the man in front of him is a man with a story.

Ye Qian returned to God, smiled awkwardly and said: "The clothes are in the ward, wait, I will give it to you."

"I just want to visit the ward, let's go!" Lin said softly.

Ye Qian has never felt the feeling of being cared for and cared for in front of any woman. The fascinating nurse in front of him has made him feel like this. For a time, Ye Qian was a well-behaved child. After a gentle "hmm", followed her to the ward.