MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 567 Unusual upgrade

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"No need, I can still support it!" Zhao Xu gritted his teeth, and he could cover the left leg immediately, and saw the disintegrated flesh and blood began to recover.

However, because the surrounding gravity is so strong that the operation of making the original energy seems to be stuck in a quagmire, Zhao Xu's left leg recovers very slowly.

At this point, he had descended to a point less than three kilometers from the ground of the neutron star, and the gravitational force around it was about to reach the extreme, and not only that, the terrible temperature emanating from the neutron star also caused him serious injury.

The extreme high temperature of tens of millions of degrees, even if Zhao Xu has the protection of the manufacturing energy, the whole body's skin also shows signs of burning, and intense pain penetrates the bone marrow. Zhao Xu has to use the manufacturing energy to treat the painful nerves in his body. All of them were cut off without being dizzy, but even so, the feeling of dizziness in his brain became stronger and stronger.

The descent still didn't stop. Just one kilometer from the ground, Zhao Xu ’s arms were under the pressure of huge gravity, and the “bang” broke apart. Some flesh burst out to create the original protection and was instantly heated by the high temperature. Burned and gone.

700 meters ... 500 meters ... 100 meters ...

When Zhao Xu's body was hit **** the ground, the surrounding gravity finally reached the extreme. I saw that I was trying to repair the body's manufacturing power, but it stopped working momentarily, and then under the pressure of huge gravity, Zhao Asahi's body exploded, and countless flesh and blood were scattered, and then annihilated by the hot heat.

Zhao Xu's body was completely destroyed, leaving only one nail-sized crystal in place. This crystal, which is blue and purple, is the original crystal of Zhao Xu.

The Holy Spirit, who was hiding in hyperspace, was completely stunned at this moment. He had the opportunity to pull Zhao Xu into hyperspace at the last moment, but just when he wanted to make a shot, a weird wave, actually He cut off his ideological connection with Zhao Xu, and imprisoned the space around Zhao Xu.

The Holy Spirit encountered this kind of thing for the first time. The weird wave was able to block the space, so that he could not touch Zhao Xu at all. He could only watch Zhao Xu as a whole, and was crushed to nothing.

No, it wasn't a dead thing, at least one elemental spar remained on the ground.

"Dead? Is it so dead?" The Holy Spirit was stiff, his eyes sorrowful: "No, impossible. If Zhao Xu is dead, why do I still exist?"

Since the integration of each other, the Holy Spirit and Zhao Xu have become shared beings. If one of them dies, the other will die in a short time.

But at this moment, the Holy Spirit didn't feel anything at all. Life passed from his body. Except for being surrounded by the weird waves, he didn't feel anything unusual, that is, Zhao Xu should not have died!


Suddenly, the Holy Spirit's eyes widened in surprise, and he faintly felt that the strange wave that imprisoned the space seemed to come out from the original crystal.

"This ... what the **** is going on?" The Holy Spirit was puzzled.

At this moment, the weird wave suddenly disappeared, and the Holy Spirit felt that he could freely shuttle in the hyperspace again.

Immediately afterwards, the elemental crystal on the ground suddenly flashed a dazzling blue light, and then a brain-shaped purple crystal gradually emerged in the elementary crystal.

"Is it a brain crystal of the super element?" The Holy Spirit opened his mouth in surprise.

The next moment, the brain crystal suddenly exploded and turned into countless purple rays.

These purple rays began to slowly merge into the original energy crystal, and then saw the purple part of the original energy crystal, and began to swallow up the blue part at a steady rate, and the blue in the inner part created the original energy. , Also began to slowly convert to purple.

"Actually started to upgrade? Haha, I knew that for thousands of years, this guy didn't die so easily!" The Holy Spirit yelled when he saw this.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the surrounding hyperspace, and began to shake, and then a force of space suddenly burst out of the hyperspace, pouring into the original crystal.

"This ... I rely on, what is the situation?" The Holy Spirit opened his mouth again in surprise, never thinking that this time the upgrade, the original spar actually began to absorb space power?

By the way, the Zhao Xu in the third universe, the upgraded purple manufacturing power, has the ability to transform a small area.

Is it true of Zhao Xu now?

Did Zhao Xu take such a big risk, but in the end, he still failed to change the direction of upgrading the original energy?

The Holy Spirit was worried, and this was the last thing he wanted to see, but it was obvious that he was more concerned.

Just in a large amount of space power, it started to pour into the original energy spar shortly, and suddenly the original energy spar sent out a strange wave again, and then saw the invisible gravitational force diffused by the entire neutron star and the huge high-temperature energy emitted around it. Began to flood into the original spar.

The Holy Spirit was dumbfounded, and it was really not expected that this would happen: "The super elementary energy, space power, neutron star gravitational force, and high-temperature energy, the original energy spar did not leak, and all began to absorb and devour. I really do n’t know this. After an upgrade, what kind of ability will the purple manufacturing power have? "

He shook his head helplessly. Before the upgrade was completed, nothing was known. He could only wait patiently, but he did not expect that his class was a long seven years.

Previously, each time Zhao Xu's upgrade took not too long, but this time it took a full seven years. It is because of this, that this upgrade of the purple manufacturing power is more and more unusual.

This is indeed the case. At the beginning, the Holy Spirit thought that the primal spar, absorbing space power, neutron star gravity, and so on, were already considered as amazing things, but even more amazing things were still behind.

Two years later, as more and more manufacturing elementary energy was converted into purple, the power of the elementary crystal became stronger and stronger, and finally it fell into the ground and drilled into the center of the neutron star. Began to directly convert and absorb neutron stars.

Since that day, the volume of the neutron star has continued to decrease.

In the third year, a neutron star with a diameter of more than 2,000 meters has directly reduced its volume by one-eighth, and it is clear that the absorption rate of the elemental crystal is accelerating.

In the fifth year, the size of the neutron star has been reduced by half, and the hot temperature and strong gravitational force on its surface are far from the beginning.

And in the seventh year, the entire neutron star was completely swallowed directly, leaving only one in space, which had been completely transformed into a purple primary energy crystal. 2k novel reading network

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