MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 522 One thousand nuclear bombs

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The speed of white light retracting is extremely fast, but it is a little worse than Zhao Xu's full speed flying speed.

It can be seen that this is not real light, but a special energy flow, otherwise it would be impossible for Zhao Xu to catch up with the speed of light.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. Just one kilometer away, Zhao Xu suddenly shot out a manufacturing force and shone straight toward the white light.

As long as the manufacturing power can penetrate white light and touch Kilo, he can directly turn Kilo and the statue into ashes.

But at this time, three white lights hit the moon again. Since the two sides were flying relatively, it was only a few breaths. The three white lights had already come to Zhao Xu.


Zhao Xu's face was dignified, his body continued to shake, and more than thirty afterimages were instantly pulled out.

No, this is not an afterimage, but an entity.

It turned out that Zhao Xu was constantly moving at extremely fast speeds, and every time the movement stopped, he would use the manufacturing power to copy a Terminator robot prototyped by him, and copying it again and again seemed to be because Move too fast, leaving a trail of afterimages.

After more than thirty Terminator robots were manufactured, they immediately greeted the three white lights that were shot, while Zhao Xu himself was directly invisible, then passed around and continued to pursue Kilo.

Zhao Xu didn't expect these Terminator robots to be able to fight the three white lights. His purpose was to just lie to the Titan King and make the Titan King think he was among the more than thirty Terminator robots.

When those three white lights discovered that there were suddenly more than thirty more Zhao Xus, they suddenly stopped. It seemed to be wondering which one was the real one, but ignored the real Zhao Xu, and passed by invisible.

White Light's pause was only a moment, and the next moment it came fiercely again, and the diameter expanded rapidly, covering more than thirty Terminator robots.

The Titan King apparently couldn't determine which one was the real Zhao Xu, so he simply killed everything.

Just as Zhao Xu expected, the Terminator robot was not the opponent of the Titan King. Even if it was just an energy attack from hundreds of kilometers away, it would instantly put all Terminator robots in a dangerous situation. How long will these robots be reduced to ashes.

"The King of Titans is really getting more and more powerful. No, you must take back the statue as soon as possible before he notices me!" Zhao Xu's face was dignified, and he quickly speeded up the speed of flying.

Kilo is getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Zhao Xu once again fires a manufacturing power: "Look, are you still dead this time?"

I saw the brilliant blue making the original energy, instantly penetrated the retracted white light, shrouded in Kilo.

"what happened?"

A strange feeling rose in Kilo's heart, as if something dangerous was approaching.

Suddenly, he looked down and was shocked to find that his body had begun to break down, his hands turned into the most basic particles to dissipate.

"It's Zhao Xu, it's Zhao Xu that is catching up!" Kilo was horrified, and the power of the mind suddenly turned into a roar: "Titan God, save me, please save me, I don't want to die ..."

It's a pity that everything is too late, and his words stop abruptly before he finishes, because the making of energy has been turned to ashes in an instant.

Before his death, his eyes were full of unwillingness. He was not the real Kilo, but was born in a bronze tripod. He possessed intelligent artificial intelligence. He has lived countless years and never thought I will die like this today.

After killing Kilo, Zhao Xu's speed did not decrease, and he was close to the retracted white light, and was ready to rush in to **** the statue back.

But at this moment, a terrifying horror of strength suddenly came, Zhao Xu's consciousness suddenly heard an angry voice echoing: "Zhao Xu, you **** it!"

"The King of Titans?" Zhao Xu was startled, and turned his head to look at the moon.

At this point he had already flown to a place nearly 100 kilometers away from the moon, and he could clearly see that amazing changes were taking place on the moon.

I saw the formation of the moon shaking, and the ground cracked a huge gap. The next moment, huge tree roots across the sky burst out of the cracks, like countless terrible tentacles, and hurried into space. Spreading.

From a distance, the moon at this moment is like an octopus, but there are too many tentacles.

At the same time, the white light that rolled the statue suddenly doubled in speed, and shouted back to the protection of countless tree roots.

"Well, Zhao Xu, don't try to run away today, since you dare to chase here, I will let you bury yourself here!" The anger of the Titan King's anger came again, and then the roots of the trees accelerated the extension again. , Zhao Xu was less than 300 meters away.

"Run? Why should I run? Titan God, I will **** the statue today!" Zhao Xu gritted his teeth, did not retreat, rushed out of the radio, and rushed into the encirclement of numerous tree roots. .

The King of Titans laughed with disdain: "Hahahaha, you are really looking for death. Last time on earth, I had only one tree root. Why can't I, but now I want to see what else can you do?"

"You also know that last time I was on the earth, I was wary of fighting. I could n’t use things that were too powerful, but now that I am in space, I can have no scruples, King Titan, maybe I am now I ca n’t kill you, but you want to block me, but it is also a dream, hahahaha, enjoy the gift I give you! "

Zhao Xu also laughed. The next moment, he was flashing blue light, and quickly covered the range of a kilometer.

It seems that in the blue light, dark green objects appear one after another. If there are people who know the military now, they can see that these objects are all nuclear missiles with large equivalents.

One, two, three ... ten ... fifty ... one hundred ... five hundred ...

In a moment, a whole thousand nuclear missiles appeared around Zhao Xu.

"Hahahaha, King Titan, enjoy it!" Zhao Xu sneered, using the manufacturing energy as an ignition device, and directly activated the booster of all nuclear missiles.

Suddenly, thousands of nuclear missiles burst into flames behind their butts and whistled towards the surrounding tree roots.

At the same time, Zhao Xu shouted in his heart: "Holy spirit, get me out, I don't want to be killed!"

"Understand!" The Holy Spirit immediately turned into a white light, emitted from Zhao Xu's eyebrow, forming a space vortex in front.

Zhao Xu didn't dare to hesitate. As soon as he moved into the space vortex, the space vortex disappeared, and the thousands of nuclear missiles quickly approached the roots of the trees.

"Zhao Xu, asshole, you **** it!"

The Titan King roared angrily. He knew that these nuclear bombs could not kill him, but it was enough to damage him. At this moment, he really wanted to kill Zhao Xu, but Zhao Xu hid in the parallel universe ... 2k Read novel

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