MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 498 Wife's surprise attack

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There was no speech overnight, and everyone got up early in the morning the next morning. Under the guidance of the staff, they went to the restaurant for breakfast. After breakfast, the assessment was started.

In the restaurant, a group of people whispered while having breakfast:

"Hello, have you heard? Our assessment is very strict this time. Don't look at the hundreds of people who participated in the assessment this time, but in the end they can really stay and never exceed twenty!"

"The elimination rate of four-fifths seems really strict!"

"Of course, what is this place? The federal government headquarters, now the core of human power, people without the ability, don't even want to stay!"

"Have you heard one more thing? It is said that it seems like our security department has a new minister today!"

"New Minister? Why, where did the original Minister go and get promoted?"

"Promotion? Hey, tell you, that guy is in jail!"

"What, what happened?"

"Hey, you guys know that the federal government has been tracking down the black market for fortifying drugs, right?"

"Well, know, is it related to this matter?"

"Yes, the investigation team found evidence to prove that the original security minister was involved in this matter, so it has now been quarantined and it is said that the evidence is conclusive!"

"Huh, I can only say that he deserves it, he did such a thing!"

"Just, let's not talk about that guy, let's talk about the new security minister. I heard that it's still a big beauty!"

"No, it's okay for a woman to be the Minister of Security? Wouldn't it be a relationship?"

"Che, this is the head of security at the federal government headquarters. Do you think it's Chinese cabbage? It's still a relationship. If you don't have the ability, no relationship will work!"

"If you say that, it must be a very powerful woman, not to mention a beautiful woman, alas, I'm interested!"

"Where do you go? If you are still interested, even if you pass the assessment, your boss will be your top boss, dare to pay attention to your boss, do you not want to do it well?"

Zhao Xu also met the crowd casually, but said in his heart that the investigation on the strengthening of the medicament seems to be progressing well, and even the dignified security minister was jailed.

But the new beauty minister did not know what it was about? A woman can sit in this position, not only if she has the ability, but also when she comes.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the restaurant, and then Galileo and catkins came in, leading a group of sturdy people in black uniforms. These should be the elderly of the Security Department.

Galileo glanced at everyone with a cold face: "Okay, everyone, your breakfast is over. Come with me to take the assessment now, haha, I hope that a few of you will stay in the end, here, no waste!"

Everyone's chest was stagnant. This guy talked too badly, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Everyone came to apply for a job. In the face of future bosses, they still have to be patient.

Zhao Xu kept his eyes on the beautiful catkin, and wondered when to try the secret sign, but the secret sign was too funny, and it was easy to be treated as a neurosis: "The old bell guy won't be playing me Well, dizzy, no, for your safety, be cautious, you cannot try it easily, so as not to cause people to doubt! "

Everyone got up, followed Galileo and others to a huge stepped conference room, and then took their seats.

Galileo stepped onto the podium, looked at the crowd coldly, and exclaimed: "We are not nonsense, we will prepare for the assessment next. The assessment is divided into two parts, the theoretical knowledge assessment, and the combat ability assessment, but today ’s situation Special, before the assessment, I will introduce someone to you! "

He paused: "I know some of you are well-informed, maybe already. We have a new Minister from the Security Department. Now please wait. Minister Zhao Xue will be here soon to teach you! "

After speaking, he turned away from the podium and stood aside.

Everyone heard the words startled and wanted to see what the legendary beauty minister looked like.

Suddenly, a uniform footstep sounded outside the conference room. The person's footsteps were very rhythmic. The sound of almost every step and the sounding time were exactly the same, showing the strong self-control ability of the footstep master.

Some experienced people were stunned in their hearts, and their faces gradually became more serious. Just from this footstep, they can judge that the person who came is definitely a top fighting expert: "Sure enough, a woman who can come to be a security minister, It's never easy! "

In the eyes everyone expected, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and then an extremely beautiful woman appeared at the door.

A decent white lady's suit, showing the masterful style of the owner, and a black and beautiful long hair, but also capable, let the woman have a softer, this strong contrast, almost at a glance, let People are impressive.

This is an oriental woman. She is tall and looks beautiful. Under her willow leaves, her bright eyes flash with confidence and sharp eyes. Her rosy lips are gorgeous and prickly like roses.

"Dangerous woman!" This was the instinctual thought that rose in the hearts of everyone.

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on the new security minister Zhao Xue, so no one noticed that among them, a guy was stunned, as if he was astonished.

Zhao Xu looked at the woman named Zhao Xue at the door, as if the thunder of five thunder was in her heart, she was thundered outside by Jiao Linen because he knew this woman.

Not only did he know, but he was also very familiar. To be more precise, he and the woman were covered in rain and blankets yesterday.

This woman is actually Qin Yinxue?

Although the looks are different, how can this be hidden from Zhao Xu?

The moment the woman appeared at the door, Zhao Xu saw that the woman was easy to look at, so he immediately scanned the woman with the manufacturing power, and then saw a cheeky face that made him startled.

Now he finally knew why Zhong Zheng had made such a funny password, because there was no such password at all. The so-called password was simply made up temporarily.

Obviously, Qin Yinxue is an agent who cooperates with his own work and connects with his wife. Of course, no secret code is needed.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu remembered yesterday morning why Qin Yinxue said that she would soon work with herself. That was what she meant. She actually sneaked up and attacked herself, and Zhong Zheng apparently knew this already. Already.

"Fuck, you've been caught in the drum!"

Zhao Xu secretly unhappy, staring directly at Qin Yinxue, but seeing Qin Yinxue also came over, seemingly non-smiling, quite fun. 2k novel reading network