MTL - Super Male God System [Fast Wear]-Chapter 424 Extra life

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Generally, after impulsive crimes, people will have some fear and uncontrollable remorse. Of course, the fear is the most. This situation is a person's normal psychological and physical reaction. Some people will vomit nausea after killing, and they will vomit all night Insomnia, after some people conflict with others, they regret it afterwards. This is an example.

As the captain of a criminal police brigade, Captain Fang has seen many criminals. He can clearly distinguish between ordinary people's crimes and high IQ crimes. Although the child in front of him is only 13 years old, he can do this So calm after the tragedy, will such a child be a normal child?

"First of all, I am Fang Gan and the captain of the Interpol Brigade. Can you tell me your name?"

Obviously already know all the information about Xiao Qingrong, at this time Captain Fang still want to listen to Xiao Qingrong himself.

Xiao Qingrong hasn't contacted the police for a long time. Now, re-contacting such people has a different feeling. It is not too offensive. After all, the police are to protect the people and justice.

"I am Xiao Qingrong and I am thirteen."

He made the word 13 years old very clear, so Captain Fang understood Xiao Qingrong's statement and the other party's understanding of his current situation.

The domestic criminal law advocates the protection of juvenile offenders. Generally speaking, offenders over the age of fourteen will be sent to places such as minors, and children without the age of fourteen will be regarded as committing major crimes. There are no penalties, and most of them support education.

Thirteen is really a wonderful age.

Fang Qian's face was a little clear, looking at the person who was extremely relaxed in front of him, completely afraid of the police, and continued to speak.

"Why do you start with your teacher?"

He had some speculation in his heart, but he was not sure, and Xiao Qingrong laughed after hearing this, and his white face was more beautiful.

"Aren't you the police? Go check it, you'll find it anyway."

When Xiao Qingrong finished speaking, he didn't say a word. He just didn't say it. He wanted to see this time. In the face of such a thing, his good parents would choose to tell the truth or continue to lie.

Just a few days before he did this, it was Pei Chunze's first hands on this body. At that time, he told his parents, but unfortunately, the parents always think so rightly, and they do n’t like it at all. Son, they can't avenge such a child.

Since the parents are useless, he naturally has to act on his own.

Fang Qian then asked a few questions, but Xiao Qingrong just kept silent and didn't answer, just smiled. In this laugh, Fang Qian saw taunts and disgust to the world. For a while, he had already prepared questions and asked not Exit, only to let the child take away first.

Almost an hour later, Daxue was still rushing, and the school was also closed. After all, this kind of thing was terrible. In addition, Xiao Qingrong was sent to the police station, and the police station also notified Xiao Qingrong's parents.

Xiao Xiao ’s father, Xiao ’s mother, received aggressive calls from the police. Both men were at work. As a result, they heard that their son was at the police station. They were actually afraid and flinching. They did not like Xiao Qingrong and did not understand it. Actually, I do n’t want to go to the police station. Ordinary people do n’t like to go to the police station?

However, when someone called, they were definitely going, so the two talents were late to the police station.

Captain Fang has sorted out all the confessions. The confessions of all the students present in the first and third grades are thought-provoking. Thinking of a strange family like the Xiao family, just from these children's words, Captain Fang Can be sure.

Xiao Qingrong was not liked in this Xiao family. Compared with his brother Xiao Chengyu in the third grade, I am afraid it exists as a little transparent. It is said that after he came to the first grade, no parents came to give him a parent meeting, but Xiao Chengyu Each time two parents arrived at the scene.

This is no longer an ordinary eccentricity. If you think about it because the family planning was sent to the countryside, Captain Fang feels that this child suddenly had a reason to do something with the teacher. For what reason, further investigation is needed.

"Fang team, Xiao Qingrong's parents are already outside, and the news from the hospital is also here. The information is here. Please take a look."

More than an hour was enough for the hospital to rescue Pei Chunze. Moreover, Xiao Qingrong had no plans to kill Pei Chunze's life, so it was only an hour to deal with these wounds, but it would be dealt with in an hour, but the follow-up problems should be continuously observed.

"Well, you put it here first and make a transcript for their parents, I will pass after reading it."

The police officer was asked to make a transcript first, and Captain Fang got the injury certificate from the hospital, but he just saw it and made him suddenly hesitated.

Victim Pei Chunze suffered huge damage to his left eye, and his eyeball was completely damaged. He must have been rescued. With both hands picking off the tendons on the hands, the technique is skillful. In addition to the simple cut wound on the neck, the small hole on the right directly penetrates the inside of the neck, which may cause the patient to lose sound, but it is just not fatal.

Finally, it is the special part of the victim Pei Chunze. After being stepped on and off by a 13-year-old boy like crazy, it is estimated that it cannot be used in the future. This is a great pain for a man.

Looking at these materials, Captain Fang was silent, and he didn't know what to say for a while. There were all kinds of speculations in his head, but they were all related to the previous speculations. If it was only speculations before, then it is almost confirmed.

And the testimony of those students from the third grade that made Pei Chunze apologize?

This third grade student happened to be taught by Pei Chunze before, so does it mean that there are other victims besides Xiao Qingrong? And Xiao Qingrong's agreement with the so-called someone is to avenge them?

Captain Fang is still thinking about what is going on here, and Father Xiao and Mother Xiao have already faced the police officer.

"Police officer, what happened?"

Mother Xiao was crying, her father Xiao Xiao started to speak, he was so big, and he hadn't been to a police station like this. Suddenly, there was nothing in the heart.

"Don't ask more. I'll ask you anything. I just need to answer my question now."

Based on what information, the interrogated police officer, no matter how stupid, knew that the couple in front of him didn't even care about his child, so he asked coldly.

"Xiao Qingrong is your child?"

The husband and wife were scared by the policeman's frown, but of course they still had to answer.

"Yes, police officer, he is my son. Has he committed anything?"

The couple, who had just been notified by the police, did not know what was going on. They were a little angry and thought that the child had a problem with the fight. Thinking of this, the expressions on their faces were not very good.

"Your son Xiao Qingrong held a teacher at school and caused unavoidable personal injury to his teacher Pei Chunze, so every sentence you say now needs to be carefully considered. During the school, your son and teacher Pei Chunze Is there any friction? "

The police officer continued to ask, and this question directly changed the look of both husband and wife, and then immediately thought of what the child said at night, his face paled for a moment, so that the police officer immediately saw the reaction of the two.

"Say! Did you think of it?"

The couple looked at each other and were very scared when they thought of what happened, but everyone was in the police station, and they couldn't help but tell the truth. In the end, Xiao Father spoke first.

"Sergeant, I haven't heard that my son has a bad relationship with Teacher Pei, but just a week ago, after he went home, he said that Teacher Pei liked men and touched him ..."

The husband and wife of the Xiao family heard this at the time, but the couple did not believe it, because this kind of thing is so funny, you know, Pei Chunze is the teacher of his eldest son. The couple have also met many times. This is a good teacher who is very responsible to the students. How can he like men? Even if people like men, why do they care about their younger son?

"I, I did n’t believe this with him at that time, so I asked my elder son. My elder son was also taught by Mr. Pei, but my elder son said that Mr. Pei is very good, and we have seen Mr. Pei many times before He is very good, I think, is there something wrong with my son? "

Xiao Mu has n’t felt that this is true, but she does n’t think the personal injury should be too severe. After all, the harm that a 13-year-old child can cause to people is still very small. Kind of bored.

When the police officer recorded the two, he knew that his captain's previous guess might be true. Then Pei Chunze might be a pedophile, and he was treated like this to Xiao Qingrong. The police officer continued to ask about this.

Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were uneasy. Under the interrogation of the police officer, they exposed a lot of things. At least in the eyes of the police officer, the couple did not seem to have much affection for Xiao Qingrong. The focus from the beginning to the end was how to solve and hide this. Regardless of Xiao Qingrong's current situation, he even asked about minors hurting others and about prison and compensation.

This is enough proof that the couple really disliked their son Xiao Qingrong.

At the same time, Xiao Chengyu, who finally returned home from school, has almost exploded his mobile phone, because I do n’t know who overheard the police and Xiao Chengyu. Everyone knows this after work. Xiao Qingrong, a reserved teacher, is a genius. Xiao Xiaoyu's biological brother!

But ... it seems that their relationship is not good at all, otherwise why Xiao Chengyu never told others that he has a younger brother?

Read The Duke's Passion