MTL - Super Male God System [Fast Wear]-Chapter 385 Online dating with men

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From the comfortable world of being a father to the new world, having a new body, this feeling is probably like a feeling of rejuvenation and rejuvenation. After all, from an old person to become young all of a sudden, this feeling is As if re-injected vitality.

In a concise three-room, one-room, Xiao Qingrong sits in front of a computer, lowers his head, holds a mobile phone in his hand, and plays the most popular mobile game king of the day. This game is a push-tower war game, plainly It is a game in which ten players are placed on a map, then five or five teams, and finally see who can push the opponent's tower off.

Xiao Qingrong played this game before. It was not too difficult. At this time, in the interface of the game, Xiao Qingrong controlled his game character and just killed a person. There was a boy cheering on the phone. .

"Qingqing you are awesome! Great!"

This person's voice is a little husky, not the husky of a cold, but the voice changer of a teenager, which sounds awful, like a duck's throat, anyway, it sounds like a duck calling.

The person who speaks is Xiao Qingrong's teammate Xuan Yu who is extraordinary in the game. The two of them have known each other for half a year. They are considered to be better friends in the game.

Soon, this round was over. Of course, Xiao Qingrong's side won, and Xuan Yu's extraordinary game was offline. Then QQ played a message and let Xiao Qingrong give the game down.

[Xuan Yu extraordinary: Qingqing, that ... I'll go to see you in these two days, OK? 】

He seemed a little hesitant. He didn't speak as enthusiastically as usual, but instead chose to type. In this case, Xiao Qingrong looked at the line and suddenly understood the feeling in the body.

He and this Xuan Yu are usually cp in the game. In fact, the so-called cp is the meaning of matching. The game cp is also equivalent to game matching. Under the circumstances that the network is particularly developed today, this so-called cp continues to develop. That is true love.

It's a pity that the person opposite didn't know yet, and the ‘Qing Qing’ that made him so excited was a boy.

That's right, Xiao Qingrong came to this body and understood the last thoughts of this body. The parents of this body had forgotten early and lived with grandma earlier. The grandma died two years ago, but fortunately the parents and grandma stayed. Many things, in addition to the three-bedroom and one-living room that now live in, there is also a facade room and a rental room. Each month I live by rent collection.

Now this body is eighteen years old. Although I'm an adult, but because my grandma's death, I no longer go to school. Instead, I became addicted to the Internet and played games all day. Whether it is online games or mobile games, I am addicted all day, because There is a lot of free money and no family control, so I was addicted to the Internet all the time, and by the way, took out food.

And this little boy opposite QQ is the best cp he got along with in the mobile game King Hegemony. Well, he knows that the other party is a boy. After all, he also opened a wheat, but the other party doesn't know that he is a boy.

Xiao Qingrong's net name is 'Qing Qing Si Shui', which is also the same in the game. The name sounds soft and it is easy to make people feel like girls. In addition, Xiao Qing Rong speaks softly, but it makes many people feel like girls. See, it ’s like Xuan Yu ’s extraordinary. He just met this game and he just played this game. The two were almost at the same time. Later, he was about to play the game every day. Xuan Yu ’s extraordinary was rich. Dai, although he is young, he is very fond of cp he likes. Every time he comes out of a fashion, he secretly buys him a fashion-like number, and he will also give Xiao Qingrong's Weibo QQ. Recharge, this is about the favorite of teenagers.

After being misunderstood, Xiao Qingrong wanted to tell the other party that he was a boy, but Xuan Yu was extraordinary and enthusiastic. Every time he happened to tell the truth because of various things, he pushed it back and forth. In the past six months, Xiao Qingrong knew the other side's affairs very well.

Xuan Yu is extraordinary. His real name is Feng Yufan. He is 16 years old. They have known each other for more than half a year. His mother died early. Now he is the stepmother. He has a younger brother one year younger. He heard that his mother had just passed away. Within half a year, my father married the current stepmother. With the stepmother, there is a stepdad. Although Feng Yufan has a lot of pocket money, he is at home as if he was rejected, so he is addicted to the game.

Now Feng Yufan wants to come to Xiao Qingrong, because he quarreled with his father again because of the game and stepmother. In this case, he wanted to see Qingqing like water, and he wanted to tell her his dream And, if possible, he hopes to live with Qingqing like water in the future.

In addition to gender, Feng Yufan also knows many things about Xiao Qingrong, and of course he knows what Xiao Qingrong is doing now.

This is about ... It's called across the Internet, and no one knows who is sitting opposite.

Feng Yufan over there saw Xiao Qingrong didn't answer, and seemed to be more nervous. QQ flicked a message faster.

[Xuan Yu extraordinary: Is it ... inconvenient? If it is not convenient, then I will not go. 】

The 16-year-old boy, although consciously having a good relationship with Xiao Qingrong, will still be afraid of rejection. After all, he has to cross several cities to go to another girl, so Feng Yufan is really nervous, and he is really Can't stay in this home.

Xiao Qingrong gave a reply when he saw that the child looked a little shy.

[Clear and clear water: very convenient, when are you coming? I'll pick you up. 】

Frankly agreed to Feng Yufan's request. In fact, Xiao Qingrong could reject him. After all, all the tragedies originated from the other party's leaving home, but this time, Xiao Qingrong felt that he was still very talented with children, for example Chongjun and Xiangyang, are n’t they all well?

I believe this child should be better.

Feng Yufan holding the mobile phone was about to jump up excitedly. When he saw the clear water, he agreed to his request, his excited face turned red, and he was actually a little decadent. After arguing with his father, he could tell the truth. There are no people, there is no place to escape, so I want to try to put my feelings on this game partner on the Internet, although in the past six months, Feng Yufan has known that this game cp does not like him like that. Feelings, they are just games cp, but now I see that the other party agreed to his request, still very happy.

It seemed as if he had a new place to go except this dirty home.

He almost trembled and started typing. It took Xiao Qingrong a while to get the news from the child.

[Xuan Yu extraordinary: Qing Qing you are so good! I love you so much! How about tomorrow? I have already bought a ticket for five tomorrow morning. It should be eight thirty by your side. Can you come and pick me up? Otherwise you tell me the address, I'll take a taxi by myself. 】

God knows how Feng Yufan typed these words. He and Qingqing Sishui mailed gifts to each other, so naturally they knew where the other person's home was, so after buying the ticket impulse, he remembered to tell the other person that he was finally able to Feng Yufan was very happy to go to his home.

Xiao Qingrong felt that he should also prepare for it, but it was a little bit fortunate that although he was a bit lazy, his driving license was still passed.

[Clear water: No need, I'll pick you up at the airport. 】

Many things are strangled at the source.

The two quickly agreed on tomorrow's situation, and Feng Yufan said that he was going to prepare for it. Then he put down the phone and jumped up in his room with excitement.

After jumping for a while, Feng Yufan remembered that he was going to run away from home, he must bring a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Feng Yufan hurried to find the card in his desk. In addition to the card given by his father, there were cards left by his mother. Although there was money in it, Feng Yufan had never moved before, and now he took it. After putting up this card, and father's, put it in his own bag.

"When I go out this time, I must mix up a famous person, otherwise I won't come back!"

He complained, but suddenly his eyes were red, and then he sat on the bed with some decadence, and then buried himself in the quilt, moaning sobbing.

"Mom ... I miss you so much ..."

Six months after his mother's death, his father brought back a woman and a child. This was a big deal for Feng Yufan. Besides, with the stepmother, there was a stepdad. Feng Yufan didn't think about it. However, he was so forced by such a woman that he had nowhere else to go, and had to go to others.

This is what the young man said about it. Xiao Qingrong didn't know that Feng Yufan was crying, but after looking at a few chats on QQ, he called the housekeeping company and made an appointment for the hourly worker half an hour later. After that, I went outside to do my hair and buy clothes.

It's not easy to pick up Feng Yufan tomorrow.

In this life, there is no father and mother, no need to go to school, enough money to spend, but nothing to do, which makes Xiao Qingrong feel very comfortable, is not to save a child?

Thinking of Feng Yufan, the child came here thousands of miles and wanted to see his cp, only to find that cp was a man, and he ran away in anger. In a place like Wei, a young man who looked like an innocent man at first, Feng Yufan was so unlucky that he was targeted. It is said that the robber wanted to grab his jade buddha, which was left by his mother during his lifetime. Of course Feng Yufan refused, and was finally poked by the thief. Several knives died in this strange city.

From entering this body, Xiao Qingrong learned that the body was unwilling, not for himself, but for the child who had been with him for half a year. He thought that if it was not for him to deceive the other person ’s sex, the other person would not secretly Run away and finally die here.

Therefore, Xiao Qingrong's rough task this time is to save Feng Yufan, not only to make Feng Yufan immortal, but also to let Feng Yufan fulfill his dream.

This kind of thing is the simplest for Xiao Qingrong.

In two cities that were thousands of miles apart, both were preparing for the upcoming meeting. Feng Yufan even took his own dad's card to the bank to collect money, of course, he was afraid to leave home at that time. The exodus was discovered and what to do if the card stopped.

Feng Yufan not only took out 200,000 yuan from his father's Carry money, but also took out a card that he used to save pocket money and New Year's money from childhood to old age, but he heard people say that he is an adult Parents can stop his card.

The money adds up to more than 800,000. Feng Yufan saved it directly to Alipay and WeChat. Thank you Alipay and WeChat. Although you need to verify your identity, it does n’t matter how you verify it, so the money in Alipay and WeChat is also very important. Convenience.

The card left by his mother still has more than 5 million yuan. In addition, there are real estate that can only be obtained after he is an adult. Although Feng Yufan is holding this card, he has no plans to use it for the time being. It should be enough for him to live for a while.

In addition, since Feng Yufan was going to run away from home, he took all his favorite clothes with him. When he left, he put these things directly in the trunk and found a car and dragged it directly to the airport. There are special checked luggage at the airport. Feng Yufan has also gone out before, so I plan to check these luggage in class.

He didn't know. In Xiao Qingrong's memory, it was because of these suitcases that his identity surfaced after he died.

I have to say that the rich second generation is the rich second generation. Feng Yufan has eight or nine suitcases with clothes, watches, shoes, accessories, etc., and laptops, anyway. Feng Yufan's favorite things were brought with him since he was leaving home this time.

Due to Feng Yufan's quarrel with his family and no one in Feng's family, Feng Yufan arrived at the airport overnight, checked in luggage, and then officially boarded the plane at five o'clock in the morning.

At the same time, Xiao Qingrong in Wei province had also woken up. Feng Yufan's plane landed at 8.27. The airport was about an hour and a half from Xiao Qingrong's home.

Xiao Qingrong thought of so much news from the other party's QQ, as well as suitcases and the like. Fortunately, he went directly to the airport with a guy from a moving company.

After getting up and finishing myself, after eating, Xiao Qingrong drove to the airport, and the moving company had already taken action. After all, Xiao Qingrong gave a lot of money. Everyone can get used to it earlier, isn't it just a trip?

At eight o'clock, Xiao Qingrong arrived at the airport. He was accompanied by two strong men in a moving company. After all, he did this business. He had some strength. The three of them were waiting outside.

Holding the mobile phone one by one to check the news sent by Feng Yufan last night, listening to the other party ’s story that there is a stepmother and a stepdad, you know that this child is really irritated to run away from home.

Time passed quickly. After the sound of a plane landing at the airport, Xiao Qingrong couldn't help looking at the exit. In fact, he was more or less affected by this body. Although the other party was a child, he had been together for more than half a year. The person is a very sunny child. It is probably because of the sunlight of the other person that he has been letting him through after knowing that the other person is dead, right?

Feng Yufan got off the plane at this time, and he was excited. He could not wait to call Qingqing immediately, especially after knowing that Qingqing would come to the airport to pick him up, Feng Yufan was even more excited and came out from the exit When I was there, I couldn't help looking at the pick-up port. There were a lot of people over there, young and old, and beautiful girls, so Feng Yufan looked at them more.

Qing Qing said that she would wear a white shirt today, which made Feng Yufan couldn't help putting her eyes on those girls in white shirts, but any one made Feng Yufan feel like Qingqing.

Xiao Qingrong and the two guys at the moving company saw Feng Yufan at a glance, or in other words, he saw Feng Yufan at a glance.

Feng Yufan thought she could recognize her sister at a glance. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket and started to turn on the phone. She planned to make a phone call to her to ask about the situation. When she thought of those online dating results, Feng Yufan felt nervous. .

Sitting at the airport last night, when Feng Yufan was bored, I went online and ran on Baidu, and the results came out one by one. # 网恋 奔 现 一下 ## 网恋 奔 现 羞 疑 ## 网恋 奔 现 哭 逼 # and so on The news made Feng Yufan a little scared.

Then I remembered that I had been cp with others for more than half a year, and I didn't ask them to take photos. I didn't even hear the voice, but just communicated through text, and it was a bit embarrassing.

Let you pretend! Let you pretend! Also think that he is not a face control, like the other person's mind? At this time, Feng Yufan simply wanted to beat himself. What if he was a fat or ugly girl?

Feng Yufan's face filled with joy and worry. He walked out looking around, and Xiao Qingrong also greeted him, and then ...

Feng Yufan found that there was a person in front of him and politely let it go. As a result, the other party blocked himself and continued to let, the other party continued to block. This made Feng Yufan impatiently set his sight on Xiao Qingrong.

"What are you doing? Will you watch the road?"

He was a bit irritable, and now he was worried about his online dating cp, and his attitude was not very good.

But Xiao Qingrong was calm, his eyes stared at Feng Yufan.

"Introduction, I'm Xiao Qingrong, and I'm glad to meet you."

His remarks were bland, making Feng Yufan weird. Is he so handsome that he has to be approached by boys?

Just thinking in my heart, Xiao Qingrong's name popped up, Xiao Qingrong ... Xiao Qingrong ... Qingrong ... Qingqing ...

For a moment, Feng Yufan was all bad, and looked at Xiao Qingrong blankly, forming various barrage in his head.

#My online dating Ben turned out to be a man! #

#My game cp is a man ... he is a shemale! #

#I ran out with a man online dating ... #

At this moment, Feng Yufan felt that his appearance must be very funny at this time. His heart was messy and his brain was messy. Looking at this man who was also a handsome boy, he couldn't ask whether the other party was clear ... ...

"Are you Xuan Yu extraordinary, right? Feng Yu Fan? Where is your luggage?"

Xiao Qingrong did not give each other a chance to digest, and continued to ask, Feng Yufan almost gave the answer instinctively.

"At baggage number three."

As soon as this word came out, Feng Yufan felt that he was even more stupid. Why should he tell him! Is he really clear?

"Then let's get it." Xiao Qingrong gave an order, and the two elder brothers on the side walked towards No. 3, Feng Yufan still looked at Xiao Qingrong blankly, and some unacceptable cp suddenly became the man.

The two walked behind the two elder brothers. Feng Yufan still didn't hold back after all, and asked.

"You, you are clean and clear?"

There was something funny on his incredible face, Xiao Qingrong thought he just wanted to laugh and nodded.


This one makes Feng Yufan more autistic.

"Then why don't you tell me you're a man? I still call you clear ..."

When the girl was called Qingqing, she was gentle and considerate, but when she thought of calling a boy Qingqing for half a year, Feng Yufan felt so exhausted that she just wanted to cross back.

"My grandma called me Qingqing before, and you didn't ask me if I was a boy or a girl. I thought we were good friends and you would come to me. So you want to bubble me?"

Xiao Qingrong gave an explanation calmly, then raised an eyebrow, and after speaking with me, Feng Yufan was scared to look at time and space.

His expression of "Don't scare me" quickly turned his head into a rattle.

"No no no, I didn't soak you, me, me ..."

Feng Yufan felt that he had jumped into the Yellow River and could not understand the filth on his body. He could only look at the person in front of him with a grievance and hesitated.

"Who made you never tell me that you were a man ... I was nervous before, but now it's better, you are a boy, then ... can I live in your house?"

About Xiao Qingrong's attitude was too casual, but it made Feng Yufan find those feelings in the game. The previous nervousness was gone. Now he wants to live in Xiao Qingrong's house.

He knew that Xiao Qingrong was living alone.

"Okay, have you booked a hotel? If you have settled, just retreat. I'm the host, and it will be no problem to raise you for a few days."

Xiao Qingrong feels that Feng Yufan is stupid. Such people have too much trust in others and can easily suffer.

"No decision, I planned to go to your house."

Feng Yufan, who thought he was being deceived, was righteous and gave Xiao Qingrong a stern glance, complaining that the other party didn't tell him about his gender. He had been misunderstood. Now he wanted to shout Qingqing, but he couldn't say it.

For a moment, I didn't know what to call it.

The luggage was quickly picked up. Taking these luggage out together, Feng Yufan was still fooling around with sex. Xiao Qingrong found something wrong. Someone ... was following Feng Yufan.

Although the silly boy didn't find it, Xiao Qingrong saw it at a glance.

From the exit, a man with sunglasses has been peeping at the situation, or Feng Yufan.

Thinking of Feng Yufan's death in his memory, it seems ... things are not so simple ...

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