MTL - Super Male God System [Fast Wear]-Chapter 11 Ref No.7543

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Once Zhang Zirui thought that he could be born again because of the gift of God, because he was oppressed by the illegitimate son of Xiaosansheng in his last life, so he could have a chance to be born again!

After having this opportunity, Zhang Zirui was also very grateful to God, so he helped the company at home to do a lot of things, and even wanted to try to hold the thigh of the greatest scientist of this century in the future. In this way, he can take minutes Go to the pinnacle of life! But he never expected that it was false to become a great scientist with his own ability. The genius Xiao Qingrong he has always admired turned out to be a great scientist through a system called a big inventor!

By accident, this great inventor's system was bound to himself. In order to prevent the system from leaving himself again, I also thought of the inventions Xiao Qingrong had once made. Zhang Zirui designed to send Xiao Qingrong to prison. He thought that he could rest assured. And replaced Xiao Qingrong as the greatest scientist.

On the two days when he was just bound, he was really happy. Even if it was a system-required study, he didn't like it at all and was not willing at all, but he still obeyed the system's order and started to make fully automatic. Driving a car to study hard, this process is boring and boring, but Zhang Zirui can't help it, because if you don't complete the task issued by the great inventor, then this system will let you die!

Fortunately, Zhang Zirui has some talents. He has developed a fully-autonomous car in more than a year. He has just completed the first mainline task, and he has even made the company at home bigger and bigger. Seeing this, I will use this. When a fully autonomous car makes money ... he never expected it! My parents were arrested! !! !!

According to the police, it was because parents had stolen money in private and laundered money through the company! So get caught! Zhang Zirui did not expect that those things he did to Xiao Qingrong were also exposed and he was arrested!

When he was arrested in prison, Zhang Zirui discovered that the great inventor system had no ability to save him, but he kept urging him to study things and learn things. It just made Zhang Zirui collapse every minute, and the system was constantly threatened. When killing his life, Zhang Zirui finally couldn't stand it. He said the second R & D project in the system, the high-tech pupil scanner. At this point, Zhang Zirui was transferred from prison to the Academy of Sciences. Although for him, the Academy of Sciences might be better Another prison.

In the academy of sciences, he can only obey the words of the system, study hard, and develop all high-tech, he doesn't want to die!

Such a day seems to be endless. When Zhang Zirui remembers it, he will regret it. Why did he choose to bind the inventor system? Xiao Qingrong was the first person to find this system! Obviously not him! It is clear that Xiao Qingrong is the greatest scientist of this century in the future. He, an ordinary person, can't figure out this system ...

With this mentality, Zhang Zirui worked painstakingly in the research institute. As a result, after a year and a half, a high-sensitivity mechanical prosthesis was introduced into the laboratory, which made Zhang Zirui curious, because in his previous life, he clearly did not R & D of this kind of thing, is it something that the state has developed privately?

He tried to ask who made this thing, but the answer was number 7543, which made Zhang Zirui scratch his head and didn't know what was going on, but no one told him the truth.

His life in the institute is actually very fulfilling. In addition to not being able to move around at will, his standard of living is actually pretty good. Watching TV or the like is not a problem. In order to ensure that Zhang Zirui will not leak the information in the institute, his side He always followed the special forces, which made Zhang Zirui annoying.

In such troubles, Zhang Zirui is immersed in the institute every day, struggling for his own life. After all, the inventor system in his mind, but he would kill him if he didn't agree with each other. This made Zhang Zirui every day. Very anxious, he saw a lot of future high-tech in the system, there are virtual helmets, holographic game chips, medical warehouses, high-tech wound healing machinery, all these things are waiting for Zhang Zirui to research and invent. He is in the research institute. Although it is not a leader, the proposed items have been fully certified and produced, even if his identity is still a prisoner.

I've been living in the Academy of Sciences for a long time now, but Zhang Zirui has a bit of Buddhahood. Under the introduction of an old professor of the Academy of Sciences, he married another Master's girl of the Academy of Sciences. This kind of girl is the kind he never saw before. However, in this environment, the girl's brain was smart, her action was strong, and she didn't want to dismiss him as a prisoner in captivity, so Zhang Zirui should have moved her heart.

Under this kind of candy corrosion, Zhang Zirui worked hard to complete the system's tasks while working for the progress of the Academy of Sciences. One after another, high-tech products were developed. He himself was also very good when he saw these things developed Pride, because these things come out of his hands, even if there is no honor and no money, but Zhang Zirui has been extremely satisfied.

In this research institute, he has been staying for fifty years and devoted his whole life to the Academy of Sciences. Before his death, Zhang Zirui finally had a chance to access the outside world. Then he knew that he himself, including those invented by the Academy of Sciences, Many things that can make the country better, they once again have names, and they are still Xiao Qingrong. Their inventions are all owned by a great scientist Xiao Qingrong.

If it was Zhang Zirui when he was young, he would probably spit blood, but now Zhang Zirui, who is already old, knows that the so-called Xiao Qingrong, the so-called number 7543, has already become a national number! Many items researched by many research institutes and even individuals cannot be released worldwide, nor can they be made public. Even in order to protect advanced scientists, the country will hide their names and give them other rewards. Otherwise, sometimes Scientists are also hurt by other countries.

These Zhang Zirui did not understand before, but now he understands it. He no longer wanted to investigate how Xiao Qingrong got to this point. He was reincarnated at first, although he was unhappy at first, but later he was regarded as fate and his life was good. Eventually Zhang Zirui He died at the press release of the last invention of this century's greatest scientist ...

Before he died, Zhang Zirui thought hard. If there was another chance, would he still steal the big scientist system belonging to Xiao Qingrong?

He didn't know it himself.

Xiao Qingrong also reminded at 618 that the male goddess has reached a critical point, and he chose to leave the world. He still likes this world very much.

Three hundred years later, the name Xiao Qingrong has already entered history. All students' examination papers have his name and all kinds of things he invented, because he is the inventor. Too many things!

On the podium, modern history teachers are giving lectures. All the students below are listening with great interest, because what these students like most is the deeds of Xiao Qingrong, a scientist in modern history, because it is too mysterious! People feel a bit false about fantasy!

"As the greatest scientist of the 27th century, Xiao Qingrong has brought a lot of convenience to our lives today. The product he invented has summarized all aspects of life. This is a point of knowledge. I have already said in the previous lesson that everyone needs I will recite it during the exam. Today, what we are about to conclude is not about the invention of Xiao Qingrong, but about the only stain in the life of this great scientist, that is, the history of the imprisonment in Anyang City, I believe many students We've all read this history in various books, then I will pick a classmate to talk about, classmate Zheng Haofei, it's you! "

The boy with glasses stood up, he was Zheng Haofei, a super school bull with Xiao Qingrong as his goal, and his life goal was to become a cross-century scientist like Xiao Qingrong! Stay famous!

"I looked up these materials in detail in the library at the weekend of the 27th century. I suspect that there was tampering with this history of Xiao Qingrong's imprisonment. At the time, Xiao Qingrong was only seventeen years old. Area A, where many prisoners are dead, according to historical records, area A is full of killings and even dies every week. Although the law at that time respected life, it was still dark in that place, and death could happen at any time, and we are great The scientist Xiao Qingrong, also known as No. 7543, died on the first day of entering prison. According to the records, Xiao Qingrong was detained for three days in a small black house. Although there is no record in the history books that Xiao Qingrong was killed The death penalty, but I think Xiao Qingrong absolutely killed someone in prison. He is also an out-of-the-box self-interested ... "

"Well, classmate Zheng Haofei, I know that you have different opinions on Xiao Qingrong, but these are your speculations. It is class time. You can sit down first, we can discuss these things later, and I will say Yes, the main reason why Xiao Qingrong was jailed in history has not been modified. The main reason is that his number 7543 was born here. According to the records, after Xiao Qingrong saw his grandfather Xin Chongliang, he found that Xin Chongliang was less. Two fingers only decided to develop high-sensitivity mechanical prostheses, and all high-sensitivity mechanical prostheses have the same code number 7543, and it has been 300 years now ... "

The teacher was still talking, but Zheng Haofei was sitting there and couldn't listen. He checked a lot of information and found that the greatest scientist of the 27th century had invented complex and various things. This is not a person at all What can be achieved ... But if this is not something that can be done by one person, why does the country still support Xiao Qingrong so much?

Is the greatest scientist of the 27th century true or false?

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