MTL - Super Dragon Cultivation System-Chapter 2515 Break through to the Seventh Divine Realm in one fell swoop

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"The boss has broken through again!"

Seeing this scene, the dragons cheered immediately!

"Look at it, the boss hasn't woken up yet, and has to break through!"

Qunlong's expression was lifted and quiet again, looking forward to Zhang Xing's continued promotion.

Suddenly, all the wind, rain, thunder and lightning visions in the sky disappeared, and Zhang Xing sat on the ground, his body slowly rising into the sky.

At the same time, a series of long grammatical mantras came out from his mouth, the sound was like Wanlong chanting, deep and full of melody.

Then, a faint golden light emerged from him.

Accompanied by golden light, Zhang Xing's spirit grew indefinitely, but in an instant, he passed through the five-layer nebula and extended toward the endless dark starry sky.

The golden soul is like the golden body of the Buddha, the image of the **** king, the body of the emperor, the dragon **** and the dragon soul!

The vision that occurred here quickly alarmed all the powerhouses in the fifth heaven.

They were shocked to see the huge golden figure appearing in the sky, and they all lost their color in amazement, they all spread out and flew towards the place where Zhang Xing was.

What happened there?

Who is cultivating? Could there be another evildoer comparable to Zhang Xing in the fifth heaven?

At this time, in Zhang Xing's artistic conception, the picture changed again, and a large number of alien giants comparable to a planet came to him from the darkness.

Every step the giant took, the starry sky trembled, and the stars all around him blocking the advancement were blown by them.

Zhang Xing's golden soul also emerged, reaching the sky and the earth, extremely huge.

The stars in the galaxy are spinning under his feet, not as high as his knees.

Those alien giants saw this scene but were ignorant and fearless, still rushing towards Zhang Xing.

At this moment, the golden Faxiang sitting cross-legged slowly raised his arm, turned his wrist, and slapped the giants with his palm!


The huge palm seems to be a universe, the stars and giants below are like ants, there is nowhere to escape.

The golden palms are constantly shining with dragon-shaped runes, densely packed, and when you look closely, those runes are all giant dragons of all kinds.

These rune dragons seem to be continuously combined and decomposed according to a certain rule.

Some are hundreds of dragons forming a golden rune, some are thousands, and some are tens of thousands.

After they are formed into runes, they are combined with each other and then broken down into individual strips.

In this way, they released the power of destroying the starry sky in an infinite loop.

After a loud noise, under the golden palm, all the nebulae and foreign giants were all shattered and turned into cosmic dust!

At the same time, Zhang Xing's body from the outside world was shocked again, and his breath suddenly broke through from the late stage of the sixth stage of the gods to the seventh stage of the gods!

His breakthrough this time went so far as to directly cross the half-step seventh realm, and enter the seventh realm in one step.

If Zhang Xing wakes up at this time, he will definitely find that his soul has broken through the 150,000 zhang mark that has not been broken for a long time, reaching an astonishing height of 1.5 million zhang, which has grown ten times!

But the spirit in his artistic conception is much bigger than reality.

This is how big the heart is, how high the state is.

Zhang Xing's huge golden soul raised his eyes and looked into the depths of the universe, where there was a white door across the starry sky!

Just as he was about to get up and move on, suddenly the white door disappeared.

Zhang Xing's expression was startled, and at the same time the body also awoke from his artistic conception.

I saw all the dragons sitting around him, and the dense figures in the distance looked at him blankly like statues.

"Boss, are you awake?"

Hei Bao tried to ask the change he felt.

"Well, when is it now?"

Zhang Xing looked at his ragged black robe, and touched his drooping beard and long hair.

"Boss, nine years have passed since we came here!"

Hei Bao sat on the ground and shook his body towards Zhang Xing, saying in a particularly cordial manner that he had not seen for many years.

"Nine years? How fast!"

As Zhang Xing said, his long hair, beard and tattered black robe were all restored to their state nine years ago.

He raised his hand and looked at his skin, and vaguely felt the enormous energy flowing under the skin.

It seems that the blood is also different from before.

Both his soul and cultivation base have made a qualitative leap.

At the same time, the second and third stages of Wanlong Jue were also instantly understood in his mind.

"Is this the seventh realm of God Realm?"

Zhang Xing didn't feel ecstatic because of the successive breakthroughs. He looked calm, as if he should feel like this.

"Congratulations, Lord Sovereign, the great increase in magic!"

At this moment, Tianlongzong's northern Xiu Wuxiang, Zhao Madmo, the farmer in the southwest of Tianlongzong, Liuyuan in the Central Plains of Tianlongzong, Shen Baiyi of Mishan and the elders of the sect all walked forward and saluted respectfully.

"Congratulations, Sect Master Zhang, for his supernatural powers and great powers!"

The lord and elders of all other sects all bowed and blessed.

"Yeah! Get up!"

Zhang Xing did not move cross-legged, but just nodded lightly.

"Master Xie!"

"Thanks to Sect Master Zhang!"

The onlookers almost included all the powerhouses of the Fifth Heavenly Sect.

Some people think that the vision of heaven and earth is the birth of a god, some people guess who is practicing miraculous work, and some people think that it is the great figure of the Nine Heavens who came.

When they came over in a hurry, it turned out that it was Zhang Xing.

This makes them all pale in horror.

Zhang Xing had already become the first overlord of the Fifth Heaven, and now he is more powerful than that. His cultivation has risen in a straight line, I am afraid he has reached the half-step Seventh Realm, and it may even be the Seventh God Realm!

Zhang Xing's breakthrough method is different from them. It is difficult to sense the specific realm based on the cultivation base of people like them, and can only guess roughly.

In short, Zhang Xing's strength is beyond doubt. No one dared to object to a word he said nine years ago, and no one dares now.

"Nine years, Mu Zifeng should have come long ago..."

Zhang Xing raised his eyes and looked at the sky. He didn't know that Mu Zifeng broke through to the Seventh Divine Realm three years ago. In the first year of the next three years, he had a steady cultivation base, and only set foot on the stars in the second year to find Zhang Xing revenge.

Two years, it should be almost here.

Just when Zhang Xing was about to inquire about the development of each branch, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes looked at the gray figure deep in the starry sky.

At the same time, the gray figure flashed, and instantly appeared above everyone's heads.

"Oh, it's all here, it just saves me a few steps!"

"Mu Zifeng!"

When the people below saw the gray figure, they all lost their color in amazement. Except for the people of Tianlongzong, everyone else quickly retreated to the distant horizon.

They all knew that Mu Zifeng and the Hidden Mountain Sect would definitely return for revenge, so they were very worried about Zhang Xing and the entire Tianlong Sect over the years.

He also kept a certain distance from the people of Tianlongzong, neither sin nor to please.

Especially the heavy news from Liuzhongtian made them worry about Zhang Xing.

Mu Zifeng had already broken through to the seventh level of the God Realm, and in one fell swoop, he wiped out the invading Hidden Mountain Sect Master and a large number of sect powerhouses. Then, the Hidden Mountain Sect headquarters and all its affiliated sects were all destroyed.

The other sects all came to descend, and the Sixth Heaven was already surnamed Mu at this time!

Seeing Mu Zifeng coming alone this time, I felt even more that Zhang Xing's end had come.

Mu Zifeng glanced at the people who left and didn't stop them, and didn't need to pay attention to them. They were all a bunch of ants!

He looked at Zhang Xing, smiled indifferently, and returned to his calm and unhurried attitude.

"Zhang Xing, don't come unharmed!"

Mu Zifeng's figure fell to a hundred meters in front of Zhang Xing.

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