MTL - Super Dragon Cultivation System-Chapter 12 Tier 3 Warcraft Bear

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Zhang Xing quickly came to the mountainous area a dozen miles away from Mucun, and walking further in was a pristine forest beyond sight.

The village chief and grandfather said that the wolves sneaked into the village along this path.

People in the village usually hunt only on the periphery of the mountain, and they can hit many pheasants and hares.

But today it's quiet here, and even the bird calls of the crickets in Ping (ri) cannot be heard.

It really seems a bit unusual.

Take a look inside and see what happened!

Under the cover of mountains, rocks, and weeds, Zhang Xing (mo) reached the edge of the forest.

He climbed to a tree and looked around.

Suddenly, a huge black bear appeared in his eyes.

This black bear is also too big, with a body more than four meters tall (sh n) standing upright and tickling on a large tree.

Beast bones were scattered beside the black bear, apparently it had become its territory.

If not mistaken, this black bear is likely to be a third-level Warcraft.

Otherwise, the devil wolf will not leave the forest and hunt for more dangerous human villages.

This large scalp is rough ((rourou) rou) thick, it seems difficult (kill sha) to die.

With his current small physique, he can't fight it.

However, it is more flexible than it (Qiangqiang), not to mention magic and Heibao.

The tickling black bear suddenly stopped, sniffing the air with a sniff, his eyes gradually raised.


Zhang Xing, who was 100 meters away, suddenly felt that two cold rays locked him, and he was taken aback.

Good sense of smell, you can find me so far.

"Hei Bao, come out for dinner!"

Zhang Xing sent out a thought, and Xiao Heilong rushed out.

Hei Bao was happy when he heard that there was something to eat, but when he saw a **** bear that had ran to a distance of fifty meters, he suddenly showed (sex) the black dragon's fierceness.

A more violent breath greeted the running black bear.


The **** bear rammed all the way, I don't know how many trees were broken. When he felt the breath of the black dragon, he made an emergency brake and slid out a distance before stopping.

The black bear, one level higher than the devil wolf, also has a very high spirit ((xingxing) xing). Although that kind of breath makes him afraid, only two children appear in his eyes.

Although in doubt, he did not retreat.

"Heibao, you are in the air, I'm on the ground, let's pack it together!"

After Zhang Xing said a little lightly at the foot of his feet, (body sh n) flew out, at the same time, Xiao Heilong changed (body sh n) into the air.

The **** bear saw the little black dragon after the change (body sh n), and after a moment's pause, he straightened up (body sh n) and roared to the sky to show his strength.

Then dragged the majestic (sh n) body towards the little black dragon.

The one-meter-high Zhang Xing was automatically ignored by it.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters. In the next second, the **** bear did not look at Zhang Xing, and swept forward with a slap.


What surprised the **** bear, however, was that the weak human child was not photographed as a ((rourou) rou) sauce, as it was imagined, but just two trees were broken.

The child in sight of the **** bear is gone.

Then I heard only a loud noise.

Zhang Xing hit the back of the black bear with a punch, and suddenly a strong reaction force bounced him away.

On the front, Heibao sprayed a dragon flame in the air.

The black bear was so angry and wanted to return (body sh n). Under the balance, the black bear chose to avoid Long Yan and ignored the child.

However, Zhang Xing is accustomed to using both fists and feet, and by virtue of the black bear's thick ((rourou) rou) (body sh n) rebound force, returning (body sh n) is a kick, which is in the middle of the waist and eyes.

The black bear (body sh n) almost fell down, and Long Yan exhaled and burned it (body sh n).

If one were to see a six-year-old child who could almost kick a black bear weighing more than 3,000 pounds with one foot, he would be shocked to drop his chin.