MTL - Super Devouring System-Chapter 5165 Mid-avenue

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"If this is the case, you will be able to escape. This temple is still today... What is the face?"

Realizing that the crisis of life and death is approaching, the black-blooded blue crocodile has broken the crocodile tail and has swept away from Ye Xuan. His body shape is taking advantage of this opportunity to directly rush forward.

This is clearly to escape! leaf

Xuan naturally will not let go of this, the savage mouth has a scornful voice of the gods, and the squats are flashing again, the figure has suddenly slammed out...

Too fast, blink of an eye behind the black blood blue crocodile, the punch of a punch with a thunderous sound, directly to his crocodile head. This

One blow, Ye Xuan has done his best, the black blood blue crocodile is destined to be unable to resist, will be degenerate...

It is true!



The roar of the sky sounded without suspense, facing the full blow of Ye Xuan, the black-blooded blue crocodile who was escaping from the embarrassment encountered an ominous moment in an instant, his body was completely bombarded, and it became a **** fog. And open.

The same is true of the huge crocodile tail that has arrived at the back of Ye Xuan. In this violent storm, it has become a **** fog. "


The blood mist formed by the burgeoning of the black blood blue crocodile was spread, and the violent temper had already waved in the first time. The whistling sound of the whistling wind rang out, and a huge invisible invisible screaming away. Virtual

The **** fog that was spreading around was suddenly swept away, and he was directly sent to the bottom of the central volcano in the Dingnai space, where he began to condense blood.

Of course, at the same time, there are some compressed liquids of the heavenly source, as well as some treasures of Tianjiu Avenue, and some top-level cultivation resources that may not be available even in the hands of Tiandao.

These were originally the home of the black-blooded blue crocodile, the most precious cultivation resource in the hands of Hongmeng, but nowadays, with his fall, they all fall into the hands of Ye Xuan. It is an extra harvest, and it is worth a lot. Was admitted to the body by Ye Xuan...

At this point, this shocking **** battle lasted for six days. Ye Xuan’s hands smashed another singer, and the thirteen honours of the left bank of the Galaxy, after falling two people in just six days, now there are only 11 It is. and

For Ye Xuan, he killed the two wolves and the black-blooded crocodile, the meaning of the two monsters, in addition to finally removed the two enemies, and harvested two precious Hong Meng blood, and the number The high-quality natural source of the heavens, the treasures of the Tianjiu Avenue, and other kinds of top-level cultivation resources that are not even in the hands of the heavenly lords...

More importantly, he has made a smooth breakthrough, and the process of recognizing the sea and the body of the body after entering the Hongmeng Avenue has been promoted as much as possible.

Three days ago, his strength in recognizing the sea and the body of the body has changed to the extent that he can withstand the third-order power of Hongmeng. At that time, Ye Xuan succeeded in activating the konjac and the blood. A change, this has the third-order horror of Hongmeng.

Nowadays, this **** battle lasted for three more days. When the second black-and-white crocodile was smashed by Ye Xuan, his process of understanding the sea and the physical body of the body finally reached A new height has crossed a new node.

Now he, whether it is the strength of the sea, or the strength of the body of the body, has been able to withstand the fourth-order terrorist power of Hongmeng..."

Oh..." brain

After flashing these thoughts, Ye Xuan was very excited. Although the third and fourth orders are only a small difference, the meaning is completely different. The third order is only the beginning of Hongmeng, but the fourth order has already entered the middle of Hongmeng... This

For a moment, in the central area of ​​the violent battlefield, there was a terrible scream.

Then came the sound of Ye Xuan’s incomparable sensation, revealing the endless arrogance of the arrogant hegemony: “The konjac changed into the second change! Hongmeng...fourth order!”


As the voice of the gods fell, the violent form of Ye Xuan once again made a maddening. before

The last two arrogances, the time is just a short break, but in comparison, the arrogant voice that followed, but the distinct atmosphere is even more amazing. ultra

After the previous arrogance, there was too much arrogance, because at this moment he has entered the fourth step of Hongmeng by the previous third step of Hongmeng...

The fourth order of Meng is the middle of Hongmeng. The meaning is completely different from that of the third order. It is not the same! This

Everything is so amazing, the vast void around the world, in an instant, under his arrogance, suddenly a quiet...

Six days ago, Ye Xuan and the wolf battled a battle, and within a short period of time, they entered the second stage of Hongmeng from the first step of Hongmeng. Hong

The cultivation of the Mengjing was so fast that it was so fast that it was beyond the expectations of all people. At that time, the parties were already stunned!

At that time, the twelve honours who were fighting with him and chaos, and for this reason, realized that Ye Xuan’s hardships could even be said to be terrible, and this was the iron fist, and he vowed to join him in the town. herein. but

The facts did not develop as they imagined. Twelve old guys besieged Ye Xuan. This episode of unsuccessful battle lasted for three days. Ye Xuan was not suppressed, not only did not fall into the wind. Even as it was three days ago, it was once again a step up. Shun

Lidi has turned the blood of the konjac into the first change, and has since then possessed the third-order terrorist strength of Hongmeng.

Nowadays, the war lasted for three more days. Ye Xuan not only smashed a powerful Hongmeng monster under a punch, but even his own cultivation strength, and then skyrocketed again. in

In the second change of the konjac nine times, now he is the supreme existence of the fourth order of Hongmeng, and has become the only one in the vast expanse of Hong Kong today! this

At this moment, with the **** magical power of the konjac changed to the second change, when Ye Xuan’s cultivation strength rose again, the second screaming sounded, revealing the strong and clear Hu Meng’s fourth-order pressure. . far

The place has long since retreated to hundreds of millions of miles away from the emptiness of the thousands of heavenly grotesque and a large number of parties and the ridiculous, and they have changed a lot since the earthquake. tight

Then, like the sound of the tide, the old guys almost all screamed, the trembling in the tone, the endless fear, all shivering...

"God, the fourth step of Hongmeng! The master of Ye Xuan, the master of the temple, has broken through, and now it is the fourth-order environment of Hongmeng..."

In just six days, from the early stage of Hongmeng in the first-order situation, I entered the middle of Hongmeng in the fourth-order environment..."

Is the old man an illusion? This is too unreal..."

The horrible **** magical powers, the previous speculation confirmed that even in the Hongmen Avenue, the kind of anti-sky **** masters mastered by Ye Xuan, the master of the temple, is equally effective..."

"Every change can make one's own cultivation become a small step. Now that he has applied to the second change, it is already the fourth step of Hongmeng, and then develops like this..."


God, Hong Meng fourth order! The cultivation of Ye Xuan, the master of the magic hall, actually broke through, and now it is the fourth-order environment of Hongmeng..."

"In just six days, from the early stage of Hongmeng in the first-order situation, I entered the middle of Hongmeng in the fourth-order environment..."

"Is the old man an illusion? It's too unreal..."

The horrible **** magical powers, the previous speculation confirmed that even in the Hongmen Avenue, the kind of anti-sky **** masters mastered by Ye Xuan, the master of the temple, is equally effective..."

"Every change can make one's own cultivation become a small step. Now that he has applied to the second change, it is already the fourth step of Hongmeng, and then it will continue to develop..."

"God, I can't imagine..."

As the konjac's **** magical powers were cast to the second change, when Ye Xuan's cultivation was once again soaring, the second screaming sounded, revealing a strong and clear ambition of the fourth-order pressure of Hongmeng. far

The place has long since retreated to hundreds of millions of miles away from the emptiness of the thousands of heavenly grotesque and a large number of parties and the ridiculous, and they have changed a lot since the earthquake. tight

Then, like the sound of the tide, the old guys almost all screamed, the trembling in the tone, the endless fear, all shivering...

"The second change? The medium-term strength of the fourth-order situation is completely different..."

Engraved, the second change is completed, and the body of the konjac in the shape of a million miles, the breath of the atmosphere is so terrible that even if there is no intention to push it, it is invisibly transformed into a pressure, and this piece has been made. Hong Meng was in the void, slightly trembled a few times.

And Ye Xuan's voice of the gods also sounded at this moment, the whole piece of emptiness can be heard, revealing endless joy and excitement, more horrible. Say

In the end, Ye Xuan Yang’s hair burst into a terrifying arrogance, and the breath was violent to death: "Don’t you be besieging the temple? Don’t go today, this one is enough to single out all of you...”


The last channel of madness fell, Ye Xuan's body shape has disappeared in place, and instantly teleported to the right of the billions. With

The physique of the violent tens of thousands of miles appeared. In this direction, a singular singer of the sect of the sacred level was screaming in the air, and under the trepidation, he almost fell to the ground. distance

It’s too close, but 200 million miles. Such a distance is definitely close to me in the closeness of the Hongmeng level. It’s no different from melee.

At this moment, the survivor’s grotesque simply couldn’t wait to raise his hand to give him a big ear, and his intestines were green. He was too shocked and forgot to escape from the place at the first time. Such as

Although I have come to realize it now, everything is too late. He is only the initial cultivation of the first step of Hongmeng, but he is close to the figure in the middle of the fourth-order environment. There is no suspense, there is no life at all, as long as the other party shoots, he must be the rhythm of the fallen on the spot...but

Even if you know that you are not an adversary, you may want to let him give up his struggles and wait for it, but it is impossible. he

After all, it is also a Mongolian grotesque. In this Hongmeng era, in addition to the three thousand chaotic devils born at the beginning of the era, the entire era has now only produced thirteen...

No, it is now fourteen, because Ye Xuan, the master of the temple, just broke through a few days ago and entered the situation. but

With his breakthrough, the number of red monsters still on the left bank of the Galaxy has not climbed to fourteen, but only for a short time. tight

Then it continued to decline. After the wolf and the black-blooded crocodile were successively bombarded by him, the original number of the thirteenth of the left bank of the Galaxy was blamed. Even if it was counted as the owner of the temple, Ye Xuan himself had only 12 It is. and

And this number is very likely to fall again and then reduce one. This

The one who is about to be delisted is mostly himself..."


These thoughts flashed through the brain, and the old man was both surprised and angry, and his hair screamed with a terrible scream.

In the mouth, there is even more fierce voice of the gods: "Even if I die, you don't want to be better... burst! bursting burst..."



The sound of his roaring screams in the end, the dead space in front of the mortal old man’s body, immediately blasted the energy of a hood to the extreme. he

I have been cultivating myself for a long time, and I have been left in the body for a few treasures before the endless years... and detonated at the same time.

The survivors are different from the beasts. The beasts have almost no magic weapons. Their strong flesh is the best killing, but the benevolent is not only refining, but also refining, so any survivor is in the hands. A few pieces of satisfaction.

Now the deceased of this remnant is the kind of treasure in his hands.

Today, he is already the supreme existence of Hongmeng. Even if he got enough Tianjiu Avenue before the million years of age, when he entered the retreat, it was already the peak of the ninth-order grand perfection. .

And it is not the general peak of the past, even at that time, it has entered the peak of the desert for many years.

The existence of this level, the treasure that remains in the hands is extraordinary, and now it is a million years of retreat. With his cultivation as a breakthrough, he finally entered the realm of Hongmeng and became the supreme avenue-level powerhouse. He has always stayed. The various treasures that are cultivated in the body, the power can also rise, just like the sublimation and metamorphosis, the power is far from the past...

Moreover, in order to escape, in the detonation of several pieces of supreme treasure, this old guy even with the remaining Tianjiu Avenue treasure liquid, as well as some of the top cultivation resources like the liquid of the heavens, also detonated together. can

It is said that in addition to himself, all other foreign objects have been fully detonated at this moment.

The momentum is so amazing that the endless violent energy is exploding, and the void is rapidly collapsing, but it has not reached a deep level, so there is no temporary crack in the void that can't be repaired. when

Chu Ye Xuan had exiled one of the sinister turbulence cracks in the Hongmeng class. It was the two powerful giants of the wolf and the black-blooded crocodile who joined forces to make a full blow.

It’s impossible to succumb to the extent that the survivor’s blame alone ignited the energy of the outside world.

With the explosion of the horrific explosion, the figure of the remnant of the singer also used this recoil to turn into a faint man who surpassed the lightning speed, like a dog at home, fleeing in the distance.

It’s really embarrassing and frightening, because this is his last resort. If you can’t escape this way, it’s hard to escape today, and it will become the third sect of the sect of Ye Xuan, the master of the Devil’s Temple. .

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan sneered, and the sound of Sen Han’s incomprehensible voice also sounded, covering the entire vast void...

With the explosion of the horrific explosion, the figure of the remnant of the singer also used this recoil to turn into a faint man who surpassed the lightning speed, like a dog at home, fleeing in the distance. Look

In this scene, Ye Xuan sneered, and the sound of Sen Han’s incomprehensible voice also sounded, covering the entire vast void: “The heart is absolutely fruitful, but this obviously has no meaning. Today you are doomed... !""


boom! "shock

The roar of the sky sounded without suspense, and the voice was just falling. Ye Xuan had once again teleported, and after blinking his eyes, the remnant of the remnant who was escaping from the enemy had encountered ominous moments. His body was completely bombarded. Explosion, turned into a canopy of blood and spread. "


When the blood mist formed by his body blasting spreads, the violent temper has already waved in the first time, and the whistling sound of the whistling wind rang out, and a huge invisible invisible screaming away.

Although he is only a strong benefactor, the blood is not enough, the **** fog formed by the explosion of the flesh can not be refined into a blood, but this is the blood fog of Hong Meng, for the beastmaster of Ye Xuan We have a lot of benefits, and naturally we can't waste it.

In the void, the **** fog that is spreading is swiftly swept away, and he is directly sent to the bottom of the volcano in the central area of ​​the Dingnai space, and it is put away.

It is a pity that this time there was not some compressed liquid source of Tiandao, and some Tianjiu Avenue treasures were also spurred at the same time, because those who had already been detonated by this legacy of the old people, which made Ye Xuan depressed, face In a moment, it is overcast to the extreme...this

He was very upset at the time, quite unhappy!

Even if a monster is killed on the spot, he can't let him down. Do not

It doesn't matter, there are more Hongmeng monsters here, and more than a few kills, the heart is naturally flat...

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and there was a cold flash in the moment of Ye Xuan’s moment, and the coldness in the nose, and immediately turned to look around the void...

All of this is long-lived, but it actually happens between suffocation. There is another singularity between the blink of an eye. In just a few days, this is the third one. Under the circumstance, it is simply The creeps are stunned. four

The grotesque parties in the emptiness of the sky were immersed in the previous shocks, until they suddenly realized that they were suddenly awake, and all of them were stunned, and all the screams suddenly became like tides. Generally, it sounds overwhelming..."

God, what is this violent thing to do? In a short period of time, the three survivors have been smashed in succession..."

"The entire Mongolian squad on the banks of the Milky Way has only 13 thirties. Even if he just broke through, he only has 14 people. Now he has fallen three times in a few days, and only 11 of them are in the blink of an eye. ..."

The key is that the three are not worthy of the fall, not only from the hands of the same person, but also the people who have not yet suffered a half damage, so the combat power is simply heard, fierce to horrible..."

Looking at this posture, Ye Xuan, the master of the Temple of Devils, is clearly going to smash the rhythm of the Hongmeng blame in the presence. These thoughts are all over the body, and the glory of the glory is there. Killing prey, isn’t the old man dreaming? ”

"It's too horrifying. The anti-sky secrets in the hands of the Lord of the Temple are simply anger and anger. They are all as effective in Hongmeng. In a short period of time, they have a fourth-order environment.

"Now, among the eleven people who are on the scene, except for him, the rest of the ten are all just the first stage of Hongmeng. Even if they fight together, it is not his right. Ye Xuan, the master of the temple... This is really bad!"

"It’s just against the sky. I’m waiting for the supremacy of heaven and earth. Now I’m facing him, but I can only retreat to the trillions of miles and tremble, and he’s clearly stepping on the foot. The general rhythm of ants..."

"I am afraid that it is not just a heavenly way? Even if it is the same as his realm, now... Who can be the opponent of Ye Xuan, the master of the temple?"

Roar! ""

Hey! ”

"Ye Xuan, are you going to be an enemy of the entire left bank of the Galaxy?"

Don't think that I am waiting for the existence of the left bank today, and tell you, I am just the first to be born and blamed..."

It’s true that the peaks and miles that entered the retreat before the million years of age are far more than this number, even if only a part of them can successfully break through and enter the realm of nowhere, the Hongmeng monster on the left bank of the Galaxy is far more than double digits...”

"Even, as early as in the millions of years, before I entered the retreat, the two sides of the Galaxy had already existed, but I was lazy to understand the world. Now I have entered the sky from the heavens. How high is the height of the geeks before the million years ago, you can imagine..."

"While you have a fourth-order environment in the mid-term of the **** secrets, if the ancient humours are born, their cultivation may not be lower than you..."

"There are endless years in the strong forbidden land and the Xingqiang star field on the left bank of the Milky Way. Recently, this million-year load is only a recent period of time. The depth of the water on the left bank is far beyond your imagination. You are better to keep a low profile... ...""

Yes, the depth of the water on the left bank is definitely not a sinister intimidation. Don't be too mad. Otherwise, if you bring out the old monsters before the million years of age, even if you are, you will be sad..."

"Teach you a sentence, don't provoke public anger, don't shackle yourself, don't be too mad, don't make mistakes..."

With all this in mind, I will not care about you today. If you continue to do nothing, he will kiss the bitter fruit of today..."

You don’t have to talk to him any more, so you are waiting for Zhang’s generation. In the future, he has his regrets. We are waiting to see the final result...”

Different roads, no difference, the Lord of the Devils... Don’t ever! ”



Oh..." with

These words sounded, and the only remaining 10 people in the void were not hesitating. After each screaming out of their hair, they immediately ripped a void crack in front of them and smashed into it. go with. and

The thousands of old geeks who have already retired to trillions of miles away are even more stunned after seeing this scene, and they are equally arrogant.

Just kidding, facing the supreme magic of Ye Xuan, the master of the demon temple, even the supreme existence of the Hongmeng level can only avoid its edge. After putting down a few words, they ran away with their tails.

In this way, based on their ability to cultivate the heavens and the heavens, what can they persist? This

At the moment, the hearts of the thousands of left-wing Tiandao old blame suddenly gave birth to a feeling of a dreamlike dream. When they first came, they also forced Ye Xuan, the master of the temple, to encircle. but

Nowadays, even the Hongmeng monsters that they dare not dare to provoke have turned around and fled! This

Everything has been transformed in just ten days. It’s really a dream...

"call out!"



In the void, the sharp and unpredictable sound of the air, and the crisp sound of cracking are constantly coming...

With the ten remaining Hongmeng monsters on the left bank of the Galaxy, the first to tear a hollow crack, and hurried away, the thousands of Taoist people who had already retired to trillions of miles, also responded. come.

Under the fear of their hearts, they did not dare to continue to stay here, with the complexities of the heart to the extreme, the feeling of incomprehensible, also tearing the cracks in the void, and leaving. he

They really don't dare to stay here, and even dare not go a little slower. complete

Actually, at the beginning of the incident, the thirteen honours of the left bank of the Milky Way did not come. They were the protagonists. More than a thousand days of eccentricity gathered around and forced the Lord of the Temple. although

He said that he was killed a lot, but other people are almost involved.

Now, in less than ten days, Ye Xuan, the master of the Temple of Devils, has entered another level, a level they can only look up to. If

It is the last remaining left-faced Hongmeng geeks who have not left yet. They have also entered the Hongmeng, and become the master of the imperial avenue, Ye Xuan, who is naturally not interested in finding them. Troublesome.

People can't see it at all.

However, in the face of his supreme magic, the fierceness of the sky, even the only remaining ghosts on the left bank of the Galaxy were timid. After putting down a few words to support the scene, they hurriedly fled.

In this case, if the grievances in the heart of the Lord of the Devils have not been vented, then they must be suffocated. do not

Seeing that they are crowded, there are still more than a thousand heavenly grotesque, but now they have entered the fourth stage of Hongmeng, and they have become the master of the magical hall in the middle of the avenue, even if they are More than a thousand days old monsters joined forces together, and it is impossible to be an opponent.

Even if it can't be supported for a long time, in a short period of time, it will be killed by a group of ants, the main lord of the demon temple, Ye Xuanwan, all of them are extinct...

In this case, if you still have the courage to stay here, then you are really impatient, so they all fled in a hurry, one by one can not wait to immediately fly wings away from this place...

Everything is long, but in fact, it happens very quickly.

From the first of the ten honours, the first one to tear open a void crack in front of him, and hurried away, all the heavenly lords who have already retreated to the left bank of thousands of miles away from trillions of miles away. Withdrawal from this place, the total time is only ten times.

It’s not just this group of people who have offended Ye Xuan’s Supreme Hongmen and Tiandao blame in this incident. In fact, even those from the left bank of the Milky Way have a strong forbidden land and a strong star field. The powers and the ridiculous geeks, all of them were stunned by Ye Xuan’s previous savage and fierce stature. he

They did not tear away the void, but it did not mean that they had the courage to stay here, without tearing the void, because it could not be done. Place

The power and the absurdity are considered to be the real core high-level in the forbidden land and the survivors of the beasts. But now, the fourth-ordered environment of Ye Xuan, the main body of the magic hall, has been repaired in the middle of the period. The invisible horror of the horror enveloped this void. in

Under this circumstance, Hongmeng and Tiandao blame still have the ability to tear the void, but the power and absurdity under the heavenly path, under the invisible threat of deterrence and threat, has long been The ability to tear the void is gone, and it can't be done at all. but

They dare not stop. Virtual

Farther away, at least 10 trillion miles away, the reason why there is a dense and squeaky sound, like the tide, is that these powers and the ruins are like dogs, and they force the body. All the power, moving toward the darker and more empty, rushing away to bring the movement...

Although these powers and ruins are more numerous, they have already retired more than 10 trillion miles away. Now they are scattered and scattered. In fact, they are also working in a dozen times. One

In the blink of an eye, this void was completely deserted. half

Within ten trillion miles, it has already become empty and empty. Only the giant body with a shape of tens of thousands of miles, the flamboyant form of Ye Xuan, still calmly still squats in this empty central area. This

If a scene like this is seen by some star-studded people who just passed by at this time, it is absolutely impossible to think of it. Just before the dozens of interest, this piece of void is still very lively, not only tens of thousands of powers and ruins. The public, the heavens and the old blame are more than a thousand, and even the supreme avenues of Hongmeng have had more than 13...more

No one will believe that these thirteen sages are not up to the glory. In less than ten days, they have fallen three sects, and they have been able to let go of their slogans and rush to escape, but only ten! leaf

Xuan did not pursue. Do not

It is he who does not have this ability, but it is not necessary at all.

Otherwise, the old guys will continually tear away the void and escape, and after all, it takes a little more than ten minutes to get clean. Take

Ye Xuan is now horrible to the horrible cultivation of strength, if it is shot, I dare not say that they can all leave, leaving part of it can still be done. no

The number is the first one to escape the eternal blame, or the number is more, there are more than a thousand heaven and earth blame, all so. to

The great powers and the ridiculous people who have already retreated to the extremes of the 10 trillion miles away, with Ye Xuan’s current level of cultivation and the height of their reach, simply can’t afford any interest to pay attention to them... ...

The reason why he did not pursue is because the old guys have escaped, but for Ye Xuan, the result is that the monk can't walk the temple.

The left bank of the Milky Way is so big. In his current cultivation, the fourth-order horror of the middle of Hongmeng, from the end of the left bank of the left bank of the Galaxy to the end of the right bank of the left bank of the Milky Way, at most half a month. Time can span... or

Perhaps this group of Hongmeng and Tiandao blame will have some existence to escape to the parallel void to avoid the limelight, but that does not matter. because

The time for the opening of the Galaxy Star Field is coming soon. They can't always hide in the parallel void. Facing the opening of the Galaxy Star Field, even the Hongmeng monsters can't resist the temptation. complete

They gathered here, gathered on the left bank of the Milky Way, built a strong forbidden land and the Xingqiang star field, and consumed an endless period of time. Waiting for the Galaxy Star Field to open, so that they can enter it and compete for the next era. The purpose of the operation. and

As long as these old guys show up, Ye Xuan is now the horror of the first person in Hong Kong on the entire bank of the Galaxy. As long as he meets, he will be able to kill him...