MTL - Super Devouring System-Chapter 5103 Lord of the Temple

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After the last sentence is finished, the sorrowful sky and the blue eye are no more words. The huge vertical eye that looks like a star in the sky, but a sudden whistling sound, reveals endless excitement and unwillingness. he

According to the shackles, this kind of opportunity and creation far exceeds the meaning of the previous Tiandaobao medicine. It is violent and direct. It is simply to harvest the next century’s glory and luck, and there are not many opportunities. Time is extremely urgent, even if it is calm, it can no longer calm down...

Around the darkness of the void, the Tiandao Qingyan, headed by the blood of the soul, has ten heavenly savage beasts, and they are all stunned at this moment. flood

The words of the ridiculous eye of the eye are too astounding, and they simply overwhelmed their previous cognition.

For the source nest stars, they naturally know, and they are quite familiar with it. Even the ten of them all moved into a source nest star, and replaced the chaotic seeds that were born in it.

But this kind of thing can only be seen. The chaotic seeds in the source nest stars can't enter again once they are budded, so they just thought about it before, not too careless, because it is almost impossible... who

Unexpectedly, suddenly, this almost impossible opportunity suddenly became a reality. When I thought that I might enter a source nest star, I would start stealing the sky. After a few years, the next Hongmeng era will be fully opened. Born out as a powerful chaotic demon, these ten heavenly savage beasts are inextricably excited...

"Ye Xuan’s kid is slippery like a muddy, it’s not difficult to find him, but it’s not easy to force him to follow suit...”

Just as the ten heavenly savage beasts headed by the **** souls of this singer are excited and fascinated, like the huge giant eyes in the stars, the green awns flash.

The sound of the gods of the sorrowful eyes of the sinister sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows You must find another heavenly world in the eighth-order world..."

Just, isn't he still a source of water? The Whale and Dragon Friends of the Whale-Dragons are also born with innate spirits, and the property is just water. With his help, my grasp has risen by 30%..."

"This time it is a matter of chaos and demon, it will directly capture the glory of the next era. There is absolutely no loss. With the strength of Wuheer, I am afraid that it is still impossible to ensure that he will be suppressed. The heavens join hands..."

After everything is roughly clarified, the stars in the huge vertical eyes will instantly smash a cold cold mang. flood

The sound of the gods of the blue sky is also more low: "Exactly, isn't he still a source of water? The whale dragon banned by the whale dragon is also a born creature, and the property is water, there is him. With help, my grasp has risen by 30%..."

He said that this whale and dragon friend is also a powerful and incomparable Tiandao. The strength is similar to that of the wilderness. Although it is only the eighth order of the heavens, it is not far from the ninth-order Tiandao peak. It can be said to be quite equal.

Recently, Hongyan Tiandao Qingyan and Ye Xuan have already played against each other twice, whether it was the forbidden land in the right section of the left bank of the Galaxy, or later set up in the flooded forbidden land.

Two times, Ye Xuan relied on his own strength to face more than ten heavenly and powerful people, but he still managed to walk smoothly and easily.

With these two precedents, the sorrowful Tiandao Qingyan is now extremely jealous of Ye Xuan, and has never before paid attention to it. Even the vagueness has surpassed his destined deadly enemy headless baby corps...

It was the last time that he set up a green scorpion to lure the enemy in the flooded ban. It was an easy task, and he was ready to do everything. But in the end, Ye Xuan still took the time to take it easy.

After walking away, he actually turned back to the door with impunity, and took away some of the descendants from the three major star planes of the world...

It was also the time that the flooded Tiandao Qingyan was shocked that his repairing power had once again broken through. In a short period of time, he did not see a new level. Now, under the anti-skyistic powers, his peak power has already It is almost the same as itself, reaching the eighth order of heaven and earth...

Now that Ye Xuan has left, there are still some time. According to the derivation and estimation of the Qingyan Tiandao Green Eye, he should have not broken through again after he left. but

It is estimated that the distance is once again a breakthrough.

Things are no small matter, you can't wait any longer.

This person not only has Tiandaobao medicine, but also masters the secret law of stealing the sky, and this opportunity to steal the sky has been used by his horrible one-third, and at most it is only 60 times. Up...

And, in the end, there are only sixty chances of stealing the sky. Every three to five days, it will be consumed once. The guy didn’t close his hand and continued to make trouble...

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, the current situation has been severely extreme, and it must not be dragged on. Otherwise, not only will it miss the opportunity of stealing more than 60 times, even the Tiandaobao drugs. I can only hope that the ocean will sigh. With

With Ye Xuan's growing strength, it is no longer possible to suppress him later. thing

In fact, even today, this opportunity is already very embarrassing.

Ye Xuan now has the same eight-order terrorist strength as Tian, ​​but the guy has the secret of blood and sea. Once it is displayed, it can be turned into three in three, and the three bloods and seas have the same strength. . again

Plus the powerful and powerful Shentong bow in his hands...

It can be said that even two or three eighth-order heavens that have been repaired like the blue eyes of the wilderness are now difficult to let Ye Xuan suffer. but

He is quite confident about the whale-long friend mentioned earlier. This

The head whale dragon not only cultivated strength, but also reached the eighth level of heaven and earth. The distance from the ninth-order Tiandao peak was only one line apart. He is a congenital beast and possesses a very special blood and magical power. If it is too late to prevent the sudden display, and with the assistance of the green eyes of the wilderness, there is definitely more than 60% of the grasp, can suppress Ye Xuan...

"More than 60% of the wins have been great, but they are still not enough. We only have one chance. If we miss it, it will be impossible. Therefore, this time we must ensure that nothing is lost..."

Speaking of this, the star-like cyan color has a faint glimpse in the eye, and the light is locked toward the blood of the soul. After a little indulging, the low voice of the gods sounds again: "This time, the main shot, mainly It’s mainly based on the whale-swallowing method of Whale Dragon’s friends. It’s not forced to suppress by force. It’s useless to go to people...”

However, the blood of the soul is awesome to the whale-dragon's whale-swallowing method, but it has certain auxiliary effects. ”

"If you have participated in it and you have the opportunity to take the time to do it, my grasp will at least be 10% higher... So, it is more than 70%."

Although it is still not perfect, but 70% has exceeded two-thirds, it is worth a try..."

"I will leave. I may not return in the near future. Except for the sorrowful spirits, I will leave two heavens to lead the 20 powers to the forbidden land on the right bank of the Milky Way."

"The remaining seven heavens, there must be no rash movement, stay here, and on behalf of me... sit in the floodplain base camp!"

"As for the two heavens that go to the right bank of the Milky Way to crusade the Forbidden City... Remember, you are just creating the momentum. The purpose is to force Ye Xuan back to the Forbidden Hall. The war is not too intense, and the time can be slightly delayed!"

call out……"

Speaking of this, the Hongyan Tiandao Qingyan is no longer saying anything, it is like a star-like giant green eye, suddenly shot a secluded green awning, shrouded the **** body in the far side of the right side of the body, under the flash It disappeared in an instant. "




In the next moment, accompanied by a crisp and fierce crack, the dark void in front of Tiandao Qingyan immediately sounded the thunderous thunderous sound...

The road void crack appeared out of thin air, and the green eyes of the heavens did not hesitate any more. Just like the meteor swaying, it rushed directly into the void crack and disappeared.


call out! ”


He took the blood of the soul and left, and the nine heavenly savage beasts who were squatting in the darkness of the sky also immediately launched an action, tearing a void crack and returning to the floodplain at the first time.

Among them, the seven beasts of the beasts stayed and replaced him in the floodplain in accordance with the will of the blue sky.

As for the other two great beasts, they took the soldiers from the floodplain. They only brought 20 powerful beasts of the ancient power level, rushed out of the floodplain, and rushed to the forbidden place in the left section of the right bank of the Milky Way. ......

The strength of these two great beasts is not weak. One is the third order of the heavens and the other is the fourth stage of the world. They are all in the middle of the realm. Now Ye Xuan is not in the middle of the temple, they are led by two of them. Twenty powerful shots are enough to suppress...


"Oh la la..."



In the banned land, the chain squeaks, and the roar and screams of the beasts are one after another.

Looking forward, the central star field of the forbidden land, huge as a star-like furnace, is fascinating. The 20,000-odd chain of the outer wall of the tripod is so strong that it is as long as a million miles, just like a snake.

In the void around, there are many starry beasts.

Under the breakdown, it is clearly the existence of twenty ancient power levels. In addition, there are two great beasts of heaven and earth. This

The strength of the two savage beasts is not weak. One is the third-order blood-winged tiger in the heavens and the other, and the four-ordered golden-eyed beasts in this world are all in the medium term. press

According to the estimation of Qingyan Tiandao Qingyan, now Ye Xuan is not sitting in the magic hall, and they both lead the twenty-powerful shots, which is enough to suppress.

Soon, the 20 powerful wild beasts of the ancient power level rushed into the furnace and disappeared. and

Among the two great savage beasts, the fourth-ordered golden-eyed beast in the heavens will be turned into a belly of a mans in the first place, and then screamed.

The screams of arrogance have not yet fallen, and the golden-eyed beast rushed out of the floodplain with the blood-winged tiger, and rushed to the forbidden place in the left section of the right bank of the Milky Way...

At the same time, the middle part of the left bank of the Milky Way made the dark void in the right...


The crisp and fierce cracking sounded, and the blue sky of the wilderness rushed out from a crack in the void, and did not stop, but spurred straight toward the end of the void. This

In the direction of 100 billion miles, it is the location where the whales are forbidden. whale

The dragon ban is also a famous name on the left bank of the Galaxy. It is ranked on the left bank with its current overall strength. Although it is still unable to enter the top ten, it can enter the top 100 just like the flood control. to

In the top ten of the left bank, the forbidden land and the sacred land of the beasts, it is absolutely the place where the ninth-order land is located in the peak of the heavens. The average person does not dare to provoke, the status is too detached.

The strongest person who sits in the forbidden city of the whale dragon is the whale dragon said by the green eyes of the wilderness. It is the same as the blue sky of the heavens and the heavens, and it is the eighth step of the heavenly horizon, and the peak of the heavens in the ninth order. Not far away.

In addition to this whale dragon, there are also more than ten starry beasts in the forbidden land, all of which are the subordinates of the whale dragon. The overall strength is extremely powerful. to

Under the heavens and the ruins of the ancient times, the Whales and the Forbidden Land even surpassed the floodland, and there are nearly a hundred of them. The high-end warfare structure is so terrible that the fierce beasts are forbidden. This is absolutely unimaginable.

Even if Ye Xuan hunts the ancient Supreme, if he encounters such a fierce beast, the final result will not have any suspense. No matter how enchanting his means are, he can only die. but

This situation was obviously impossible in the past. In the past, even if the whales were forbidden, the starry beasts of the heavens and the earth would only have one. This

Since the beginning of the era, the three thousand chaotic demon gods bred by Hong Meng’s void have opened up a lot of big worlds. After the big world is shattered, the strongest ones in it have come to the galaxy with the surviving souls of the whole big world. Both sides. group

We will build a starry sky and a forbidden star field, while living here, waiting for the Galaxy Star to open, so that we can compete for the next era of Hongmeng...

And the banned land is the last big world that has been shattered. With its destruction, the high-level scuttles on the banks of the Milky Way and the high-ranking people in the sacred land have realized that the moment of the complete ending of the Hongmen era is coming, and this is the case. End of sleep is born! From

The wilderness is forbidden to go to the Whale Dragon forbidden land, and the direction to the left bank of the Forbidden City is different.

From the floodplain to the forbidden place of the magic hall, you need to go to the end of the left section of the left bank, from there to the right bank of the Milky Way, and then rushed to the magic hall. and

Although the floodland and the Whale-Dragon ban are all located on the left bank, the floodland is in the middle of the left bank, while the Whale-Dragons ban is located in the middle of the middle and right sections of the left bank, rushing there, in the opposite direction.

Therefore, the blood-winged tiger and the golden-eyed beast of the ruined land will lead the 20 ancient savage rushes to the right bank of the Forbidden City, and must arrive first.

And the blue sky of the wilderness needs to go from the opposite direction to the Whale Dragon forbidden land, after a slight delay, then turn around and pass the dark zone at the end of the left bank of the left bank, and then go to the Forbidden City forbidden land, and must arrive after them...

"call out……"

The faint sound of the air broke out. Two days later, the green eyes of the wilderness finally reached the Whale Dragon forbidden.

There was a crack in the void, and a figure stepped out of it. It was a middle-aged man in a green robe, with a national face and a majestic face.

In the past, when the flooded world was in the world, the green eyes of the wilderness had never changed. They were all represented by a huge blue-eyed body like a star. The light in the blue eyes was cold and cold, and it was revealed. Everything is in the mood.

But nowadays, the world of the wilderness has already collapsed completely. The mirror has just been merged and it has been swallowed up by the endless stream of emptiness. The so-called ruins of heaven and earth will be cherished for the ordinary creatures in the emptiness of the sky, but only for the strength of the pyramid. High-level only.

In this case, if it is faced with a weaker existence than him, but the whales that are going to visit now are just like him, but the whales that are only one line away from the peak of the ninth-order heaven. The superiority of Tiandao Qingyan does not exist anymore. Therefore, it is the meaning of the change of a person who is now a Qing robe.

"Daoyou stopped..."

To the edge of the star field of the Whale Dragon forbidden land, a low voice was easily conveyed in front of it. A blue-robed old man walked out from the void, and the body was filled with the breath, which was the eighth order of heaven and earth.

Undoubtedly, this existence, which also changes to the form of the survivors, should be the strongest whale of the whale dragon. Make

For the eighth-order heaven, and the arrival of the sorrowful blue eye, it did not deliberately conceal the cultivation of the body, so he naturally felt it in the first time.

The existence of this level is not far from the peak of the ninth-order heaven. Whether it is a goodwill visit or a stagnation of whales and dragons with other purposes, it is impossible for other heavenly powers in the forbidden area to cope. Therefore, this powerful whale dragon appeared on its own initiative...

"This must be a whale-long friend... The friend doesn't have to worry about it. I am the wilderness of the floodplain in the middle of the left bank of the Galaxy."

To the whale dragon, the blue sky of the wilderness stopped the figure, and the face showed a kind smile. He smiled slightly and then he took it: "Today, I have two things. One is to warn the Taoist friend. Enemy, the second is to send a friend to make a good..."

"Showing the enemy? Sending a good job?"

Beyond the tens of billions of miles away, the whales and dragons in the void of the sky flashed and faintly said: "I want to hear the details..."

"First talk about the creation of the Taoist friend..."

The ridiculous Tiandao Qingyan jaw nodded and smiled and said: "I must know that the Taoist friends also know that in this vast and innocent Hongmeng, there are 3,000 source nest stars, and each source nest is staring with one Powerful chaos demon..."

"Now the Hongmeng era is soon half-finished, and the next Hongmeng era will be opened. The three thousand chaotic demon gods born in the three thousand source nest stars will be born, they will be the next Hongmeng era. A generation of creatures, the existence of chaotic levels, far beyond the heavens..."

"The so-called stealing of the heavens, the Taoist friends must understand, but once the chaotic seeds in the 3,000 source nest stars are budd, the source nest stars will be covered by an invisible barrier diaphragm and protect the entire galaxy. Invisible barriers come out of the way, and they simply cannot enter..."

This matter is now being done by someone. He does not know what means he used to send the shackles into the source nest, and this is a natural feeling. If it is once or twice, it is this person. It’s so daring, and it’s shots again and again...”

Within a short period of six months, he has stolen thirty-five source nest stars and successfully transported 35 of his family members into the source nest star to replace the Chaos Demon. Entering into sleep and gestating..."

"It is precisely because he has repeatedly shot, and Hong Kong has a feeling of emptiness. In the endless dark void in front of the right bank of the Milky Way, there will be unprecedented and strange thunderous sounds every three or five days..."

"You and I are all incarnations of the heavenly will of a big world. The Taoist system of the Taoist system must understand that a few days ago, I used this technique to derive the final result..."

Nine is the number of poles, and the number of ninety-nine is extremely extreme. This person steals the sky, and every time the invisible barrier diaphragm that destroys the source nest star will infect the force of the law of Hongmeng, it will be contaminated with a trace of cause and effect... ""

The limit of this causality is ninety-nine times. Once this line is touched, the power of the law of Hongkong’s void will soon erupt..."

"Now, the existence has been shot more than 30 times, such a stealing opportunity has used one-third, but there are still more than sixty times..."

Although I am not sure what method he is using, he can shatter the invisible barrier that has been condensed by the power of the law of Hongkong and the void. Send it into the source nest star, and start stealing the sky, but one thing is certain..."

"That is, as long as you find the person to find it, and try to force it to follow the example, then the same chance to make a living under the shackles of the Uighurs can also have ... these 60 or so stealing opportunities, I am willing to do with the Friends of the Five Five equals!"

"As for why it is a Taoist friend, not the other peaks of the eighth or even the ninth-order land on the left bank of the Galaxy, this is naturally also a reason. The next thing to say is that I just said to the Daoyou. Enemy..."

Do not know friends can know the starry sky storm? ”

Having said that, the Tiandao Qingyan 眸 眸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , He is just a ruinous situation. Because he has some kind of anti-sky secret law without time limit, he can improve a big realm, so he has the power of heaven and earth."

Not long ago, this son appeared again, and there was no small movement on the left bank of the Milky Way. The Taoist friends must have heard it. The devil wolf banned the battle, and I joined forces with more than ten heavenly Taoist friends, and never left it..."

"In his hands, there are not only Shennong Baoding, but also the nine-color flame sea, and even the secret law of blood and sea.

"Previously, this article collected five medicines and distilled the Tiandaobao medicine. Since then, he has collected the five medicines again. The purpose is very likely to be a refinement of Hongmengbao, which is suitable for the strongest people in my heavenly environment..."

"And according to the reliable information I have mastered, among the five treasures of medicine collected by him for the second time, Jin Yin, Huo Yin, Tu Yin and Mu Yin, four treasures have already arrived. The current difference is just water. Medicine..."

"And the Taoist friend is precisely the innate beast of the water property. The dragon ball in your body is exactly the water treasure medicine he needs. This child is naturally unruly and dare to shoot and kill the ridiculous monster. His current cultivation is the same as that of his friends. It is the eighth order of heaven and earth, and there is no reason not to find it."

"So, my choice is a Taoist friend, because you have no reason not to take the shot. This is the enemy of you and me. You must cooperate with each other to be successful..."

"what do you mean……"

Hearing here, the whale and dragon in the middle of the cold flash, took the words: "The one in the dark void in front of the right bank of the Milky Way looking for a source of nest stars to steal the sky ... is this starry sky?"

"Accurately speaking, it should be the Lord of the Temple of the Devil in the Forbidden City... Ye Xuan!"

The slightest jaw, the ridiculous Tiandao Qingyan went on to say: "The so-called starry sky is just an incarnation of his cover. This person is a human race. Now in the left section of the right bank of the Milky Way, a fierce beast is established... ”

"There is a mixture of fish and dragons in the Forbidden City. There are not only starry beasts but also beneficiaries. But apart from Ye Xuan himself, the strongest in the Forbidden City is just a degraded nine-step old perfect pig. Fine only..."

Nowadays, Ye Xuan takes his savage and eagerness to go to the endless dark void in front of the right bank of the Milky Way to find the source nest star to steal the sky. Therefore, the strongest person in the forbidden place in the forbidden place is the old pig. ......"

Speaking of this, the face of the green eyes of the ridiculous heaven and earth showed a pleasing color. After a few moments, it was again called: "Two days ago, I have sent two mid-day savage beasts from the flooded ban, with two Ten heads of sorrow and power go to the Forbidden Hall..."

They must arrive there before I and my friends. The first time I will attack the Forbidden City, but I will not immediately attack it. This is the support for the perimeter..."

"The Forbidden City of the Magic Hall was created by Ye Xuan, the master of the Temple of the Devil, and the temperament of this person is violent, but it is also extremely ruthless. There are many his abdomen in the Forbidden City, as long as there is something in the temple. He must have heard back when he received the message..."

"As for you and me, you can first determine his position, and then set up an ambush on his way to the Forbidden City."

At this point, Whale Dragon waved his hand: "Since the Taoist friend has a perfect strategy, what is hesitating? It is just a moment to start..."

Oh! "flood

The blue sky of the ridiculous road did not hesitate any more, and the words immediately waved, and in a moment they tore a hollow crack in the void on the right side, and the two looked at each other across a distance of 10 billion miles. cross

After changing one's eyes, they stepped one step at a time and swept into the crack of the void. The body shape disappeared and disappeared...