MTL - Super Craftsman-Chapter 970 Common pride (on)

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Guo Tailai ’s identity is now Colonel Lin Tianhua, so he and his sister did not say anything. After getting off the plane, they immediately ran to the three people in a standard running posture and stood up to salute: "Good chief!"

General Sanwei returned the same standard with a smile on his face.

"I'm also at the base for this Spring Festival." The military commander looked at the pair of people in front of him, filled with relief, and spoke first. Guo Tailai and his sister startled as soon as they spoke: "New Year with our heroes ! "

The headman looked at both eyes with the same pride. Guo Tailai understood that the heroes said by the headmaster definitely included the elder sister. What was the mission of Sister Sister this time?

"Fat, hard work!" As a landlord, General Liu Tianhua was still his direct subordinate. After saluting, he stepped forward with a smile, and patted Guo Tailai's shoulder very intimately.

"The car is very good, fat!" General Chu also praised. Fatty said that he was making a car. The result is a large variety of two series of modular design models, which is simply overwhelming.

Zhao Yanyan reported that six more than 30-ton crawler infantry fighting vehicles were expected from General Chu to the chief of the general assembly. General Chu even rushed to the base regardless of the upcoming Spring Festival. He wanted to see these infantry fighting vehicles for the first time.

Three vehicles have been shipped yesterday. Although the radar system, missiles, active defense system, etc. above are still vacant, but only left a place, it is enough to surprise everyone.

The appearance of science fiction, the semi-invisible design, coupled with the new 30mm and 35mm machine guns, and a three-coaxial coaxial machine gun, this has already made everyone hooked. This is not yet a very advanced turret and sighting system, and one of them is a fine product.

Of course, the relaxed and smooth driving experience and the excellent off-road performance surprised the group of soldiers who tested the car yesterday. The target test of ordinary ammunition also makes a large group of special elite soldiers put it down.

It is a pity that the protection ability can only be read first, and can not be tested actually, but just looking at the introduction is enough to look forward to. It is only a little weaker than the main battle tank, but it is stronger than any current infantry fighting vehicle. After all, there are currently only wheeled, more than 30 tons of crawler-type protection, compared with wheeled vehicles less than 10 tons, naturally occupy the upper hand.

The Il-76 can fly much faster than the Tiangang helicopter. The infantry fighting vehicle has been transported to the base in one step. The three generals are here waiting for Guo Tailai and Zhao Yanyan specially.

After the simple small welcome ceremony, everyone got in the car and drove directly back to the base. However, what surprised Guo Tailai was that the car parked directly at the entrance of a small auditorium on the base. After getting off the bus, the three generals took the lead. Guo Tailai and her sister honestly followed into the auditorium.

As soon as everyone entered the auditorium, they heard a wave of applause. The small auditorium is not large, and can only sit for about 200 people. Now, almost all the officers and special fighters at the base are in the small auditorium, standing in front of the seats and applauding.

Guo Tailai and her sister were inexplicably arranged in the middle of the first row, and the three generals took the podium.

In a confused voice, General Liu said a few words, and then began to name one by one on the podium. It was not until now that Guo Tailai realized that this was a small-scale collective commendation meeting for meritorious service within the base.

Twenty-four soldiers won individual third-class merits, eleven soldiers won individual second-rank merits, base special operations team won one collective first-rank merit, four collective second-rank merits, and another logistics support company won Collective second-class merit. General Liu, Bai Commander, and General Chu all acted as prize-grants, giving medals to each meritorious soldier and collective.

The three fighters won individual first-class merits. However, two of them have been sacrificed and can only be led by the immediate captain, and then transferred to their families. Another soldier who won the first-class merit was lucky, but was injured, but he had to be full-tailed, and he could go up and collect the medal himself.

Guo Tailai sat down next to him, watching the soldiers awarding them one after another, and his heart was full of agitation. There can be so many soldiers who give awards in the peaceful era, but the outside world knows nothing. It can only be said that the silent dedication and sacrifice of countless people have defended China's peace and stability. Whether it is meritorious or not, all are heroes.

"Zhao Yanyan!" General Liu finally called the sister's name.

"Here!" Zhao Yanyan immediately stood up, running in the middle of the podium with a standard running posture.

This time the award was replaced by the head of the military region. What surprised Guo Tailai was that the soldier behind the head held a plate instead of a medal, but many boxes.

The development of a new turboshaft engine, individual first-class work, collective first-class work. The development of a new tilt-rotor helicopter, first-class individual merits, collective first-class merits. Two base operations, one individual second-class merit, one individual first-class merit.

As the military commander general awarded the military medals one by one to the elder sister, Guo Tailai sat under the palm of his hand and would be smashed. Guo Tailai is very proud of the honor of her sister. The scientific research project can be understood, but the two base operations only know the name of the operation, but they do n’t know exactly where it was performed. One second-class work and one first-class work. One can imagine what Sister experienced. Guo Tailai was both distressed and It's pride, the indescribable feeling.

Seeing this brave and handsome sister in military uniform saluting at the head and saluting at the stage, Guo Tailai's applauding hands did not stop.

"Lin Tianhua!" General Liu suddenly gave Guo Tailai the name of the identity at the base.

Guo Tai froze for a moment, then immediately reacted, learning the actions of her sister, and trotting all the way to the podium.

Following General Liu's announcement, Guo Tailai was somewhat surprised to find that this time it was to supplement the previous two military awards.

Once was the risk of tank gun barrels, life and death, take off the insurance and put it in an explosion-proof barrel to explode, it is really dangerous and dangerous, this let him honor personal first-class merit.

The other time is to open the encrypted hard disk, the task is relatively simple, and there is no life threatening, so Rong Li personal third-class merit once.

Then is to make a major contribution in the development of a new type of naval gas turbine, Rong Li personal first-class merits. This should be a commendation of his complete set of animated presentations in the mt30 structure diagram. It is indeed the most intuitive and clear reminder to the researchers, and the merits of the awards are well deserved.

The head of the military region also gave Guo Tailai an award. In the following applause, Guo Tailai learned the appearance of a sister and stood up to salute to complete the award ceremony.

"Little Guo!" The award ceremony was completed. Several generals took Guo Tailai and Zhao Yanyan to leave the auditorium. The head of the military district on the road also said kindly to the fat man: "I am not on duty today. I will have a few drinks with you during lunch."

Drinking with fat people? General Liu and the head of the white group next to each other heard each other, and then tacitly fell behind by a small step. They dare not.

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