MTL - Super Craftsman-Chapter 968 Sister is the most important (on)

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In fact, the Madoff scam model is a typical "Ponzi scheme" plagiarism. It is not new. It uses high returns to lure investors, and at the same time uses subsequent investors' funds to pay the early investors.

Madoff wrapped himself with a kind and "white flawless" investment shell. Trust him, you will get a stable return of 1% -2% per month. Madoff himself pursues a flawless business record, is committed to fair trading, and maintains high ethical standards, which are all known as the Madoff logo on Wall Street.

However, Madoff is smarter. The harsh conditions for attracting investment are that if you want to invest in Madoff, please do not ask him any questions about investment. As for why he can make money in the years when others do not make money, Madoff explained in a few words: "Inside information." Many savvy hedge fund managers, bankers, and professional investors were easily conquered by the words “inside information”.

Under the shiny shell, many clues leaked out, and the proud Wall Street turned a blind eye to it, and even some people participated in it, such as JPMorgan Chase, which provided Madoff with a lot of convenience. In the future, JPMorgan Chase paid US $ 1.7 billion to settle government allegations related to financial scam Madoff.

The Madoff scam lasted for two decades, with up to US $ 560 billion in investment and a large number of wealthy and professionals, which is a great irony to Wall Street regulators.

At that time, Lin Jiayi even suggested Guo Tailai to invest in Madoff in order to obtain more than 15% of the investment income in one year, which was rejected by Guo Tailai. This time Guo Tailai was directly in front of a bunch of predators, reminding everyone to pay attention.

As Guo Tailai said, only $ 10 billion was moved here. Almost everyone knows that Guo Tailai wants to do something. Everyone must be careful when entering the market, fearing that they will cause market fluctuations. Madoff spent $ 50 billion in investment there, but Wall Street knew nothing about his investment objectives and targets. The market seemed to have no abnormalities. Is this normal?

Of course not normal! Who is here to invest in Xiaobai? Many people are also masters of a deep personal relationship with Madoff. They are also self-deceived by this old friend and assume that the old friend is of a high standard. But is that really the case?

Many signs show that Madoff ’s investment is absolutely abnormal, but everyone is unwilling to think in which direction. Of course, it is also related to Madoff ’s previous position. He is a former Nasdaq chairman, Jew, and philanthropist, which greatly reduces the vigilance of many people, plus the temptation of high returns, greedy people who Do you think the prestigious former Nasdaq chairman is a liar?

But now, everyone has to think in that direction. Especially Mr. Morgan, he may know more than others. Of course, most people have their own investment channels and have not invested in Madoff, but after all, some people have invested more or less.

With Guo Tailai's reminder, if you think about it again, basically most people have changed their complexions. Even those without investment are aware of Madoff ’s mistakes, and those with investment are even more eager to act immediately and quickly divest.

The typical blindfold can't see Mount Tai. I really want to say how clever Madoff's method is, not necessarily, but he has captured the greed and trust in the identity of his former Nasdaq chairman. A very simple Ponzi scheme! The elite of the entire Wall Street was played around by him.

"G, thank you very much!" Mr. Morgan first expressed gratitude. If you really cooperate with Madoff, you will definitely be dragged into a bottomless pit, on the order of tens of billions of dollars. JP Morgan is rich, but it can't stand this pit deep!

All night, all the club members did not sleep. Of course, it ’s still daytime in the Western Hemisphere, but they have pushed away all their work, all concentrated in front of the satellite communicator. At this moment, what work is more important than the next trillion-dollar crisis. ? Is it the spicy and spicy Da Kuai Duo Yi in this kind of big scene, or is it tempting to watch someone else eat it, maybe he will be eaten, is it difficult to choose?

Is it a question of a dead friend or a poor man? Is this a problem in front of capital and capitalists?

After a busy night, Guo Tailai actually revealed the subprime mortgage crisis passively, but the results were still good. The members of the club will all enter the field. Everyone believes that Lin Jiayi's judgment is that the only problem is that they combine the huge amount of capital. It is very difficult to complete the entry work within one month and not cause too much market turmoil.

Fortunately, no matter how high the difficulty is, Lin Jiayi's business, Guo Tailai finally fell to nothing. But he never relaxed in his heart. Sister even went abroad and was injured, which made him very uneasy. It's just that Sister Sister hasn't taken the initiative to mention it now, and Guo Tailai won't ask, Sister Sister and their troops are secret units, not everyone can inquire about any soldier's whereabouts and tasks.

Confidentiality regulations should not be read, not asked, not asked. Guo Tailai could not inquire, but could only work in the workshop next door to the airport, make all the cars to be done, and then spend the Spring Festival with his sister justly.

A part of it has been completed in the early stage. With anxiety in mind, Guo Tailai also accelerated the speed and made the military vehicle with all his strength. However, at the time Guo Tailai thought it was more perfect, so all the functional modules of this military vehicle were designed, and now it is not easy to manufacture and assemble all of them. The simultaneous processing of the mt50 gas turbine and the MiG 29 on hand has temporarily stopped, and we will try our best to rush out these military vehicles.

The Spring Festival this year is February 18th, but Guo Tailai completed all the vehicle assembly and painted it in less than February 5th. I wanted to contact my sister soon, but I couldn't get through the call. Despite knowing that the elder sister's body is all normal, Guo Tailai couldn't help but worry, while patiently continuing to process mt50 and MiG29, he tried to make two calls a day.

Guo Tailai failed to contact her sister for more than a week.

When resting with Lin Jiayi tonight, Lin Jiayi took the initiative to enjoy the passion, but he smiled and told Guo Tai to have a good news.

Just yesterday, February 13, the nation ’s largest subprime mortgage company National Finance Corporation (countrywide financial corp) announced a reduction in lending, and the United States ’second largest subprime mortgage company New Century Finance Corporation (new century finance) issued a Fourth quarter earnings warning.

HSBC Holdings announced its performance and increased the provision for subprime housing loans in the United States by 7 billion U.S. dollars, totaling 10.573 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 33.6%. As soon as the news came out, the stock market plummeted that day, with the Hang Seng Index falling 777 points, or 4%.

Lin Jiayi had predicted that the subprime mortgage crisis would start one month later. A month later, the risk of American mortgage loans has finally surfaced.

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