MTL - Super Craftsman-Chapter 2 Humanoid numerical control

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Everyone has a good spirit, and throughout the summer, Guo Tailai is immersed in this exhilarating practice technique, while taking advantage of the process of losing weight.

Anyway, Guo Tailai at home is unlikely to have the opportunity to go out and look for titanium powder. After all, he is still a student, and his parents are unlikely to let him go out and run around.

As for the parents to accompany, it is even more unnecessary to think about it. Both of them are facing lay-offs. Where can they accompany their sons to "do not work?"

In the empty workshop, Guo Tailai learned the basic skills of the fitter from the beginning.锉, drill, planing, grinding, scraping, sawing, all passed once.

More than 20 days of summer vacation, brought to Guo Tailai is to grow rapidly into an excellent fitter. Although there is no way to compare with the senior fitters in experience and qualifications, the accuracy of the technique is especially high.

With the powerful computing power of the control system, Guo Tailai can completely create a perfect ball by hand, which is absolutely impossible for ordinary fitters. Accurate calculation is impossible, even with calculation tools, accurate positioning and measurement is also a problem.

Maybe someone can do it, but speed can never be compared with Guo Tailai. In fact, Guo Tailai was really one, and it was polished and polished. When Guo Jianjun was in front of him, Guo Jianjun thought that Guo Tailai took the finished steel ball from the factory to show off.

Accurate measurement and processing capabilities, using a humanoid CNC to describe Guo Tailai is not excessive. Fortunately, Guo Tailai was more cautious and did not let others know about this.

Near the start of the school, Guo Jianjun and Ding Yumei took out the only savings of 3,000 yuan in the family, so that Guo Tailai brought the living expenses. In terms of the cost of his son’s schooling, the two were never stingy.

Guo Tailai is a student at Shuimu University. Yes, it is the highest school in China. On the campus, there is a stone carving called “Qingfen Tingxiu, Huaxia Zenghui”, which is called “Shuiqing Muhua”, also known as “Shuimu Qinghua”. Guo Tailai is now a member of Class 21 of the 92-level instrument of the Department of Precision Instruments of Shuimu University.

Now in 1996, Shuimu University has only three hundred tuition fees per year, and the accommodation fee plus tuition and fees is only 50, and the state subsidizes 60 yuan per month. However, the monthly living expenses are still insufficient.

Guo Tailai spent a lot of money. His big head is on meals. Even so, he has to spend an extra 300 yuan per month. These three thousand yuan are actually the cost of living for his fifth year.

"To make money." Guo Tailai was on the train, seriously pondering this matter. He is already facing a person who is graduating, and he is not always able to support his parents. Perhaps, relying on his own craftsmanship, work-study is also a good way.

"Hey, fat, thin?" Back to school, the roommates in the dormitory saw Guo Tailai all a bit surprised.

After more than 20 days of vacation, Guo Tailai was sweating in the workshop every day. Although the nano-robot consumed less fat, but the consumption of his own sports was quite a lot, he lost more than 20 kilograms. Now Guo Tailai is already a month. A successful person who lost more than 20 kilograms.

Starting school is a big five, there is no class, basically only graduate defense and internship. Don't misunderstand, Shuimu University is a five-year university at this stage, just like Yanjing University next door.

Guo Tailai has already thought about it during his summer vacation. As soon as he starts school, he will determine his own direction as soon as possible, enter the group, and then complete the design in the fastest time. The rest of the time, you can work relatively freely. It is.

Guo Tailai’s summer vacation has long been thought of. In that future dream, there is a product that is not very complicated. Guo Tailai can also make it himself, and can also write a thesis as a graduation project.

The most important thing is that Guo Tailai can apply for a patent. If it succeeds, it may not be a small income in the future.

In the father's factory, Guo Tailai was only allowed to use some scrapped parts to get started. Guo Tailai did not think about using those scrap parts to transform anything, and one mind was studying the craft. When I came to the school, I was able to do it.

When other students were still rushing into which group, Guo Tailai had quickly selected the topic, reported it to the tutor, and got permission from the tutor to go to the school to make his own design. .

On the third day of school, Guo Tailai had breakfast, and went straight to the school to find the person in charge to explain the intention.

“Do you want to use your lathe and the tools of the fitter's workshop to build your work?” Director Wu, who is in charge of receiving the students, is not surprised by Guo Tailai's request. They have to help during the annual meeting. Less things, very normal.

“Can you slow down for a few days?” Director Wu is very enthusiastic, but his face is somewhat embarrassing: “After the primary school, there was a group of students who had finished their internships. These lathes are being maintained, can they not work after one week?”

Several workshops of the school-run factory are basically places for students to work in metalworking. Every time the students have finished their internships, they must be re-maintained and adjusted. The request of Director Wu is normal.

"Can't one get out?" Guo Tailai didn't want to spend so much time: "I will do four sets of hydraulic cylinders and pistons, and I can finish it in one day at most."

“Is the accuracy requirement high?” When listening to Guo Tailai’s words, Director Wu also felt that it’s really impossible to say a little bit of a week’s delay. I thought about it.

"Not high." Guo Tailai listened to Wu’s words, and immediately hit the snake with the stick: "The car will go straight."

"There is an old lathe over there. It takes a long time and the accuracy is a bit lacking." Director Wu pointed to a corner room in the workshop: "If you have low accuracy requirements, you should be able to."

"Exactly, no problem, thank you Director Wu!" Guo Tailai immediately agreed. What is the accuracy is not high, can not be repaired to the fitter's workshop, how big is it?

After taking the key and applying for the materials, Guo Tailai rushed to open the room and went to see the old lathe.

There are only two lathes in the small room. The styles are very old, and they can be called old antiques. This room is estimated to be dedicated to the preservation of these two old lathes, I do not know what commemorative.

Director Wu said that the most inside one, Guo Tailai used to look around the lathe and look at the condition of the lathe. It can be seen that the two machines are well maintained and there is no sign of rust.

The nameplate on the lathe has worn away most of the words because of the age. Only the first part of this part is still hidden in the first line, and it is covered by oil. Guo Tailai used to smear in the past and his writing was clear.


"Rheinland Metal, 1933." Guo Tailai looked at the nameplate and couldn't help but open his mouth. The old German lathe in 1933 was really old enough. I can't think of a school-run factory, and there are such great antiques.

"This guide rail, there is a problem!" Just a few glances, Guo Tailai has already found the problem.