MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 842 Dragon Hunter! (6000 words large

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In the distant sky, a huge black shadow flew in the air, but it is strange that this huge black shadow flies on the side, and the buttocks twisted and twisted! When you look at this flight attitude, it makes people feel abnormal.

Uranus never felt so painful, the sense of foreign body and the pain in the back door made it desperately want to expel the thing while flying.

But unfortunately, it completely underestimated the horror of the scientist's heart, Dr. Begbank has long designed to prevent the cooling device from being accidentally dropped, so specially designed a...barb for the cooling device! When Ace stuffed the cooling device in and started it, the barb popped up and stuck in the intestines of Uranus. The more it wanted to pull it out, the more the cooling device got stuck. The tighter!

When they saw this huge black shadow, White Beard and Shanks knew that Uranus was really brought to the East China Sea by Ian, and as soon as the order was made, all the ships were immediately dispersed.

Ian is not on the road. He has a spiritual connection with Xiaoyi and can roughly know the location of Xiaoyi. Therefore, only when Uranus deviates from the route, Ian will attack. I forced Uranos to choose the direction of flight according to his wishes. Now, when I see the ship below in the sky, Ian understands that Uranus has fallen into the ambush.

Obviously, Uranus also saw the ships on the sea below, but it did not know that the people on those ships were waiting for it here, and they desperately wanted to land in Uranus. Take a look and just want to fly over the boat.

The boat of the straw hat pirate group was dragged forward by a huge sea king with a cable. Otherwise, they could not catch the flight speed of Ulanos. This sea king class, needless to say, is naturally the call of the White Star Princess. Come, when Luffy found the fleet in front of them, Nami excitedly picked up the soft body of Chobba and excitedly said: "Look and see, start!"

The photographer of the Baki thief group also quickly pointed the phone bug to the front...

Uranus flapped his wings, with huge airflow, just as he was about to pass over the top of the fleet. Suddenly, a huge pulling force shrouded its entire body, and the huge volume was brought about. Huge weight, but this weight seems to be aggravated several times at this time, and Ulanus fell to the bottom without coming.

The first shot is Uncle Fuji Hu, the gravity field generated by his gravity fruit, covering the area above the fleet, waiting for Uranus to fly over...

Although Uranos did not understand why his body suddenly became so heavy, but because the bottom is the sea, the instinct to survive makes it desperately fan the wings, wanting to offset this gravity and fly back, have to say that it The body is indeed very tyrannical, struggling under the pressure, actually stopped the trend of falling.

But what it can do is nothing more than that. Although the body does not continue to fall, but wants to pull the height again, it can't do it! Uncle Wu's gravity is now in a state of balance with the buoyancy of its flapping wings, so that Uranos is suspended in the low air.

Uranus understood this time. This heavy pressure seemed to be from the small reptiles below, so it groaned angrily, turned his head and wanted to spur the flames down the ship. .

However, at this time, several figures suddenly flew into the air and came to Uranus.

"Looking at a close distance, it’s really huge! And this temperature is really amazing! I don’t know if our armed uniforms are worth living?"

The people who can fly now are naturally the fighting power of the Vincemock family. After flying up with the buoyancy of the jetted shoes, the red-haired Ichi looked at Uranus with such a sigh.

Ghazi held a sharp rifle in his hand and heard the boat of the straw hat pirate group coming from far away. He said, "Do you want to do it, don't forget it, don't forget. Your idiot brother is watching you now!"

"Hey, Yamaji that guy..." Yong Zhi also looked at the direction of Sonny, no longer said anything, followed them with Ijiuni, screaming and rushing to Uranus.

Jet shoes and jet gloves bring huge power bonuses to their punches and kicks. However, this powerful attack that can strike a common sea king with a blow is even after Ulanus’s body. Did not bring any reaction to Uranus! ?

When Gaji saw this scene, his eyes widened. He did not believe in evil. He held the electromagnetic gun and slammed it toward the softer ribs of Uranus!

However, the sharp electromagnetic gun, just stabbed in a dozen centimeters, was stopped, he could only get into the scales of Uranus!

"Damn! How strong is the defense of this dragon!" Gaga was angry.

"Ian guy, isn't he always doing this with such a powerful guy?" Yong Zhi looked up at Ian in an incredible way, and he couldn't believe it.

At this time, a huge sense of oppression came from below.

"The little ghosts of the Vincemock family, flash a little farther! I want to shoot!"

This huge sense of oppression comes from the white-bearded old man standing on the Moby Dick! White beard Edward Newgate, at this time, his arms are covered with blue veins, and the twisted and violent blood vessels are scattered under the skin, and the strong muscles that are tightly stretched, indicating that the white beard must be fully shot!

For fear of being attacked by the white beard, Ghazi hurriedly took Egji to rule them and flew away to give up the position, and just as they flew away from Uranus, the white beard was also in the sky. Uranus slammed a punch!

The boxing style brought out by this boxing made the entire Moby Dick violently shake, and the old fist slammed into the atmosphere in front, and the next second, a burst of glass-like sound It was said that the atmosphere above the top of the old man’s head appeared to be twisted and cracked by countless spiders!

White Beard Ed Newgate's attack is a powerful attack with its own special effects!

collapse! ! ! Vibrating the power of the fruit, passing through the atmosphere, passed to Uranus, and Uranos, who was tightly pulled by the force of the Uncle Fuji, the body that was struggling, suddenly did not move!

Then, the huge body of Uranus began to show intense tremors!

Its rounded abdomen, the strength of the old fist, was directly recessed into a big pit, everyone can see this scene, as if a balloon was crushed by people!

嗷————! Uranus made a huge sorrow, and when he snorted, everyone saw its huge dragon's mouth, spewing out some dark red pieces, which are countless pieces of blood and internal organs. Although the fist of the old man did not hurt the skin of Uranus, the power of vibration shattered many organs inside the body of Uranus!

Just a single blow, the old man caused a huge trauma to Uranus...

They are stunned by Gaji, is this the true power of the four kings! ? They used scientific equipment, and they couldn't hurt Uranus. As a result, Uranus looked so vulnerable in front of the white beard...

Where did they know that, in fact, at this time, Uranus had been in the battle with Ian, and it became the end of the strong, the use of several souls, so that the vitality of Uranus was greatly reduced. In this case, the wounded Ula Even if he was flying all the way, his injury did not heal much.

Nowadays, the cooling device has been buried in the body of Uranus. Ian don’t need to worry about anything. What they have to do is to hit a dog with a painful pain!

They want to be surrounded by the people of the world, and the symbol of the dragons of Uranus is to be played as badly as possible! Only in this way can we tear off the noble image of the Tianlong people who have been shrouded in the hearts of the world for eight hundred years!

With the punch of the old man's all-out shot, Uranus was in pain, his wings forgot to beat, and naturally fell all the way.

However, just as it fell, a huge sword flew in and squatted on the right rib of Uranos, so a huge wound of hundreds of meters appeared in Uranus. The blood that rushed out of the body, like a fountain, splashed in the air and fell towards the sea...

And the man who took out this sword is standing on the bow of Redferse, and his face is cold and murderous.

Compared with the sniper of the world's largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, the swordsman's sword is also not much...

The body that Uranus had fallen on, it was supposed to fall into the sea, but at this time suddenly a still, but floated.

Uncle Wu's gravity control is superb. For him who can pull down the meteorite, Ulanus can't afford to bear any weight. If he wants, he can play with Uranus at any time. Between the palms!

The two four emperors successively shot and officially opened the horn of the siege of Uranos. There are so many big men, and the rest can naturally attack with confidence and boldness, so for a time, countless guns and ships and ships The cannon, the raindrops generally fall on the floating Uranus!

Even if these attacks don't necessarily hurt Uranos, the problem is that such attacks are amazing!

With the continuous capture of live pictures, people around the world can see that Uranus was overwhelmed by countless gunfires, and people are seeing a burst of blood.

Ulanus was beaten at the beginning, and he never thought that these little reptiles dared to insult it so much, so they roared for a while, but people couldn’t understand what its buzz was. Look at Ula. North was stunned by countless gunfires, and people watching the live broadcast thought it was the scream of Uranos.

Roaring and roaring, Uranus did not have too many meetings, and reacted, and found that these explosive shells could not hurt it. Only the flying swords that were mixed with it would make it feel painful, but no matter what. How to say it, I can barely endure it, and it floats on the surface of the sea at this time. It looks like it can drink the sea below. So I don’t want to think too much, endure the continuous attack, it twists the head and neck. Lower your head and stretch out towards the sea.

But... How can a loophole appear in such an elaborate ambush? Not waiting for Uranus’s head to reach the surface of the sea, several fierce giant sea kings have already exposed their fangs and teeth from the surface of the sea, staring at Uranus as long as it dares to reach out. These sea kings dare to bite it!

This time, Uranus was really bullied. The old man and the Shanks attacked again and again. They once again slammed Uranos, causing great pain and feelings of grief. Uranus is finally going crazy!

Originally, the high temperature emitted by its body has been quite strong. It is said that it should not continue to use the power of the demon fruit, but it is crazy, it has been unable to suppress the instinct, and suddenly opened its mouth, want to use the nuclear explosion attack again!

It is going to let these annoying reptiles die!

However, the reason why Ian did not shoot in the sky was to guard against this trick. When I saw the light shining in his mouth, Ian immediately accelerated, bursting out from the sky with a burst of sound, falling like a meteor. The posture, with a huge impact, stepped on the dragon's mouth of Uranus from the air!

Ulanus opened his mouth and was stepped on by Ian. He was immediately stepped on, and the light inside his throat was smashed back.

Then, with the bizarre scene appeared, the original Ian thought that this nuclear explosion will burst out in the mouth of Uranus, but did not expect that the light that was swallowed by Uranos swiftly flashed Passed!

This made Ian even stunned. It is a bit unclear whether Uranus dissipated the explosive power himself, or said...

But then, Ian found out that Uranus himself had a stunned look, and his body was stiff, and only one of the remaining one-eyed eyes was filled with a wrong look.

Could it be that... is it because of the cooling device?

Ian’s mind suddenly flashed this thought, and then it seems that it is not impossible, because Begbank said that after the cooling device is started, it will force the Uranus’ body temperature to reach a critical point. It cools down!

According to Ian’s estimate, during the period of Ulanus’s engagement with himself, the power of the demon fruit used seems to be exceeding the standard, more than the outbreak of the Kato dry frame, and the more the devil fruit is used. The strength of the body will accelerate the chain reaction of its body, making its own temperature rise.

Accompanied by this conjecture, Ian took the initiative to fly away from Uranus's forehead and see if it would continue to use nuclear explosion attacks.

Moreover, in order to provoke it proactively, Ian once again fired a super-electromagnetic gun against Uranus. This super-electromagnetic gun directly penetrated the captain of Uranus and blew a big hole.

This is a very risky move. After all, the white beard and their boat are not far away. If this position is a nuclear explosion by Uranus, many people may have to sacrifice...

However, Ian feels that he has at least 70% confidence, so when he takes risks, he has to take risks...

Sure enough, when Ian flew up, he also succeeded in attracting the hatred of Uranus again. After all, he was the one who hurt the most in Uranus. Ulanus was angry and had a mouth and wanted to attack Iraq. Ann.

However, in the eyes of Ian’s staring eyes, the light emerging from the mouth of Uranus was first flashed, and then it was like the lack of strength, and it flashed and then went out!

Sure enough! Ian Yixi, Uranus This is really fast to the tipping point!

This time, not only did he see it, but even the white beard and the Shanks saw it. The old man stood on the bow with a sickle and yelled at Ian: "Ian! Hands-on! Kill it!"

The old man reminded me that all the members of the three pirates had realized that the opportunity to kill Uranos had arrived, so they also shouted together!

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!!"

"Kill it!!!"

The shouts soon became neat and rhythmic. Thousands of people shouted neatly in this sea, and they passed through the live broadcast.

In the world, people watching the live broadcast have also been infected by this atmosphere. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people have even shouted neatly in front of the screen!

"Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!"

At this moment, Ian also seemed to hear the will of hundreds of millions of people from all over the world. He took a deep breath and began to transform!

The huge black demon wing stretched out and slammed into the edge of the demon wing, burning black flames. In the majestic black rain, the flame was not extinguished. Instead, the more and more burning is booming!

The whole person in Ian was covered in a blazing black arrogance. At his forehead, the illusion of the third eye appeared, emitting a cold atmosphere.

However, this is not over yet. As the momentum of Ian climbs again, he is among the black arrogances, and there are more things. It is countless flashing electric awns! These electric sizzles screamed and screamed in the air...

At the same time, Ian’s entire body suddenly appeared in a state of illusion, as if it were an illusion, suddenly and suddenly...

This illusory feeling is naturally derived from the power of the serpent...

Ian’s arm gently flicked, and what was left in people’s eyes was a series of dreamy afterimages, just like his arm had many extras. When his arm stopped, these afterimages disappeared. In the hands of Ian, I held a tens of meters long... black long knife!

This is a weapon that has been made by the cherry blossom petals of thousands of cherry blossoms. There is no weapon of ... name!

Carrying a long black knife, Ian’s stance in midair is domineering!

Strong momentum, whistling like a tsunami sweeping the entire battlefield waters, even if Ian did not use the domineering color domineering, but also let countless pirates suffocate, they trembled and stumbled on the deck, watching with horror as the devil Ian like Jun.

White beard and Shanks, as well as the eagle eye Mihawk moonlight Moglia, all staring at Ian at the moment.

"This... this momentum... has surpassed the power of the Four Emperors!?"

On the Sonny, Sauron looked at Ian in the air, and Sanzhi’s smoke in his mouth fell.

And Poyahan Cook, Lei Yi and Robin, they are looking at Ian with dazzling eyes, already crazy...

It was slower, but it was just a little while. When the transformation was completed, Ian suddenly burst into a roar in midair!

Powerful sound waves, like bombs, swept the sea, igniting huge waves, constantly tumbling and spreading to all sides!

Ian held the huge black knife, pointing to the already trembled Uranus.

Although roaring, Ian was incomparably calm at the moment, because a familiar figure suddenly appeared in his mind, it was a man with a gentle smile!

"Teng Genglang teacher... I don't know if you are watching the live broadcast of this battle? I still remember the teachings you used. Today, let you see the progress of my swordsmanship..."

"You said, the foundation... the most important!"

Ian held the hand of a long knife and gently and gently waved it!


At the same time that he took out the knife, the heavens and the earth seemed to be dark with him, but the darkness came quickly and went fast, as if it was a dazzling one.

But... After Ian’s majesty, the wind in this sea area seems to be still!

Together with the huge body of Uranus, the whole body of Uranus suddenly stopped at this moment, and there was still a huge fear of dissipating in the only one of the remaining one-eyed eyes.

Hundreds of millions of people stared at this scene, and when they hadn't reacted to what had happened, the huge body of Uranus suddenly broke open from the shoulders!

From the shoulder to the tail, Uranus turned into two halves and slowly fell towards both sides!

The blood of the tides suddenly bursts out until the body of the two bodies falls.

In the rear of Uranus, the sea has also been opened with a huge gully, extending far away, and there is no margin at all!

The clouds above the battlefield were also opened. In the blue sky, all the clouds left a trace of sniper!

The ancient weapon Uranus ~ ~ was directly smashed by Ian, and the sniper left by Ian's knife was deeply imprinted in the minds of all the world!

They may have a lifetime, and they will never forget this scene...

In the middle of the silence, Ian, who had finished the knife, flew to the body of Uranus, and the long knife in his hand turned and cut against the neck of Uranus!

He specially killed Uranos from the shoulders, in order to leave the huge leader of Uranus!

When the huge faucet was cut, Ian reached out and pierced it from the faucet with a long knife, lifting the whole head of Uranus with a knife.

Then, Ian did not return to the ground, flew in the direction of Rogge town, leaving the people on the battlefield, staring blankly at the banner of the Dragon Hunter Pirates, the flag above, the sword The pattern that pierces the faucet bones is so dazzling at this moment!

Just like the action of Ian just now...

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