MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 840 Surprise spree

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In the sky, Ian and Ace flew side by side, trailing behind Uranos.

Looking forward from here, you can see the floating tail of Uranus, and the hidden moments in the tail... Well, the back door!

No way, Ace can only use this word to describe it. If you say *~ directly, Ace thinks he can't stand it.

One wants to wait for the iron-like cooling device in his hand, and directly into it from the back door of Uranus, Ace feels that the whole person is not good!

MMP! How can I take on such a task? I am the second team captain of the White Beard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace! This is really something to do. After Marco and Beata, they can laugh for twenty years!

Therefore, Ace couldn't help but swallow and asked Yi'an next to him: "I said Ian, can't you plug in other places?"

Although Ian was exhausted at this time, but did not know why, as soon as he saw Ai Si’s expression of sadness, he felt that his strength had recovered, but he could not laugh, so he could only use a very serious tone. Ai Dao said: "This is to blame Bergan Bank, but you can rest assured that the year will be, the world will remember your great achievements!"

“Is there really no other way?” Ace was frustrated.

Ian’s eyeball turned and said: “In fact, there is no other way...”

“Oh?” Ace’s spirit rose and he quickly asked: “Come tell me!”

So, Ian was flying side by side with Ace, and told Ace how to use an esoteric skill...


At the same time, far from the base of the New World's Dragon Hunter Pirates, Varudo and Begabank are experimenting while chatting.

"Begagabank, really, the cooling device, can it really only be stuffed into the body of Uranus from ...?" Varudo asked: "Is it really impossible to stuff it from other wounds?" ”

After hearing this problem, Begbanker sighed and shrugged: "It seems to be ok, as long as it can guarantee that the cooling device will not fall down!"

Upon hearing this answer, Varudo was suddenly stunned and speechless: "Why didn't you explain to them before? Do you know how much the captain was entangled in this issue...?"

Begabank laughed and said, "Why do you want to say? Don't you think this is very interesting? Is it very sensation to kill the famous Uranus in this way?"

"..." Varudo looked at him for a long while, and finally came up with a sentence: "Begbank, you have changed..."


“Ready?” Ian asked Ais.

Ace’s face hurts and he said, “Do you really use it? How can I listen so unreliable!?”

"Don't worry, I didn't say it? The second disease will reduce your inner shame!" Ian explained: "You just shout out when you rush over, you can do it!"

"There is no time!" Then Ian continued: "If you drag on, you may have unnecessary variables..."

Ace tangled for a while before biting his teeth: "Good... okay! I am going!"

After that, under the gaze of Ian, Ace began to accelerate the flight with his hands on the cooling device. He stared closely at the back of Uranus, the wings of the flying white flame, and made a sharp trajectory in the sky. !

After quickly approaching Uranus, Ace suddenly yelled: "Olympic! Millennium Kill!!!!"

This loud voice is the ‘Oyi’ skill that Ian taught him! It is said that it can reduce the secret of shame...

Then, he held the cooling device and rushed into the back door of Uranus!

Well, the back door is big, so it’s okay for Ace to rush in.

Ian didn't know what Ace had experienced in the inside, only to see that Uranos suddenly made a terrible noise, and then writhed his **** desperately...

After a while, Ai's figure reappeared. After he flew out, he flew away from the distance, thinking that he would go back and take a shower...

Ian’s back to Ace’s back, he solemnly made a Barton-style ritual, saying: “Warrior! Go all the way...”

Then, he continued to follow Uranos without hesitation and took the opportunity to resume his physical strength.

After Ulanus flew out of Ace, he felt awkward for a long time before he felt his pain disappeared. He turned back and looked at Ian behind him with a sly expression.

It is very clear, the sudden pain in the back door, and the foreign body sensation in the body at this time, is the ghost of the little reptile behind him!

Under anger, Uranus turned back and spoke a nuclear explosion attack against Ian and Ace!

This is almost the last nuclear explosion of it. Taking advantage of Ian's effort to stay away from the explosion area, Uranus bowed his head and rushed toward the sea below.

At this point, even if it hurts again, it can only be temporarily endured, because it is looking for an island in memory. It remembers that when flying through this sea area, I have seen several small islands for it to land.

It is already thirsty, and it will die if you don’t drink water...

However, when it flew over the first island, it was discovered that the blazing fire had already ignited on the small island. The vast land of the whole island had already been cracked and it was slowly sinking into the sea. Its huge weight, this island may not be able to withstand, so it is a last resort, Uranos can only be diverted.

However, the second and third islands remain the same. When it was discovered that there were no islands nearby for landing, Uranus finally remembered the huge ship that he saw far away before flying into the sky. !

It is it! It is it! One of the once enemies!

Uranus is not too stupid, it has realized at this time that during the time it is fighting the little reptile, I am afraid that the nearby islands have been bombarded by Pluto!

This is indeed the case. Baki took his pirate group and took the Pluto battleship and successfully completed their mission. In view of Baki’s timid character, he has already avoided the nearby waters. Pluto has always been Just a cumbersome vessel sailing on the sea, if it really does not play much with Uranus, he does not want to be the four emperor's card, the Pluto battleship is ruined by Uranus.

With Pluto, Baki can realize his dream of four emperors...

After thinking about it, after coming to the sea, Uranus tried to control his huge body and wanted to stay close to the sea to suspend it. This kind of action, it used to be impossible, because it comes from memories of 800 years ago. Let it have a psychological shadow on the sea...

Wings were severely wounded, and Uranus took this action and spent a lot of effort. However, just as it lowered its head and wanted to drink water, it suddenly found that there were a lot of huge black shadows under the sea!

Subconsciously, Uranus furiously flapped his wings and flew upwards. Just as it had just left the sea, suddenly there was a lot of waves rising on the surface of the sea, a huge sea king in front of him, full of teeth. The big mouth of the blood basin, rushed out of the sea and bite towards Uranus!

It was the sea king friend who was brought to the White Star Princess.

The predation movement of this sea king class was quite sharp. When Ulanus flew up, it also directly bit the large tail of Uranus. For a time, the huge body of Uranus was also used by this sea king. When I fell, I dragged it down to the sea!

And... it’s these **** things! In memory, when it was in that big battle, it was almost bitten into the bottom of the sea by these sea kings. I didn’t expect this sea king class to appear again!

The instinct of survival drives Uranos to flutter his wings and fly upwards, and the terrible power of Uranus is revealed at this time. The sea king under the sea has been dragged by it. The body has left the sea.

However, at this time, there was a huge wave of water on the sea, and a sea king class rushed out, but this time the sea king class was biting on the sea king who was dragged by Uranus. !

Not only that, but the successive sea kings rushed out of the water and bite on their companions. These sea kings were originally heavy in weight, and they were added together one after another, producing an amazing dragging ability, flying Uranus. Gradually slower and more difficult, the buoyancy of the last wing has been unable to offset this weight, once again dragged to the surface of the sea.

Ian watched the scene quietly in the air, and the cooling device had already been hit. If Uranus could be dragged into the sea by the white star princess, it would be better. At that time, even if Uranus was drowned, there was a cooling device, and there was no problem.

However, it is a pity that at the most critical moment, the tail of Uranus was bitten!

This is no way. If the first sea king who rushed out of the sea and bites the neck of Uranus, then Uranus will die! But it just bite the tail of Uranus. Under the huge bite force of the sea kings, Uranus was beaten by Ian with a **** tail. He finally couldn’t bear the pull and was torn off. Now!

At the moment when the tail was broken, the series of sea kings fell back into the sea, splashing huge waves, and Uranus flew up again at the last moment.

This is the case, Ulanus, who has broken his tail, has long had no posture of the sky overlord. It has lifted the height and flew forward like a wild dog that has been encircled.

Under the sea, under the command of the White Star Princess, the Sea Kings followed the figure of Uranos in the sky to ensure that it flew to where there were a large number of sea kings threatening it, making it impossible to land. All the islands near this sea area have been bombarded by Pluto. It can be said that under the pressure of Ian, White Star and Baki, their team has been in a desperate situation!

And most importantly, this time, after Ulanus lost control, it didn't even have the last helper Tianlong...

Just when Uranus didn't know what to do, it suddenly remembered one thing!

When the Tianlong people awakened it, they once commanded it and flew in one direction. In that direction, it once saw the islands below from the sky, and the islands were also extremely large. The bridges are connected together!

And this direction seems to be in the east... ?

I don’t care so much, and Uranus turns around and flies in the direction of its memory...

Ian, who was closely following behind it, looked at the direction in which he flew away and couldn’t help but sneer.

"Sure enough, it seems that it really knows the island bridges used to inhabit the East China Sea labor country!"

"But it's a pity that you are afraid that you can't go back there! Because there is a surprise gift package specially prepared for you... This is also the case, with the East China Sea as the starting point, and also the East China Sea as the end point!"

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