MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 835 White star little sister

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No one thought that after the video screen was converted, the first time it came out, it would be such a thing!

Well, it is a bit inappropriate to say that it is a gadget. The clowns of the people are also one of the seven Wuhais. It is also a somewhat famous sea thief. It is true that people are not very good.

But... numb, Baki, do you pretend to pretend to emphasize your name? Just now, the voice-over voice was heard by your men deliberately flattering. You even pretended to be the one you heard by chance, and you confessed shamelessly. Are you a master or a movie master? ?

Also, how many times have you rehearsed the action that you turned back! ?

Not to mention the kings present, Qing Yan and Zefa, they have long pretended to not see this scene.

As for Dorrag, it is very speechless at this time. If it is not Baki, this guy is an ally introduced by Ian. It is such a shameful thing in the revolutionary army. Dorag has long taken him to the sea. Now!

Fortunately, Baki’s shipment was forced to be forced, so I remembered what I was going to do. After turning around, Bucky laughed smugly, opening his hands to the camera and shouting: “Wow, hahaha Five old stars, as well as the Tianlong people, the old man Baki adults, but will soon replace the beast Keduo to become the new four emperors, today, let you have a good look at the hunting king Ulanus drama!"

"What!?" Hearing this, the king of Busdo was suddenly amazed: "Hunting Uranus!?"

Not only they, but other kings are equally shocked, saying: "Is Uranus not in the hands of the world's aristocrats!?"

"Wow, hahaha, you guys believe in such a clumsy scam!" At the end of the picture, Bucky seemed to hear the cries of the kings from the phone bugs and couldn’t help but laugh: "Uranus is early. It’s out of control of the Tianlong people, but this **** dragon has already threatened the whole world, so I am Baki, today I will wipe out Uranos here!”

"Ulanus is really not in the hands of the Tianlong people!?"

"real or fake!?"

"Fart, how is this possible!? Do you believe what a pirate said?"

"Damn, what about the pirates? What if he said it is true?"

A group of kings who were still supporting the Tianlong people before, also made a mess at this time, could not help but squirt each other.

But the five old stars are still stiff, loudly: "Hey, big words! Baki, just rely on you and your circus pirates, can eliminate Uranus!?"

After Baki heard it, he smiled twice and said: "I don't want to say anything? Hey, let them see what is under the feet of my great Captain!"

Then, everyone in the conference hall saw the picture start to turn and conveyed the scene around Baki.

From the picture, you can see the clown base station on the deck of a ship, but as the picture turns, the ship's appearance is gradually revealed. The more you look at it, the more people are present in the air. !

The boat that the clown Baki was riding was actually a huge warship. Even if the picture was constantly shifted, it was impossible to read the whole picture of the huge ship. I don’t know how big the ship is, and the style of the ship. Style, not a common style, the whole ship is covered with golden light, and it is not known what metal or real gold is made.

But what surprised everyone the most was a cannon standing in the middle of the giant ship!

This gun is a three-armed artillery, but it is beyond the imagination of the giant! The three black and secluded barrels are so large that they can hold ten people at the same time! Just looking at the caliber of this artillery, the kings present in the scene can almost imagine the power of this artillery!

"That... Where did the warship come from?" When Debra saw the ship, he felt inexplicably shocked and couldn't help but ask: "That is not modern technology." Boat!!"

The five old stars, but they have long been stunned, and a very unpredictable hunch has emerged in their hearts.

Sure enough, after hearing the question of Debra, Baki laughed and jumped onto the barrel of the artillery. He opened his hands and said: "As you can see, this is the secret weapon of my clown Baki. The huge artillery, coupled with the ultra-super special Baki shells of my Baki adults, is enough to destroy an island with one blow! People all over the world, now, is the era of my clown bucky!!!"

In the conference hall, all the kings were horrified at the speech of Baki’s publicity, and they were shuddering.

A shot can destroy an island! ? Where did Bucky get such a powerful weapon! ?

However, before Baki laughed, suddenly a foot came out from the side of the picture, and one foot squatted on Baki's face, and the Baki guy was directly thrown down the barrel!

In the picture, the loud noise of Baki’s landing sounded, and then everyone heard the sound of Baki’s impatience: “Bastard Ian! Why are you yelling at me!”

"Let you go to the camera is to let you say things, not let you brag!" A familiar voice, resounded in the conference hall, then the camera lens turned, once again turned to the top of the barrel, I saw a person appear It is there.

Sleeveless trench coat, strong arms with sturdy muscles, white bandages on the right hand, a small bell hanging under the bandage, a long knife on the left and right sides of the waist, and a head worn on the head. The bear's ear cap, as well as the long black hair of the pony tail, and the dark and deep, twinkling eyes, only one person in the world is such a look, that is the four emperors of the black dragon Ian!

Yes, the person who appeared in the camera and slammed the clown Bucky was Ian. When his appearance appeared in the camera, the five old stars suddenly screamed!

They realized that this was definitely a premeditated action! The Revolutionary Army has received the support of the Four Emperors...

Sure enough, in the picture, Ian slammed on the barrel of the barrel and patted the metal of the barrel. He said to the camera: "As you can see, this is a powerful warship, but many people may not know. Its name, I want to say is that this warship is called Dawn. This name may not have been heard by many people, but it has another nickname, everyone must know! That is... the ancient weapon Pluto Pluto!! !"


The kings in the conference hall were all amazed by the words of Ian. They looked at the calm expression of Ian in the picture. I couldn’t wait to hear Ian say the next second: This is a joke...

However, Ian did not say this, but coldly said: "Do not doubt, Pluto has been found by us, and with the help of Dr. Begbank, it has been repaired! Now everyone sees It’s the worst ship in history in the history of the 100-year battle!”

"Bei...Begagabank!?" It was another shocking news. The kings present were already shocked.

"Dr. Begbank has been rescued by us and officially separated from the control of the navy and the world government!" Ian continued: "Of course, this matter may have blocked the news from the world government. They are very good at doing this. Just as they blocked the uncontrollable things of Uranus, now Uranus is no longer controlled by the Tianlong people and the world government, but Uranus, which has returned to the wild, has now destroyed several countries in the new world. , including Al Buff, and the country, etc., its existence has already threatened the whole world, so this time we use the purpose of Pluto, in order to eliminate Uranus!"

"Of course, a Pluto warship may not be the opponent of Uranus, but in addition, we have the same king of Poseidon as the ancient weapon!" Ian once again threw a more explosive The news came.

And as his voice fell, the lens began to deflect again, this time pointing to the right side of the Pluto battleship. From this position, you can see a ship that is much smaller than the Pluto warship. Sailing next to it.

"That... that's... straw hat pirates!?" The five old stars were already cold and sweaty at this time, but they still recognized the ship's pirate flag from the picture.

On the head of the Sonny lion on the Q version of the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy is sitting there, waving and waving at the camera, while on the ship's side of the Sonny, standing on Saone, Sanzhi, Usopp, Qiao Ba, Nami, Franci, Mr2, Brooke and even them, while at the same time, Ian standing on the side of the Pluto battleship, they gestured against Luffy.

Then everyone saw the road fly in the picture shouting at the bow against the sea: "Hey!! Gallbladder!!"

With the shouts of Luffy, the next wave of waves rolled over the sea, and then a... pink princess bun first exposed the water, then the lovely white star princess, with a baby red big face, drilled into the water.

That's right, Luffy brought them out of the White Star Princess as promised!

"Road... Luffy adults, are you calling me?" asked the white star that was out of the water.

“Uh huh!” Luffy nodded and pointed to the opposite of Ian on the opposite side of Pluto: “Ian’s brother let you come out and show up!”

Princess White Star turned her head and looked at Ian, who had already arrived at the side of Pluto's ship. Some shyly said: "Ian, there is... What is it?"

In the picture, Ian smiled and extended his arm from the side of the ship. The white star princess slammed his hand on the side of the ship and took the head over. He smashed it in the palm of Ian, and his face was full of cute expressions. The mermaid tail under the sea, also cocked out of the water and happily beat a few splashes.

During this time, Ian has been mixed with the White Star Princess. Although the White Star Princess is very courageous, as long as you are good to her, Bai Xing can also feel it. She has already trusted Lu Fei and then heard Luffy. Ian’s eldest brother naturally transferred his feelings to Ian, and Ian liked the big mermaid princess like this little sister, so I often couldn’t help but use it to kill the white star.

The pirates of the Baki thief group holding the video phone bug faithfully recorded the picture, and in the conference hall, the king of the Dragon Island, wearing a soap bubble helmet, has been silent since the beginning of the meeting. Nipton, who has not spoken, has already long since seen this scene.

My own baby daughter, how do you look like a well-behaved puppy now...?

For Lufei to take away his daughter, Princess Bai Xing, Neptune certainly knows. Luffy and he said the whole thing. Under the guarantee of a flat, Neptune was reluctant to let the white star come out, intending to let She met the world outside, but he did not think that his daughter was in the hands of the four emperors Black Dragon Ian, how to be trained like this! ?

MMP! After you Ian, it is best not to come to the fisherman island, or see how I can clean you up! The annoyed father Neptune thought so gnashingly...

After Ian comforted a white star he said to the camera: "Now, I am going to introduce you to you, this white star princess from Yuren Island is the ancient weapon Haiwangbo. The reincarnation of Sedon!!"

The kings in the conference hall were all forced, including the five old stars. They looked at the picture and then turned their heads and looked at Neptune!

Neptune had never said anything before, and naturally it was expected that this happened, so he did not hate himself, but now he has to speak.

He sighed: "Yes! That is my daughter Bai Xing, and also the sea king Poseidon!"

"This..." Abraham's King Debra looked at Neptune with a shocked look and said, "King of Neptune, why are you..."

His words were not finished, but Neptune also understood what he meant and shook his head. "No way, the world government and the Tianlong people have been unable to let the fishermen land on the land, so we fish people, I have to hope for others..."