MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 833 Tooth for a tooth, blood to blood

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"It’s nonsense! It’s a nonsense! You are so filthy to our world aristocrats! Who is the courage to give you!?"

In addition to the fear of guilty conscience, the Tianlong people are instead evil to the gallbladder. They know that it is absolutely impossible to let Dorag continue to tell this way!

Fortunately, there is no evidence for what Dorrag has said. Even if Dorag said that there is no more horror, most of the kings present are only suspicious, so there is room for sophistication and recovery. .

Stop him! Hurry to stop him!

With this in mind, the patriarch of the Charles Ross family immediately used his eyes to signal the five old stars and let them come forward!

Now Tianlong people and the world government can be said to be a glory, and if they are damaged, if the Tianlong people are really exposed, and the world government is not good, so the five old stars who are shown and looked at each other, looked at each other. It also quickly reached a tacit agreement.

"Stop your scam, Dorag!" The light in the five old stars stood out and said: "You are a criminal wanted by all countries in the world. Over the years, you and your revolutionary army are in the world. The riots in various places have overturned the political power of many countries. Nowadays, you dare to appear in the world conference. You want to rely on this plausible rhetoric to undermine the unity of the participating countries and the world government. When you are!"

It was reminded by the old talents that the kings and leaders present were reacting. Yes, Dorrag is the most vicious criminal wanted. Can his words be believed?

However, Dorrag smiled at the five old stars and did not argue with them. Instead, he asked back, "How are you doing it?"

Kona Nayi, who came with Dorag in the crowd, was also a cloak at this time. He nodded and said: "Get it, you can broadcast it at any time!"

As her words fell, the top of the entire conference hall suddenly dropped several video screens.

These image screens were originally standard in the world conference hall. At the same time that Dorag, they invaded Mary Joa, the members of the Revolutionary Army had already controlled the monitoring room, so they were able to control these devices at any time.

After the screen came down, a member of the Revolutionary Army sent a special telephone bug and placed it on the table. The phone bug's eyes were aimed at Dorag.

When the kings present were still wondering what Dorag wants to do, suddenly, the images appeared on those image screens.

"Hey, can you see it?" What appears in the picture is a big-faced knife-faced face. He is holding the cigar against the picture, and his face is disdainful. This way, who is not Krokdal?

Dorrag gestured to the phone bug and said, "You can start!"

At that end, Krokdal seemed to be able to see the picture of Dorrag, so he left the picture a little farther, and he also saw the five old stars not far behind Dorag.

"Hey! You five old people are not dead, haven't seen you for a long time!" Krokdal looked up at his chin and taunted with the contempt of the king.

"Krolockal..." Gorbach of the five old stars sneered: "Are you also a running dog of the Revolutionary Army?"

"No, no! I have always believed in this, and all of them are defeated by the king!" Krokdal’s hand said: "But I am definitely not a running dog. What I did is all I want to do." So now you guess, what am I going to do?"

After that, without waiting for the five old stars to answer, Krolockal smiled and said: "What I want to see most now is the expression of your five old-fashioned faces."

Krokdal Daha laughed and ignored the face of the five old stars, and let it go from the picture, showing the picture behind him.

What appears in the picture seems to be a huge room, but to the surprise of the kings and leaders present, there are a large number of historical textstones in this huge room!

Standing in the stone tablets of these historical texts is a figure of grace.

Nicole Robin, a soft and long black hair, stands in front of these historical texts with a mature and intellectual beauty. "Hello, self-introduction, I have always been the world government." Nicole Robin, the wanted son of the devil, comes from O'Hara who has been destroyed by the world government, the last historian!"

When I saw these historical texts and Nicole Robin, the five old stars also knew that things were big!

"Damn, when did the IAA **** collect so many historical texts??"

Not to mention that they were so shocked that even the kings present were very surprised. Many people actually saw the historical text. These historical texts that could not be destroyed in the world, although no one knows the ancient text above, but no one knows the ancient text above. Everyone understands that what is recorded on the stone tablets of these historical texts is related to the blank one hundred years of history.

In the surprise of everyone, Nicole Robin was not affected at all. She gently stroked the text on the stone of the historical text, and then translated the contents of the stone tablet one word at a time.

What she said, even before it was told by Dorag!

Robin’s remarks did not take much time. After he finished speaking, the conference hall was once again in a state of quietness.

However, the five old stars are also the guys who are old and perfect, and there is no confusion about this situation.

Gorba Lang said to the people on the scene: "It is really difficult for you to take more Larag! For this play, you have also found out the woman Nicole Robin, but what can it prove? The world is She knows the ancient words alone. Who can prove what she said? If she does not say anything, do we have to believe anything?"

"Yeah!" King Basto, who had been snoring with other kings before, suddenly squinted at his nose and said with a disdain: "Even if this woman is telling the truth, then what about it? The world government There is a navy in hand, and the world's nobility has the ancient weapon Uranus, the revolutionary army. You think that this kind of advancing and preaching can let us abandon the world government and support you? Don't dream!"

Not only King Basto, but also many other kings, this time also echoed, and these echoing kings all have one thing in common, that is, they are levy tyrants in their respective countries. In their country, they have always pursued the aristocratic system, and these aristocratic systems have all followed the example of the Tianlong people. These tyrants have long been used to the extravagant life. For their own domestic people, they are fundamental. Don't care.

Therefore, in their view, supporting Tianlong people and the world government is the best choice. They hope that everything can be maintained, so that they can continue to enjoy the kind of arrogant and extravagant life. As for the gold in the sky, hehe, Do you have a relationship with yourself? As long as you continue to squeeze those people, isn’t it?

The support of these kings and leaders is really too late, so that the Tianlong people can not help but feel the spirit.

But at this time, Dorag suddenly smiled.

The corner of his mouth pulled out a touch of curvature, revealing the white teeth, and said: "Indeed, I never thought about it, and forced the world government to dissolve by a few words!"

"Well? What do you mean?" Everyone was stunned.

Dorag turned his head and smiled at the five old stars: "Do you feel very strange, your help signal has been sent for so long, why did the naval reinforcements not come?"

When the five old stars heard the words of Dorag, they couldn’t help but scream.

And Dorag’s face has become gloomy at this time, saying: “In fact, I have understood from many years ago that even if we can reveal the truth, it is impossible for some brazen people to let They bowed, so I formed the revolutionary army and continued to grow and develop. That is because I know that for those who like to use power and force, they also have the power and the force to make them a funeral dog. !"

As if to prove his words, at this moment, a loud bang of the artillery fire suddenly came into the conference hall!

The sound of the gunfire sounded a bit far away. It didn't seem to come from near Mary Joa, but in combination with what Dorag said before, the five old stars of the Dragon and many kings and leaders suddenly turned white!

They understand that this voice was from Marin van Doo, the naval headquarters...

Marin vando, attacked by the revolutionary army!

"Yes!" Dorrag opened his hands. The look in his eyes seemed so dazzling at this moment. He pointed to the ground under his feet and screamed and said: "This is an armed uprising that subverts the world regime!! ”

I have never expected this shameful person to wake up I never expected them to bow their heads and admit their mistakes. Dora’s previous speech was nothing more than an opening speech for the kings and leaders present!

Eight hundred years ago, the Tianlong people took Uranus and took the freedom and equality of the whole world by force. Today, the revolutionary army will take freedom and equality back from them in the same way!

It is time for the Tianlong people and the world government to pay for the crimes committed by them.

This is the answer given by the revolutionary army to the world!

"By the way!" Dorrag shook his fingers under the stunned gaze of the crowd: "The pictures you see on the image screen are not only visible to you. In fact, there are hundreds of millions of people around the world. People are watching the picture here..."

He pointed to the five old stars and the Tianlong people and smiled and said: "So, let the world look at your face well... In the words of Ian, you are ready to be a group of salted fish that can only call 666. Well... although I don’t know what it means..."

Read The Duke's Passion