MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 823 I didn't expect you to be like this.

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Just as the Tianlong people were uneasy and the world government headed by the five old stars was on the move, on the ship of the returning revolutionary fleet, Ian Ace and Sapo were quietly listening to Begbank and Dora. Grid's conversation.

After being successfully rescued, Begbank was obviously relieved. At the beginning of the day, he had been greedily gazing at the scenery on the sea and breathing the fresh sea breeze blowing from the sea.

He has no idea how many years he has stayed in the closed environment of the Institute, and now he is suddenly free, only to be so precious.

"I don't know how my hometown Balchimo is doing... I have been out for many years!" said Begbank.

Dorag went to his side and supported the ship's port: "Balkiaia has always been protected by the world government, and it has now become a scientific sanctuary..."

"Is it because of my old man?" Begbank smiled and said: "People in their hometown may feel that I joined the world government as the chief scientist of the Navy. It is a matter of Guangzong Yaozu, but for myself, It is more like a prison... Although they provide me with the most abundant research resources, but all the research I have done is not what I want, Dorag, can you feel that mood?"

" out, what are your plans?" asked Dorrag.

"I don't know!" Begbank was somewhat confused: "I can't do anything but study..."

Dorag suddenly looked back at Ian, his eyes were inexplicable. Just when Ian didn’t understand what Dora’s eyes meant, he heard Dorag’s comment on Begbank: “If so, I Maybe you can recommend a place!"

“Where?” asked Bergabank.

"Hunting Dragon Pirates!" Dorag pointed his finger at Ian and said: "It is to save you, Ian's pirate group!"

I heard this, Ian also stunned.

Begbank looked back at Ian and his eyes were bright. Dorag said on the side: "You may not know, Ian is a four emperor, he has enough strength to protect you, and under his own, There is a remnant of the moon man, and he built a research institute on it. The Jerma Group and he are also allies, in his institute, and your old friends!"

“Yes!?” Begbank was happy and asked Ian: “What old friends are you?”

"Hey, Varudo, Gaji, and Caesar!" Ian glanced at Dorag and answered it. He already understood the meaning of Dorag.

"Sure enough, old friends!" Bergabank laughed.

Although he didn't like Caesar's guy who is committed to postgraduate weapons, but for Bergabank, he didn't know much about him, so Caesar Gage is also an old friend.

Ian also followed the words and said: "Dr. Begbank, if you want, I and my Dragon Hunter Pirates welcome you to stay for a while, you can do whatever research you want!"

Ian knows that Dorrag wants to settle Begabank for him for a while. Maybe after the revolutionary army's uprising succeeded and successfully overthrew the world government to establish a new political power, it must also require scientists like Bergabank. Ian now retains Begbank, which is equivalent to retaining him for the Revolutionary Army.

And just as well, with the addition of Begbank, maybe the restoration of Pluto will be faster.

However, Ian feels that with the character of Dorrag, perhaps he will return to his hometown of Baltimore in accordance with the wishes of Begbank.

Begbank did not say anything. It was estimated that this arrangement was acquiesced by Dorag. He turned and raised a new topic, pointing to the nailed back by Ian: "This thing, you must save it." !"

"I have long wanted to ask, what is this thing?" Ian cried down in curiously, looking at the 'iron nails' placed on the deck, saying: "What is this important thing? It will let you Regardless of your own safety, take it out?"

Bergabank said with a serious face: "This is my forced cooling device specially made for the characteristics of Uranus!"

"Well?" Both Ian and Ais, who understand the power of Uranus, are very confused.

Ian asked: "Cooling device? The demon fruit power of Uranus does not need to be cooled every time it is used? If this thing is used on Uranus, does it help to increase its ability to continue to fight?"

"No, it doesn't mean this!" Begbank shook his head and explained: "The Tianlong people tried to copy the new ancient weapon king in order to study the power of Ulanus, so I specially contacted and studied Uranus. For a while, I discovered that the demon fruit power of Uranus has never stopped for thousands of years! The special power it possesses can only slow down and cannot stop!"

Ian nodded thoughtfully. It seems that in his impression, the chain reaction of nuclear reactors is indeed like this. Once the reaction begins, it can't stop unless the elements that are fuel rods are exhausted. Will stop.

But the vast body of Uranus is all an element that can be used as a fuel. If you want to let it drain itself, then you have to wait for what year! ?

This pirate world, for the nuclear reaction, is currently only exploring, even the name of this power has not yet appeared, but Ian as a traverser, have touched this kind of knowledge, can understand roughly what's going on.

As the most talented scientist in the world, Bergabank studied the cause of the power of Uranus, so Ian did not say much, listening quietly to the explanation of Begbank.

"The body of Uranus is reacting with this special force all the time, so its body has always radiated that deadly radiation!" Begbank said seriously: "The Tianlong people also understand this radiation. Hazard, so during its control, the Tianlong people kept it in a huge space inside the red clay continent. It was a hole made of platinum and lead. These platinum lead can absorb the fatality of Uranus. Radiation."

"At the same time, the Tianlong people try to keep it in a state of slumber! In this state, the special power response of Uranus will be reduced to a minimum!"

Speaking of this, Begbank suddenly asked Ian: "I heard that Ian seems to have played with Uranus?"

"Yes!" Ian nodded. "On the Nine Snake Island, I and Ace killed the Tianlong people who controlled Uranus inside!"

"Since you have played with it, you should find a problem!" Begbank said: "That is the shape of Uranus, which will increase and shrink with the fighting time!"

Ian was shocked and said: "Yes! We were still weird at the time. What the **** is going on?"

"The body swells, representing the intense reaction of the forces in Uranus!" Begbank explained: "It expands the body surface area for heat dissipation, which is an instinct that it gains after eating the devil's fruit! But You should also understand that although the physical properties of Uranus have changed, in general, it is also a creature, so the ability to expand and dissipate heat is limited. It cannot expand its body indefinitely. After the force response in the body reaches a certain level, the expansion heat can not keep up with the temperature rise in the body. If you don't want to let it be destroyed by high temperature, it must stop to dissipate heat!"

"This is why Uranos needs to land on the heat every once in a while?" Ian thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, and this kind of heat dissipation requires a lot of water!" Begbank said: "It needs a lot of drinking water!"

Ian turned to ask Ai Dao: "Ace, the time of the Nine Snake Island, has Uranus had such a large amount of water after landing?"

"I didn't see it!" Ace shook his head. "But don't forget. At that time, Uranus was controlled by the Tianlong people. Perhaps it was not exposing this weakness of Uranus. The dragon man secretly controlled Ula that day. North has been drinking water once, maybe..."

Ian nodded, but it is not without such a possibility.

"These are not the keys!" Begbank shook his head. "I know that this kind of power of Uranus is very dangerous for the whole world. You must be thinking of ways to kill Uranus. But what I am saying is that before you put this cooling device I made into the body of Uranus, don't kill it!"

"Because according to my calculations, the power response in Uranus has always been under the control of its consciousness!" Begbank is very solemn to everyone: "When conscious, Uranus can control the reaction of power The speed, but if it suddenly dies, the consciousness is out of control, the power that loses control will instantly reach its maximum peak, and the entire body of Uranus will be destroyed in an instant. At that time, the body of Uranus will Become a super bomb, its power is enough to instantly level the entire blue ocean, no matter the great route, the red clay continent, or the east, west, north and south, all will be affected, then it is the real destruction of the world!"

A word from Begbank said that everyone on the boat was sweating, especially Ian and Ace. They realized at this time that when they were at the Nine Snake Island, it was a good thing that Uranus fled, if that When Ian and Ace rushed to kill Uranos, it wasn’t the world that was already nuclear in the world! ?

"Do you understand?" said Bergabank, squatting down and patted the 'iron nail': "Only the forced cooling device was first implanted in the body of Uranus, at the moment of its death, This cooling device will start, forcing the temperature in the body of Uranus to be forced down. As long as the temperature does not reach the critical value, the dissolution phenomenon cannot be produced. At that time, the body of Uranus will become a super fireball at most, but There will be no violent explosion."

"Understood!" Ian carefully picked up the air-conditioning device and said: "We will make good use of it!"

"Not only must we use it, but also protect it, because in a short period of time, I can't make a second one!" Begbank said: "So if you do something about Uranus, you must pay attention if If this device is damaged, then immediately give up the plan to kill Uranos and let it go!"

“Yeah!” Ian and then suddenly remembered something and asked, “How do you implant the nail into the body of Ulanos? Do you dig a hole in it?”

“It’s not that trouble!” Begbank shook his head. “The scales of Uranus are too hard. There are other places on the body that can be used to get this nail into it.”

“From the mouth? Or from the nose?” Ian asked: “Or get in from the eyes?”

“Not!” Begbank smiled. “Put it in your mouth. Are you sure it will not be bitten by Uranus?”

"Where is it going from?" Ace asked next to him.

"Hey!" Begbank’s face suddenly showed the excitement of a child, and he frowned and said: "Ulanus has a place, there is it!"

Ace still didn't understand it, but Ian suddenly reacted and suddenly his face was green!

Lying in the trough! This is going to use this big nail to insert it from behind it, bursting the chrysanthemum of Uranus! ?

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