MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 819 Coming from the storm

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On the global world nautical map, two parallel lines can always be seen. On both sides of the red clay continent, two lined areas marked as windless are separated.

However, it is only a map. In fact, when it actually sails to the surface of the sea, the boundaries of this area cannot be seen.

The windless belt has always been the subject of research by the world's meteorologists and geologists. But so far, no one knows how they are formed. The magical thing is that if there is no wind, then absolutely No wind!

If the voyager sails on the sea, he encounters a storm. When he struggles with the storm, suddenly it becomes calm and sunny, so don’t doubt that you are not experiencing an abnormal climate, but Was blown into the windless belt!

Since many ships in this world still have the tradition of windsurfing, when the wind suddenly enters the windless zone, the ship will lose power in an instant. This time, it is quite dangerous for the people on board because of the loss of mobility. It means that you can't avoid it when you are in danger. In the absence of wind, it is a nest of large sea kings. If you don't pay attention, you may be killed in the mouth of the sea king.

Every year, there are a large number of ships, and there is no accident in the windless zone, so for the people of this world, the windless belt has always been a dangerous existence.

However, it does not mean that there is no wind belt to go. In fact, there are often many pirates who challenge the great route. After discovering that their ability is not enough to cope with the great route, they often try to get through the windless belt and get rid of the greatness. The route, these pirates, most of them have failed and are buried in the seabed, but there are also a small number of lucky ones who can escape. The legends and terrible about the great routes in the four seas are often the pirates who have successfully escaped. They brought it out.

Nowadays, the only safe ship that can pass through the windless belt is the navy's warship. After using the study of Begbank, the navy's warship is inlaid with sea floor stone, which can be protected from the sea king in the windless zone. Class nuisance.

The naval scientist, Begbank, is a very important person for the navy and the world government. They have even created the naval science force according to the research and invention of the Begbank. Many experimental weapons are limited to the navy. The scientific forces conducted verification and then gradually extended it to the entire navy.

It can be said that if the navy and the world government are given a little more time, the naval combat power may be strong enough to truly end the thief era.

If you say yes, it means there is always a turning point and an accident...

At this moment, at the junction of the West Sea and the windless belt, there have been a fleet of twelve naval fleets that are dragging up the sea.

This naval fleet, although using naval warships, actually has a different logo on the sails than the navy. The navy’s flag is a flying seagull-like pattern, but this fleet The flag, but a long sword passed through the middle of the seagull pattern!

This is the exclusive logo of the Naval Science Force. The meaning of it is self-evident, meaning that the Naval Science Force will become the sword of the Navy!

The Naval Science Force, although nominally a branch of the Navy, actually only obeys the world government. The fleet of this Naval Science Force is the command of the Five Old Stars to protect the underwater secret research institute here!

Dr. Begbank has been secretly transferred here for a week. Why did the world government transfer him here? The Navy Science Force did not know, but they did not ask much.

The same patrol fleet, a total of six, each fleet has twelve warships, the seventy-two warships are rotated into two shifts, day and night to the center of the Institute, within a radius of one hundred nautical miles They keep cruising, and the orders they get are just patrols and vigilance. All unincorporated ships do not need to ask any reason to sink directly!

This is a very unreasonable order, but it also protects the location of the institute from being discovered.

At present, this fleet is one of the routine patrols. On these 12 warships, there are not only a large number of elite naval soldiers with new weapons, but also larger and more powerful naval guns, and each warship. Above, there are three pacifists to deal with special situations.

At this time, on the flagship of the fleet, a major is looking at the sea in front of the telescope. Their position is currently in the windless zone, but not far from the front, it is the scope of the great route, so The warship is sunny here, but on the other side of the sea, it is a black and windy wind and rain.

It was a storm, and it was not known how big it was.

“Try to avoid, drive along the edge of the windless belt!” the Rear Admiral commanded.

The navigation command was quickly communicated to all the warships, and the fleet began to slowly begin to turn, winding a huge arc, ready to wipe away from the edge of the windless belt.

However, the soldiers on the warships were somewhat guilty. When they looked at the storm from afar, suddenly the three pacifists standing on the deck of the ship made a squeaking voice. The pacifists immediately turned to the right side and looked at the storm in the distance.

"What's wrong?" The Rear Admiral saw this scene and suddenly saw it.

"Invaders!" one of the pacifists suddenly said this.

The young general was shocked. He knew that the pacifist's detection function was much stronger than that of his telescope. Since the pacifists say that there are intruders, it is absolutely true!

So he shouted the whole ship's alert while lifting the telescope again, staring at the sea where the storm was.

Not long after, in the darkness of the darkness in front of the sea, suddenly a lot of black shadows appeared!

The Major General suddenly understood that it was a ship that was passing through the storm, and the number looked quite a lot!

But... how much more? The generals smiled coldly, so many ships, nothing more than a bad old pirate group, it is estimated that the storm has no head and no direction to the direction of the windless belt.

However, no matter who the other person is, kill it. The order he received was to clear all the ships and people who broke into the sea. It was a pirate ship or a merchant ship. They could only blame themselves for being unlucky.

"The fleet is arranged vertically, all gunfire is ready!" The Major General ordered the order.

As a result, the twelve warships quickly ran into a row, and the running positions on the right side of the ship were opened. Hundreds of cannons looked very chic, and the muzzle pointed to the distant sea.

All the naval soldiers were expressionless, and they have sunk so many ships in these days, and they have long been numb to this upcoming attack.

However, they still look forward to it, and they don’t know what kind of expressions they would have when they suddenly saw the naval fleet pointing the muzzle at the rest of their lives. ?

The leading general of the team also thinks this way, but I don’t know why, he always feels that there is something wrong with the faint...

The shadows in the stormy fog are getting clearer and clearer, which proves that those ships are about to pass through the storm.

However, at this time, a ray of light suddenly appeared from the fog of the storm, directly from the naval fleet.

I don’t know what it’s like, the speed of flying is so fast, just a blink of an eye, it has already landed on the sea near the naval fleet, and then banged, and it’s a hundred meters high on the sea. Great splash!

The Rear Admiral and the naval soldiers of the entire fleet were all shocked, but they did not wait for them to understand what kind of attack they had just been. In the distant sea, one ship after another had already appeared in them. In front of the eyes.

Although these vessels seem to vary in size, all ships and sails are printed with a special pattern.

Moreover, the ship headed by is also a ship that looks very special, because the ship's bow image is actually a dragon. The dragon's body spreads along the ship's side and is at the stern. Dragon tail.

When I saw the flagship and the patterns on all the ships, the Navy’s young master’s brain suddenly slammed into a loud bang, and suddenly he was paralyzed!

"Retro...Revolutionary Army!!!???"

He subconsciously screamed out loud, but because of his excitement, his voice was as teared apart, and it was hard to hear.

Not only him, the naval soldiers and naval officers on the other warships are all paralyzed. As the biggest enemy of the world government and the navy, they naturally know who the revolutionary army is, but... why the revolutionary army suddenly appears here. ! ?

Moreover, ... one, two, three, eighty, ninety, the revolutionary army's ships, as many as forty, never seen the revolutionary army will actually dispatch such a large number of military forces!

It can be said that this time, the Navy Science Force was completely attacked, so that in the few minutes after the Revolutionary Army’s fleet appeared, the navy did not even be able to attack in the first time...

At the moment, on the flagship headed, Ian is talking to Dorag.

"Uncle Dorrag, your demon fruit ability is really easy to use!" Ian smiled back and looked at the storm behind him. "The naval patrol fleet is afraid that we are suffering from a storm, but they Where do you know that this is simply a cover for a sudden approach?"

Dorag laughed and didn't talk. He was the fruit of the dragon and the power of the dragon. For him, it was a pediatrics. With a storm cover, he made a surprise attack on the naval fleet. This was planned long ago.

Ais and Sapo were laughing at the back. Ace stepped forward and patted Ian’s shoulder. “But the attack you just made was partial. If you can hit a warship, this time. The surprise attack is even more perfect!"

"Reassured, this time I adjusted the angle!" Ian reached out and picked up an iron cannonball from a cannonball box on the side of the deck next to rubbed it with his hand, then the whole arm Suddenly, the violent current was picked up, and the hand was slammed directly to the front of the shell!

At the moment when the shells were released, a strong blast broke out again, and the hair and hats of the people on the boat flew high, and the shells that were thrown out by Ian turned into an orange light again. Go straight ahead.

The strong airflow directly opened the sea along the way, as Ian said, this time his super-electromagnetic gun was finally adjusted, and a warship was directly hit by his shell!

Like the fireworks that bloomed, this behemoth-like warship was exploded in an instant, and then in the eyes of countless naval soldiers, the ash was annihilated!

The bigger and more powerful super-electromagnetic gun is such a domineering!

This super-electromagnetic gun in Ian is like the horn of the attack. At the same time that the warship was smashed into pieces, all the ships on the side of the Revolutionary Army also roared out in unison, and countless shells flew off the ship. , overwhelming to the opposite naval fleet.

The operation to rescue Bergabank officially started... 8)

Read The Duke's Passion