MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 776 Encounter

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This is a rare weather in a new world. The sun shines and the sea is calm. A group of seagulls are flying, and from time to time, they pounce on the sea to prey on the fish.

More than a dozen jagged ships are driving in this sea area. Among the fleets are merchant ships, cruise ships, and warships. It is very strange.

However, those who came from time to time nearby, taking advantage of the good weather to come out and plan to get a ticket to the pirate ship, after seeing the flag on the fleet in the distance, immediately fled like a frightened bird, even close Don't dare!

Because, hanging on top of this fleet is the flag of the Dragon Hunter Pirates...

The flagship of the fleet is an armed merchant ship, and on the deck, Ian is accompanying Master Kapp in the sun while drinking afternoon tea to eat pancakes.

However, this afternoon tea was eaten by Ian, because Captain is working... feeding the little Ian with pancakes...

Ian was not going to call the avatar, but Hawking’s family members didn’t know if they were idle. They wanted to be young and little, and Ian didn’t call Xiaoyi’s, they’re all one by one. The ground swayed back and forth in front of Ian, looking at his boss with a resentful look.

Once or twice, Ian can still be seen as not seen, but the number of times is too high, and Ian can't help but keep his mind on the door. From what time, his own body is more popular than the body! ?

In desperation, in order to hide quiet, Ian had to let Xiaoyi come out...

However, just as the family members cheered for the appearance of the young master, they were planning to take out the various toys and foods they had collected to tease the young master. When they saw Xiaoyi, the eyes of the old master of Capu appeared.

Then... Then Xiaoyi was taken away by Karp, leaving a group of family members who dared to speak out...

Karp did not think that Ian would have such a magical ability to create such a avatar, but undoubtedly, the emergence of Xiao Ian, let Captain Father find fun in the boring sea journey.

The older he is, the more he likes children. Karp is no exception. Karp did not use Ian as an outsider. At this time, Xiaoyi was treated as his own grandson.

Although Karp adopted Roger’s son Ace from the urine, and later his own grandson Luffy, it is no longer a novice grandfather, but to be honest, the days when Karp really took Ace and Luffy were few, no matter what. Is Ace or Luffy, the identity is very sensitive, and Karp himself is a navy, so they can only be sent to the thief Dadan to raise, plus Ace and Luffy were bear children. I have to be a pirate all day long, so even if Karp occasionally sees them, the attitude towards these two grandchildren is also a lot of people...

But now it is different. Xiaoyian is not a bear child. He knows him well. He is very obedient and well-behaved. As long as Ian is not hostile, Xiaoyi will not resist each other.

So this led to Karp finally found the feeling of being a grandfather, Xiaoyi was held wherever he went...

This is nothing, but... although it’s not awkward, it’s a shameful face, but Karp is still a big character. It’s simple and rude to treat a child. Just like now, he is feeding Xiaoyi. Eat pancakes, but it doesn't matter whether Xiaoyi is able to eat anything, and stuff it into Xiaoyi's mouth!

Ian saw Xiao Yi’an’s gangs bulging, and his face looked like a painful face, and Karp’s smile also said: “Yes, eat more, eat more to grow up!”

Ian has a headache: "The old man said that he is my avatar, it is impossible to grow a long man..."

As a result, Karp’s eye looked at him: “Is he not eating this?”

"It is indeed eating... but..." Ian can't say it anymore. Mom, the old man doesn't seem to realize what he is doing.

Forget it, Xiaoyi, you ask for more happiness... Ian twisted his face and sold his trumpet...

It was hard to wait until Karp had finished feeding the pancakes. Xiaoyian was finally released by Karp and let him play, so Xiaoyi’s flight also escaped.

Not far away, the family members who had been waiting for a long time opened their arms and welcomed the return of the young master...

In this scene, Ian couldn’t understand why Ian’s face was so straightforward. Why do so many people like this little avatar...

When Xiao’an left, Kapu finally passed down and drank tea and asked Yi’an: “Is the slave seal finished?”

Ian nodded. "Well, it's all done."

The slaves who were rescued did not need to have the mark of the dragons. This represents a memory of shame for them, so Ian began to squat on the slaves of each ship shortly after they started sailing. I have done the imprint elimination and I have been busy for a few days, which is finally finished.

Karp looked back at the boat at the back and sighed: "These people are really talented..."

He sighs that there is no reason. Many of the thousands of slaves rescued by Ian are experienced old sailors. With them, Ian does not have to worry about sailing in the new world. Two days ago, they experienced A storm, but more than a dozen ships under the control of these sailors, all of them have weathered the storm safely.

With this group of people, Ian is confident to take them all back to Cake Island...

Originally because of Karp, Ian was planning to send him to the site of the white-bearded old man, and let him reunite with Ace, just waiting for them to be close to an island within the sphere of the white-bearded pirates. After the white-bearded pirate group, it was learned that the white-bearded old man had taken most of his hands and had already rushed to Cake Island.

Not only that, the Red Hair Pirates are also on their way to Cake Island. It is because of this news that Ian let the fleet go directly back to Cake Island.

The white-bearded pirates and the red-haired pirates gathered in Cake Island, which made Ian very surprised, but he could probably guess what it was for, because of the existence of this bond of Ian, three four emperors The thief group had already had a connection, but Ian did not think that the situation of the three emperors gathered so soon.

In this case, Karp naturally thought of it, so he suddenly asked Yi'an Road: "Ian, do you think that the Four Emperors and the Navy have a possibility of reconciliation?"

This question made Ian suddenly look at it and asked, "How can I say this?"

"All four emperors have always been in power!" Karp explained: "There is competition and confrontation between each other, but because they are pirates, they are all united against the navy. The navy is constantly fighting against the four emperors. The land thief pulls the sea thief and gives the position of the Seven Wuhai, in order to strike a balance with the forces of the Four Emperors. It seems that no one ever thought that the Navy and the Four Emperors reached a reconciliation... But your appearance makes me faint Premonition, perhaps through you, can achieve this possibility..."

"You look at me too high!" Ian shook his head and said: "Don't forget, among all the four emperors, I am the youngest generation, so even if I am with the White Beard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates The relationship is very good, and they are not necessarily able to listen to my opinions. As the four emperors, they also have their own pride and ideas..."

"Yeah, you said this, it seems that there are difficulties!" Kapp sighed his head and sighed.

Karp used the word 'difficulty' to describe the matter, but did not use words like 'impossible'. This means that there is still a certain possibility in this matter.

Ian also heard the meaning of his words, but did not say anything.

At this time, the lookout on the flagship suddenly shouted: "Ian boss, there is a pirate ship on the sea is approaching us!"

Ok? During this time, the fleet sailed on the sea. It was a sneaky thing. No one dared to approach it. How come a pirate ship suddenly came out?

Ian got up in confusion and walked over to the bow and picked up a telescope to look at the sea ahead.

The pirate ship is still far away. In the telescope, it is only a small picture, but this time, Ian is stunned.

Because he saw the pirate ship above, someone was desperately waving to this side!

Looking at the flag on the ship again, Ian almost slumbered, because the pirate ship turned out to be the Sonny! The person who stood on the boat and waved his hand was the guy from Luffy!

How can I meet them here! ? Ian was surprised. He turned back and asked Hawking: "Is there any island near this sea area?"

"Ah, some bosses!" Hawking replied with a sigh: "Let's go about 400 nautical miles at 3 o'clock, it's Dres Rosa!"

"Yes!" Ian suddenly lost. Unconsciously, the fleet had arrived near the waters where Dres Rosa was located. The straw hat pirates appeared here. Have they already been to Dres Rosa? ?

With this doubt, Ian lifted up the telescope again.

It seems that it was because of the discovery of the fleet of the Dragon Hunter Pirates group The people of the straw hat pirate group came to the deck and looked at it. Ian also saw everyone on the boat of the straw hat pirate group. Figure.

Um...Luffy, Sauron, Sanji, Nami, Choba, Brooke, Francis, and M Xiaofeng Feng, in addition to this, Ian also saw a large one and two small figures, big The one that is the seaman is very flat, as for the little man who stood on the ship's side and jumped desperately... It turned out to be the Leo of the Tatar! ?

Surprisingly, Leo went to the boat of the straw hat pirate group?

This made Ian scratch his head. He found that the members of the original straw hat pirate group had long been disrupted and unrecognizable...

Just as Ian was still sighing, in the field of view of the telescope, suddenly there were several people...

A few, people wearing the national warrior suit...

"The trough!" Ian finally couldn't help but scream, because he recognized it all at once, and Lu Fei had several people on board, even Jinhuamen, the family members of the Guangyue family!

Fox fire Jin Weimen, shower Kanjiro, and ... Guangyue Taozhi help!