MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 761 Big child

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Although it has reappeared, and the family that has risen and grown is beyond the expectations of Ian, it has to be said that this makes Ian's next move more convenient.

According to Xia Wei’s suggestion, Ian intends to stay in the bar here in the first few days, and try to reduce the number of outings to prevent the possibility of being discovered by CP intelligence personnel on the island of Champa, so that the disaster relief Quinn can be handed over to This matter of the Navy can only be handed over to Hawking for them to complete.

This is the first task that Ian gave to Hawking after they returned, so when Hawking received the order from Ian, he was so excited that he was about to jump.

Now Hawking, they are eager to make a performance in front of Ian, to prove that they are not a bunch of people, but a group worthy of the name of the four emperors, not to mention, when I heard the people that Ian gave them, After the disaster relief Quinn, one of the three disasters of the Beast Pirates, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of doing great things suddenly came to light.

Hawking patted his chest and gave Ian a ticket, saying that he would complete this thing perfectly, and he would not disappoint the expectations of the boss of Ian. Then he rushed out and began to summon the man.

As a party's disaster relief, Quinn, as if he had already accepted his life, he stayed so stunned.

Ian was very surprised by her state. She took off the cloth stuffed in her mouth and asked her: "You are not like a cadre of the four emperors!"

"What can I do then?" Quinn whitened Ian and said: "If you can't win, you can't run, you can't run, what can I do?"

Ian nodded, this is also a clever way, the IQ of the disaster relief Quinn, but looking at the flashing eyes of the disaster relief Quinn, Ian suddenly thought of a move, the ghost suddenly asked: "I said You don't want to take advantage of this opportunity to see how your position in Kaiduo's mind?"

Upon hearing this, Quin suddenly turned to look at Ian in surprise, and as soon as she saw her eyes, Ian understood that she had guessed it!

As we all know, for the pirates, the most important thing is always the companion. Among the four emperor pirates, the white-bearded pirate group is based on the relationship between the father and the son. Similarly, the original BIGMOM pirate group is The relationship between 'mother and child' is used as a link, and like the red-haired pirates and the dragon pirates, although the relationship is not concluded, the crew trusts the captain and the captain trusts the crew. This trust for the companions is also the maintenance of the team. The essential.

Only the Beast Pirates Group, Ian feels that I am afraid to use the 'force force' to maintain the team!

Everyone knows that Kaido is a madman. From his tireless pursuit of 'suicide', he is even crazy and even beaten by himself. He is also moody and often abuses alcohol. Once he gets drunk, he stays with him. Members of the Beast Pirates around you must be careful, because no one knows if Kedo will suddenly come over with a mace...

What kind of boss, what kind of cadres are under the hand, in addition to the normal point of the disaster relief, the drought disaster Jack and the soldiers disaster gold are also mad, one is a destructive mad, one is war mad, a word is not open The kind that is done, the people under him are equally afraid and afraid of them.

In Ian’s view, even if it’s a wicked pirate, it’s not easy to ask for life under such a boss.

Under this character, Kaido's pirates still gathered a strong force and a large number of people. Ian wanted to come and think, and there was only the possibility of ‘force.’

In other words, among the beasts and pirates, I am afraid that I can't see the trust of my peers.

The disaster relief Quinn is a fur family. She even does not hesitate to betray her hometown. She is also loyal to Kaido, but in the heart of Kaiduo, how much attention is paid to her?

If the disaster relief Quinn is in jail, Kaiduo, who is the boss, will be like the white-bearded old man blocking the entire pirate group to rescue Ace, to rescue Quinn?

Don't say that Ian is an outsider who is curious. Is it even that she is curious about herself? So when she found herself unable to resist, she simply waited for Ian to arrange her, so as to test whether Kaidu had so much attention to her.

"Oh, if that's the case, then we will wait and see!" Ian smiled after he noticed Quin's thoughts.

Quinn didn't talk, and the eyes turned around and didn't know what to think.

Ian didn't care much. He just confirmed that Quinn didn't run away. In his prediction, the Beast Pirates must know that Quin was going to save Quin after he was arrested. After all, she is three. One of the disasters is part of the face of the whole beast pirate group. Even for this face, Kaido will definitely come to save.

But...what is the extent to which the Beast Pirates can die for Quinn and the Navy and the world government, then it’s hard to say...

Hawking, their movements are really fast enough. It was not long before they left. This guy came back with a bunch of people and handed it to Ian, a sea building stone handcuffs.

"Where is it?" Ian looked at the stone handcuffs of the sea building, and there were some accidents.

"Stolen...cough, come!" Hawking said with a smile: "Some of the family members, although not very good at strength, but this kind of craft is quite good, this is a naval lieutenant colonel from Champa Island. What the body got, the Navy Lieutenant Colonel has not found his own stone building handcuffs lost now!"

Although Ian is speechless, but with the sea floor stone handcuffs, the disaster relief Quinn can be safely handed over to Hawking.

After the disaster relief Quinn was put on, it was confirmed that she was already in a state of powerlessness. Ian handed her over to Hawking and asked: "Is it all arranged?"

"Ia boss, you can see us after waiting!" Hawking is full of confidence.

The family members who followed him also quickly took advantage of this opportunity to be loyal. Ian did not pretend to be cold and encouraged them. As a result, the family members were grateful.

Then a group of people left with Quinn.

"Xia Yan, want to go to see the fun?" Ian asked with a smile.

"When you go, I will not mix it!" Xia Wei waved to Yi'an: "In any case, with my intelligence channel, I will soon know the result."

"Then I will go first!" Ian was not reluctant, and then went out.


Hawking, they stayed on the island of Champa for so long, they have already been the head snakes, so it didn’t take long for them to follow the instructions of Ian to find out the situation of Qiwuhai Edward Wawel on the island of Chambord. .

As Xia Wei said, Edward Weibull is now alone and has no place on his own, so after joining the Seven Wuhai, the world government and the Navy try to let him stay in Marin Vado, one is to call him for convenience. It’s also a worry to the guy who is the second fool. He was cheated by some guys with ulterior motives. It’s not good to do anything troublesome.

Now Edward Wilbur, it is a bit like the situation of the original Xiong Shu, because it is too brainless, so Ian feels that it will not be able to be fooled by the world government to be a pacifist test article... After all, this guy has that physical fitness...

Of course, stupid to stupid, Edward Weibull can not be closed, so in order not to let him be like a bear child in Marin van Gogh, the Navy still let him out activities, the beach of Chambord Island, is Edward Weibull most Good places to go, not only have a variety of food, but also a lot of fun rides, Edward Weibul is happy every day.

The world government and the navy are very satisfied with this situation, but they can't think of it. In the heart of the stupid child of Edward Weibul, the most grateful thing is not to give him a delicious navy, but Ian! Because if Ian did not give him advice, he would not run to the naval headquarters, and this is the seven Wuhai, which has these delicious and fun.

Edward Weibuli often licks his nose and bites his fingers. He thought that the short man was very good to himself. When he was such a good thing, he actually let himself do it. He had a chance to repay him...

I don’t know if the Navy and the world government understand the true thoughts of Edward Weibull, will they vomit blood...

Now Edward Wilbur is on the island of Chambord. He has a roast whole sheep in his left hand and a roast suckling pig in his right hand. The left side is full of meat, the right side is full of oil, and there are many bags hanging in the chest. All kinds of delicious food is the spoils of his shopping.

What followed him was a cold-blooded navy colonel and a team of naval soldiers.

The cold-cold navy colonel was the officer who accompanied Edward Weibull, but in addition to watching Edward Weibull, he was not allowed to make trouble on the island of Chambord. In fact, the biggest role was to give money to Edward Weibull. of!

I don’t know where the idiot came from, saying that it’s the time to go to the seven seas to eat and not to give money (I’m and he said), and after becoming the Seven Wuhai, Edward Weibull I faithfully carried out this idea. Anything he saw on the island of Shampoo was taken directly and there was no concept of paying.

This led to the beginning of the time, many vendors have come to the Navy headquarters to complain!

As a last resort, the Navy had to maintain its positive image, so it was later sent to follow him. He was white in front of him, and the people who followed him were giving money in the back...

And give, all the money beyond the original price!

This made the naval officers hate to gnash their teeth, and they also accompanied Edward Weibuli as a hard work. Every time Edward Vaughan went out, a group of middle-level officers in the naval headquarters began to draw lots. See which hapless in the move, draw the next sign to accompany the out...

Now the naval colonel, this time the hapless, Edward Weibull swept in front of him, he gave a lot of money in the back, while a business smiled, but he felt more than shopping with his wife It still has to be hard, and the cold sweat is naturally excusable.

Just as the Navy Colonel figured out how to end this **** mission as soon as possible, suddenly, two people were thrown out on the streets where they walked, and then they said nothing, the two gangs drove directly and started to fight. Now!

For a time, the chickens and dogs flew in the field, and the cups were in ruins. The vendors on this street hurriedly evaded the crowds.

The Navy had a duty to maintain law and order on the island of Chambord. The colonel took a nap and found that the two fighters had no weapons, so they did not call support. They waved directly to let the navy behind him. The soldiers went forward to maintain order.

The navy soldiers had guns in their hands, but they couldn’t get in the air. They just went to the people who wanted to catch these troubles. However, what they didn’t expect was that the two guys would be so embarrassed and found the navy coming up. After arresting people, even the naval soldiers were smashed together!

The navy soldiers couldn't take care of There were several people who were overturned on the ground. The Navy Colonel looked at the scene and suddenly exploded: Mom! This is all right! ? Dare to dare to the Navy! ? It’s the opposite of you! ?

Then the Navy Colonel joined the battle group and began to fight against these troubled guys.

Such a trouble, the scene suddenly appeared a lot of onlookers watching the fun, the Navy Colonel originally had a resistance to accompanying Edward Weibull, this time also forgot his original duties, which led to Edward Weibulu being aired Aside.

Edward Wimblet glared at the barbecue in his hand, hesitating whether he would go forward to help, but before he could figure it out, someone suddenly pulled him around his trouser legs.

Edward Weibull looked down and found that he was a man with a wink, and the man waved at him, and Edward Weibuli couldn’t help but squint and listen to him.

"Weibul, I know a delicious barbecue stall... Do you want to try it??"

Then... then Edward Wimble, the big kid, was directly ran away...

Read The Duke's Passion