MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 10 Don’t kill the child with a touch

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Will not be a domineering, Ivakov has seen a lot of people who will use domineering, he is surprised by the age of Ian!

Domineering is a potential force that all human beings have, as instinct exists, but most people are unaware of this power, or they can't play it out in their lifetime. Under normal circumstances, people only pass by. After hard training and tempering, it is possible to master the use of this power, so people who can generally use domineering are in adulthood.

However, Iwakov saw an exception today. The exception is Ian. Looking at his height, he is at most 12 years old, maybe less, but such a small child has exploded. Domineering fluctuations.

So at this moment, watching Ian's eyes is like watching a genius... No, watching monsters.

And Ian sat on the ground and held his head for a while before he felt that the headache was slightly relieved. Before he asked the system what was going on, he suddenly heard a series of prompts from the system.

"You beat an opponent who is above your strength and earned an experience of 500 points."

"You have earned a reward for achievement: the first time you use the skills to fight!"

"You have acquired basic cultivating skills, current proficiency: 0!"

what's the situation? Ian resisted the headache and looked at it in his own mind.

The experience value suddenly soared a lot. This is a good understanding. In fact, at the beginning, Ian was very careful. The reason why he chose a revolutionary army soldier to be an opponent, he wanted to test the flash skills. In addition, I also want to see if I can beat the other side to gain experience. In his opinion, if you are a child, the other party will definitely be merciful, which naturally gives them a chance to win.

To put it bluntly, the revolutionary army fighter was actually pitted by Ian.

However, what he did not expect is that defeating opponents who are stronger than their own can actually get so much experience. Now the experience value of Ian has risen to 750 points, and soon it will be upgraded. It will be ushered in again. Improvement in attributes.

After using a flash skill, Ian also got an achievement reward. When I opened the achievement interface, I found that the reward was actually 5 books of experience!

This book of experience is not used for Ian, but is used to upgrade the card level.

In addition to this achievement reward, Ian also saw other rewards in the achievement interface, such as "beating 10 opponents" "beating 100 opponents" or "going to 50 points" and "doing 100 points" Classes, the rewards given by these achievements are not the same. Ordinary is the book of experience, higher, with advanced stone and diamond rewards, among which the achievement of diamond reward is the least, Ian is also strange, he I am very aware of the tricks of this game system, this small amount of diamond rewards, in fact, the real purpose is to attract you to recharge...

The most unexpected thing for Ian is that I just got the basic practice skills. When I saw my basic swordsmanship skills, Ian was thinking, is there any other kind of basic skills? I didn’t expect it to be true now. Appeared.

[Basic reading practice: increase the number of responses per hour of reading, current reply value: 1 point, current proficiency (0/1000)]

After seeing the description of this skill, Ian suddenly understood that this skill was used to restore the value of his own power! Also, the skills that are derived from the cards are almost always driven by the value of the mind, and the value of their own readings is only a little bit. What should I do if I run out? Now with this basic practice skills, even if you use your energy to read the value, you can slowly reply if you take a break.

Just don't know how the proficiency of this skill will grow? Is it difficult to constantly consume its own value of energy to improve? Um... It’s very likely that this is not the same as the skill of the sword.

After Ian’s swordsmanship skills were upgraded to the primary swordsmanship, the proficiency required to upgrade to intermediate swordsmanship turned out to be a million! When I first saw it, even he himself took a breath of cold air. This value is in contrast to the current practice skills. It feels like a bunker.

Perhaps it is because of the slow recovery effect of this skill, Ian’s headache has been alleviated. Just when he thought so, he suddenly found himself in front of him. He looked up and saw the Evako. The husband’s face.

Closer look, this face is even more scary, Ian stunned back two steps and asked: "What are you doing?"

"Hip-Hop! Boy!" Evakov’s mood seemed to be very happy. The place was another circle. For Ian Road: "It’s amazing, what is your name?"

"My name is Ian!"

"Ian little candy!" Ivakov said: "How do you feel now? Do you need me to treat you?"

"No, I am better!" Ian quickly waved.

Ivakov’s kindness, Ian can’t accept it. The guy who ate the hormones in front of him didn’t even know whether he was a man or a woman. Although the image is male, he can be transformed into a woman at any time. In the face of this kind of person who can control the hormone freely, Ian is determined not to let him touch his body. Does the ghost know that he is healing hormones or **** hormones when he treats himself?

"Okay!" Evakov nodded. "Don't worry too much. Your headache should be the aftereffect of awakening domineering. It's not a big problem. Right, do you know what is domineering?"

If this is any person who is familiar with him in Frost Moon Village, Ian will definitely pretend to say no, but Ivankov is the one who asks this, but Ian does not need to hide anything, just click it. Nodded: "Know!"

He understands that Ivakov may have regarded his ability to be a domineering, so he will ask.

However, Ian knows his own affairs. Since this time, Ian has been trying to figure out his own ability to read. In his judgment, there is still some difference between the ability to read and the true domineering. Although the substance may be similar, However, the expressions are not necessarily the same. The ability to entangle the sword can simulate the effect of armed color domineering, but such as the domineering domineering, the ability to read can not be simulated.

He estimated that he wanted to give Ian a long-term argument about domineering. The result was embarked back by Ian. Ian found him trembling and a very hard expression.

Finally, Ivakov still said: "Know? Ah, really great, then I don't need to explain it to you. You should pay more attention to rest in these days!"

"Who are you?" Although I already knew the name of Ivakov, Ian asked about it.

"Hip! I am Ambrio Ivakov!" Evakov turned a circle and said: "You can call me Eva or Ivan. The name or the little question is not important. Even if I call 'stool', it doesn't matter..."

Then suddenly, Ivakov cried angrily: "I don't want to be called stool!"

Ian looked at him silently, I didn't call it...

At this time, several other revolutionary army fighters also came around and looked at Ian with amazement. They estimated that they also knew domineering but they could not develop it. It was so small for Ian. The use of domineering is very shocking, and it is estimated that I feel that I am alive to the dog, so they are very impressed with Ian.

For the praise, everyone likes to listen, Ian is no exception, but the problem is that the guys are saying: "Little devil, really amazing!" While trying to touch his head, this can not be tolerated!

Just as Ian wanted to attack, the revolutionary soldier who had just played with him came over and saw that he was so painful that Ian still felt uncomfortable, so he asked him: "You are fine. ?"

The revolutionary army soldier originally felt that he was quite deficient. He played with a small child. The key is to lose. However, listening to Ian’s question, because of the self-respect of the adults, this revolutionary army soldier tried to expose Ian. A smiling face, the white teeth turned against the light, and then he even touched Ian's head.

"Can you take us to the dojo next time?" asked the revolutionary army soldier.

The trough touched my head again!

Ian 眨巴眨巴眼, it was a good-nosed nod, turned and left, everyone quickly followed.

However, what they did not expect was that they had not reached the dojo for a long time under the leadership of Ian.

"Strange, how do I feel that we just passed by here?" A revolutionary army soldier scratched his head and wondered.

"How is it possible, you must have remembered it wrong!" Ian did not return to the ground.

The people can only continue to follow him, but they don’t know that they were completely brought by Ian. They have circled the whole village...

This is a small revenge from a man who has a resentment against the head...

In fact, this is already discovered by Ian's conscience. Originally he was planning to circle around a dozen...

Read The Duke's Passion