MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 652 Battle City (X)

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"Brush brush brush brush brush !!!"

The sword light that almost passed through the speed flashed in the air, and Xiao Wu Loli floated freely in the air in this way, and in front of her, the shadow giant who was still flaunting Wu Yangwei was suddenly torn apart, and then wailed into fragments and fell. On the ground. It didn't take long for the shadow fragments to disappear on the ground, disappearing like the melting snow. Until this time, Xiaowu Loli nodded with satisfaction, then backhand inserted the long sword in her hand, and then came to Catherine who was standing beside her, and took one out of the snacks she was holding. Lollipop started to lick it. And the next Catherine watched the scene just swallowed, but did not move further.

"It's so boring, these monsters don't look long-sighted, but they are blocking here ...... Hey, Catherine, what do you think we should do now? Mr. Rhode doesn't know where to go, now he's left We are two of us, there are troublesome monsters everywhere, and we can hear those ... "

"Booming ..."

Xiaowu Loli's words were not finished, and a thunderous thunder came again in the distance, and then the earth began to shake. Soon they saw a tall tower starting to tilt, followed by a rain-like The debris fell, and another tower crashed to the ground. At this time, Little Five Lolita also hurried away with Catherine, and it was worthy to escape this dangerous moment. But even so, they were almost sprayed with dust. Fortunately, at the last minute, the two ran to the side alley and escaped, so that they did not change their clothes into the form of BiH refugees.

"Ahem. Ahem ...... this world is so abnormal, I still miss my little nest ...... where did Mr. Rhode go, really? Why didn't you pull him here? You have to run up by yourself? Not to mention that it doesn't help you even if you run up. Forget it, anyway, now you are my shopping cart too, which is not bad. Give me all the snacks. Especially the blue bag, I managed to find it. "

"a ha ha ha……………"

Hear little Wuli complained. Catherine just nodded wryly. Not much to say. Rhodes didn't know how Little Five Loli won. But Catherine was very clear. In fact, when she first saw the two sides fighting, Catherine was still very worried. Because the other little five loli didn't talk much. But the offensive was fierce. And it looks pretty good. At first, Xiaoli Loli couldn't stop another one's own attack, and was beaten by a rattle rat. But after Catherine's arrival, I don't know if I can't get over the face or feel that there is no good result in escaping. The little guy actually fought back --- and still was beaten by a rattle rat.

But when God closes a door for you, he also opens a window for you. Little Five Loli's talent points are indeed not much added to the battle, but in terms of words, it is added to the peak. So even if he was hit and ran around, the little guy didn't sit idle in his mouth. Unlike Catherine's humiliating preaching, Little Five Lolita complained about ridicule and scolding. She was beaten up and running around but still taunted that the other party would not fight at all. It was simply a model of immortality. And the other she was obviously bad at her words, and was taunted by the little guy's jerk. As a result, she was accidentally exposed because of the taunt by the little five loli, and the result was at this moment. The little five loli, who was still chattering like three thousand ducks just now, suddenly revealed her own minions, and a sword penetrated the opponent's body, so the victory was divided. The turn of the plot is so ups and downs that even Catherine is very surprised. If Rhodes is here, then he will definitely sigh that the summoning of the elves is indeed the summoning of the elves, even if the appearance no longer looks reliable, the lethality should be serious. Very strong.

It's just that Little Five's trick is an indiscriminate range of lethal weapons, which was launched directly by ignoring the enemy. When fighting before, do n’t mention the other one, even if Catherine is standing next to it, she is dizzy. What ’s more terrible is that the little guy is not talking about the noise that looks messy, but he complains clearly, unless You make yourself deaf, otherwise you can't even ignore it. I'm afraid this is the reason why the little guy has not adopted this method before. Once the shadow monsters can't understand the human words, the second is under the attack of the little guy's mouth. I am afraid that the monster is not dead yet. Bian couldn't help but chop her with a sword, and didn't know where the little guy came from.

"It was noisy and chaotic all around, Mr. Rhode disappeared, and he didn't know what was happening to everyone else. It was terrible ......... If those guys come to us for trouble, it will only be more troublesome, yes Come on, Catherine, let's go over there and see! "On the one hand, Little Five seemed to think of something like a sudden slap on her hands, and then pointed to one of the towers exuding the radiance of spiritual crystals. And seeing her movement, Catherine did not say anything, but nodded. Although each has absorbed a personality, their personality has not changed much. Therefore, Catherine did not intend to say anything, but, as before, everything was done by Rory and Rhodes. Now that Rhodes is gone, it is natural that Little Five said what Rory said.

It can be said that ... they have not grown at all.

Fortunately, Rhodes didn't know this, otherwise he didn't know what to say. But now ... he doesn't have time to pay attention to Little Five and Catherine. Because at this moment Rhodes is also facing the same problem.

"These guys are really haunted."

Looking at the three who surrounded him and Ehorn, Rhodes could not help but chuckle. This was the fifth sneak attack, and he didn't know where this group of people had such great patience or such hatred, and they specifically targeted themselves. And I don't know if it was because he saw that there were fewer people on Rod's side, and the opponent no longer ran away without hitting it like in the beginning. Instead, he chose a siege. Began trying to drain Rod and Ehorn's energy, and he would never leave unless he couldn't see what he could do. Rhode also understood that these three personality elves had no intention of making any spiritual crystals. Instead, they seemed to be simply delaying time. This makes Rhodes feel weird. According to the truth, all spiritual personality projections will choose to get three spiritual crystals in the shortest time. But they seemed to turn a blind eye to it, and had no similar thoughts and plans at all, which made Rhodes feel weird-no. Is pretty weird. He even wondered if the three had learned any inside information before doing so. But no matter what Rhodes asked. These three people did not say a word, even if Rhodes wasted his saliva, it was useless. In desperation, Rhodes had to continue his actions. After all what he can do now. This is the only one.

Think of it here. Rhodes converged slightly divergent thoughts. Then he exchanged a glance with Ehorn, who was beside him, and Rhode rushed forward the next moment. The sword in his hand passed a sword flower in the air. The next moment was a cascading outburst like a flower blooming, and the sword Guangguang everywhere turned into a storm and flew towards the immediate goal. In the face of Rhode's attack, standing opposite, the whole person was like a furious beast, but Donna retreated, only listening to her roar, and in the next moment she stretched out her minions, suddenly facing Luo De fluttered.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding !!!"

Although Donna fists bare-handed without any weapons, she cleverly waves her arms to block Rhodes's sword. Rigidly opened a gap in the sky of sword light. However, Rhodes was not stupid. Seeing that his offense was invalid, the long sword in his hand was immediately retracted and released, and the sky's sword light was retracted into a solid barrier. At this moment, the sword in Rhode's hand did not look like a sword, but fell more like a hammer. Although Donna responded in a timely manner, but Rhode's speed was not comparable to her originally. For a player who is only 85-level peak outside, it is okay to say that Rhode is the dragon of the void in the spiritual world. Attribute value, even the devil is not his opponent, these card spirits needless to say. Therefore, even if Donna did an evasive action in advance, Rhodes's sword in the hands was also accelerating without a flower, hitting Donna's chest impartially. Then she heard a snorting noise from Dona, and the whole person flew out, hitting a wall not far away, and then collapsed to the ground.

The confrontation between the two sides was only an instant. At the same time as Donna withdrew from the battle, another Death Girl and Little Five Lori also launched an attack in the direction of Rhodes from both sides. One of them is full of ghosts, and the other is that they are not like ghosts (but they are ghosts), but even so, they have not been able to get any benefit in front of Rhodes. After all, besides Rhodes, there is another person here.

"Sorry, this is not the way to go."

With a playful chuckle, E'Horn's sickle fluttered briskly in the air, blocking Xiaowu Lori's insane blow, and then her slender body turned suddenly to the side, the next moment in the hand of the ghost girl So the long sword was swayed by the sickle, and then the long handle of the sickle hit the body of the ghost girl without a flower. Although there is a certain degree of immunity to physical attacks, I don't know if it is because both sides are also "dead" attributes. The ghost girl has not escaped the attack of Ehorn at all, so she was directly pumped out. . However, she ended up better than Donna, only a flip in the air to remove the impact. The other **** of death on the other side chose to give up after seeing that his two companions were eating, and there was no chance for Rhodes to succeed. And almost in a blink of an eye, they set up Donna, who was smashed by Rhodes and has not yet risen, and several ups and downs disappeared in the sight of Rhodes and Ehorn.

"Ah ......... it's a headache."

Neither Rhodes nor Ehorn had any intention of chasing them, because they knew very well that even if they did, it would be useless. If it is not within the scope of the spirit crystal, then this kind of battle is meaningless-of course it is not completely the same, as long as the three of them can be caught and stunned, and then taken to the spirit crystal, then not It takes another battle and can be done directly. But no one knows if this will work. And these guys run fast, and Rhodes doesn't want to waste time on these meaningless chases-although he himself is beginning to feel a little bored.

Based on so many contacts, Rhodes also noticed that these three personalities are probably the "instincts" of their respective spiritual worlds. Such personalities are actually the most difficult to deal with. The so-called nature of change is difficult to change. Nothing is more difficult to clean up than one's instinct. It's just ... what exactly do they want to do?

Rhodes didn't know that while he was thinking about this, the three people who fled from Rhodes and Ehorn had quickly passed through high-rise buildings, and they had not done any communication, even voice They didn't send a bit, just rushed forward like some traction. After a while. The three came to the top of a tall building. This is not a place for spiritual crystals, just an ordinary high-rise building. But the three seemed to be totally unconcerned about this kind of thing. They just stayed quietly on the rooftop, as if waiting for something. It didn't take long. I only heard a squeak. A heavy iron door opened on one side of the roof. Then, a figure appeared in front of the three. Seeing the appearance of the figure, the three did not attack it. But he didn't come forward. On the contrary, as if the beast faced some kind of enemy, they took a few steps backwards, and the eyes of those who looked at them were full of vigilance and hostility.

"Ah, alas, I didn't expect it, I thought I would get better treatment."

Appearing in front of the three, it was the originator of this game, Carlin. However, Karen was different in Rhodes' impression. At this moment, the girl had a weird smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders and her eyes narrowed. It was as unpleasant as looking at any experimental animal.

"Forget it ... I know it will be like this, it looks like you are very scared, but this is not surprising. According to the estimate of the ontology, the current Mr. Rhodes' fighting power here is quite high. If he wants to Overturning the three of you is not a problem at all. However, I didn't expect to be able to face your successive attacks without any response. I really don't know if the abilities of your sisters and sisters are too poor, or for other reasons ......... That's all for this topic. "Speaking of this, Karen paused because she had clearly understood the hostility burned by the other party. But even so, Carlin was not threatened in the slightest. "... Then let's continue, my sisters and sisters, you don't have much time? If you don't want the deity to wake up, you have to take twelve minutes of strength. Now outside ..."

"Booming ........."

At this moment, another collapse sound sounded, and Carrian's speech stopped. She narrowed her eyes and stared at the slowly collapsed high-rise building. A dangerous smile flashed in her eyes.

"There is not much time left. Everything is going according to plan. I also hope that your sisters and sisters will continue to work hard. If you don't want to be eaten after the body wakes up, then you must strive to grasp the present and seize the opportunity of your existence. But you also have to be careful. The other two seem to have noticed something wrong, oops, oops, I don't want to be exposed, at least until the experiment has not completely ended, it still makes sense to me. . "

As he said it, Carrian raised his head to glance at the dark and gloomy sky, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Although her smile was quite soft at the moment, it gave a very uncomfortable feeling of depression. Perhaps because of feeling this feeling, the three people stepped back again. When she noticed their movements, Carrian retracted her gaze into the void and smiled at the three, as if she were looking at her very satisfied experiment.

"Well, now the task of delaying time has been achieved, you can activate the next spiritual crystal according to the previous plan. But be careful, do not meet those who should not be met, otherwise it is me , It won't help. "

Having said that, Carrian lifted her skirt gently, and then saluted to the three in front of her. Then she chuckled and stretched out her fingers, and with the movement of Carrian, a white and flawless card flew out of it, and in the face of the card popped up by Carlin, Donna was silent. The language reached out to take over.

"It seems that with your ability, this is the limit. But don't worry, I'm ready for the trump card, and the next time I play against Mr. Rod, if you have trouble that can't be handled, activate this card. I think it ’s going to give you a big surprise, so I ’m going to leave ... …… whahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...


With a light laughter, the heavy iron door closed again. And at this moment on the rooftop of the high-rise building, it was already empty. (To be continued ...)