MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 650 Battle City (VIII)

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It is not entirely unreasonable for Rhodes to make such a decision, although the opponent may have a terrain advantage. But Rhodes is better at it. He is not only familiar with the buildings here, but also very clear about what they are used for. This point is absolutely incomparable to the other party, so Rhodes has enough confidence to shake off the other party and give those guys an unforgettable lesson. After all, it ’s not good to come and go, and you ca n’t always lose yourself, do n’t you?

In fact, Rhodes did the same.

"I really don't understand, why don't we leave the good road and have to come here to climb the stairs?"

Little Wu Loli complained, while she was walking behind Rhode through the gap that seemed to allow only one person to pass, but for her complaining, Rhode didn't say much, just watched The little guy glanced. He has now finally discovered the third attribute of the little guy besides eating and fighting freak—that is, words. She talked endlessly along the way. Although it was time to get serious, Xiao Wu Luoli would still get serious, but if she changed the usual words, she would keep talking. Even if no one responded, she could talk to herself for a while, even if it was a snack, she couldn't stop her mouth. Rhodes didn't know where the little guy was talking so much, but now he didn't care about it.

As Xiao Wulioli complained, on the road to the second tower, Rhodes and others were attacked by the other side several times after that. These guys were very cunning and left without a hit. However, Rhodes has realized from this that the combination of these three people should be another three-five loli plus Ehorn, and finally Donna's three-man combination. In terms of strength, the average level of the opponent is slightly higher than their own. It's just that Rhodes can't confirm whether the three individuals are the masters or the sub-personalities around him. And their thoughts made Rhodes a little bit confused, because he had to worry and worry about sneak attacks. Rhode's speed will naturally slow down. And judging from the speed, the opponent can obviously reach the second tower earlier than Rhodes. They are not blind, and they must have noticed Rhodes's goals. But instead of rushing forward, he wasted time attacking Rhodes. This made Rhodes a little bit confused, it was like a long distance race. Obviously, a can reach the finish point earlier than b to set a new record, but would rather slow down and stop in front of b rather than run to the finish line in advance. This made Rhodes feel weird. In order to be safe, he also adjusted his route to go to the third tower, which was obviously a prelude to giving up. However, the other party remained indifferent, but kept staring at himself. In the face of the opponent's completely unreasonable behavior, Rhodes can only helplessly, is it a flower with a flower on his face so attractive?

But no matter what the opponent thinks, Rhodes must break the game. Otherwise, if it continues like this, let alone the second spirit crystal, I am afraid that Rhodes will never have the possibility to get the spirit crystal at all.

That's why Rhodes chose to deviate from the route and took them to a tower in the alley. This is not the place for spiritual crystals, and there is nothing particularly strange. But for Rhodes, this is the most convenient place to deal with those guys.

But Rhode didn't notice, just behind them, three pairs of eyes hidden in the darkness were carefully looking at them not far away. In those eyes flashed the cold cold light and fiery battle **. It seems full of contradictions, but it makes people involuntarily feel shudder and fear. Subsequently. I saw the three people hiding in the darkness staring at each other, and then quickly dispersed. In this way they silently surrounded the past from three directions towards Rhodes and others. And Rhode seemed completely unaware of this. He still took the little five Lori and Catherine around in the dark corridor, knocking about something from time to time. And Xiao Wu Loli also murmured and complained that this building is completely different from her imagination, the decoration is not luxurious enough, gorgeous enough, and not fun enough, anyway, what a boring thing to say. And Catherine was holding the snack behind them as always. It was just that she looked overwhelmed, and it was no different than before. They didn't even realize that, behind them, three poisonous snakes were approaching themselves slowly and steadily.

Soon, the three ambiguous figures arrived not far behind Rhodes and others. At this time, Rhodes also took the little five Lori and Catherine around a corner, and walked deeper. Just as the three figures disappeared into the field of vision, the poisonous snake hidden in the darkness finally opened its mouth, revealed its fangs, and moved forward suddenly! !! !!

"Ding Jing Ling Jing ------ !!! ''

At the same time, suddenly, a rushing alarm bell sounded, which suddenly made the people ambush behind them, and they looked at each other, not knowing what happened. Did you find yourself? Or is it a trap? What is this sound? From where?

"Wow la la la ------ !!! ''

However, before they could react, they saw a strong water column suddenly ejected from the ceiling, covering everything like a downpour. Not only that, almost at the same time, when I saw a heavy iron door falling suddenly by the wall, only a blink of an eye separated them from Rhodes and others.

not good! !! !!

Until this time, these people also realized that their whereabouts are likely to have been exposed. Thinking of this, they no longer care about anything. Soon, with the roaring and shining sword light, the original thick fire-proof iron door was cut like this Drive off, followed by three figures rushing out of it quickly. But soon these people discovered that there were more than one problem before them. Looking ahead, everything in front of them has been completely and completely closed, and the figures of Rhodes and others have completely disappeared into their field of vision at this moment.


But at this moment they had no idea, in the shadow of another tower not far away, Rhode was watching the three seemingly flustered figures with a little smile. He does not divinate, and it is naturally impossible to know when these people will attack themselves, but Rhodes is very clear that the place he chose is actually responsible for ambush and sneak attacks. Therefore, if the other party is always staring at themselves as expected, it is absolutely impossible to let go of such an opportunity. That's why he chose such a place to launch a counterattack, and it turns out that Rhodes's choice was correct. These guys did hide and prepare to ambush and attack themselves as expected. The only place they failed was that they were not familiar with the facilities here. Although the exterior was built according to the high-tower towers that Carrian was familiar with, the interior was entirely arranged according to the high-rise buildings in Rhodes' memory, so for them. What Rhodes knew, they didn't. They may not have encountered such a change in other places, but the architecture of Rhodes World is different from that of Dragon Soul Continent. The biggest difference is that in Rhodes World, all architectures are standardized.

No matter how strange the building looks, even if it is the first time you walk in, people should know that this tall building must have an elevator. Emergency exits, fire escapes, isolated iron doors and fire protection facilities. This is standardization, but the Dragon Soul mainland does not have such a rule, so the buildings here are more free and scattered, and it depends on the subjective will of the master to build something like a secret passage, a secret room, or something. For Rhodes and them, they are here for the first time, and it is naturally impossible to know what mystery is here. It is also in the mental state here that they choose to follow Rod. Because even if Rhodes wants to use the terrain to do something, it is difficult to threaten them.

But they had no idea that Rhodes was more familiar with the situation than they were, so this accidentally took care of Rhodes' words. Of course, they don't know that all buildings in Rhodes' world have strict regulations, and the preparation and correspondence that should be made when it happens. That's why Rhodes deliberately turned on the alarm and initiated emergency measures to close the entire building. So even if they were not behind Rhodes, they would be closed in another place. It can be said. While they followed Rhodes into this place, they had already stepped into a spider, and any struggle could make Rhodes aware of their existence in the shortest time. No matter how well they had covered up before, there was no point in front of Rhodes at this moment.

In this way, attacking and receiving ......... wrong. Offense and defense are finally exchanged, looking at the dark shadows not far away, Rhodes with a smug smile. Now they can't find themselves and can't follow him like before. Before that, Rhodes was completely unprepared. Now that he knows that there are such a group of people who are specifically looking for trouble, then he cannot fall twice in the same place, right?

Thinking of this, Rhode snorted softly, then he turned around and disappeared into the dark shadow silently.

After finding a way to pull the two sides back to the same starting line, Rhode stopped paying attention to the three opponents, but rushed towards the destination with Xiaoli Lori and Katherine. He had no time to waste on those three mysterious characters. Before, Rhodes had a big circle for layout. A lot of time was wasted. Now that the problem has been solved, it is not good to continue this way. In fact, Rhodes did not mean to kill a carbine at all, but because Catherine would not fight, once she started working on her side, she was one person less than the other person. This makes it difficult to take advantage even if it fights. So Rhodes speeded up decisively and ran towards the second spirit crystal.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

When Rhodes and others came to the place where the spiritual crystal tower was located, suddenly, the continuous roar and collapse sound came again in the distance, Rhodes frowned, and looked at the place where the sound came out. It was soon discovered that two more towers had collapsed. Not only that, but the previous twelve spirit crystals emitted the brilliance, and now only nine are left. In other words, including Rhodes, three spirit crystals have been activated. I just don't know what's happening to everyone other than myself. Hearing this voice, Xiaowu Loli also put aside her mouth and hummed quietly.

"Here it is again, this is really ........."

"Wow —————— !!!"

However, Xiaowu Loli's words have not been finished, and I saw above them, a gorgeous magical array suddenly opened, and then just a blink of an eye, all the haloes enveloped Xiaowu Loli's Physically, the next moment she turned into a golden light. Suddenly rushed towards the magic array above.

"Oops! Let's go !!!!"

Seeing this scene, Rod suddenly sank in his heart, and it seemed that he was still one step slower after all. It seems that someone has activated the crystal more than himself. What's more disturbing to him is that the small five loli was actually selected, so according to the previous scene of Catherine, I am afraid that one of the people who activate the crystal now has another small five loli. Originally, Rhodes expected that he could reach his destination one step earlier, although irrelevant personnel would be imprisoned after activating the crystal. But this kind of spiritual world contest was originally a blast of guns over field battles. As long as your mouth is high enough, even if you do n’t need to do anything, it will be enough to convince the other party ......... What seems to be wrong?

But now that Little Five is being teleported up, Rhodes and Catherine naturally cannot stand here to watch the show, so in the face of this sudden situation, Rhodes just froze and quickly reacted, and then he quickly Catherine made a gesture, then opened the door in front of her and rushed into the tower. but. The moment Rhode entered the tower, in front of his eyes, a sickle shining with cold and cold light slashed towards Rhode's neck. If Rhodes doesn't respond, then only this instant is enough to get someone else's head down.


Speaking of time and time, Rhodes responded immediately to the sudden sickle in front of him. The long sword in his hand suddenly moved upwards, hitting the blade of the sickle with impartiality, blocking the death of the sickle stiffly. Not only that, but at the same time blocking the attack. The sword in Rhodes turned into a silver snake and bitten forward. Along with his movements, a figure wrapped in a black robe all over his body floated through the air like a ghost, avoiding his attack.


This time, Rhode finally saw the true colors of the other side, and at the same time he was sinking in his heart. Ehorn had previously played directly with Rhodes outside. Rhodes is very clear about her fighting power and very powerful. Not only that, the weapon used by Ehorn was also very difficult for Rhodes. The sickle was a weird weapon, and the angle of attack was unpredictable. Rhodes and Ehorn faced a tough battle before, if it wasn't for Rabbis, who made an indiscriminate bombing. I'm afraid it will be more difficult to deal with. And now, finally, he is going to face up to this face-to-face death girl again. After turning this thought in his head, Rhode did not mean to stop. After contacting Ehorn, he immediately launched a new round of attack on the death girl in front of him. I saw that the silver and white sword in Rhode's hand turned into a flash of lightning and stabbed at the girl's wide, black cloak, forcing her to pull back. Facing Rhode's attack, Ehorn also responded quickly, and saw that she spun a huge sickle in her hand to form a solid shield, which was able to block Rhode's attacks again and again. I only heard the sound of several "Dang Dang Dang" weapon clashes. With the sparks emerging, the figure of the death girl was wandering leisurely, and Rhode was behind him, completely unwilling to let go.

"Catherine, you go to the elevator to the top floor! Help Little Five! You should know how to use the elevator !!"

A quick glance around, Rhodes did not see the third person, so he also decisively ordered Catherine. Upon hearing Rhode's order, Catherine hesitated, and eventually nodded and turned and ran towards the elevator door on the first floor. For the elevator, Rod has already explained in detail with Xiao Wu Loli and Catherine. After all, in this place where flying is restricted, if you want to reach the top of the building in the shortest time, you must use the elevator. of. Seeing Catherine's intention to leave, Ehorn chuckled, wielding a sickle and chopping at her suddenly, trying to intercept the light angel. But without waiting for her sickle to split, Rhode had already propheticly blocked Catherine, and then he waved the sword in his hand again, blocking Ehorn's attack again. In the face of Rhodes blocking her attack again, Ehorn was not annoyed. On the contrary, she chuckled, and the whole person drifted away, but Rhodes could feel that her eyes were firmly locked. On yourself.

Not those people before!

Up to this point, Rhodes also confirmed that Ehorn was not a member of those who had previously attacked himself. Although there is also an Ehorn in it, she feels that Rhodes looks like a ghostly ghost death, but in front of this Ehorn's fighting method is a playfulness and briskness unique to some girls. Rhodes is very sensitive in this respect, so he can be sure that the spirit crystal that is inspiring now is definitely not the trio who had previously attacked himself.

However, no matter who they are, Rhodes has only one goal at the moment.

Defeat them and win. (To be continued ...)

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