MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 637 Twin dreams (middle)

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"Hum ... no, I have to take a break. It's exhausting and I can't play at all ..."

Rhodes never felt that he would be so tired. He didn't know how long this hide-and-seek had played. The only thing I can be sure of was that Rhodes has not been able to catch Grayhill and Madaras until now, and he doesn't know himself. How many circles in the woods, in short, the only thing that Rhodes can surely have is two points first, and he really can't catch the two little guys. Second, he never saw a third mental projection other than two little guys. Indeed, as Serise Tina said, the spiritual world of the two seems to be more difficult than the others. After all, Rhodes still has no clue to face Grace Hill and Mar. Darath, what exactly should he do? At least just now, Rhodes has determined that he has taken quite a few measures. The trapping has no effect, and he can't catch the two little guys even if he tries hard. This is really strange, because this is the spiritual world, so Rhode's attribute power is the attribute power of the Nether Dragon. According to this speed, if you want to chase Greyhill and Madaras, you should It's not difficult, but even if Rhodes moves at almost instantaneous speed, he can't be sure about them, which makes him full of frustration.

Rhodes has almost used up all the means, but the two little guys are still hiding from themselves. In reality, the situation of the two of them towards themselves is too much beyond Rhodes' imagination. Already. Even made Rhodes a little injured, although in reality Rhodes has hardly communicated with two people (perhaps there is no way to communicate at all), but Greyhill and Madaras always take care and help Rhode is still very clear about herself. Not only did they help themselves a lot, but Rhodes didn't think they would do it if they did not like themselves. but. What is going on like this now? Could it be that these two little guys just treat themselves superficially, but they hate themselves deep down even if they don't even want to see themselves?


Thinking of this, Rhode reached out and rubbed his forehead, which made him a bit upset. Although he knew that the spiritual world was different from the outside, he was only here to find a year and a half outside and only a few minutes. But know how to know. I'm going to look here for so long that Rhodes himself is going crazy. I really didn't expect that Celia and Celestina came over, and they would actually plant in the hands of Grace Hill and Madaras, who look the most harmless?

"Think carefully, what is going on ......... what should I do ........."

As he talked to himself, Rhodes closed his eyes and began to recall the thoughts of Serestina carefully. It seems that Celestina's hint is indeed correct. The spiritual world of Grace Hill and Madaras is quite abnormal. Not only is it not easy to catch this little guy, but Rhodes finds himself no matter where he looks from The scenery in front of me is symmetrical left and right. No matter what angle you look at, it looks the same. This kind of world is already anomalous enough. By contrast, the black stone corridor of Serestina is more "humane".

"Speaking of ...... Selestina said that makes me think about the characteristics of Calles Du Fireflies ... Calles Du Fireflies ... hmm ... hmm?"

Thinking of this, Rhodes suddenly hesitated, then he sat up suddenly. Almost at the same time, a very bad thought flashed through Rod's mind, which almost made him taste the unprecedented "fear".

Callesdu Firefly is the killer of the elves. Only white elves can change careers, and they are almost invincible in the creation war. A character called "Even God will kill you". But this profession is not perfect. All Calles Duying died after the end of the World War. Not only that, they didn't even remember their names, not even their graves. Why is this?

Because of the "blurred" ability of Calles Du Ying. With their own power, the White Elves' royal family has signed a contract with the world with their blood, erasing their "existence" in the world itself, which is why. When Callesdu Firefly launched her ability, she no longer existed in the entire world, so all attacks were invalid to them. This is true even in the legendary realm, and it is for this reason that they are able to take the lead of the enemy as nothing. Kill anyone who wants to kill, kill as much as you want. But such a price is also very large, their own existence has been erased from the world, then no matter whether the enemy or me, they will not remember their own existence. Even if it is the current moon elves, it is just remembering that there is such a profession as Calles Duying. As for what kind of outstanding characters have emerged in this profession, and what legends are circulating, these stories are erased as "individuals". At the same time, naturally disappeared into the memory of others. Due to the relationship of life, these Calles Du Ying or more can still maintain a little sense of existence in the memory of others. But when they die for various reasons, their remaining sense of existence naturally disappears.

From this point onward, Rhodes found a terrible conclusion.

That is, the self-existence of Greyhill and Madaras is likely not strong, or even weak. Because they are Calles Duying, they have been wiped out of existence in the world, so have their personalities been weakened as a result? Celia and Celestina I met before are both very strong people. No matter who they are, the inner world of the two is very noisy and very lively. This also shows from the side that their personalities are very clear, so there are problems of this kind.

But in comparison, the spiritual world of Greehill and Madaras is almost like a pool of standing water! Not only that, if you think about it carefully, Rhodes will find that the two shadows he chased before are really just "shadows", or more like some kind of mist condensed, at least Rhodes is not on them Feel a distinct "presence".

Then if the conclusion is really reached according to this reasoning, then the result will be obvious.

That is, Grace Hill and Madaras's ego is likely to be very weak, so weak that the two of them could not even create a single character. Only by the fusion and mutual support of the spiritual world of two people can they exist. This is already a limit for them, so Rhodes has not found other people here, because the mental state of the two little guys is not complete. . Subpersonality naturally doesn't even need to think about it.

Then the reason why Rhodes ca n’t catch the two little guys is obvious. He is simply chasing the phantom without an entity. It is as if a person wants to catch the shadow with his bare hands. It is impossible except for futility There will be other results. As soon as he thought that he was chasing someone else's shadow like an idiot, Rhode could not help but reach out and cover his face. Fortunately, he is the only one who knows the matter here. Otherwise, if he spreads it, how will he mix in the future?

But now is not the time to look at yourself ashamed. If that's the case, then Rhodes's problem will be even greater. Because the problems of Gray Hill and Madaras did not come from themselves, but from the pressure of the world, the elimination of the world weakened their sense of existence, making them unable to form a normal personality projection at all. This is not something Rhodes can solve from the inside. Frankly, this is like a machine. If something inside is broken, Rhode climbs in and knocks and repairs it. It can still be used again. But if the machine itself is inherently unqualified and disintegrated as soon as it hits the road, isn't it useless to train your repair skills to a master level?

After thinking about it, Rhodes felt that this might be the reason why he was having a hard time catching the two little guys. And if he goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive. But he wants to catch the opponent, the less he wants to be caught by himself. In this way, the personality of the two people will be more and more dissipated. In the end, do n’t get rid of even the self-consciousness completely, then it ’s really a stealing chicken.

"Grey Hill! Madaras! Did you hear that?"

In desperation, Rhodes had to call out the names of the two. But his voice was soon swallowed by the forest full of faint mist, and then after a while, the vaguely laughter like silver bell came faintly, but like himself. The two little guys didn't mean to show up at all.

It seems to be hopeless.

In the face of this scene, Rhodes had nothing to say. Right now he is completely in a dilemma. Even more difficult than in the world of Serestina. Because what Rhode needs to do now is not to catch anyone, to find anyone, or to destroy anyone. It's who "creates". Now, the selves of Gray Hill and Madaras are incomplete. If Rhodes wants to get the world done, leave here. The first is to ensure that these two little guys' original illusory personalities solidify and become solid. But Rhodes does n’t know if he can succeed, because this state of Calles Duying is actually quite like the so-called “selflessness” in some martial arts novels, such as I ca n’t even feel myself. I am myself, so no one else can feel me. So it depends on me as big as a **** ...

But if Rhodes cultivates the two little guys' self-cultivation, then will they destroy their agreement with the world? After all, Calles Duying obtains that extraordinary ability to cheat by erasing her existence. If Rhodes cultivates their ego, then maybe they will release Calles Du Ying's ability in turn. As a result, Greyhill and Madaras are no longer the fearsome legendary assassins. Maybe they are still strong, but it is very possible to wipe out the "virtual" ability of self-defeating cheating in the world. So it disappeared. Thinking of this, Rod hesitated.

Do you really want to do this?

But now it seems that there is no other way, at least if you continue this way, at least you will be trapped in this place forever and you ca n’t leave. It ’s impossible for Grace Hill and Madaras without too much self-consciousness. There is an idea to help you open the door through this spiritual world. So it seems that this is the only way.


Thinking of this, Rhode sighed, then he stood up and glanced to both sides. The view is as symmetrical as ever, even the angle of light is the same. The world can be said to be strange enough to add. Obviously, there is no good way for Rhodes, but ...

"Try it."

As he said, Rhode stretched out his hand and looked into the void before him, then. He closed his eyes.


With Rhodes' movement, suddenly, the void in front of Rhodes began to tremble, and then, in the void, the shadow of a city looming looming. Then solidified in the void. And at this moment, Rhode opened his eyes and looked at the world with a bit of uneasy eyes. Fortunately, with the emergence of that modern city, the world here showed no signs of trembling or collapse at all, which made Rhodes relieved. I saw at this moment that what appeared to Rhodes was a completely modern city. Looking out, you can see the skyscrapers lined below. Shining neon lights, various advertisements and publicity appearing on the huge electronic screen, and noisy music can be heard faintly in the distance. The whole city looks prosperous. As for the city in front of him, Rhode is no stranger to where he was born and grew up. Although he spent a long time in Dragon Soul mainland, but even so, Rhodes still cannot forget his hometown. After all, that's where he was born, not the Dragon Soul mainland. And now. Seeing the city in front of him, Rhodes was full of nostalgia. Frankly, he did not expect that he would summon such a world.

"It looks successful, but I don't know if it will move in the direction I expected."

Shaking his head and talking, Rhode turned back and looked at the woods not far away. But at this moment under Rhode's gaze, there was still no reaction, and Rhodes just shrugged. Then it ’s not good to say anything, but turned around and walked onto the escalator that just appeared with me along with the city, then walked towards the city in front of me.

This is certainly not the real city, but Rhodes 'own spiritual world. Strictly speaking, this is Rhodes' dream. This is also before entering the spiritual world. The suggestion that Rhodes received from his sister, if there is no way to solve the puzzle of the other's spiritual world, then he can open his own spiritual world to the other. In this way, to get the other party's recognition, it is naturally impossible for Rhodes to do this kind of thing. But in the spiritual world, he can at least choose to materialize his dream world. Of course, Rhodes is also very careful about this. Because according to her sister, even the world of dreams, the sudden connection with other people's spiritual world will have a considerable impact. So Rhodes has never done this before. Now facing the spiritual world of Greyhill and Madaras, he has absolutely no way to want to try it. Fortunately, maybe the ego of the little ones is weak, causing their spiritual world to have no resistance, but it is easily connected with Rhodes dreamland.

This step is done, what will it look like next?

Rhodes is not clear, but now he has no other choice but to look at it with a mentality of trying it out. And, for Rhodes, he also cared about his dreams. Although it is also a spiritual body, but Rhodes has never remembered his dreams. Of course, he had dreamed a lot of strange dreams before, but these things have long been forgotten by Rhodes. To be honest, he does n’t know. What is in your dream? Anyway, I'm idle now, just go and see for yourself. If you can rely on this dream to seduce the two little guys into your own spiritual world, then maybe you can find a way to break the situation at hand. Moreover, what made Rhodes a little curious was that his dream would be a modern city? Is there any other interesting dream you haven't achieved?

With this in mind, Rhodes stepped onto the escalator in front of him, and then entered the city in front of him.

"Woohoo ..."

"Hee hee hee………"

Of course, Rhodes didn't realize that shortly after he left, suddenly in the open space where he was just now, the laughter of Grayhill and Madaras appeared again, followed by this string The silver bell-like laughter, two petite figures, wrapped in white robes all over the body, emerged out of nowhere. They held their hands, dancing like an elegant dance, falling from the air to the ground, and then they turned. Going over and glancing at each other.

"Where is that? It looks like it's interesting ..."

"I don't know at all. It looks so lively there ..."

"Go check it out ..."

"Go check it out ..."

"Woohoo ..."

"Hee hee hee………"

After the quizzical question and answer, the petite figures of the two girls became illusory, blurred, and distorted again, and then they seemed to be one person, silently turning into fog, and then just following Luo De left the direction and entered the colorful city in front of him. (To be continued ...)

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