MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-Chapter 9 set off

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Looking at the girl in front of him, Rhode sighed.

"Li Jie, the person you should worry about most now is you. You haven't taken a good rest since last night."

When she heard the word "last night", Li Jie's body shrank suddenly, as if she remembered it again. However, the girl still stubbornly bit her lip, then shook her head.

"No ......... I ..."

"Slap!" |

Li Jie's words did not finish, so at this moment, Rhode had raised his hand, and a heavy slap fan reached her face.

What is he doing? !!

Covering her red cheeks, Li Jie opened her eyes in disbelief in surprise and looked at Rhodes in front of her. The young man just stared at her quietly, and then said.

"I can understand what you think now."

Hearing this calm, almost no emotional fluctuations, an angry outburst immediately broke out from Li Jie's heart, she put down her hands, clenched her fists, and seemed to want to refute this irresponsible remark However, Rhode's next sentence completely made her lose the strength to do so.

"Just because he is different, he feels guilty about being able to survive, and it is not true for an angel mixed blood."


When she heard this, Li Jie was shocked. She subconsciously crossed her arms to protect her, and stepped back two or three steps. She stopped when she hit the tree behind her. But even so, Li Jie still didn't care. She just stared at the man in front of her, opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything. How could he know? No, this is impossible. He didn't tell him, even in the mercenary regiment, there are only a few people who can know this.

"how do you………"

"your eyes."

Rhode held out a finger.

"Your eyes will reflect the golden light under the light, which is the sign of the angel as the" protector of light ". But unlike the pure-bred angel, the light in your eyes is not dazzling, and this is exactly what The part that's covered by your human bloodline-isn't it? "

The girl didn't speak.

Although it was not answered, Rhodes has confirmed that he is not wrong. The young girl standing in front of him at this moment is indeed an angel mixed. In fact, he has observed Lijie for some time. As a top player, in a long game career, Rhodes has already been familiar with judging by equipment and characteristics. Means of the surname of the other party. This can not only formulate the most suitable tactics in the shortest time in boss battles, but also preemptive in pvp battles. This can be said to be a skill that all experienced players will definitely master.

In fact, when Rhodes and Li Jie were rescued, he began to observe the girl consciously, and soon realized the true identity of the other. Although it is only mixed, the angel's strong healing power and ability to resist damage have not disappeared because of this, which is the main reason why Li Jie can survive after being thrown out of the floating ship.

Li Jie herself must know this very well, so she was so depressed.

"So I said, I can understand what you think."

Rhodes shrugged.

"You know why you can survive, but it's not luck, it's the result of the differences between you and others, and you can't accept this ... if you can, you even want to be just one Ordinary humans, like your companions, face death instead of surly living like this. "


Li Jie lowered her head and clutched the skirt tightly with both hands.

"But it's not something you can decide."

Looking at Li Jie's trembling shoulders, Rhodes' tone slowed a lot.

"You can't decide your own origin and you can't stop it. This is something you can't do. Never regret what you can't do."

"So ..."

Li Jie finally spoke.

"………what should I do?"

"This is your path. You should choose it yourself."

After hearing this, Li Jie was silent for a moment, then she looked up.

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Rhodes."

"you are welcome."

"... but your slap really hurts ..."

Although the process was a bit "violent", Li Jie finally came out of the shadow of losing her companion and self-blame. When the sun rose the next day, the blonde girl's face was completely gone, and replaced The gentle smile as always. This made Meze a little surprised that he couldn't figure out what happened. He curiously looked at this, and then looked at that, and finally a very meaningful smile appeared to Rhode ——— As for what this means, no one knows.

However, before the fat businessman had time to satisfy his curiosity, Rhodes immediately broke him into the abyss.

"I think it's time to go."

set off?

The word made a chubby fat businessman who was just awake and eating breakfast, contented and full of contentment. Then he remembered that he was not in his comfortable and warm room now, but in this endless danger. In the forest ... by the way, they didn't come out for an outing, the **** wind snake, and the **** captain ... forget it, it doesn't make sense to say this now. The most important thing is-how are they going out of this **** forest?

Thinking of this, Metz hurriedly looked up and looked at Rhodes. Since this young man says he has a solution, then he must make a very thorough plan. After all, they are in this deep mountain, and it is not impossible to get lost, not to mention so many beasts. Lurking inside, how to avoid their hunt? These are all the knowledge necessary for survival in the wild. You must pay attention to it. You must not miss a half sentence. If you die here by carelessness, it will be too much.

With this idea in mind, Metz patted his face vigorously to disperse the last drowsiness. Then he carefully watched Rhodes stand up from the ground, and patted the dust on his legs and feet, then moved. Lower your wrist and say finally.

"Let's go."


"... wait, wait, Mr. Rhode!"

The fat businessman almost jumped as if sitting on a chair with an iron spike on it.

"where are we going?"

"To the northeast, there is a small town there. As soon as you get there, the next road will be much better."

"Is there anything to watch out for?"

"Nothing special to pay attention to."

It is not surprising that Rhodes would say this. After all, as a novice gathering place for Dragon Soul Continent, players in the Pafield area have already been dug up by the players, especially due to the influence of online novels. Many players deliberately started at the beginning of the game. Go deep into uninhabited, dangerous or hard-to-reach areas to try to get legendary artifacts that are enough to dominate the game. Then they can hold the weapon of the magic weapon, invincible, create a powerful force, and finally dominate the continent ... Of course, the reality is always cruel, although with the unremitting efforts of the players, they did find some of them Very rare, a good weapon with a surname, but unfortunately none of them can meet the player's "artifact in hand, I have the world" requirements.

After all, this standard is too high.

Although for Metz, the place is full of dangers, and every step is likely to lose his last name, for Rhodes, this area is familiar like his own back garden. In the game, as a long time, Rhodes also brought newcomers in the regiment to level here, so where there are many monsters, where there are few monsters, what task equipment is suitable for what profession, and where the surname is suitable for The most efficient training and so on are naturally familiar to Rhodes. Even if he just throws him anywhere, Rhodes can go out with his eyes closed. So naturally there is nothing special to remind him about, as for Metz? The task of protecting the merchants in the game is that Rhodes has done one thousand and eight hundred times. How could he be interested?

Hearing Rhode's answer, Metz's fat face immediately froze like frosted eggplant. Of course, he didn't know what Rhodes thought, but it was too frustrating. Think of it here, fat Instead, the businessman began to reflect on whether he had made a wrong choice. If you think about it, this young man was seriously injured in the mountains. If he was not injured, then he could easily say the past. But he is injured now, so easy to care about ... isn't he trying to die?

Although there is a vague regret deep inside, but the so-called riding a tiger south, for Metz, there is no second way to go. So helplessly, he had to grit his teeth and follow the two, walking towards the depths of the forest.

Under the bright sun, Yinyue Forest was very quiet. The sun passed through the gaps in the leaves and sprinkled a little light spot on the ground. The crisp birdsong sounded from time to time, and even the hare could be seen in the grass. The sight in front of him was so peaceful that the originally nervous businessman was gradually relaxed. No longer as suspicious and anxious as before.

Rhodes is in the forefront. Although it is not easy to walk in a forest without roads, but his figure is very flexible and shuttles back and forth between the forest, whether it is a vine or those barbed plant stems, There is no way to stop his actions. Just looking at his back, it is hard to imagine that he was seriously injured before.

Li Jie, who followed her, was also not slow. Obviously, she was used to this kind of wild action and life. Although she was wearing an inconvenient robe, Li Jie still followed Rhode's side steadily, from time to time Loudly reminded the businessman behind him to pay attention to the road under his feet.

And the deeper she went, the more surprised Li Jie was.

Although on the surface, Rhode's direction is quite arbitrary, he did not choose to go straight, but he would turn left or right from time to time, and occasionally make a large circle. If you look from the surface, only Would think he was leading the way. But few people notice that under the leadership of Rhodes, the forest that was originally full of obstacles showed them a flat road, as if it was hidden in the forest, waiting for people. To find your own existence.

Li Jie once heard the head of the group say that this is a very high-end skill. After all, it is too difficult for ordinary people to find a way in the forest. Only the elves who are in harmony with nature and the rangers who live in the mountains all year round. To master this technique. She had seen it before with her own eyes. At that time, her team was lost in the forest, but the elves sent to assist them did not follow the path in the forest, but chose a completely opposite direction. At that time, Li Jie was still very worried. But in the end, she left the forest quite smoothly. At that time, Li Jie learned this technique from her head, but ...

Looking at Rhode's back, Li Jie tilted her head in confusion. According to the head of the group, only those experienced elves and rangers can master such skills. Although ordinary elves also have the ability to communicate with nature, there is no way to do this. But in contrast, Rhodes is so relaxed and free, he never even stopped to communicate with the plants around him, which shows that he should not be an elf, but ...... looking at him, but not like a ranger? Although Li Jie and Ranger haven't played much, she still knows that Ranger's main weapon is the bow, but looking at Rod, from the beginning to seeing him to the present, Rod has never used a bow ... ...

Who is he exactly?

At this moment, deep inside Li Jie's heart, she became more and more confused.

Rhode stopped.

Through the bushes, he can clearly see the clear lake not far away, which is the center of the Silver Moon Forest, the Lake of Moonlight. In the game, this can be regarded as one of the wild camps for players to rest halfway.

"It's great!"

Looking at the clear lake in front of him, Metz licked his chapped lips subconsciously. Although he hasn't walked for a long time from the moment of departure, it seems to have been a few days to the businessman who has always respected himself Difficult, seeing such a good resting place in front of him, the fat businessman immediately strode forward and planned to take a good rest by the lake. However, just as his body moved, Rhode's hand rested on the opponent's shoulder.

The fat businessman looked puzzledly at the young man in front of him, but Rhode said nothing. He just extended a finger, made a silent gesture, and then pointed to the front. The fat businessman looked down Rhode's finger in confusion, and then his expression suddenly turned pale.

Because in the shadow of the lake, a white giant wolf was lying there quietly, eyes closed.


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