MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-~ A new start

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The morning sun passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows and gently poured into the room in front of him.

Rhode opened his eyes and looked at the white ceiling in front of him. He raised his hand and stood in front of his forehead, blocking the glare of the sun.

Looking out the window, you can clearly see the blue sky and woods outside. The noisy sound from the distance echoed the birds' song, forming a unique symphony. Blossoming white clouds drifted leisurely across the sky, looking refreshing.

This is an extremely beautiful scenery, and just looking at it makes people feel refreshed.

But at this moment, Rhode's concern is obviously not the problem.

"Woohoo ...... was so soon ......... It was really surprising ..."

Along with the vague speech, a gurgling voice came from Rhodes' waist. And felt the feeling coming from below the lower abdomen. Rhodes frowned, then sighed helplessly, then he lowered his head and looked down and said.

"Hey, hey, it's almost there, it's time for me to rest."

"No, come again. You see, the weather outside is so rare. Shouldn't it be our happy time?"

Hearing Rhode's complaints, Lydia looked up under him, and smiled slyly like a little devil. He reached out and plucked the falling golden hair behind his ears, and then continued his own Serve.

"......... Can you stop making excuses? Lydia? It's almost time ......... Is it a whole day tossing yesterday, isn't that enough?"

"No, you and Eileen have done so many times, so as a friend of hers, you ca n’t be the same. I gave you to Eileen last night. It ’s almost my turn now. Now. "

"Can't you say that? Lydia?"

At the same time, another soft, fiery snow-white body appeared from behind Rhodes like an octopus. Elin just stretched out her hand like that, and the slender arm hugged Rod's body tightly. The soft chest clung to Rod's back like this, and then Yi Lin lifted her head from behind with a slight smile, looking at her friend.

"Yesterday's moonlight is really beautiful. Isn't it normal to do some romantic things together under the beautiful moonlight?"

"Anyway. Now it's unlikely that you can get up with Rhodes."

As she said, Lydia opened her legs and stretched across Rhodes' waist. She chuckled and stretched out her hand to pinch his neck.

"Hurry up and end, your lovely sister is still waiting."

"Of course I know that."

Looking at Lydia's pretty face with a smug smile, Rhodes rolled his eyes angrily. Then he naturally stretched out his hand and caught the girl's tight waist. Then press down firmly.

"Woohoo ........."

Feeling the hot and strong touch, Lydia moaned softly, but at the same time, Rhode had already clenched the tender body in her arms and started a new round of sprinting and fighting.

When it was over, Rhodes stepped out of the bedroom, and it was already noon.

"Good morning, brother, it looks like you're in good spirit ..."

The sister on the sofa turned her head. Staring at Rhodes with a strange smile. Facing his sister's gaze, Rhode snorted quite helplessly. He twisted his sore waist first, and then sat on the sofa with his butt. Resentful staring at the girl in front of her.

"As a sister, how did you pit your brother?"

"As a younger sister. I think it's the right way to pretend that you haven't seen it at this time. Anyway, it was something your brother caused yourself, so naturally you have to deal with it yourself?"

"What about Christy?"

"Brought by Bubbles to go shopping, it's rare to come here, and of course have a good time. Rest assured, I have informed the Canary and Bubble meeting place and time."

"That's fine."

Hearing his sister's answer, Rhode nodded, then narrowed his eyes and glanced at the large screen in front of him. There was a gleam of light in the boring eyes.

"What. Is there a problem?"

Facing Rhode's inquiry, her sister did not immediately answer. Instead, she picked up the remote and turned up the TV's volume. Soon, there was a sound of surprise from the host on the television screen in front of me.

"......... According to the survey of Wangyuan-1 satellite, astronomers accidentally discovered a brand new galaxy on the edge of the solar system. It has its own unique orbit. This is a brand new discovery. For it is How it appeared and how it was formed. At present, the scientific community is inconclusive, but it is inferred that there may be life in this star system. At present, many countries are exploring the scientific research and investigation of launching satellites, and hope to find To the mystery of this new galaxy ... "

"is that OK."

Looking at the news report in front of him, Rhodes raised an eyebrow. Hearing his inquiry, the sister nodded.

"Don't worry, brother, the enchantment we set up outside the Dragon Soul continent can completely block their invasion. No matter what kind of detectors they send, as long as they enter the outer asteroid belt, they will be destroyed. With the current human technology Level, it will not be possible to break through our enchantment protection in another two hundred years. Of course ... "

Speaking here, a little smile appeared on her sister's face.

"By that time, it will be another thing whether the earth needs to send satellite exploration."

"At that time, let's talk about it at that time. Anyway, there are still two hundred years. It's not too short of time for us. And based on the current situation of the earth, they don't need to count on sending a joint investigation fleet. Thanks to Stefal ...... what's the situation with those warships? "

Upon hearing her sister's answer, Rhodes waved her hands boringly, and then she seemed to think of something and asked.

"Autumn Wind Pier and Normandy have begun the trial period. Thanks to the 'ship maiden' 'control system that Miss Stefal gave us, otherwise how to drive these iron guys is really a headache. Well, after all, the mages on the Dragon Soul mainland are not good at this kind of mechanical operation. As for the other Star Destroyer ships, Labis is still leading people to conduct research and research, and it should not be too time-consuming. "


Having said that, Rhode fell into silence again, so he leaned back on the sofa dumbly, looking at the sky outside the window.

"Although I really want to say. Time passes really fast. But in fact, when I went to that world and now I'm back here again. It seems that it is only three or four years ......... Three or four years, if I choose If I finish my job, I'm afraid I haven't gotten around yet. "

"The meaning of time is judged by existence itself. I believe that my brother will do well no matter what he does ..."


Just then, the knock on the door rang, and the door to the room opened, and then. Angeline came in. After seeing Brother and Sister Rhodes, she froze slightly, but quickly lowered her head and saluted them both.

"Master, Your Majesty the Dragon of Void, it's almost time."

"Okay, let's go."

Hearing Angeline's words, Rod nodded, and then he stood up. I sorted out my black suit. The younger sister also stood up at the same time, then went to Rhode's side and stretched out her hand. Help him organize his tie.

"You're really daring, brother. To be honest, if your parents are still alive, I see how you can explain to the second old man now ......... This is a problem to be queued up?"

"So I'm going to solve this problem now."

Hearing this, Rhode reached out and squeezed his sister's face.

"Don't pretend to be innocent, you have a share too!"

The car whistled across the highway and sped away. Rhode leaned against the car window, staring boredly at the city outside. The towering towers surround the transportation network of the entire metropolitan area. Whistling tram. Everything is so familiar that Rhodes is even skeptical. I really only had a dream before, a dream that lasted for three years. It was only now that I finally woke up, but ...... Looking at my sister sitting next to herself, Rhodes knew very well that this was not dreaming, nor delusion, but reality.

It has been three months since the Dragon Soul continent left the original world and came to the solar system.

During this time, Rhodes and others can be said to be busy nonstop. First, they created a protective enchantment, using the power of the Dragon Soul to form a safe and complete protective network with the asteroid belt. In this way, even if there is any trouble, it can be blocked in the first time. In addition, the power structure of Dragon Soul Mainland itself has to be revisited. In the past, the power structure of the Dragon Soul mainland was left over after the World War. But now, this residue has no meaning. Therefore, with the efforts of Rhodes and his sister, the entire Dragon Soul continent was finally unified and formed a complete union. Of course, in the framework of rights, Rhodes and others still use the original structure. For example, the kingdom of light is still the part responsible for the dragon of light, the kingdom of night is still the part responsible for the dragon of darkness. Rhodes and sister dominate. But the advantage of being united is that there will be no more wars between each other-of course, the main reason for this is Rhodes.

Most of the Dragon Soul mainland has not changed. Under Rhode's deliberate blockade, basically ordinary people have no idea that there are other civilizations on another planet not far from them. Of course, with the level of civilization of the Dragon Soul mainland, I never thought about exploring the extraterrestrial world.

But there are also people whose lives have changed.

"... Next, we will present you the star of tomorrow, who won the idol star award last month-the song" Stars "sung by Annie, and enjoy it ~!

Soon, the pleasant and cheerful singing voice erupted from the car stereo, echoing in a small space.

"Sister Annie is very capable, but I didn't think she would sing ..."

"To be honest, I think this looks more suitable for her."

Looking at the screen, standing and jumping on the stage, a young blonde girl smiling with a bright sun. Rhodes also raised his mouth slightly. Now, Annie no longer needs to wield a shield and fight desperately against those enemies on the front line. On the contrary, she has a more suitable identity and profession—singing on the stage as an idol, obviously than waving a shield on Fighting on the battlefield is more suitable for her.

Everyone has their own lives, and now they can put down the burden of fighting and start doing what they want to do. For Rhodes, this was not difficult. Although he is still a dragon of the void, he is on earth. Rhodes is not completely without his power.

"I didn't expect her to be so good."

Looking at Annie on the screen, Rhode couldn't help but remember that she wanted to pull Li Jie together to do the duo at first. Li Jie's face was scared. Unlike Annie, who always likes to be in the limelight, Li Jie doesn't like being noticed by tens of thousands of people in the large court.

"But it's not bad, it's better than the two unprofessionals."

Speaking of which, Rhode snorted involuntarily. The thought of two guys, Elin and Lydia, gave him a headache. Originally according to Rhode's plan, the two young ladies obediently handled their territorial affairs in Dragon Soul Mainland. As a result, they did not expect that they enjoyed and prospered by nature, but they liked the life on earth more. Not only do they come here every few days for shopping, they have even reached a cooperation agreement with the original creation dragon. Become a special guest of M & W company, and occasionally help to be responsible for the promotion of "Dragon Soul Mainland". Due to their outstanding looks and the fact that they are exactly the same as the characters in the game, they have also gained a lot of popularity among players.

The online game promoted by Archangel and Queen of the Moon is also drunk ... …………

The car left the highway and entered the quiet and peaceful side road. Soon, lush trees and grass shaded the modern city outside. The natural beauty has been restored. The car moved along the path, then stopped in an open space next to it.

"Okay, let's go."

Patted her sister's hands. Rhodes turned away from the car and walked towards the open space in front of him. And there. Waiting for him, Rod was extremely familiar.

"Ah, head ......... why are you so slow, Anne has been waiting for a long time."

Annie in a mini skirt smiled brightly and waved at Rhodes. Li Jie, who was standing next to her, also took off the spiritual robe she had been wearing, but instead wore a simple long dress, which set off the purity and cuteness of the girl. Better than Dragon Soul Land.

"Okay. Annie, after all, Rhodes has plans."

Marin on the other side reached out. Gently patted Annie's shoulder. Unlike Anne and Li Jie, Marin's dress is more professional and feminine. To be honest, the pair of slender beautiful legs with black silk makes Rhodes feel refreshed. After all, in Dragon Soul Land, she No such dress.

"I really don't know what to call, but this time we have serious things to do, you can't be a little bit safe? This is not a marriage, can you stop it, I have a big head."

Little Bubble Gum stood with his hands on his hips and stared at Annie dissatisfied, pouting his mouth, angrily. And beside her, Canary stood there smiling, talking in a low voice to Christie. And Christie also opened his eyes wide, listening carefully to the canary, and nodded from time to time.

As for Lydia and Eileen, they were on the other side at the moment, whispering and wondering what they were talking about.

"Master, things are ready."

At this time, Sonia came over from the side, whispered to Rhodes, and passed a large plastic bag in her hand. Rhode reached for the plastic bag and nodded to Sonia.

"Thank you."

As he spoke, Rhodes turned his head and waved at the crowd.

"Okay, let's go."

With that said, Rhode turned and walked deep into the woods. Seeing his movements, the others stopped playing at the moment, and quietly followed Rhodes and his sister.

There was silence in the woods, only footsteps echoing in it. Soon, Rhodes crossed the forest path in front of him and reached the depths of the woods.

What caught my eye was a beautiful stream, with clear spring water flowing down, making a crisp and pleasant sound. The green lawn is dotted with beautiful flowers, and the sound of birds swaying in the forest looks like a paradise.

But the most striking thing is the black tombstone in it.


Seeing this tombstone, everyone closed their mouths and stopped talking. Only Rhodes and his sister were holding hands and came to this tombstone. Then they opened the plastic bag and took out one after another of the offerings, respectfully placed in front of the tombstone.

The stuff inside was bland and not surprising. Grilled chicken wings, dumplings, fruits, cooked food, and some snacks. There is no difference between what the other people took when sweeping the grave, the younger sister quietly took out one plate after another, placed the food in front of the tombstone.

The earth is different from the dragon soul continent.

If it is the Dragon Soul Continent, then there is still a day when the dead soul can be recovered. Whether at the end of eternity or in hell. But the earth is different. They do not have the order and rules of the Dragon Soul Continent, and naturally they do not have the power of the Dragon Soul Continent. Here, when people die, the light goes out, and after they die there is a pile of loess. Perhaps in a few hundred years, when the top existence of the Dragon Soul continents perfectly integrates with the rules of this world, the order of the earth will change.

However, that is not what it is now.

While Brother and Sister Rhode were busy, the others just stood quietly behind. Most of them have heard of this tradition from Canaries and Bubbles, and Rhodes signaled that they should not be approached to help, even Marin and Sonia hesitated, and then returned again. Into the team.

Soon, Rhodes, who had placed the sacrifice, took out a bottle of white wine, poured two glasses in front of the tombstone, and then he made a circle with the remaining wine. Then he took out the yellow paper and slowly lit it, starting to burn.

Subsequently, Rhodes and his sister each took three Ayaka, kneeling respectfully before the tombstone, and lowered their heads.

"Dad, mom, our brothers and sisters came to see you."

Looking at the tombstone in front of him, Rhode's expression was still so calm without any change.

"You must be very surprised, but ......... for some reason, my sister is resurrected, and I am back now to report. I said before that when the end of everything, I will come and take a look at the second old man. Your son ’s troubles are over, so I ’ll take my sister back with you ... Please rest assured that we are all healthy and our lives are relatively rich, we have a house, a land and a car, and ... ... "

Speaking of which, Rhode glanced and stood a little far away, a little cramped Christie.

"Um ......... that ......... my sister and I are also very nice, everyone is healthy, everything is safe ..."

As he shattered his thoughts, Rhodes stunned his head three times, then inserted incense into the incense burner, and then stood up holding his sister's hand. Then, for the first time in Rhodes's face, a somewhat subtle, restless look appeared.

"Then ... maybe your elder is a little surprised, but I promised it before ..."

As he said, Rhodes turned his head and looked at the girls standing quietly behind him.

"... Next, I will introduce to you the family that is always with me and is the most important for me. I will tell you about them ... and since then, I Everything that goes through ... "

(End of full text) (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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