MTL - Summoner of Miracles-~ Chapter "Human"

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There are all kinds of living methods in a person's life.

Some people are proud of the spring breeze.

Some people are trembled.

Some people have a bright future.

Some people are hard and hard.

For a child who is only two years old, these can't be realized.

So, how do you describe the child's living method?

If you are walking on thin ice?

Fear of it?

At least, in the eyes of outsiders, this child should be living like this.

Of course, a child who is only two years old can't understand the helplessness and suffering of life even if he is no longer.

Therefore, even if fate is really unfair to him, let him live in this way, this child should not be able to understand.

However, at this moment, the child actually "understood" all of this.

The disorder of breath is not due to physical exhaustion.

The blurring of consciousness is not due to the withering of the spirit.

Everything inside is gradually moving towards dislocation.

All the means are not enough to sustain this impending existence, or even a slight comfort.

This is everything the child can feel.

So, he knows.

I am already preparing for the true meaning of the "end".

However, this child did not have any feelings about this.

no way.

Long before this, the boy already knew that he would welcome this day sooner or later.

It’s just that this day is a bit too fast.

If you follow the results of the most advanced calculation devices, it would take about ten years to get a "stop" like this.

In other words, welcoming your own destiny on this day is not in the "plan."

However, what is the difference?

"In any case, it is no different from early arrival and late arrival."

Perhaps, if you change to a normal person, you can make a lot of good memories by spending more than ten years.

Human beings are like this. Even if they know that they will one day walk into the grave, they will still live desperately, just to let them leave more footprints and meanings in this world.

If you are an ordinary person, you will certainly complain about the injustice of fate. Actually, you will take this precious decade arbitrarily, even roaring at God, and you may be tempted by the curse of the gods.

However, even this is just a luxury.

"Even if there is another ten years, there is nothing to stay."

This is not because of what is too complicated, but because it is more simple, "no way to act."

Like an old man who is about to burn out, the boy's body can't support him to carry out activities that are no different from ordinary people.

In view of this, it is unkind to say that even if there are another ten years, the boy can only lie in bed and can't take a step toward the outside world.

Even if this step is small, it is the same.

In this case...

"Why then why continue to waste time?"

This is not because of self-satisfaction, but also because of self-destruction. The boy simply came to the conclusion that he "does not want to continue this way."

Therefore, at this moment, the boy is welcoming his own ending without any distractions.

The operation of the world.

passing of the times.




All of this has nothing to do with the boy.

The only thing you can feel is yourself, and the body that is gradually collapsing.

Gradually, even this understanding began to drift away.

In terms of time, it will take a few more seconds for the boy's body function to stop.

That is, he will die.

No, it should be called "depreciation".

This is the fate of the boy.

Logically speaking, the fate that should not have been recognized by a two-year-old child.

The means by which this fate can be saved does not exist in modern times.

Unless it is --- "miracle."

Can this kind of thing exist in modern times?

The boy thought like this.

This second, the boy did not think of it.

In the next moment, he got what he wanted.

"If this is what you lack, since God does not give you, then I will give it to you."

When such a voice sounds, the boy’s spirit of exhaustion will not be lost.

Just because this voice is not only directly introduced into the boy's gradual loss of consciousness, but can even be said to be introduced into the depths of his soul and is recognized by him.

This is a voice that carries the emotions of human beings that are dull, transcendental, and even completely unequivocally.

Hearing this voice, the boy can only be one of them, but he has no spare power to understand what is going on.

Although the boy is incredibly understanding what he is facing at the age of just two years old, the boy has "knowledge" at best, and there is no "experience."

As a result, the boy gradually drifted away, and even the weak consciousness that he could not recognize could only issue a question.

"who are you?"

This is the only idea that the boy has produced.

The other party also answered.

And, it is no longer that plain, transcendental, and does not carry the emotions of half the human emotions.


In the very complex tone of convenience, after half a ring, this responded.

"I am just a "human". ”

For a boy, it is like a god-like existence, but it is not only an individual called "human", but even a boy.

"Hope, you can continue to survive as an ordinary human being."

This is the last sentence left by the other party to the boy.

At the same time, it is also a sincere, heartfelt sentence.

This sentence will be accompanied by the boy's life.

Of course, the voice of the master who said this sentence will also greatly affect the future fate of the boy.

The boy didn't know all about it, and he didn't even have the right to reject it.

Now, the boy only knows one thing.

That is…

"I... can survive...?...?"

This question has been answered silently.


The dazzling brilliance suddenly illuminates the boy's entire world.


Looking at the glory, the boy made a cry.

That is the sound that will be sent when it is touched to the extreme.

Instinct has been understood in advance.

That light will save yourself.

Thinking of this, the boy immersed himself in consciousness as if he wanted to reach out to the light.

And finally, the boy saw the same thing.

One floats in the light, just as dazzling as the light itself, but it looks extremely quaint, mysterious and even seductive.

At this point, the boy can finally survive as a human being and get a new life.

It is a pity that this life cannot be as ordinary as the owner of the voice.