MTL - Summoner of Miracles-Chapter 2572 Things to be solved

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"Luo Zhen?"




Seeing Luo Zhen suddenly fell into silence, everyone looked at each other, but felt a little uneasy.

It is because the atmosphere that Luo Zhen exudes now makes everyone understand.

"Is something happening?"

Kirito asked a little uncertainly.

Hearing that, Luo Zhen did not ignore Kirito, but nodded after silence.

"That's right."

Luo Zhen said so.

"Is it tricky?" Shino immediately asked, "Do you need our help?"

The others nodded again and again, indicating that Shino expressed his own voice.


"It's really tricky to say something tricky," Luo Zhen said lightly. "Unfortunately, none of you can help."

Luo Zhen actually said so directly, leaving everyone silent.

"Why, if you don't say it, how do you know we can't help?"

Klein couldn't help the first, and spoke annoyed like this.

Luo Zhen looked up, looked at the crowd, and then sighed.

"Don't care, I'm not demeaning you, but in fact, you really can't help you." Luo Zhen smiled bitterly: "Let me tell you this time, this time, the original sao and the old alo twice The incidents are much more serious. Once they fail, it is not a matter of thousands or hundreds of people, but a matter of tens of thousands of lives. "

"Why !?"

Hearing Luo Zhen's words, all the people present took a breath.

"Hundreds of thousands of lives?"

"Just kidding?"

"This this"

Celica, Liz, and Xing all exclaimed.

Not to mention the girls, even the people in the entire "Red Wing" showed shocked expressions, making the cheering joy that had not been maintained recently disappeared in an instant.

"Luo Zhen"

Asuna was terrified too.

Everyone looked at Luo Zhen, and couldn't believe it.

If it were for the rest, Luo would surely be kidding me?

However, all the people present were Luo Zhen's little friends, even the same guild companions who had fought with Luo Zhen for two years in Sao. Even the newcomers worshiped and respected Luo Zhen and regarded Luo Zhen as Luo Zhen. A pillar of faith and spirit.

Therefore, everyone knows that Luo Zhen is not a person who is joking about such things.

Not to mention, the atmosphere emanating from Luo Zhen told everyone that this was by no means a joke.

In other words, Luo Zhen did not lie.

All he said was true.

of course

"That's something I encountered in other places. I can't reach this country or you. You can rest assured." Luo Zhen smiled, but said without much smile in his eyes: "But I am already involved in it, and it is impossible to get out again. Once I get out, there is no last hope over there, so I must go. "

This is the message Luo Zhen chose to disclose.

Indeed, Luo Zhen no longer wanted to make excuses, but he didn't want to tell everyone about everything here.

After all, it ’s too much for ordinary people. If you really say it, even if you say it yourself, all of your friends will be absolutely doubtful, wo n’t you believe it?

And it has been said many times before that Luo Zhen does not want mysterious concepts to interfere in the operation of this world. Naturally, such things cannot be revealed.

Therefore, Luo Zhen did not intend to make excuses, but he did not intend to tell them all. He chose to tell the truth with concealment.


"I am coming back this time, and I want to see you again." Luo Zhen smiled helplessly, looking around at everyone, "Although it sounds a bit like seeing the last side, but before the battle began, I I want to see everyone, to see my partners, so I will come back, and then I have to leave. "

As soon as this word came out, everyone was silent.

No one thought that Luo Zhen's return this time actually meant that.

No one thought that such a big thing happened to Luo Zhen.

Even though Luo Zhen didn't say what happened, just look at him and know that this matter is extremely important.

If this matter really involves tens of thousands of human lives, then the severity is definitely unusual compared to the original sao and old alo incidents.

You know, in the original sao, in the death game designed by Kageba Kikohiko, the final number of deaths was only a few thousand people, let alone the old alo, which involved only the lives of three hundred people. These three hundred people were also saved because Luo really gave.

These two things are enough to cause panic and attention in the society. Nowadays, even incidents involving tens of thousands of lives have occurred. How serious the situation is.

Therefore, even if Luo Zhen did not say what exactly happened, but also said that this incident will not affect this country, everyone ’s heart is still completely sinking.

Not to mention, even though others are all right, Luo Zhen is not necessarily.

Because Luo Zhen himself said that he had been involved in it. If he didn't go back, this matter would lose hope of solution.

No one doubts this claim.

After all, no matter in the original sao or the old alo, Luo Zhen is the hope of everyone.

Even Shino remembered the desperate situation he encountered in ggo, remembered all the times Luo Zhen saved himself, and clenched his hands unconsciously.

This man has always been everyone's hope, and this time it must be the same.

"Is there really no place where we can help?"

You Ji could not help but speak quietly.

The same goes for the "Sleeping Knights".

Luo Zhen saved their lives, and Luo Zhen gave them hope.

Therefore, they also did not doubt Luo Zhen.

Because of this, Luo Zhen must say

"No." Luo Zhen said very directly: "This is something that only I can solve, and it is something that I must solve."

These words made everyone silent again.


Jie Yi hugged Luo Zhen with a worried expression on his face.


Lifa couldn't help but hold Luo Zhen.

Everyone looked at Luo Zhen with anxiety, and he was extremely concerned about his safety.

Faced with such a big thing, if there is no danger to life, who would believe it?

However, everyone can't help it.

Since Luo Zhen said so, it must be so.

Everyone can't help.

As for stopping Luo Zhen, everyone cannot do the same.

Otherwise, what about the tens of thousands of lives?

They got hope because of Luo Zhen. Can they stop Luo Zhen from bringing hope to others?


They cannot be so selfish.

Luo Zhen looked at the silent crowd and just wanted to say something, but his palms were tight.

One hand, not knowing when, held him tightly.

Luo Zhen turned his head and looked at it.

There, Asuna stared at him tightly, with intense worries in her eyes.

Read The Duke's Passion