MTL - Summoner of Miracles-Chapter 2542 Last day remaining

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Early the next morning.

When everyone awoke from their sleep and ushered in the last day of the end of the world, bad news came one after another.

"The number of Rachem has increased by more than ten times compared to yesterday. At present, about 1.17 million Rachem are attacking Uruk. The intensity of the attack is almost a hundred times greater than yesterday."

This is a report from Roman.

Because of this, the enclave that enveloped Uruk was under the powerful offensive of more than a million Rachums, although it had not been broken, but there had been huge movements in every corner of the enchantment.

The Rachems seemed as if they were dead. They turned themselves into weapons completely, desperately like everything, like the same round of artillery shells, they constantly collided with Uruk's enchantment, making the enchantment as if it were facing the storm water In the same way, there are tremors, and there are countless ripples. It seems that there is a kind of crumbling feeling that can break at any time, which is worrying.

Fortunately, in order to prevent any Rachem from invading Uruk, Luo really expanded this layer of enchantment with , so that this enchantment possessed the property of repelling the mud of God. Otherwise, he wanted to let Enchantment to hold back the onslaught of a whole million or more Rachem is really unlikely.

However, the number of Rachem is also increasing. If Luo Zhen did not guess wrong, it would not be easy to wait for the subsequent large troops to block the hundreds of millions of Rachem by enchantment.

Who makes Rachem the Tiamat's Warcraft, will be affected by Tiamat's "Beast Power" and have special powers against humans and spirits?

In this case, even if the enchantment of "Sheng Jie" has the property of repelling God's mud, the opponent's desperate attack like this may eventually crush the enchantment.

This is the first bad news.

The second bad news is ...

"Tiamat has already landed, and the Black Sea has spread to the ground. Everything submerged by it is burned like black flames. According to this trend, tomorrow, Tiamat Will definitely arrive in Uruk. "

This is the report from Da Vinci.

And this matter, Luo Zhen learned more than Chaldea.

Because, just before the report came, Luo Zhen received the first telepathy.

"Sorry, I didn't stop it."

Leaving it like this, Luo Zhen felt that No. 1 was destroyed.

After all, the reflection of "King Kong of God Sheep" failed to stop Tiamat, and Tiamat stepped on the ground.

Now Tiamat came in the direction of Uruk in the present tense.

And that black sea, which is Tiamat's "Sea of ​​Life", will arrive in Uruk one step before it, completely submerging the earth.

In this way, what the status quo of this land is, you can already guess it.

"Except for Uruk, there is no second place in Mesopotamia where human beings can survive. In the end, humans who can stay in Ulukri are the last of this Mesopotamia Humans. "

This is a heavy word from Olga Marie.

This is the current situation.

As the Chaldeans said, at present, except for Uruk, basically no other humans can continue to live on this land.

Rachem is raging.

The Black Sea is expanding.

Tiamat is also approaching Uruk.

There is not much time left for everyone, only the last day is left.

This made everyone feel very heavy, and at the same time, they were also fully aware.

What awareness?

Enlightenment of death battle.

Without the resolution of Tiamat, humanity has no future and Uruk will be completely destroyed.

At that time, not only the hundreds of thousands of citizens in Uruk will die, even the history of humanity will collapse.

If you do not fight at this time, there will never be a chance to fight again.

In view of this, everyone is well aware, whether it is a follower who is summoned to this era, or a follower of Luo Zhen's messenger.

Of course, among these misfortunes, something good happened.

That is, Luo Zhen and others have reinforcements.

"Ho (Hi), Lord, and everyone, I'm really happy to see you guys, my sister?"

With the sunshine and cheerful voice, the goddess of the dense forest appeared in Uruk on this day, came to the royal hall of the pagoda, and met Luo Zhen and his party.

"Quizar Cortel!"

Ishtar called out in surprise.

Amazingly, it was a contract with Luo Zhen, who had previously stayed in Quizal over the dense forest.

On this day, Quizal arrived in Uruk, accompanied by a deity.

"Sorry, we are here to fight the enemy. We are fleeing. We are going to die. Please keep us. The reward is just meat for three meals a day!"

While the Leopard salutes everyone, he utters this kind of words in a grand manner, making everyone stunned.

However, the Leopard people did not make a mistake, they did escape.

"Just now, Lord Feather Zombie came to Uruk with a rider and 50,000 humans."

Siduli explained to Luo Zhen and others.

Originally, in the dense forest in the south, there were several human cities managed by Quizal. In addition to the many humans who entered and were brought into the dense forest, Quizal has been in the realm from the moment of the realm. Shelter them.

Before that, Quizal was ready to take everyone to Urukri, so he stayed in the dense forest and escorted humans to Urukri. Now, the earth has just ushered in a disaster. Places other than Luke are no longer suitable for human survival. Quizal came just in time to send all the humans sheltered by him to Ulukry.

Thanks to this, Uruk has added tens of thousands of humans and the population has reached 200,000 in one breath.

But that's a good thing.

"At the end of the world, the more people who can survive, the better. With 200,000 people, the race can continue."

Gilgamesh couldn't be more welcome.

Originally, according to the normal trajectory, at this time, the entire land of Mesopotamia should have only Gilgamesh remaining alive.

Today, Ulukri can still have a full 200,000 people. In the future, it will be changed to such an extent that even Gilgamesh can hardly hide his mood and raise his mouth.

With the arrival of the two gods, the strength against Tiamat increased.

This is an unfortunate blessing, a rare piece of good news.


"I've heard about it. You've already knocked Gore-Worker, awakened Tiamat, and made Beast a reality?"

Quizal smiled, looked at Luo Zhen, and sighed, and said so.

"I want to apologize to you, Lord."


"Actually, I knew Tiamat existed from the beginning."

Quizal's words stunned everyone.

Read The Duke's Passion